One App every Fashionista Must Have
There is no denying that our planet has gone digital and the fashion industry has actively been involved and now become a part of the technology. Mobile Apps have now taken the place of online shopping and e-commerce shopping solutions. Being one of the best fashion designing college in Hyderabad, Bonfire encourages and supports the use of technology in the fashion world.
The smart phone generation is more than happy with this change. In fact, for our smart phone generation, not shopping through a mobile app is considered weird.
Fashion has evolved into one of the most vital industries in our world today. Style has turned into one of the prime ways of how people differentiate themselves from those around them. Style also helps people display their personality. It is a well-known fact that people of all ages are interested in the latest fashion trends and there are fashion items for every season and occasion. This is how it is possible for individuals to express themselves differently based on the particulartime or season of the year. Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to learn how to combine different fashion items correctly.
A fashionista perceives fashion as a form of art. In this digital age that we live in - fashion blended with technology, even fashionistas need some help.
An App for Every Fashionista or Those Aspiring to be One
I recently came across an app known as VeeV,which is an advanced image processing application. This app combines tech and style to visually search and manage your wardrobe. The app is so advanced that it can help by providing you information on all the clothes and accessories available in your wardrobe and also about the people and events who have seen you appear in a certain style.
Being a fashionista may sound fancy but by no means is it an easy job. Imagine having to look your absolute best at all times and having to set a new style statement constantly for your followers. No matter your mood or how lazy you may feel on one particular day, you cannot just pick anything from your wardrobe and get ready quickly. This is exactly why an app like VeeV could play saviour. A lot of fashionistas swear by this app, especially on the styling and closet front.  
As a fashionista, installing the VeeV app can help you in some of the following ways:
·       A Great New Style for Every Event: If you are a fashion blogger or a fashionista who attends back to back fashion events, you would understand how big an error it is to repeat your outfits and style. To remember what you wore for each and every event, you have ever attended is merely impossible. This is where VeeV can help you by keeping track of what you wore for the last fashion meet or bloggers event. VeeV also helps you with getting to know who has seen you wearing a particular outfit, and whether it is safe to wear a garment fashionably.
·       Better Managed and Structured Closet:Almost all of us can vouch for the fact that we wish for a better and bigger wardrobe whenever we look into the ones we have. God alone knows how many pretty garments we may have forgotten and lost track off, as they lay hidden behind the stack of both old and new clothes. VeeV has a perfectsolution to this problem. It not only lists out all the garments you own, but also reminds you of the garments you may not have worn over a period of time.
·       Reduced Shopping Expenses: The shopaholic in you will fall in love with this app. As shopaholics, the amount of money we tend to spend things we don’t really need or already have is insane. VeeV to the rescue – just have a look at the VeeV collections and it can help you resist from purchasing things you don’t really need. It also reminds you of things which are already hanging in your closet or are similar to the ones you are considering to buy. Just save the money and spend it on things you actually need.
·       Easy Planning od Shoots: We all are aware of the pain of stacking shoes, accessories and clothes at different places. Now if you are planning a style shoot, it may take ages trying to just collate all the items you need for the shoot. Install VeeV, and it will make it super easy for you to plan and conceptualise all your shoots in advance. Pose for your shoot without any stress or fret and look your absolute best.
·       Stress free Travel: Who doesn’t love to travel?? But do we really like to pack with an equal zest? We always end up packing extra things and then end up with excess baggage (the reasons always remain the same). We then vow that to not repeat the same mistake again, but then end up with the same amount of luggage the next time we travel. VeeV, can help you pack only what you need and that too easily. Just take a look your collections in the app, and you shall be sorted.
It is not how much you wear but what you wear exactly that helps you make a style statement, and VeeV can help you achieve that.
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Bullying in any Environment
For most people, it seems that bullying happens only in a school cafeteria, on a playground, or in a locker room. The thought process is that bullying is restricted to schoollevel only. However, the reality is that bullying is very common in workplaces and also in colleges. Adult bullying is a serious issue, but no one really gives it much thought, thus it does not create the same amount of awareness or outreach as school level bullying does.
Bullying is harmful at any level. For both children and young adults, bullying is an abuse of the dignity and safety to which each one of us is entitled to. As youngsters prepare and dream of getting into colleges, there are new forms of bullying such a cyber bullying which are getting extremely rampant and aggressive. Thus, it is important for all of us to get together to prevent, confront, and reduce the impact of this issue.
Does Bullying Happen in College?
Bullying comes in variousforms and the basic definition of bullying is as follows:
“Bullying is unsolicited, violent behaviour towards someone that involves a perceived or real power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the possibility to be repeated, over time”.
It is important to recognize that bullying does not just end at or is restricted to schools, but that it can be found in any setting where one person can exploit another either physically or mentally in a patterned manner. These imbalanced power dynamics can continue beyond school and into college, workplace, and in various other situations in an adult life. Some of the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad has also had bullying incidents.
Bullying can be identified in the following three broad categories:
Physical — This     is the general image of bullying that comes into most people’s minds. This     type of bullying can involve violence, such as kicking, restraint, or punching.     It also includes theft and property destruction, sexual assault, and forced     feeding of alcohol or drugs.
Social     or Relational — This form of bullying comprises harming the victims     through reputation and relationships. This can also include firm     exclusion, revealing secrets and fears, spreading gossip, and public     mocking.
Verbal — This     lies below teasing and name-calling. Verbal bullying comprises actions     such as intimidation, taunting and threats.
Most victims experience countless variations of bullying activities and some experience a combination of these categories.
In the recent years, due to the extensive influence and use of social media, and with the advancements made in technology such as smartphones, cyberbullying has become quite rampant which is an extremely worrisome issue. It may lead to physical violence, but cyberbullying generally combines aspects of social and verbal bullying to endanger its victims, mostly by distributingpersonal/sensitiveimages or information about victims online. Though it can be easy to ignore the implication of cyberbullying, its effects are just as harmful and real as those of bullying in the real world. 
Bullying in College
The college campus can also feel restrictive, especially for students who attend college away from home. Thus, when bullying does happen, the campus or the near-campus residency can make it difficult to withdraw. In the absence of a family support, feelings of loneliness are often elevated. Another factor which may intensify these feelings of loneliness and seclusion is the proximity of one’s bully. In a roommate relationship with a bully-victim dynamic, the victim often feels that there is no hope to escape. Bullying can also happen amongst organizations and clubs, too. Ideally, these groups should provide support and help form a bond within the students, but they can lend to power and ego trips, abuse, shame, exclusion, manipulation and humiliation.
