Baldo Lois
Baldo Lois was without a doubt one of our most popular champions during the 60s and 70s . Not in vain does he hold the title of absolute national champion four times and a title of champion in his category and second overall, giving himself the fact of having been the I Mr. Spain in the history of national bodybuilding.  delt exercises
 Baldo was born in Madrid on April 30, 1944 . The son of sports parents, he was soon attracted to sports and started swimming, mountaineering, and later a trampoline. He was advised by his coach to use the weights with the intention of strengthening his muscles . It was from that moment, observing how his body responded to training, when he decided to dedicate himself fully to bodybuilding.
 Very soon after, he would participate in the I Mr. Madrid in 1965, which Amalio Lasheras won , but Baldo continued with his training and his progress led him to achieve victory in the II Mr. Madrid.
 He traveled to London to witness Mr. Universe live and was so enchanted by the bodybuilding atmosphere that he found that he decided to stay and live in the British capital. After finding a job at the Spanish embassy, ​​he set out to find a gym where the best champions in town would train.
 At the NABBA offices they gave him the direction of the gym of Wag Bennet , a great promoter of bodybuilding championships, where he trained and met great champions of the time, such as Rick Wayne with whom he became a good friend since he was his partner in training.
 During his stay in London, he participated in competitions such as Mr. United Kingdom, Mr. International, or Mr. Universe NABBA, in addition to serving as a correspondent for Las Pesas magazine, where he described the current bodybuilding news in the United Kingdom.
 In 1969 he returned to Spain to participate in the I Mr. Spain , winning his category and the absolute title. In 1970, for work reasons, he could not compete in Mr. Spain, but he did compete and win in Mr. Olympus held in Madrid , and participated in Mr. NABBA Universe, ranking 6th in his stature competing with great figures Bodybuilding as the winner, Frank Zane , Albert Beckles , Elias Petsas, Franco Columbo and many more .
 During his stay in London he reached his maximum weight in volume, since he weighed 101 kilos , for 1.74 in height , so he was not in good shape In 1971 he revalidated his title in the national championship held in Seville as well as in 1972 and 1974. In this last championship he weighed only 83 Kg, which showed a complete physique and great muscle definition .
 In 1975 he tried again in the Spanish championship but for the first time he was defeated when he found himself in his category with a very prepared José Luis Ayestaran, and a Salvador Ruiz ready to take the absolute title . Baldo was not in shape since his preparation was planned for the Pretoria World Cups, and he went out to the championship with more than 90 Kg which soon after, in Pretoria, would be the 88 Kg that earned him 6th place in the 1975 World Championship where I wear a magnificent shape.
 Mr. Universe in 1974 in Verona (Italy) IFBB, competed with great champions like Lou Ferrigno, Paul Grant, Ken Waller, Serge Lerus, Mohamed Makkawy Enunlu, Bob Birsdson, etc .
 For a time he was president and later vice president of the AEC, a Spanish bodybuilding association, an association that was created as a result of the departure of Baldo and Salvador Ruiz from IFBB .
 In 1976 he competed in the Mr. Universe of London , achieving 5th place in his category. And in 1977 he repeated in the Spanish championship, this time in very good shape so he won his category, but he could not with the absolute snatched by a fantastic Salvador Ruiz with a larger size than in 1975 and with a fantastic definition.
 This same year he competed in the WABBA World Championship where he made 9th place and marked his retirement from the competition to focus on his gyms and his work. However, he continued to organize competitions such as the WABBA World Cup that was held in Madrid in 1978.
 Palmares competitive
 - Mr. Madrid 1967
- Mr. Spain 1969
- Mr. Olympus 1970
- Champion of Spain 1971, 1972 and 1974
- 7th Cto. of the World IFBB 1969
- 6th Mr. Universe NABBA 1970
- 2nd Mr. International 1970 (London)
- 5th European Championships 1972
- 2nd IFBB World Championship 1972
- 6th IFBB World Championship 1975
- 5th Mr. Universe NABBA 1976
- Champion of Spain 1977 in its category
- 9th World Championship WABBA 1977
 Baldo Lois Training
 When preparing for a competition Baldo trained 6 days a week. The strongest muscles 2 received two workouts per week and those that were more delayed, 4.
 The training of this champion consisted of:
 Bibs: 5 exercises of 6 series of 12 to 16 repetitions
 Shoulders: 4 exercises of 6 series of 10 to 16 repetitions
 Chest: 4 exercises of 6 series of 8 to 16 repetitions
 Arms: alternate biceps and triceps
- Biceps 3 exercises of 6 series of 10 to 12 repetitions
- Triceps 4 exercises of 6 series 12 to 16 repetitions
 Quadriceps: 2 exercises of 6 series of 16 to 20 repetitions
 Femoral: 1 exercise of 6 series of 10 to 12 repetitions
 Abdominal: and waist 4 exercises of 20 to 60 repetitions
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Arnold Schwarzenegger shows on Instagram that he is still Terminator (video)
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has shown from his Instagram account how he spends them in the gym. At 72 years old, the one who was in his youth Mr. Olympia and a robot of the future continues to pull the weights and be one of the icons of bodybuilding even in 2019. pull exercises
The actor and former governor of California shared the video on the social network along with a message: "remembering old times to check that my back is good after that guy kicked me three days ago."
