yourfirstsnow · 3 days
Amant's voice dripped with a unique accent that was nearly foreign to the Brooklyn native. Part of his curiosity was resolved the moment Amant mentioned NOLA. Snow wondered if getting drunk as they hoped would make his ears more receptive or entirely dumb to the cadence. Only one way to find out.
"'getting hammered off magical booze. Tomorrow's gonna suck." He laughed while touching his pockets. Gold drachmae, coins were an interesting new weight to carry. Last he counted, there should be enough to make good on this wager. He only hoped this wasn't Amant's way of robbing a new guy blind. Snow had made that mistake before on his travels, but that had been some years ago.
"You've always had... eyes like that?" At Amant's openness, Snow bit, the question at the forefront of his mind rather than mythological mind-fucks. Though perhaps the latter should be. "'almost sounds like you know him, with the way you talk. I really thought being a half-god would spare me from the inevitable. 'not that I minded the idea of moving on eventually so much before."
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Amant raised his free hand as a sign of 'I come in peace'. A face of concern that quickly twisted into something more wicked. "Now see I only came here in peace to offer company...but if you wish to challenge a nola boy to a drinking contest that's your funeral, mon ami." Taking his seat with his glass on the bar and his body swung towards his company. Given the way Amant was drinking from the glass he would need a refill soon enough. "How about we start a tab? And whoever taps out pays the bill?" If they were going to make a sport of it then they needed some sort of reward, no?
It was clear Snow had something on his mind but tried to shift the conversation to pleasantries. Amant shaking his head, "Don't fret, Amant is a big boy. If you want to know about my vision or my brush with death ask away. My daddy is the death god and all." Was the strength of his will or signs of a cracked psyche that made Amant so at ease with his experienced. There was a good chance it was melding of the two. "Unless you be too shy to ask..." A challenge on his tongue as he took another drink.
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yourfirstsnow · 3 days
Snow needed some patching up after landing back at the Ark. This latest mission was more taxing on his body than mind. Oddly, he was grateful for that. They slayed the monster, saved the ghost kid and all returned in one piece. Snow couldn't ask for a better outcome, but there were the cursed rings to address. A problem best dealt with tomorrow.
Though he appeared at ease around others at camp, alone in his new lodge was where Snow felt most out of sorts. There remained some unpacking to do in order to feel at... home, but Snow was accustomed to living out of a suitcase. One foot in and the other ready to make a speedy exit. Tonight, he felt that itch to run, but the thrill of victory kept him tied. For now.
The knock gave him another reason to play the part. Thank gods, company. He'd been laying about tirelessly. Finding Diego on the other side of his door, fresh bottle of booze in hand did intrigue the artist. "'not lost, are you?" Snow muttered, smile teasing but also hopeful. "'can't sleep either? After facing the Jason knock-off."
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It  seemed  the  more  time  Diego  spent  at  the  Ark,  the  crazier  things  got,  but  last  night's  mission,  the  murder  mystery  with  ghosts  and  killer  flies,  had  been  one  for  the  history  books.  While  he  wouldn't  say  he  was  traumatized  by  the  whole  ordeal,  it  certainly  left  him  more  than  a  little  jumpy.  It  truly  was  the  stuff  horror  movies  were  made  of.  Still,  despite  all  of  that,  the  one  good  thing  about  going  on  missions  with  the  other  demigods,  was  that  you  got  to  see  who  they  people  actually  were  you  living  with.  It's  not  to  say  that  he'd  been  on  all  that  many  missions  to  begin  with,  but  he'd  never  really  been  on  a  mission  with  anyone  like  Snow.  The  truly  was  there  to  protect  the  group,  the  way  he  took  those  hits,  the  way  he  directed  the  enemies  toward  himself,  just  to  protect  the  rest  of  the  group,  guys  like  Diego,  it  made  him  feel  inspired  and  intrigued.
It  hadn't  been  hard  to  find  out  where  the  son  of  Asteria  lived,  people  at  the  Ark  seemed  more  or  less  close  knit.  With  a  bottle  of  tequila  in  hand,  he  made  his  way  to  the  Asteria  house's  front  door  and  knocked.  Truth  be  told,  he  didn't  know  what  one  typically  did  for  guys  who  basically  almost  gave  their  life  for  you,  but  he  figured  a  simple  'thank  you'  and  a  handle  of  booze  was  a  good  start.  He  leaned  against  the  door  frame  as  he  waited,  taking  in  the  peaceful  night  sky.