 Effects of Bullying
Bullying always has serious short-term and long-term effects on victims, bullies, and also bystanders who witness bullying episodes. Everyone involved in bullying are at risk for mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. One does not only experience fear and pain during the episode, but is also subject to severe, life-disturbing issues over time.Moreover, thevictims may experience a deterioration in their physical and mental health which is a result of physical violence or chronic anxiety. Victims are also in danger of a decline in professional and academic achievements, and may be more susceptible to dropping out of school, failing or also getting laid off from jobs. Bullies are always involved in dangerous, foul, and even criminal behaviour.
How to Deal with Bullying
Bullying done even in a friendly manner is just wrong and not acceptable. No one has the right to bully anyone and it should not be tolerated. Following are a few ways to address bullying and prevent it from happening:
·       Reach out — Always reach out if you are being bullied. Turn to your friends, parents, a professor, mentor,or an authority figure. There are people who care about you and will help. Do not suffer in silence.
·       Know the signs and be supportive — As a parent, a friend, a professor, or anyone else, pay attention to the ones who may seek you out for support, and try to identify the warning signs that the person may be experiencing bullying.
·       Get away from unpleasant situations — If you experience any unpleasant or uncomfortable situation, remove yourself immediately from that situation even if you may feel embarrassed.
·       Keep notes and records — If you are a victim of bullying, or come across any bullying incidents, try and record as much as you can so as to have evidence for any claims you make.
·       Know your rights — As a student on the campus, you have rights just as everyone else. It is important to understand these rights and know that you are protected.
·       Report behaviour — Immediately report any bullying you may experience, or any incident of bullying you come across.
·       Don’t be a bystander or a bully— Bullying is wrong and unacceptable. So, don’t be a bully or a bystander.
Do understand that people care for you and your life matters. Bullying is a problem for everyone from students, parents, teachers, to administrators, so let us come together and stop this malicious behaviour for the betterment of the society. As a one of the top private engineering colleges in Hyderabad, BGTI follows a zero bullying policy and requests anyone who has faced bullying to come forward and report such incidents.
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All about Crushes
As we get older, our bodies change and so do our feelings. Our feelings change and mature as we go from being kids to preteens, teenagers, and then adults.A crush is a word that is used to define special feelings you may have for another person - who could be a classmate, or friend that you really like. Noting your first crush quite exciting as one begins to understand what it feels to like another person — a lot!
While looking to get admitted in a new school, you can perform a search on Google with the keywords “schools near me”. Once a list is displayed, you start your research, but as a parent or a student, there are many situations you may come across where you need guidance. Having a crush on someone while being a student is one such instance.
At times, the emotions you may feel for your crush can be confusing as these feelings are new to you and you are not really sure of how to act. One could experience mixed feelings. On seeing your crush, you may feel embarrassed and feel like running away to hide. On the other hand, you may want your crush tonotice you and share the same feelings.Crushes are similar to the romantic love that adults feel towards one another. In a way, having a crush enables us to think about the kind of person we would like to love and end up with, once we grow up. Crushes help us to understand the qualities we observe and appreciate in another person. They also help us understand the qualities we do not like in another person.
The Object of Your Affection
You cannot choose your crushes. Sometimes a crush may just sneak up on you and you are left with a feeling of “Wow!! Who was that??? Your crush might be a neighbour, a classmate, an older kid, your best friend's crush, a friend of your sibling, a sibling of a friend, or also a teacher at your school.Your crush could also be someone you have never interacted with, such as a celebrity or a professional athlete.
When you have a crush on someone you donot know, you then imagine what that person may be like. You may also think of what could be like to meet that person, even though there are high chances that you never will. This is all exciting and fun to just imagine. You may also find yourself writing the name of your crush again and again in a notebook or speaking toyour best friend about that special someone you like so much. Crushes may last over a few days, weeks, months, or even longer.
What Does It Feel Like to Have a Crush?
If you feel weirdwhen you are around your crush, then trust that you are not alone. That is how almost everyone feelswhen they are around their crushes. You might also feel giddy or shy or maybe even shy, giddy, excited, and embarrassed all at once! In fact, some people do not even know or remember what they would like to say whenthey see their crush. There is this feeling of speechlessness and being tongue-tied.
There are certain kids who may enjoy chasing their crushes all over or may even call them on phone or also tease them to get some attention. This kind of behaviour may make a person feel very uncomfortable. One must always remember that it may feel difficult to control your feelings, but however tough, one must always stick to good behaviour. If your crush does not wish to talk with you or it is obvious that the person is uncomfortable, then it is a sign to back-off.
Similarly, you should never allow anyone to behave in a way which makes you feel uncomfortable or funny. It is never OK for anyone be it a child or an adult to do anything that may make you feel uncomfortable.
What can I do If I have a Crush?
You may or may not want to tell people about your crush.Though it can be fun to talk about your crush, sometimes your friends may tease you about your crush. Getting teased can be embarrassing, so do ensure to never tease someone yourself.
Crushes are also referred to as "puppy love" as these emotions and feelings are new and you are quite young with not much experience in life. You are like a puppy. Get it? It is similar to how a puppy is so thrilled and happy with something new in its life, it could be rubber bone or also an old shoe. However, since you may behaving intense feelings, it might not feel like puppy love to you after all.
Do understand that these feelings are just natural, and that one day you will look behind and have a good laugh while recollecting old memories. If you feel that you need to talk about your feelings, you can always confide in your parents or another authority figure you trust.
The realization that the person you have a crush on, likes you too can be a wonderful feeling. However, things don’t always work out the way you want them too. It is hard to find out that, the special someone you like does not really like you or may like someone else. In such a case you may end up feeling rejected, sad, and disappointed. This feeling is termed as a heartbreak. Do understand that the feeling of disappointment is not permanent and that you will feel normal in a matter of time. This is just a part of life and makes for many cherished and wonderful memories. Thus, if you do find out that someone likes you, try and be kind. It is great that someone considers you as special. If you do not share the same feelings you can try and let the other person know in a nice way.
