yourfcntasies · 6 years
@hcrsmile​ - x
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        ❝ I know, I just ——— ❞
   her eyes flicked down, UNABLE to meet his gaze at his incredibly bitter tone, as though he blamed HER for everything that was going wrong in the workshop. As he is RIGHT to. You’re the LEAD. You’re the one who makes or BREAKS a production. How could you have a MARILYN that was afraid of sex? Karen clenched her cup, BURYING her face for a moment in the swirl of scented steam, praying the deepening of her flush would be attributed merely to the HEAT. She really shouldn’t have come, but she didn’t know who else to GO TO. Everyone else wanted Ivy from the start. They knew. 
       ❝ I… I UNDERSTAND wanting fame. wanting to be a star. wanting LOVE. but I don’t… ❞ a deep breath, a bit HESITANT in her honesty but relieved nonetheless to finally be discussing this with someone, ANYONE. even Derek Wills. ❝ JFK had a wife. he had a wife. I know it must sound silly but I just don’t SEE… ❞
   she raised her gaze again, a pair of DOE’S eyes meeting those of an emerald WOLF’S, betraying her INNOCENCE in a heartbeat. she wouldn’t even still BE here, facing the relentless torrent of his scorn except… Miss Cartwright only wanted to be WONDERFUL.
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   His head canted to the side, holding his gaze on Karen’s flushed face. Her INNOCENCE was a breath of fresh air. She was something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, a pure beam of light that he had never encountered amongst the close walls of New York City. How was HE ( of all people ) supposed to  understand this LOYALTY & DEVOTION Karen seemed to feel in every bone of her body? Brows arched as he raised his cup again, taking a long thoughtful sip before speaking.
       “ You have a boyfriend, yeah, ” A statement, not a question; it was an answer he knew, a simple fact stated to ( hopefully ) prove a point, “ How long have you been together? ”
       “ Have you never ONCE wanted to stray from him? A passing stranger you bonded with on the subway, a celebrity on tv perhaps, an OLD FLAME revisited? ”
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yourfcntasies · 6 years
anyway, derek wills from nbc’s smash (2012-13) was bi, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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