“if somebody becomes panicked when you accuse them of lying theyre obviously not telling the truth” shut up ugly im a survivor who got punished for shit i never did all the time of fucking course im gonna panic when im blamed for something i didnt do
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I have two wonderful lovers that mean the world to me. My sweet, wholesome boyfriends who treat me like a prince and help me with everything I do. They help me with homework, help me remember things I need to do, and help motivate me to be a stronger person.
Reblog if you’re polyamorous, support polyamorous people, or think polyamorous people and relationships are valid
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I have no idea what the story of this anime is, and it’s pretty obvious who the protag is, but I’m gonna add character to the girls to the left with no face
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A bakery is facing legal action because it refused to write anti-gay comments on a cake for a customer
The customer bringing the claim against Azucar Bakery in Denver, Colorado, says he was the victim of ‘religious discrimination’ because they wouldn’t adorn cakes with the words ‘God hates gays’, and draw a picture of two men holding hands with a red cross above it.
Owner Marjorie Silva called the requests of Bill Jack ‘discriminatory and hateful’ and refused to decorate the cakes, saying: ‘We never refuse service. We did feel that it was not right for us to write hateful words or pictures against human beings.’
She did, however, offer to make Mr Jack the cakes and sell him some icing so her could decorate them himself.
Mr Jack was not satisfied with this response, telling a local news station he was being ‘discriminated against by the bakery based on my creed’.
He has filed a complaint with the Department of Regulatory Agencies, which have now placed the bakery under investigation, and could refer the complaint to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission if they feel that Mr Jack was being discriminated against.
Mr Jack is the head of the Worldview Academy, an organisation that exists to help people ‘think and live in accord with a Biblical worldview’.
Since the incident Ms Silva has received praise and support from people throughout the world who have contacted her via email.
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her hair and lips change to the color of your blog
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her hair and lips change to the color of your blog
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I never knew about this, it's great!
it has been like at least eight years and sometimes I still think to myself, when I am tired, “but I am le tired… well then take a nap! AND THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES” even though in retrospect that is like one of the most embarrassingly unfunny videos to ever come out of the internet 
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The photos from my Devola cosplay photoshoot from San Japan X! The photography is by Zhuntsai Media. Devola is from NieR : Automata.
The wig is the ferrari classic by Arda Wigs in thye crimson color option.
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okay just stay with me for a second and think about kids whose parents drop them off at conventions or even chaperone them at conventions.
I hear kids now a’days say stuff like “I hope my mom doesn’t see anything weird while she’s dropping me off,” and I find out they define weird as a bearded man in a seifuku or a Jojo cosplayer.
In 2007 you had to pray to god your dad didn’t pull up the the convention center to see Sasuke Uchiha bent over, both hands on the ground, ass in the sky, bracing himself as a Kingdom Hearts character raises a yaoi paddle behind their damn head, readying the swing.
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This sounds tasty!
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“Here’s a recipe for a type of tea my dad uses to sleep! and yes, it’s perfectly safe to drink!”
Some other methods i find most useful are:
stretching before bed
cut down on late night snacks! make an effort to get up during the day to eat; this will make your body crave more food around the day time.
try and get a routine going for during the day, like going for a morning walk etc.
Try to avoid your bed as much as possible during the day! I understand that it may be really difficult to do, but if you associate your bed with sleep you will fall asleep more easily!
Keep your window and/or blind open! obviously don’t do this if its snowing outside, but when the room is colder than your bed it becomes ideal for sleeping. (like a warm nest) Having the blind open during the day will stop the increase of melatonin (brain chemical/sleepy drug) as the darkness is what aids in melatonin’s production.
I hope this helps your trainer! @rioludaily
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I freaking love this.
I have a feeling this will become iconic in due time.  
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