School life is filled with such stories of friendships, fights, first loves, crushes and heartbreaks. As one of the best schools in Hyderabad, BGHS invites you to come and make the best memories you can without losing focus academically or in your extra-curricular activities.
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Best Programming Languages for Students
Up to a few years ago, computer programming was a course that only a select few pursued and these computer programmers were considered to be quite special. However, in the digital age that we live in today, computer programming is a skill required for most employees working in the IT sector. In fact, the more programming languages you know, the better. Mastering a new programming language can also help you advance your career and make a switch for a better job. As one of the top private engineering colleges in Hyderabad, we provide train and provide courses for all the major programming languages.
There are several points to be considered before selecting a programming language that you want to learn. Some points are the difficulty level of the programming language, the skills you have that may help with learning a programming and then the motive of learning a new programming language. Whether you need a certification for programming knowledge, develop a mobile application, or learn new skills, you need to select the right programming language to learn. Following are the details of the popular programming languages available:
·      Python
Python is the most prevalent programming language that is used today and due to its readability, it is an easy language for beginners to learn. It is a free, open-source programming language with widespread support modules along with community development. It also has user-friendly data structures, capable of integration with Web services easily, and GUI-based desktop applications. Python is the most popular programming language for deep learning applications and machine learning. This programming language is used to develop 3D animation packages such as Inkscape, Blender, and Autodesk and also 2D imaging. Video games such as Civilization IV, Toontown and Vegas Trike have been developed using Python. It is also for computational and scientific applications such as Abacus and FreeCAD. Websites like, Quora, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest also use Python.
o   Level: Intermediate
o   Skills Needed:Knowledge of the object-oriented structure and problem-solving
o   Platform: Mobile, Web Desktop
o   Demand Among Programmers: High in demand, most popular in the World.
o   Benefits: Considered to be a good start to learn to think like a programmer, ability tomanipulate/access the vital computer parts such as graphics andfile systems.
o   Cons: a variety of vocabulary to learn, higher-level language
o   Usage: Highly applicable, widely used
·      Java:
One of the high in-demand and popular computer programming languages used today. Java is owned by Oracle Corporation, and is a general-purpose programming language with a structure that is object-oriented. It hasbecome a standard for applications that are usedirrespective of platforms (for example,Windows, Android, iOS, MAC and so on) dueto its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) abilities. With such capabilities, Java is known for its portability across platforms from smartphonesto mainframe data centres. There are around 3 billion devices which run applications built using Java.Java is extensively used in big data as well as in application and Web development. It is also used in the backend of several popular Websites such as Amazon, Twitter, Google and YouTube.
o   Level: Intermediate
o   Skills Required: Knowledge of the object-oriented structure and problem-solving
o   Platform: Mobile, Web Desktop
o   Demand Among Programmers: High in demand, most popular in the World.
o   Benefits: Considered to be a good start to learn to think like a programmer, ability to manipulate/access the vital computer parts such as graphics and file systems.
o   Cons: a variety of vocabulary to learn, higher-level language
o   Usage: Highly applicable, widely used
·      JavaScript and TypeScript
An object-oriented computer programming language most commonly used to develop and create interactive effects withinWeb browsers. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript which adds an option of static typing to the language. JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web along with HTML and CSS. This language is also used at the front end of various Websites such as Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, Amazon, and Facebook. Furthermore, it is used in Web frameworks such as AngularJS, React.JS, and Node.js. 
·      C#
Created and developed by Microsoft, this language gained popularity in the 2000s for its support to the concept of object-oriented programming. It is one of the most powerful programming languages used for the .NET framework. Java is best suited for applications working on Android, Windows and iOS as it requires the help of Microsoft Visual C++ which is an integrated development environment product. This language is used at the backend of Websites such as Dell, Bing, Market Watch, and Visual Studio.
·      C (and C++)
Probably the oldest programming language and one which is the most commonly used, and it is also the source of other programming languages such as Java, JavaScript and C#. C++ is an improved version of the programming language C.Both C and C++ programming languages are used widely in programming and computer science. C and C++ developers can use the compilers for a wide variety of platforms, doing this makes the applications developed in these languages portable to a large extent. Cas well as C++ are considered as high-performance languages. These languages are used widely in developing applications where performance is a serious issue, for examplecommercial products such as Adobe and Firefox, and video games,as well as client/server applications. 
o   Level: C isintermediate to advanced and C++ isbeginner to intermediate.
o   Skills Required: Basic computer knowledge and problem-solving. As both C and C++ are driven towards low-level management of computerresources, understanding of computer functions is an added advantage.
o   Platform: Mobile, Embedded, Desktop
o   Demand Among Programmers: There has been a lot of migration from C to C++, and C++ is the most popular language in the World.
o   Benefits: C is used to learn the basics of programming at the lowest level and C++ demonstrates more control.
o   Cons: Both these programming languages are more challenging to learn as the coding is stricter.
o   Usage: both the programming languages are widely used.
There are many programming languages, however very few are on the list of shortlisted languages one should know. Being sought after as on of the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad, on completing a course you will not only learn a new programming language but also gain a credibility of certification.
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A Day in a Life of a Student
Just as childhood means a state or period of being a child, student-hood is referred to as a period of being a student. Student-hood is the most pleasant and enjoyable period of an individual's life, provided he/she has the right environment and perception. Being a student not only gives one an opportunity to discover and explore various aspectsof life,butalso providesone with knowledge at the same time. Understanding new things and gaining knowledge stimulates one’sintellect, mind, and intelligence. Wise people quote that “knowledge is power” and one can gain this power while being a student. A student has access to all the learning resources.Thus, a student can achieve as much knowledge as he/shedesires or sets his/her mind to.
Our school is considered as one of the best schools in Hyderabad. We provide the best in class faculty, campus and training (sports and education) to all our students. Do join us and experience the best of anything a student can ever ask for.
A student’s life is not only happy and care free, but it is also a life that is full of devotion and discipline. This life is a strange miscue of various things. Let us take a look at what may comprise in a day of life of a student. We are sure a lot of you will resonate withmost of what that has been presented in this article.
As students we are all used to the daily routine of waking up, getting ready, rushing through breakfast, and then grabbing the school and lunch bags and setting off to school.