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yourfirstsnow · 5 days
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yourfirstsnow · 10 days
There was no better place to socialize than a local bar. His rule like gospel held true even here at the Ark. Snow figured these warrior half-gods deserved to drink more than mortal regulars in picturesque European villages or rowdy city hubs. Yet, a familiar calm and casual energy still channeled through Fate's Oasis. No matter where Snow ended up, that sensation always felt akin to home. Like the constant stars.
"You're just my first victim." Snow joked in return while nodding at the seat beside him. "Keep it warm for the next."
Admittedly, Amant's silvery cold eyes appeared haunting, yet the star child was far more taken with the soul beyond that gaze. Through text, in that room of vines, and now here Amant seemed to be open to letting others in. Into his mind--or these terrible experiences at least.
"I did say I'd buy you a drink. What you shared in that group chat, just... damn. 'sure we can find something more pleasant to talk about." He finished sarcastically.
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@yourfirstsnow Location: Fate's Oasis
Amant had entered the local bar for a few of these specialty drinks he'd heard so much about. Giving his personal bar at home a night off it would be good to get some fresh air. Finding himself more at comfort in the privacy of his own shadows these days. As he came to take a seat, knocking at the bar to grab the attention of the tender, his dark pale eyes caught sight of another party drinking alone. Seeing Snow in passing and on missions they had yet to exchange words. Other than a curiosity of visions through texts. After ordering whatever had the most rum in it he moved his glass down to take a seat beside the other. "Drinking alone? Now that's no fun. Care for someone company?"
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yourfirstsnow · 10 days
Armando's take did put Snow at ease. If these battles waged were to serve each other and the world, this one or the old, they were a far cry from the war he once knew so well. "You would know better; what this all's really about." He smirked to himself. It would take a good week to settle in and warm up to the others. For now, Mando was his first peek of what awaited out there and he wished to understand. "So we're... good guys. 'trying to protect."
Part of Snow worried that Mando might take him for some creep for making such bold statements. Even worse, find him clingy. Which he wasn't... really. Instead, Armando understood his wants and concerns. Lured in by equally restless company perhaps. A secure feeling started to wash over Snow as they stood together in Asteria's lodge. It was scary to feel seen for most people, but for Snow... there was no better feeling.
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Once touched, Snow swiveled on his heel and returned all attention back to Armando. The smile he found on his pretty face now, well, warmed him right up. "That smile..." Snow marveled, finding his hands drawn to Mando's throat after. "The stars did keep me safe through some hard times." He admitted. "That's why it was kinda easy to... believe in all of this. 'you're giving me that same feeling right now.
Like I'm headed in the right direction." He drew Mando in to a gentle kiss of thanks. Nudged his nose with his own after. "What do you need?"
Humble wasn't how Armando would describe himself either, in fact the act of describing himself wasn't something he enjoyed doing at all. People were complicated, himself included, and the three-word description game barely scratched the surface of a person. His brows furrowed and his mouth pressed tight. He shook his head. "I don't like the idea. People say what's coming is a war, but it isn't. It's a necessity that we fight. War isn't a necessity." Not in Armando's eyes anyway. Death continued to weigh heavy on his heart, especially the first he committed, and his thoughts had lingered on that for a while now, especially in recent months. Xotchi...he was so adamant he'd be the one to land the killing blow, but had missed out. A blessing or a curse? Sure he'd fight along side his friends and comrades when the time came, but it worried him, worried he'd lose himself to the darkness that made up his very DNA.
A small blush came to Armando's cheeks, the flirtatious nature of the others words not at all lost on him. He didn't mind it, surprisingly, and his eyes never left Snow's form as he turned away to clear up his work station. Snow felt like an enigma, but most people that arrived here did on the first few meetings. There was something secretive about him, something vulnerable just bubbling under the surface and it was clear that he felt somewhat comfortable around Armando. He'd take that.
He stepped forwards, clothes left where they had been before, and stood next to Snow, a hand coming to rest against his broad back. "I don't mind," he said in regards to his underwear, "and I don't mind staying. I don't sleep, so if someone staying puts you at ease, I can." He looked up, offering another, genuine, smile at Snow. He'd stay. He'd be happy to. A free hand came up to brush against Snow's jaw. "What ever you need."
