yourcxtiepie · 7 years
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
quick experiment: please reblog or like this if you’re actually willing to join open rps
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
muse a is five months pregnant living with their boyfriend, muse c. the pregnancy was accidental but being that they were committed to each other, they decided to have the child and make it work. even though they’re barely making ends meet and are hanging on a thin thread, muse a is confident she and muse c will make it. until she comes home one day and finds that muse c is gone-their belongings gone. the only trace of them left is a sticky note on the refrigerator in muse c’s handwriting saying ‘sorry. i can’t do this anymore.’ muse a is devastated and doesn’t know how they’re gonna deliver and raise this child on their own. in steps muse b, muse a’s childhood friend. muse b had always loved muse a, but had stepped back when muse c had come into the picture. furious that muse c has left muse a alone, muse b moves in with muse a to help take care of her and make sure her pregnancy goes smoothly. soon muse b is taking care of the bills, going to pregnancy classes with muse a, and generally taking over the role muse c left behind. muse a is now starting to see muse b in a different light and is falling for them quickly, and muse b is still as enamored with muse a as ever but doesn’t want to overstep his boundaries-after all, he’s not the baby’s father.
plot twist—
on the day muse a goes into labor, muse c suddenly shows up crying and begging muse a to take them back and let them be the father to their baby. muse a is now caught between muse b, who they’ve come to love romantically, and muse c, the father of their newborn child.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
give me a: they used to date and broke up for x or y reason and got stuck in this vacation together because of their mutual friends and she has a new boyfriend, so now he’s stuck watching her with this new guy and seething with jealousy, so he takes the opportunity to remind her of every single good time they had during their time together and tease her endlessly. things like: ‘do you call him daddy too?’ and ‘remember the time when we…’ etc. and they end up having sex again and now they can’t stop sneaking behind her new boyfriend’s back. 
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
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“Lamento mucho tener que escuchar eso, tú sabes que mereces lo mejor y es un idiota por hacerte sentir así y no se de cuenta que eres maravillosa.” Él tampoco se sentía bien pues también había salido de una relación de años hace unos días pero lo que le importaba era hacer sentir mejor a su amiga, así era Arthur, prefería poner los sentimientos de otras personas sobre los suyos bueno sólo cuando esa persona le importaba realmente. “Puedo acompañarte si gustas, me haría bien distraerme un rato además pasar un rato contigo nunca es aburrido.” O estaba buscando una excusa para beber que los últimos días lo había hecho bastante incluso cuando no lo hacía con tanta frecuencia. “Yo…” Presionó sus labios entre sí antes de continuar. “Estado mejor pero por lo menos no tan mal como días antes.” Solía entregar demasiado de sí mismo y eso mismo llegaba a ser su propia perdición.
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Rain se limitó a abrazar al rubio, el cual se veía un poco vulnerable, como ella. “Gracias por esas palabras. Tal vez en este momento no me la crea si te soy sincera, pero significan mucho viniendo de ti.” Escuchó con atención la propuesta de Arthur y guardó silencio mientras lo consideraba. No parecía una buena idea, probablemente sólo conseguiría que su corazón se hiciera trizas y su ánimo no era el mejor. “No lo sé, Arthur...tampoco creo que sea una buena idea estar en el mismo lugar que él. Si quieres podemos hacer algo más o bueno...está bien, si eso te hace sentir mejor. ” hizo una breve pausa mientras fijaba su mirada a sobre los ojos del chico. “Aunque, sería darle de qué hablar. Tal vez nunca te lo mencioné pero él por algún extraño motivo estaba celoso de ti, creía que ambos nos traíamos algo.” Soltó una pequeña risita, pues le parecía irónico que el chico pensara tal cosa y ahora saliera con su prima. “Puedes contarme lo que sea, espero sepas eso.” Dejó un pequeño beso en su mejilla conmovida, ya que curiosamente ambos pasaban por un ruptura y sabía a la perfección como se sentía.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
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“No creo que suenes ridícula con nada, Rain. Tranquila” buscó calmarla el empresario, mirándola cada vez más curioso por lo que sus rosados labios y su suave voz pudieran decir. “Ah, eso no tiene nada de ridículo, Rain. Es… perfectamente normal que te sientas atraída por otra persona” comentó el hombre comenzando a sonreír, pero ante las siguientes palabras de la morena su sonrisa se esfumó de un solo plumazo y su cuerpo se removió incómodo en su silla. Inclinándose hacia delante, ahora eran sus brazos al completo los que tocaban la superficie de caoba que tenía la mesa, no solo sus manos y el bolígrafo que éstas tenían para juguetear. “Es… Vaya, no sé qué decirte al respecto” farfulló.