There are of course the dedicated and ambitious set of students who tend to wake up very early to study and revise. For such students waking up in the mornings is a thrill instead of a drudgery that most of us may feel.
There are various modes of transport available to reach the school, one can either be dropped, take a bus or also walk to school. Older students do tend to take their own transport and it is a common sight to see friends hitching a ride with each other.
The day at school then begins with the school bell ringing. The school bell signals that the day has begun and it is time to get into an alert mode. At this point we do tend to see a lot of students running for their classrooms, as the only thing that matters then is being present in the class before the teacher arrives. Coming in to the class after the teacher may earn you an absent mark in the roll call register. Most students, try coming in early to school to spend some time with friends before the day rolls out. This“extra”morning time spent with friends does make the rest of the school day easy.
The roll call is another activity that marks the start of the day. Calling out “Present” for yourself and “Absent” for friends who have not come in to school is a story within itself.
The day then goes on into studying and understanding the various subjects being taught such as Math, English, Science, Social Science, Computers, Drawing, Moral Science, and so on. It is important for students who find it difficult to concentrate in class to ensure that they exert focus and exercise commitment to try and understand what is being taught. Not doing so can have some serious repercussions later.
The end of each period marks a cheer amongst all students and most students look up to small session of a chat with friends till the next teacher arrives. Apart from learning the core subjects, there are ample opportunities for all students to participate in the extra and co-curricular activities which most schools in Hyderabad provide. These extra co-curricular sessions give students the confidence and the right mind set to face the world. These sessions also help with the all-round development of a student’s personality. Most students wait for these activities as it gives them a break from studies while they also get to pursue their interests.
The end of the school day is also marked with the bell ringing and students can be seen rushing out of their classrooms, anxious to meet their friends and get home. At home the usual routine followed by students is some relaxation in the form of TV or a game with friends, followed by homework/assignments/studies, dinner and then bed.  
There are a lot of times in a student’s life where he/she may get frustrated due to academic pressures. However, one must always remember that pressure is a part of life and one must learn to accept and deal with it and not succumb to it. The student life is the golden period and this is the life that lays foundation of one’s career and success.This time must be utilized as anopportunity to train, learn, and gain knowledge. A lazy and relaxed approach towards academics, discipline and giving into distractions will always have an adverse effect later in one’s life.A student must always strive to do his/her best!
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Mischievous Things Done by Students in School Life
School life is undoubtedly the best period of our lives. Schools helpbuild our character and is definitely the formative period of every student. All of usas adults long for those joyfulschool days every once in a while. Recollecting the old memories of our school life always brings a smile. Nostalgia is something we are all accustomed to and as one of the best schools in Hyderabad, we can guaranteethe best memories a child can build.
School and Mischief
While speaking of school life and our friends at school, all of us have most certainly been up to some form of mischief or other. As students, there are a number of mischievous things that we can vouch for having done. Let us go through some of them and see if you can resonate with some (or may be all) of them as a student:
·      The moment when someone in class is unfortunate enough to leave the classroom or head to the bathroom. As soon as the door closes behind them, there is this loud military cry - 'GO! GO! GO!. What follows next is purely genius.All books in this student’s schoolbag arerapidly emptied onto their desk, with the schoolbag turned inside out and the books placed back in the bag, and then the bag is zipped up. The look of irritation once the student is back to the classroom is totally worth it.
·      Who doesn’t remember the pen clicking races? On making eye contact with aperson sitting directly acrossfrom you, only meansa pen clicking race.Cue an epic contest that involves wrist strength, battle ofnerves and not to forget thumb dexterity.
·      No one can ever be bored in school, thanks to the bouncy ball. We can spend hours in and out of the class throwing these balls at one another or just bounce the ball by ourselves. God forbid if the ball actually hits something or someone. That leads to c different situation all together.
·      The game of walking up and down every aisle of the classroom without getting caught before the teacher arrives. There are always some students who dare to complete the challenge while the teacher is in the classroom. These students get the extra cool points.
·      Can we ever forget the trick to blind people with the sunlight using a watch or a pencil case? There is a certain amount of skill required here as you have to catch the sunlight perfectly at the right angle and then adjust the pencil case or watch to trap the light.
·      There is always this one person in every class who is more deadly and precise with an elastic band than thecombined talents of both Robin Hood and Robin van Persie. Those elastic bands sting so much, especially if someone gets hit on the face by mistake.
·      Making cat noises is an all-time favourite. A teacher leaving an unsupervised classroom is the worst idea. This means an open invitation for the whole class to go berserk. An unsupervised classroom also always miraculously leads to a contest of making strange animal noises and who makes them the best.
·      Hiding the duster is another trick that tops the chart. The real trick to this is coming up with new locationsthat the teacher can neverthink of finding the duster. Resting it ontop of the chalkboard has been doneto deathbut has anyone been tried putting the duster in a bin or tried hanging it from the window ledge?
·      Hiding other people’s book is something all of us are guilty of. It always gives a simple but effective pleasure. It does seem cruel, but it is actually quite hilarious to take some one else’s book and then see them descend into a panic mode before finally revealing where the book has been hidden.
These harmless and funny tricks are some of the pleasures of one’s school life. We spend a huge part of our youth in schools. As adults we always feel good and smart amongst the company of young students. This life is the most carefree life we can ever live. As a student our only concern is with games, lessons and friends. Worry is not really a part of a student’s life except for during tests and exams. Being one of the top schools in Hyderabad, we invite you to come and be a part of our school and experience the greatest of the childhood joys.
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Best Moments of an Engineering Student
In India, as far as sports is concerned, cricket is most definitely a national obsession. When one thinks of education, Engineering tops the charts as an obsession for most parents. Parents in fact start scouting for the best Engineering colleges when their child is still at school. Some of the most famous engineering colleges are at Hyderabad.
Best Moments in the Engineering Life
The engineering life of a student is one of the most cherished memory of all engineering students. Following are some situations of the that most definitely resonate with not only engineering students,but also graduates from the innumerable engineering colleges in India.
·      Thenever-ending lecturesthat just seem to go on forever and ever. These lectures are meant to arm you with all the guidance and expertise that one requires to be an engineer. However, most of the students day dream through these lectures and wait for the canteen/lunch break to arrive.