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yourfirstsnow · 10 days
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yourfirstsnow · 10 days
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Tapestry of sculptures, II.
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
Huddling up against a bar was a normal feeling. Snow was grateful that Armando mentioned the existence of Fate's Oasis. To drink the aches of battle away and get social. The latter being one of his favorite activities. The group chat was just a start, but so far his fellow demigods were... cool. It helped encourage him to give this all a second, third... forth chance. Sam's company gave him another reason too. Snow gently laughed, his confident grin gone crooked at the moment. The bashfulness would fade after another week. He was well practiced at adapting to new places and people.
"Immaculate. Now that's a first." The artist smirked after. Appreciative of the creative word choice. Asteria's son did keep a strict good vibes only policy, so it was ideal that others had noticed. Being known as quiet, however, was a misconception he would have to rectify tonight. "'guess I have no excuse, really. ... That Pilar guy did get here like... yesterday, right? 'n he's ready to run for mayor."
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There was still evident humor in each word he spoke. He swiveled in his seat to face Sam properly. "Walking through magic mirrors. Being ball gagged with spoiled apples. Stopping a potential war between humans and sirens. 'all had me rightly speechless. ... I just focused on my job to protect. We all survived so... guess it's gone well so far." It truly was a guess. He sipped his beer.
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kindred spirit ; that was how snow felt like during their time together so far. similar choices in weaponry and armor, both great with handling their shields, and even the choices they made on that boat seemed to line up with each other. but sam wanted to figure out if they would mesh just as well outside of those high pressure scenarios. sure, they might fight together well, but they would still need to live with each other at the end of the day. and how else do men bond these days other than going out for drinks at the bar ? well, that ... and fucking. amant made that clear during all the quests they had spent together so far. this would have to do for him and snow. for now, at least. he wasn't actively looking for people to fuck. more concerned about having people to trust. but he wasn't not looking either. " probably such a boring thing to ask but ... how's it going ? " a smile grew from cheek to cheek, head tilted as he focused his attention on snow. it might be boring, but it was also a loaded question in itself. after all, both of them seemed to be new arrivals. and sam didn't think anyone would easily adjust to everything unless they were a little insane. he took a swig of his beer ( gross. but it was what older people liked, right ? and for some reason, he wanted snow to like him ) and pushed his forge flame fries towards snow, eager to share. " i mean, you give great vibes. immaculate, even. but i actually don't think i heard you talk much both times we were out there. so i wanted to ask how all of this treating you. " @yourfirstsnow
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
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Favourite Quote from Each Disney Movie 9/56 - Lady and the Tramp (1955)
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
Snow didn't think he could ever re-experience another first day on the battlefield. This quest caught him by surprise and off guard in so many ways. He held it together, but emptied his stomach the moment he was alone in Asteria's cabin. That rotting sensation and flavor still haunting. Along with the peak of adrenaline he didn't feel unless he was on the tattoo table himself. He didn't miss being a soldier and apart of war. Why was he doing this again?
Familiarizing himself with the group chat brought a touch of normalcy back that morning. More than the offering of donuts, which did encourage Snow to come out for the day. Not hide as he did those first few. He took a seat beside the familiar demigod and plucked a nice classic glaze out of the box. "Oh," He was surprised. "it's still warm."
A grin spread across his lips at that. "'must have rode that winged lion like a bat out of hell to bring these back so fresh." With that, he helped himself to the first bite. The pillowy softness and crystal crunch hit his sweet tooth just right. "Damn. That's good."
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open starter + @conquerstarters location: amphitheater timeline: post fair quest
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               𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐤, zachariah settled in, taking a long shower and getting comfortable. but he was still wide awake, thinking of everything that happened at the quest. he was mighty proud of himself for being able to figure out how to escape the vines and destroy them, with the help of the others in the end. so he wanted to treat them. after baking some donuts, he took the box of treats, taking a photo and sending it to the group chat.
after sending the photo he walked over to the amphitheater and he settled himself, grabbing one of the chocolate donut and reading his book, and waiting for anyone if they decided to arrive.
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
With the decision made on where to leave his mark, Snow rose off his seat and set the marker aside. Only tethered to Armando's featherlight touch to his hand. That did reveal a glint in Snow's hazel eyes as he looked back at the other half-god.