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En ese exacto momento sentía que había sido muy obvia y por lo mismo sus ganas de salir corriendo por aquella puerta de madera eran casi imparables. Sin embargo, su curiosidad era más grande y lo único que podía pasar por su mente era que lo hecho estaba hecho. “¿Crees que sea lo suficientemente madura para algo así? ” Cuestionó al castaño, preguntándose si había entendido aquellas indirectas. “¿Tú lo harías?” Soltó la última pregunta esta vez un poco ansiosa pero ocultándolo con seguridad en su voz, mientras sus ojos se mantenían observando a Eric.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
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Being a single dad wasn’t exactly easy, and having a overly excitable five year old only made Damon’s challenge of raising a child even harder. Henry for the most part was a good boy at home, so he wasn’t sure why he had been acting up in Miss Gilbert’s class. 
 “It’s nice to meet you too,” he said giving the woman a warm smile. “Call me Damon, please,” he said as he sat down gingerly across her desk. “You asked me to come in because of his behavior?” he asked, curious as to know what his son was up to in her class. 
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Elena couldn't help but notice the resemblance between the little Henry and Damon. It was amazing, Damon's soon totally looked like a younger version of him. “You two really look alike. It's amazing.” Now she was looking into his eyes, totally amazed by the color of them.
“Alright, Damon.” She said with a little smile on her face as she smoothed down her skirt. “So, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because he's been acting a little bit rowdy. ” Elena said with a soft tone on her voice as she was looking into Damon's eyes. “He's a very good student and I'm a little concerned. So I wanted to ask you if  know if he's struggling with something or if there's anything that might be happening to him. ” Elena sat down on the chair behind the desk waiting for Damon’s answer, she really cared about her students and she was willing to help the little boy.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
unpopular opinion:  I’ve just unfollowed a bunch of blogs that didn’t follow me. If you don’t follow me back that means for me you are not interested to be mutuals and interact, because how are you supposed to see meme or starter calls? I have read often that blogs don’t follow back to avoid messing up the dash, all fine, but it still indicates you don’t want to interact. So why would I want to follow a blog that doesn’t want to interact with me? Right. So don’t take it personally if I unfollowed you but I prefer to follow people who want to be mutuals. :)
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
¡Hola, hola! 
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Solamente quería avisar que mi motivo de ausencia es un terrible resfriado soy un virus, soy un moco y que poco a poco he estado respondiendo lo que debo. A más tardar el Jueves estará publicado todo.
// Just wanted to say that I've been absent because I got a terrible cold but I'll post everything tomorrow. :)
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
quiero seguir más gente pero el miedo a que no me den followback me consume. 
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
reblog for good things to happen to you
the universe will listen
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
send me ‘☂’ to be trapped inside with my muse on a rainy day.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
My muse just drank a love potion, but it’s causing them to become dangerously obsessed with your muse.
Send me “You’re scaring me!” for a starter. Or send me “Don’t turn away from me!” to reverse roles.
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
i have a fun game mutuals or not: first impression vs now!
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
a LOT of the time, I see a literally everyone exhausting themselves to write. they lose sleep, they turn in assignments late, or just genuinely aren’t taking care of themselves. you’re doing GREAT, but here are a few reminders that EVERY roleplayer should know ;; 
please please take a break. every few minutes after you do a few replies ( ESPECIALLY long ones dear lordy ) don’t be afraid to stop and take a break for a bit. letting your mind REST helps it not wear out so easily, so not only can you get more done, you can also not exhaust yourself !! 
water is great and you probably need some. go get yourself a glass!!
whatever is going on ooc where no one can see behind that screen, don’t ever feel bad. real life is supposed to come first no matter what. the roleplayers that genuinely understand are the ones you wanna keep close!! don’t let ANYONE make you feel bad
do not feel guilty about late replies 
seriously. don’t. 
that person that plays the same muse as you ??? they might be super duper wonderful, but so are YOU!! different portrayals are what make roleplaying unique. don’t compare yourself to others. instead, embrace the individuality!! 
and finally, remember that this is for FUN. if anything is ever stressing you out chances are you shouldn’t be doing it, so be sure not to put too much pressure on yourself. this is a HOBBY, not an OBLIGATION. 
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yourcxtiepie · 7 years
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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