yourepfan · 8 months
Purcahse IPV4 or IPV6 Space
Contact US
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yourepfan · 9 months
Network and Voice
Network and Voice are what helps your organization stay connected . Communication, collaboration, and resource sharing are the 3 most common benefits of Networks. Let me help you adopt the Network and Voice solution that best suits your organization. Contact me today, and let’s get the conversation going!
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yourepfan · 9 months
SD-Wan, AI, and IoT
Help your day-to-day operations, strategic planning, and future viability with Mobility, Wireless, Internet of Things (IoT), alternate access, and SD-WAN - automating tasks, gaining control of the collection/use of data, ensuring uptime/business continuity, and the ability to oversee your IT stack. There is so many ways you can benefit, including gaining reliability, stability, flexibility, and even cost savings. Reach out to me today to explore the best solutions, or combination of solutions, for your organization.
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yourepfan · 9 months
Better Approach to Cyber Security
Knowing the most common Cybersecurity threats is great, knowing how to address or prevent them is even better. Solutions, policy, training - there is no one cure all, but when you have the inclusive strategy in place, you can rest a whole lot easier! Let’s open a dialog, to investigate creating a structure that will allow you to understand the threats to your organization, the many existing vulnerabilities you may have, and how to minimize/avoid a potential Cyberattack. Let me be your expert, advocate, and sounding - but first, let’s talk!
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yourepfan · 10 months
6 Reasons Why You Should Use a Telecom Broker
1. Pricing. 
Telecom brokers will find you the best pricing. They can utilize tools to tell you what carriers have fiber in your area. They can tell you what you should be paying—likely you are over paying for your services. They can create comparisons among different carriers to bring you the most cost-effective solution.
2.  Custom Solutions. When it comes to telecom, you do not want to try to fit a square peg in a round hole, you want a custom key. It may seem easier to stick with an existing solution, but in the long run, it is easier to have a solution that you fully understand, meets all your needs, and you feel comfortable managing. Do you want to be cloud based or have an on-premise solution? What applications need to be integrated? What compliance do you have? There are many options and a telecom broker can present and filter through them all to help determine what works best for you and your company.
3. Experience and References. Because telecom brokers work with a variety of products and carriers, not just one, they know the pros and pitfalls of each carrier and product. They can make a trustworthy recommendation and provide references. Furthermore, they can tell you what works for similar companies in your industry and what does not.
4. Free Up Internal Resources- Recently POINTBROKER.COM helped an 80 location multi-site customer peel off their MPLS network. Many of these locations were in very rural areas. By working with POINTBROKER.COM, a telecom broker, POINTBROKER.COM did all the research for the customer to efficiently and quickly provide the customer with best options and pricing at each site. This helps IT to not feel stuck while working on a project. They can continue to work and fulfill company needs. Another aspect of a large project is porting. If one number is wrong, an entire port will be canceled. Telecom agents are experts at this process and making sure ports are done right the first time. Most successful telecom agents have team members dedicated to porting—when vetting out a broker ask them how they handle the porting process.
5. They do not disappear after a sale is made. Telecom brokers want to keep their customers, it is how they get paid. So, when problems occur telecom brokers do not go away. Think of them as an additional member of your team that can make your life easier. Often, they know shortcuts to help navigate through problems or they know what precautions to take to avoid them in the first place.
6. Telecom brokers are free to the customer. Telecom brokers are paid by the carrier. The brokers are paid in leu of a direct salesperson. It is a win-win-win situation because the carrier is being brought business, the broker is compensated by the carrier, and the customer receives free guidance and a solid solution.
Contact POINTBROKER.COM today, [email protected], to discuss how you help your company utilizing a telecom broker.
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yourepfan · 10 months
Why use POINTBROKER.COM a Telecom Broker
Here is what our clients had to say…
• Value: It let's the network guys do network things.
• PointBroker plz, I don’t want to have to have sit in bull*** meetings with 4 carriers for several hours.
• Are carrier rep changed every 3 months to 2 years. Pointbroker has been there for over 10 years for us.
• Pointbroker gets me multiple quotes, they have some interesting tools, who has fiber at certain addresses. This helps save time. We avoid expensive build cost.
• I used to be anti-broker, preferring direct relationships, but have changed in the past couple years. All of our new business goes to Pointbroker.com. We get better responsiveness when things go sideways with a carrier, whether it's a billing or service issue. Billing problems are my biggest complaint with the telcos, Pointbroker.com handles these now saving me the time of beating up/following up with the carrier.
• Unless you are a Fortune 500, you are probably not going to have a direct rep that really gives a s***. Pointbroker.com has access to internal telco resources that you would never have as a direct SMB/Enterprise customer.
• Pointbroker.com is the carrier’s biggest customer so got great treatment. You’d rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.
• We are rather small. A dozen or so remote sites scattered through about half as many states. Pointbroker.com responds quickly and provides valuable help.
• We were exploring hardware SDWAN options with Pointbroker.com. Which of course meant adding internet circuits at all these sites, and of course they offered to help and got us a great deal.
• We tried to get quotes outside of them (we often require competing quotes) and they actually came out cheaper a lot of the time. When they came out higher it was by a marginal amount and we managed to convince the penny-pinchers that the cost difference was more than worth the savings in admin overhead for not having to deal with the telcos.
• We go through a Pointbroker for all of our remote SD-WAN circuits.
• I don't talk to the ISP, finance is happy with the relationship... the Pointbroker knows our standards, works directly with our facilities and project managers.
• Using Pointbroker saves time & it saves us from having those awfully boring conversations with ISPs.
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
This reminds me of a lot of current bad politicians
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
Looking Holistically at Cybersecurity
Cyber Steve
ICYMI - Steven Cohen, our VP, Cybersecurity Practice joined Jonathan Rozenblit on Episode 21 of The ObjectSharp Podcast to discuss the following #cybersecurity topics:
1. How to look holistically at organizational cybersecurity practices
2. What are the security implications with recent cloud adoption growth
3. How do you keep up with the rate of change in cybersecurity?
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yourepfan · 2 years
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yourepfan · 2 years
Great Pic of Shark at Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto Canada. Pointbroker.com
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yourepfan · 2 years
Butter Fly - What kind is it?
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