·      No matter the number of hours you may have put in to research on Engineering to be taken as a course, you will always have this realization that engineering seems to be completely different than what you may have thought. Now, all that is left is to try and successfully achieve the degree. This struggle and finally achieving the much-coveted degree makes this journey absolutely amazing.
·      It doesn’t really matter how well you plan to study for the semester to attain a decent score, you still have to manage with the many bouncers the course throws at you - endless assignment, surprise tests, group projects. The memories of having been taking by surprise with these last-minute tests is not something engineering students forget easily.
·      No one on this planet may have perfected the technique of last-minute studyinglike engineers. In fact, engineering students are so confident of theirlast-minute studying capabilities that having fun and partying a week before exams is very normal. The night before the exam sees most engineering students finish a600-page book in 4 hours at most!
·      Most engineering students develop a strong relationship with eithertea or coffee. These students in fact may never enough time on hands for a full-fledged breakfast. As an engineering student most of us are used to having our meals on the go.
·      The one mantra we all develop during the engineering course is – Trust no one! We all have that one friend who claims that he/she has not even touched the books before the exam, and yet always asks for 3-4additional answer sheets. This friend also ends up being in the toppers list. When you look behind and think of this mantra, it just brings a smile on your face.
·      As engineering students, we develop a certain understanding and no one else can share oursense of humour other than our fellow engineering students. There is this strange joy engineering students experiencewhile cracking nerdy jokes that others don’t really understand. It is almost a different language all together, and we most definitely miss this camaraderie once we are in the real world.
·      During the everyday drudgery that lectures and classes seem to be, we sometimes experience a small moment of triumph when the brain actually happens to function. We then end up celebrating this moment of joy which we actually coin as the moment of genius for the next whole week.
·      When theday of viva comeseveryone in class is equally clueless. The first student to come out after the viva question and answer session is attacked by all the other students. All of use would pray that we wouldn’t be the first to enter for the fear of being attacked once we step out.
·      Seniors are to be addressed as "sir” and they are always right. Seniors are the ones who provide you with the real ammunition to survive the engineering course. One thing which we all can vouch to have learnt from our seniors is that extra-curricular activities are equally important for landing a job.
 In the end, all we are left is with these memories which make us smile when we look back on those days. On completing the course, we are confident of actually being able to do anything we desire.
Being one of the amongst
top private engineering colleges in Hyderabad
, we invite you to come and experience the engineering life and fulfil your dreams.
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Why College Fest Is Most Memorable To Every Engineering Student?
The word ‘fest’ in our college days was equivalent to a festival. The colorful lights with the unstoppable music and great food were nothing less than a carnival. For every engineering student of the top private engineering colleges in hyderabad and elsewhere, the college fest is like a day away from all the projects and study pressure. It is a day that is full of joy, accompanied by a huge crowd and cultural diversities.
 The college fest gives you a chance to interact with new people and understand them in a whole new way. You would meet with people having different ideological perspectives which are bound to spice up your overall experience.
Apart from this, you can learn plenty of new things from a fest. So here are a few other things that you can take back home from your college fest.
 A college fest is the best time to come out of the comfort zone
Fest will give you an open platform where you can enhance your socializing and communication skills. It is not an easy task to perform or speak in front of a huge crowd and fest is an informal platform that provides us with an opportunity to curb the phobia. Being among your friends and peers from the best engineering colleges in hyderabad and knowing that you are surrounded by almost known faces, you will get an extra push to go to the stage.
 Getting to know people from other colleges and expand your network`
Students at present are so indulged in social media that they hardly observe relationships in the real-life world. A fest will give you a push to come out of the digital world and build a better connection with the people around you. The aura of a college fest is such that it will encourage you to put your phones down and get indulged with activities. This will indeed bring more people closer to you.
 Spending some quality time away from books and practicals
Everyone is occupied with work and the pace of life has become really fast. We all are running and there is hardly any time for us to stop and do things that weenjoy pursuing. In such a fast-paced life, the fest gives you the option to stop and spend some quality time with your friends and college mates.
 Stage to shine
We always have some talent that remains unexplored in the rat race to study and bag a job. Some of us can draw really well, while others are pro at singing or dancing. College fests provide us a stage to showcase our talent and allow us to be acknowledged by our peers for our skills.
 A fest indeed brings different students and eminent personalities under one roof. Getting a grand opportunity to witness famous personalities up close is indeed a wonderful memory and a great learning experience for all students of famous engineering colleges in hyderabad. Apart from the immense fun-filled days with friends, college fests are all about memories that you can cherish all lifelong.
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How To Make Friends
I was fortunate enough to meet some of my closest friends in the school near me. Indeed, the fondest memories people have of their school life involve their friends. We remember their company and all the good times we spent the moment we leave school and step into the adult world. They say the time spent in childhood is like no other, which is why it is so important to make the most of this period. Making friends does not need to be complicated at all, most of the time, it simply involves a process of communication and acceptance. Here’s a guide on how you can make friends in the best schools in Hyderabad.
1.       Start with a conversation
The only way you will be able to know people is if you start talking to them. Instead of waiting for the other person to start a conversation, take the first step. A simple “hello” can go a long way. Ask questions like "do you like this class?", "What is your favorite subject?" and so on. Always smile and be warm to others, and they will open up to you in no time.
2.       Listen to others
A good conversationalist must listen as much as they talk. You have to be sincere when you are listening to someone because that will help you learn more about them. People generally feel glad when they are heard and are likely to seek you out more.
3.       Appreciate others whenever you can
Your classmate may be a great artist, or a good presenter, or an excellent speaker. When they showcase their talent in front of you, always pay them a compliment. Paying compliments is a simple and easy way to show people that you notice and appreciate them.
4.       Reveal a bit about yourself too
While wanting to know about other people is good, you should also open up about yourself as well. This doesn't mean you have to steer the conversation towards yourself, but it is always nice if you share something personal while having a conversation with your friends. That is how intimacy is built, and the trust and bond between friends get stronger.
5.       Use your sense of humor to your advantage
This is probably the quickest way in which you can make a new friend.  You don’t have to try too hard to be funny,- that can have a completely opposite effect. But if you find something funny, sharing it with your friend and having a laugh about it together is a good idea. They will notice that you are fun to be around, and will associate with you even more.