Schwarzenegger refers to the blow that an unknown person gave him on a basketball court in South Africa and in the middle of his spine. Terminator has shown that it is back
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Action / Reaction to the Spanish
Spain it acquires special connotations. Once again.
 Thus, while in Pernambuco, Cochin China and in the Hottentots tribe, it is respected (this is what Law and not Theory has to be) that "for every force acting on a body, it performs a force of equal intensity and direction, but of opposite sense on the body that produced it "in Spain, I insist, no. jump rope for cardio bodybuilding
 As you know, a couple of days ago the Sports Discipline Committee decided that although an athlete had tested positive for a substance with a zero threshold (and if it has this threshold it is because it is known that it disappears within a few hours in the body, that's why it is enough a trace) was innocent, because there was no intention in its positive -nobody wants to give a positive, but that's how the Perogrullo Law works, which is not Theory in Spain either- and on top of that, he is such a good kid and comes from such a difficult situation, that Even the Prime Minister interceded for him.
 This action produced the expected reaction from the international press, updating two old slanderous topics about our country: Spain is different-even in the laws of physics-, that we invented ourselves, and that they out there have us "envy". You will not believe it, but the latter has also been invented by us and has official appearances . Like the first, Fraga's invention in the early sixties as Minister of Information and Tourism. Sorry, as Minister of Propaganda. Neither before nor now are Ministries called by name, although they supply the same basic functions for dictatorships and democracies.
 Obviously, only from envy and not being able to understand that Spain is different ( to the point that we have to annex an international convention on doping: nocturnal, gentlemen) such attitudes are understood, when our Committee has acted from the regulation, under the rule of law, without any preconceived ideas and without any external pressure. That is why editorials such as that irrelevant medium such as the Gazzetta dello Sport , which accuse us of things without any basis, are not understood .
 I 'm telling you because the other day at SERdeportivos, a program of thick laughter - they imitate voices of famous people and they pirate jokes of Thursday, that yes, quoting "to their companions" - in the most listened to radio of the country, they read that editorial by way of entry. However, the next day, in the answering machine section - a section for people to vent on - they put in a call where an anonymous called Ireland - because of McQuaid - "rescued country", the president of the UCI "has a face of never having been on a bike "-he was a professional cyclist- and said that every day" he cleaned his asshole with that newspaper ". At about 3:40 pm, with the food in his mouth. On the radio, and by far the most listened to in Spain.
 Of course, it was not the director of the program who said it (surnamed Gallego), but the one who authorized it to come out. These are not the type of attitudes that characterize our country. We abide by the decisions of international bodies and take into consideration what they may say about us, because we are not in possession of the certainty (the Law) that here our athletes go to spaghetti and water. We do not laugh at all that they all agree to say the incongruities that we may incur (greetings to Onyia!) And that they are suspicious.
 Here the state propaganda ended a long time ago. So no one can believe that today's raid in Olot, Girona  -without knowing more details is the typical one against gym and bodybuilding thieves-,carried out in the morning so that the echoes spread better, it is a classic action / reaction operation for the defamatory judeomasonic campaign of the foreign press against our athletes, our national specificities when it comes to fighting the scourge of doping and the contamination of our cows.
 No, and whoever thinks that is from the Anti-Spain, crouched in any corner to give a claw to a country proud of itself and that already looks from you to you to the great, thanks to the efforts aimed at improving sports performance . Doping is fought in Spain, and there is that raid in Girona, whose date of action was decided for weeks or even months, because those things are decided by judges who act without pressure.
 In Olot, a large town in Girona and with a fondness for strange events, they are oblivious to this type of practice. In this they imitate the provincial capital, for a decade a sanctuary of the best of cycling, which knowing perfectly the benefits of Spain is different , has made this corner its own sancta santorum , knowing that they will never be disturbed. Let no one get excited: when you wake up in the morning with the headline of "anti-doping raid in Girona" nothing good can ever come out. We are in Spain, where even the laws of physics are different: to a general feeling of a tambourine country in the fight against doping, we react with a high-level anti-doping operation, equal in proportions to exonerate the pupil of Manolo Saiz, the Giro cattle coming from the beach, the one of the big five won of six participations. "For every force acting on a body, it performs a force of equal intensity and direction, but in the opposite direction on the body that produced it." Another new anti-doping action in Spain. Pure and hard propaganda
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