"'the humble sort," Snow seriously doubted it. He'd known others like Armando before, hell, had been quite like him in school. Someone quiet to all others who lacked curiosity. An untapped wonder, to be certain. "or is there a reason?" In regards to his rejection of being labeled a soldier.
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Armando's imitation coaxed a pleased chuckle out of Snow. This guy was already so entertaining. It took Snow's mind off of everything else. Hearing more of Mando's Cove, he said, "An all nighter, with you? I'm glad we've met." Snow grinned and somehow this one read more genuine. He noticed the shift in his friend who wanted to get dressed. Snow very physically hesitated while the warm tan form leaned into his palm.
"Whatever makes you comfortable." He finally slipped from Armando and tidied up his supply case. There was no shift in his energy. "It would be strange to expect you to stay so exposed. Even stranger to ask you not to leave me alone tonight."
Safe. That was something they had all seemed to take for granted, Armando especially, still having moments where he stared at his own shadow, expecting another unknown sibling to emerge from it and ruin his life and his relationships. Luckily, Snow hadn't been here for that, and was making his early impression on this and the few prior interactions alone. "I don't like to think of myself as a soldier," he let one of his hands rest on top of Snow's, which still remained ghosting against his ribs, "but lucky? Yeah...maybe I am."
Armando couldn't help but smile at the others tone, "yes, the cove," he mimicked the lowness of this voice with little success, "it's just off of the beach. Somehow still warm even at 3am, which is when I tend to take a dip. I'll definitely show it to you sometime," he looked up at Snow, catching his gaze, "and anywhere else you need to know. Can't say I've explored everywhere, but I have a pretty good lay of the land.
A pause followed, and he gave Snow's hand a gentle squeeze. "Can I put my clothes back on now? It's feeling strange being the only one in my underwear."
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
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yourfirstsnow · 16 days
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yourfirstsnow · 21 days
There were certainly worst forms of pain, but Snow didn't like thinking of them. Pain from the needle was controlled and Snow had the sense to offer breaks after the adrenaline flowed for an hour or more. "You're safe with me." He reassured on a small purr as the smirk he wore became set in place. "My art is one thing I do take seriously. Especially when it ends up on a lucky client... or fellow soldier."
The work spoke for itself. Snow wouldn't go far without his portfolio. It was his bread and butter while traveling the globe. Both sheltering him and keeping the scent off his winding trail. "It can be a secret then. Only you and I will know." The blonde teased while tracing one of Mando's ribs.
"The cove." Snow repeated. Voice low as ever. "'sounds like a nice spot. Will you show it too me and... around the Ark too, as trade? 'feeling out of my depth since getting here. Which is... new for me."
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Armando couldn't help the involuntary flinch as Snow's fingers touched his bare skin, but the warmth of his hands he soon became accustomed to. Mando slowed his breathing, feeling the placement through Snow's touch, already envisioning the design once it had been illustrated onto his body.
"I don't mind the pain," a slight lie, but he'd heard the pain from a tattoo was different than other pain, but they were all demi-gods: the pain they experienced was different pain to anyone else. "I don't mind it being hidden either," he glanced down for a moment, Snow's hand on his ribs, and followed the mans arms up until he was back looking at his face, "you're the professional. I'm fine being in your hands completely."
Now it was his turn to smirk, and he shook his head, pushing the strands of dark hair that fell back behind his ear. "No. Baring all is the younger mans game. All crop tops and short shorts. No, this is as close as I get, unless I'm having a night dip in the cove." He flashed his teeth. "So congratulations, you're one of the rare ones to get me down to my underwear without even trying."
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yourfirstsnow · 23 days
His first days at the Ark had been... a lot, so meeting Armando was a sort of saving grace. The half-god's enthusiasm forced Snow to dig out his tattoo equipment, portfolio, and supplies. Something he didn't see himself doing in the wake of all this war-time drama. Hiding out in his new lodge and studying Mando's form helped him forget about the overwhelming revelations.
Snow splayed his hand out across sections of Mando's handsome torso. Measuring and picturing possibilities. His digits settled atop Mando's ribs and felt him breathe in. When it was time to answer, Snow removed the uncapped stencil marker from between his lips.
"Not many have the balls to get work done on their ribs." He admitted with a quiet sigh. "It's more painful, but... would look really good, 'long as you don't mind it being hidden."
He smirked after making a small mark, hazel eyes glinting up toward Armando after. "Or do you find any opportunity to bare it all like this around camp?"