6.       Bond outside the class
There is only so much you can do during class hours in the schools in Hyderabad.That is why you can always bond with them outside the classroom. Sit together during recess, or study together- this way, you will be able to have conversations about topics other than studies and school activities, which is also an important building block of friendship.
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DIY Ribbon Controller For A DIY Synth
Tech savvies find happiness in creating new instruments even if it makes annoying noises because they are proud to be the inventor of it. Students intop private engineering colleges in Hyderabad can try to createtheir DIY machines like controllers, for adding value to their resume.
In case you are not familiar with the way of creating controllers, you can follow this article to create a ribbon controller from scratch.
What is a ribbon controller?
You can imagine the ribbon controller to be a deconstructed potentiometer where you will have to use your fingers to control the wiper. The wiper of the ribbon controller is made of a budget-friendly conductive element which is also sensitive to the slightest change in pressure and is known as Velostat. The remaining of the controller just consists of thin copper sheets sandwiched between non-conductive natured plastic placed above a wooden base.
The fun part about this is you can control some of the aspects of this controller to make it behave as you want.
Being a student at one of the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad, if you wish to present a mind-blowing internship project, then here is how you should start.
The ribbon controller is an essential component of the synthesizer, but it does not create noise itself. The black and white keys that you find in the synthesizer are also controllers and while they don’t make any noise, they act like the brain of the synthesizer.
What are the key components you need to make a ribbon controller?
The core of the ribbon can be made using a 500 mm soft pot and it is the part that detects human touch. You can use a headphone jack and a perfboard in a smaller size preferably to make the electric connections. If you love to innovate, then you must use a magnetic strip at the back to keep the ribbon in its actual place.
How to assemble the ribbon?
Generally, the soft pot is floppy and soft and therefore you can use a plastic strip for support. If you find the edges of the plastic strip to be a bit rough, then make use of sandpaper to smoothen the edges and be sure to dust off the sandy bits. If you want you can also spray paint it in a color and after the paint dries you can soft pot and the magnetic strip together. Then you should get hold of the ribbon’s terminals and solder it to audio connector and perfboard. Once you feel that it is properly soldered you should begin gluing the perfboard to the plastic strip via epoxy resin.
When you are handling the electronic connections part, make sure to remember that the ribbon acts as a potentiometer, and everything will fall into place.
Veteran teachers atfamous engineering colleges in Hyderabadsay that adding a successful DIY project to your resume is the best way to distinguish yourself from the crowd. So set out on making your own ribbon controller and there will be no looking back!
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A Powerful Way To Integrate HubotWith Slack
Communication is not only an essential part of our human lives, but it is also crucial for integrating various technologies. For this purpose and also to sync various automation, Nextdoor uses messages.
How Nextdoor started using messaging for its operations?
It all started when Nextdoor decided to use chat functionalities for its slack operations. The things that then followed included setting up of a huge number of Webhooks and about 250 chat rooms were created for discussing various topics. The emo-fus have also improved and now SlackBot is being used for writing off witty responses. Although witty responses don’t bring in more productivity, it served as Slack-in tools which will help automate the tasks which humans were doing already.
Experts at the top private engineering colleges in Hyderabadsay that Nextdoor also owns a few tools for services and development that is not only hosted but also uploaded onto the cloud. You might also know that not all every service is compatible with the mobile interface and therefore the idea is to issue commands through Slack to ensure that the interface gap on mobile could be filled by messaging.
What are the developments made specifically for this project by the team of Nextdoor?
Let’s determine and explain every component of the Bot’s Stack to give the students of the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad a clear idea:
·       Slack
It was not a new initiative of this project rather it was previously available as well, but the team decided to make the most of it owing to the excellent platform it offers for implementation. For starters, it enables bot users with a well-formatted API, and not just RichTextformat posts.
·       Hubot
It already allows a Slack integration and therefore the task of developing new features in it becomes super easy through CoffeeScript. And to add new functionality, a user will simply have to add a new file in the directory.
·       Redis
The data store of Redis acts as the brain of Hubot and for optimizing the management processes, a Redis instance is introduced in AWS Elasticache.
·       Github Enterprise
The development for this process starts on Github enterprise and then the project will be open-sourced to github.com. Without impacting any other repo, the GHE paves the way for easy collaborating on numerous ad-hoc projects.
What are the integrations conducted for this project?
Some of the helpful actions done in this context are similar to Nextdoor and one of these is:
A neighbor works by passively listening to some of the chat rooms and it saves ‘annotations’ in Librato wherever it comes across the Librato hashtag.
The team says that the interface gap between the neighborhood operations team and the engineering operations team is continuously narrowing. Messaging has been successful in automating the operations and is available on all the platforms. When Slack is fused with Hubot it enables automating both atypical and typical workflows.
If you dream to make it big with Nextdoor, then you must start with enrolling with thefamous engineering colleges in Hyderabadto kick-start your career.
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Reflect On Your Time As A Student So Far
soon as a child is conscious enough to understand the world around them, they are thrust into an environment starkly different from what they are accustomed to – school. The child is placed amidst their peers, away from the protective cocoon of their family. This transition, though quite confusing and stressful, can be accomplished quite smoothly with the help of a good school administration and caring teachers. Schools in Hyderabad are very aware of this principle, which has made my personal student life quite enjoyable. When I started going to school, I was very scared and nervous. I was stepping out of my home for the first time and had no idea about people outside my immediate family. Once I stepped through the gates on my first day, I was scooped up by a pair of tender arms and greeted with a smiling face.
My first interaction with a teacher. She was one of the most genuinely caring people I had ever met, and always made sure that we were always comfortable. The school near me, which was the one I went to, had a massive playground, and our teacher would hold my hand and take me to play there every day because I was not very confident about playing with the other children. She played with me, made sure I ate my tiffin and escorted me to the gate when it was time to go back home. She was the reason why I started enjoying going to school in the first place, and I have only her to thank for never looking back.
After the fifth grade, I moved to one of the best schools in Hyderabad to start middle school. The academic pressure was building up slowly, but it was always delivered to us through a fun activity. Our teachers did not force knowledge upon us but made it enjoyable. I remember my English teacher doing a dramatic reading of "The Spider and the Fly", and it left us all in splits. Working on lessons became really easy after that because the subject was made so lucid via the teacher's efforts.
