Being inclusive with your reader insert fic is a kindness. It tells people of color (poc) that you are considering someone who does not look like you in your fic. It shows love and dedication to our craft. It tells poc that they belong here too and they can see themselves in your story.
Poc aren’t look for activism in fic, we know fandom isn’t that serious, but we should be able to have that same level of escapism when we turn to fic and fandom. We belong here too. This space is for everyone, not just one group of people.
Just to give a few examples of how simple it can be: say “skin warmed” instead of blushed, say “cradled your head” instead of running fingers through hair, say “angles yourself to kiss” instead of standing on tiptoes, use italics to indicate Spanish to take out a throwaway line of “you didn’t understand Spanish” things like that. Small changes that do not impact the fic at all but make a world of difference in inclusivity!
And for anything you can’t/don’t want to change, simply add warning in the beginning. Things like hair descriptors, anything reader might wear, some backstory for reader (especially involving family or where the story is set), readers job, things like that. A lot of times just having that heads up before the fic makes a world of difference!
And one example of kindness we as writers always worked to change: until recently (just a couple years ago) it wasn’t common to label the gender of the reader. But those who aren’t female asked writers to label it so they know which to read and which to avoid, and now it’s common to label the gender/pronouns of the reader. So it is possible! It just takes effort! And I’m a writer myself so I know it can be done!
We can pretend to be a bartender or a bounty hunter or an actress or anything else. But we shouldn’t have to imagine we’re a white one.
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be careful, he's got a gun 🐈
my commissions are still open and you can buy me a coffee ☕
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one last kiss before the mission
my commissions are still open and you can buy me a coffee ☕
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partners in crime.
my commissions are open and you can support me on ko-fi
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Alpine clearly loves her two dads™
for the amazing ko-fi supporter @ace-in-reserve ♥️
my commissions are still open and you can support me on ko-fi
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couple that reads the hobbit together, stays together 📖💖
my commissions are still open and you can support me on ko-fi!
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Brenton confirming that Dickkory are getting back together in s4, during NYCC today! 🥰🥳 (video credit: @ dansensolsens on twitter)
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I know this gets said here every day but stop caring about celebrities
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No Snakes, Yes Snakes
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I’m obsessed.
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Me when I’m rosé drunk and I feel fancy and also drama
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Tumblr drama vs other social media drama is so funny
Facebook drama: I will not be going to Uncle Todd's dinner tonight because he keeps saying racist stuff ♥️
Twitter drama: I cannot BELIEVE she said a slur 7 years ago. #canceled
TikTok drama: Is Chad Chaddington III ch3ating on Ash-Lindseigh????
Tumblr drama: *unintelligible paragraphs between coochiemonsterfromsesassmestreet and destielsfavoritepony37 (who apparently owns an illegal baby racing company)*
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being queer and seeing historical queer love is like a punch to the gut in a good way every time
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Apparently there's a gritney now?
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riotrogers from twitter made the gritney costume and it's honestly amazing.
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