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"I was considering the chest, or maybe on here-" he twisted his body a little, pointing at the area of skin under his ribs and coming across to his front, "or alternately on one of my thighs." He didn't need to point out his thighs, considering he was stood only in his boxers. "Unless you have a better suggestion. You are the artist after all."
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yourfirstsnow · 23 days
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kiss my eyelids. 
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yourfirstsnow · 24 days
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neil "snow" vinson is a thirty-nine year old half-god from brooklyn, new york and is the son of asteria, the greek goddess of falling stars. he’s been at camp for a day and is a little astonished about being in the ark. snow is a playful, persistent, and patient kind of fellow. only time will tell what will happen to one of our intrepid heroes !
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.    neil "snow" vinson 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒.    snow 𝐀𝐆𝐄.     39 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 & 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒.     cis male & he / him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     bisexual 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒.     half god ( son of asteria )  𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     tattoo artist and ex-soldier 
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑.     blond 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒.     hazel 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.     6'2" 𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃.     muscular, broad shouldered 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒.     none of note 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒.     various, sleeve tattoo's are most noticeable 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒.     none 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌.    joel kinnaman
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓.     neutral good 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.     creative, playful, friendly, persistent, patient, protective 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.   selfish, sarcastic, immature, sardonic, greedy 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒.    art, travel, and sex are his top three INSPIRATION. the grim reaper, meet joe black vibes, tramp from lady and the tramp, casanova, skulls dripping gold, black cats, unkept bed, neon lit city streets, smoke, roses, starry skies
𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋.     heightened awareness, but not overly phased 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋.     enhanced condition to being a demigod 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐒.     being confined 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.     20/20 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃.     right 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐆 𝐔𝐒𝐄.     often, marijuana 𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐇𝐎𝐋 𝐔𝐒𝐄.     often 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐓.     he eats what he wants
Neil went through his early life without much give or take. He was one of the lucky orphan's to be adopted, but the sting of those lonely years prior remained etched in memory through his transition. Going unnoticed for so long, it was strange to suddenly be observed this closely. To feel a pressure to prove his trustworthiness and his ability to compromise first and ask for necessities or affection later.
The Vinson's were rigid given their military background. So it was a surprise when Snow returned from school one day to find a new set of art supplies. That's when he had the thought that he was home to stay. Though the idea of home never held much weight in his mind or heart.
He got accustomed to the frequent moves, as if he were made to let go easily. Unlike his two siblings who struggled as they grew older and more possessive. He didn't make the highest grades and was often known as the quiet kid with their nose stuck in a sketch book. So easily forgotten, that sneaking out to high school parties to act out was no challenge.
After graduation, Neil dedicated himself to learning the art of tattoos. His parents thought of it as a passion project. Something fun, before his real work began by joining the military. Neil enjoyed the different people he met while completing his apprenticeship. Finding much more comfort in the company of creatives and in his own space. The Vinson's plagued his mind slowly with doubt. That he didn't have his life together and the army would point him in a clearer direction.
From his first day leaving home and joining the service, Snow honestly hated it. All of that space to express and think for himself was torn away. He became robotic, an obedient soldier, and relied on his old survival instinct to dissociate and overcome. One year turned to two, then five, and finally eight. Snow had become Sergeant to his own humble team of soldiers. Directed to the next ongoing mission in the desert.
Everything fell apart as the enemy descended one night. While it would have been his duty to stay, perhaps die, Snow finally took his chance and ran. Tirelessly, adrenaline pumping in his veins through the night. The endless starry night sky his only company and compass. The only ally of this deserter. Traitor.
He would travel for years, keeping a low profile and withholding details. In order to stay hidden and never confront his sins. It would hurt so much more to see the judgement in a strangers eyes, if they ever found out. As if they wouldn't have done the same in his position. He was only human, and at least now he could drift as much as he pleased and pursue the art he never failed to enjoy.
It was after his last break up in Prague, with a man he truly admired, that Snow received the call. Feeling beyond worthless and wishing to vanish after pushing him aside, Snow accepted the invitation. Perhaps the world on Earth was just not meant for him. Someone this distant and cruel.
Snow learned of Asteria and chose his role. It was laughable that he should be a tank. Someone who not only stayed but took the lead and hits, but seeing the younger men around coaxed the protective side out of him. He could still run, it would be so easy, but protecting the others might absolve some guilt that's recently caught up.
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