I remember that in high school, we were taken to the various laboratories and shown specimens from the subjects we were studying. It really helped us visualize what we were studying, and when we read about the topic on the next day, it became easier for us to grasp. The mischief we got up to in the laboratories also got us in some trouble, but our teachers were never aggressive. Instead, they sat us down and explained the consequences of playing with the dangerous elements of the laboratories, and we never disobeyed their instructions after that.
My teachers and friends are probably the best memories I have of my school days. My school has inculcated within me the values and morals that I cherish to this day. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about wanting to return to my carefree days, and that is definitely because of the effect that my school has had upon me.
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A Powerful Way To Integrate Hubot With Slack
Communication is not only an essential part of our human lives, but it is also crucial for integrating various technologies. For this purpose and also to sync various automation, Nextdoor uses messages.
How Nextdoor started using messaging for its operations?
It all started when Nextdoor decided to use chat functionalities for its slack operations. The things that then followed included setting up of a huge number of Webhooks and about 250 chat rooms were created for discussing various topics. The emo-fus have also improved and now SlackBot is being used for writing off witty responses. Although witty responses don’t bring in more productivity, it served as Slack-in tools which will help automate the tasks which humans were doing already.
Experts at the top private engineering colleges in Hyderabad say that Nextdoor also owns a few tools for services and development that is not only hosted but also uploaded onto the cloud. You might also know that not all every service is compatible with the mobile interface and therefore the idea is to issue commands through Slack to ensure that the interface gap on mobile could be filled by messaging.
What are the developments made specifically for this project by the team of Nextdoor?
Let’s determine and explain every component of the Bot’s Stack to give the students of the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad a clear idea:
·       Slack
It was not a new initiative of this project rather it was previously available as well, but the team decided to make the most of it owing to the excellent platform it offers for implementation. For starters, it enables bot users with a well-formatted API, and not just RichTextformat posts.
·       Hubot
It already allows a Slack integration and therefore the task of developing new features in it becomes super easy through CoffeeScript. And to add new functionality, a user will simply have to add a new file in the directory.
·       Redis
The data store of Redis acts as the brain of Hubot and for optimizing the management processes, a Redis instance is introduced in AWS Elasticache.
·       Github Enterprise
The development for this process starts on Github enterprise and then the project will be open-sourced to github.com. Without impacting any other repo, the GHE paves the way for easy collaborating on numerous ad-hoc projects.
What are the integrations conducted for this project?
Some of the helpful actions done in this context are similar to Nextdoor and one of these is:
A neighbor works by passively listening to some of the chat rooms and it saves ‘annotations’ in Librato wherever it comes across the Librato hashtag.
The team says that the interface gap between the neighborhood operations team and the engineering operations team is continuously narrowing. Messaging has been successful in automating the operations and is available on all the platforms. When Slack is fused with Hubot it enables automating both atypical and typical workflows.
If you dream to make it big with Nextdoor, then you must start with enrolling with the
famous engineering colleges in Hyderabad
to kick-start your career.
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What Is The Technology Behind NextdoorIn 2020?
A lot is going on behind the scenes in Nextdoor in terms of technology progression to keep up the spirit of the community alive. Students of top private engineering colleges in Hyderabad often get curious to know about the technicalities of this hyperlocal social media platform.
Here are some of the technological happenings at Nextdoor explained along with the components of individual processes:
1.       Serving stack
Distinct stacks are employed by the organization for distinct processes and purposes.
·       Python stack-For serving stack as well as for tons of offline processes, Python is being employed. As for web applications, the developers use the Django frameworks mostly. For managing the Python environments, Conda is preferred and nowadays the platform has been investing a lot to strengthen the security of the codebase.
·       Storage stack- The basic and primary datastore used for this is PostgreSQL. However, if the developers require to retrieve a document at the least time possible, they make use of the DynamoDB.
·       Offline stack-for running the background jobs, a distributed job processor coded in Python is being used, and it is named the Taskworker. This checks the tasks queued up in the Amazon SQS and then consume the tasks one by one.
·       Microservices stack- The minimalistic Go Stack reflects the fact that most of their services are as fast and lean as possible. Although the open-source framework is yet to be launched, the company has been using gorilla/mux as a router for most of the services.
·       Machine learning stack- For machine learning, most of the tasks are accomplished through the Tensorflow or Keras. And as for the data processing jobs, the coders rely heavily on Airflow.
·       Development stack- To ensure that all of the engineers at Nextdoor are thoroughly productive and they easily implement their codes, exclusive Dev tools are being designed.
Coders from the best engineering colleges in Hyderabad having hands-on experience in various coding languages might find the following stack information interesting.
2.       Clients stack
Here are some of the individual stacks categorized under the client stack along with their usages in the various components of the technological framework:
·       Mobile Stack- For crash logging and analytics, engineers utilize the Firebase and Datadog respectively. As for the android processes, the company has found Kotlin to be the most effective compared to other tools. The apps designed are being tested by JUnit through CircleCi. Nextdoor recommends using MvRx for architecture and Glide for images.
Geospatial technologies
The factor which makes Nextdoor highly special and different from the rest is probably that they have designed data services to gain fast access to the data information. For spatial operations, the PostgreSQL utilizes highly efficient PostGIS. To render map data for tracking locations, Google Maps API is being used.
To manage high volumes of geospatial data, the company is looking forward to launching a brand new data outlet for the sole purpose of maintaining a custom processing pipeline. So if you are a student of one of the most famous engineering colleges in Hyderabad and interested to make your mark in Nextdoor, then start preparing yourself as early as possible.
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A Day In The Life Of ‘A Student’
If you too wish to study in India and want to know what the typical life of a student here is, then this article will help you. Gathered from practical experiences, we will talk about a day in the life of a student in India.
 Firstly, it is important to have a routine if you wish to succeed as a student. The idea might seem to be boring initially but it will be very convenient for you.
Even if you study in the best school in Hyderabad or is an undergrad student, then you will be able to relate to this schedule.
 Your day will start with setting your alarm off. Now I understand how difficult it is to wake up early in the morning but this is very important. Your productivity will also be the highest when you wake up early. It is to be noted that most of the schools in Hyderabad start early in the morning. Make sure to set your alarm at least 15 minutes before your wake-up deadline because we all need that snooze time.
 If you wake up on time and get ready on time, then you would have the chance of eating your breakfast properly. Or else you will have to run, run and only run.
 You are now at school or college. You feel sleepy initially but then get slowly charged up. Class after class will follow lunch break which will be followed by classes. Now is the time to return to your home.
 Now that your school is over, and you have returned home, you must be hungry. You will have some snacks and then will doze off with all the tiredness. After that power nap, this is the time to get started with your homework. Your home tutor might also come during this time to give you some extra helping hand in the studies. Going to tuition classes are also quite common these days.
 Now that your studies are over, this is your “me time”. You can play video games, watch some TV or want to eat your favorite food.
 Now, it’s already late at night. Your mother might be scolding you to have your dinner and go to sleep but you are engrossed watching your favorite videos. She comes up to scold you and now you get alarmed. You have your dinner and go to sleep so that you can again repeat the schedule the next day.
 This is a common and typical routine that most of the students in India follow. There can be exceptions of course but the whole scenario is more or less the same. If you are into some kinds of extracurricular activities or sports, then you might have to sacrifice that afternoon nap or that “me time” and adjust accordingly. If you are searching for schools near me and are ready to get yourself admitted there, then make up your mind to follow the schedule and in a few days, you will be able to adjust.
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7 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Bigger and Brighter
With the rise in population and the increase in real estate prices, it has become really tough to buy big properties. This is true especially in big and busy cities like Hyderabad. But with the help of a few tips and tricks, you can make your home feel bigger and brighter.
 If you wish to redesign your house, the best way forward is to get some expert ideas and tips. Here we bring to you some brilliant tips from experts at the best interior design institute in Hyderabad, to get you started.
Decluttering is the first thing that you would need to do. It will increase your space and make the whole area look clean. Instead of throwing things away, you can donate them to the needy. The best part of decluttering is that you would need a few resources to do this. However, proper planning is essential to carry out the whole process smoothly.
 Floors and Walls-  
Remember that floors are not your storage spaces and hence it is no place to create piles of things that would increase over time. The piles can engulf your living space and make your house look smaller. This also applies to the walls, if all your furniture is placed against the wall then it would     highlight how small the space is. Thus planning is very important.
 Smart Storage-     
Creativity is something that you would really need when you are living in a smaller space. From folding your blankets to having a folding bed, all of these can save some space and make your house feel bigger. Also, make sure that you have dedicated storage space for each item in your home. Multi-functional storage units are a must-have when your home lacks space.
 Magic Mirrors-     
Large mirrors will not only reflect the whole area of your house but will make it look even bigger. It indeed doubles the visual size of a space.
 No dead  space-     
decorating your home beautifully and efficiently is something that you should focus on. Keeping smaller furniture scattered here and there will take up more spaces and look much cluttered. Instead, you can buy bigger statement pieces. Go for things that are efficient like an accent wall piece that will visually make the room elongated.
 Lesser     furniture- 
Try and concentrate on buying lesser furniture so that you have more open spaces. Go for the pieces that can be folded or brought out for different uses.
This is a very powerful tool that can change the overall appeal of your home. Do light up the darker corners and have multiple lighting fixtures that would make your space look much bigger.
These are some of the most effective tips that you can follow to make your home look bigger and brighter as suggested by expert designers from Bonfire Institute of Design Hyderabad. Of course, you can add some of your own ideas to these and customize it further!
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Top 10 Fashion Designers in India - Find Your Role Model
No matter which career path you choose, there will always be a role model who inspires you, someone whom you look up to.
If you aspire to be a fashion designer, then there must be some inspiring personality whose footsteps you would like to follow. After enrolling with Bonfire Institute of Technology, one of the best fashion designing colleges in Hyderabad all you need is follow the top fashion designers who inspire you.
Yes, there can be multiple iconic fashion designers who can inspire you.
Here are the top 10 Indian fashion designers who you can follow for inspiration.
1.       Manish Malhotra
Although Manish Malhotra is one of the prominent names in the fashion industry, he never received formal education for it. He started his profession as a model and from then he started revolutionizing the Indian fashion industry by bringing radical changes in Bollywood attires.
2.       Masaba Gupta
The first career choice for this designer whose parents are celebrities was never fashion designing, she wanted to become a tennis player. While her collection involves the beautiful forms of the traditional costume, she is now offering an amalgamation of contemporary and modernity styles.
3.       Ritu Kumar
She is one of the most famous fashion designers of not only the country but also worldwide. But do you she just started with two tables and a couple of block printing handiworks? She offers niche fashion by bringing back the designs of the past packaged in a modernized form.
4.       RohitBal
He launched his fashion label in 1990 and since then he has never stopped creating wonders in the world of fashion. RohitBal drew attention quite rapidly because of his ways of getting influenced by village crafts and tweaking it so that it fits into the cosmopolitan fashion industry.
5.       Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Right after graduating from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, he launched his brand in 1999. It took him less than a few months to create his aura in the fashion industry and since he has been receiving several prestigious awards!
6.       Neeta Lulla
She has been a regular in the industry for about 3.5 decades and her specialty is to ensure that brides turn out to be the most beautiful women. Neeta Lulla is not only a popular name in Bollywood, but her designs have also amazed international actors.
7.       Anita Dongre
If you aspire to be a successful fashion entrepreneur then make sure to follow the footsteps of Anita Dongre as today she owns one of the best fashion houses in the world. Today, she is not only the owner of four fashion brands but also a jewelry house named Anita Dongre Pink City.
8.       RituBeri
RituBeri was the pioneer of French fashion in the Indian fashion industry and it is she who deserves umpteenth credits for globalizing the National Fashion sector.
9.       Manish Arora
Yes, there are two Manishs in this list and Manish Arora is popular for his exquisite knowledge of colors and his attention to detail.
10.   TarunTahiliani
He along with his wife were the first ones to offer India the first boutique of the country. Tarun is also a popular name in bridal fashion and his expertise lies in combining traditional aesthetics and modern trends.
 Simply studying at the top fashion designing colleges in Hyderabad is not enough to be successful in the field of fashion studies. You must dream and engage your creativity and also network with the right people. Having a role model to follow helps you find your calling – that is exactly what you need!
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