yourgospel · 2 months
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witness her on this glorious sunday
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yourgospel · 2 months
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yourgospel · 4 months
in the mean time i will shill my twitter (@/loversrelief) if you wanna see the #real me but expect something to shake around here this weekend
i survived the finals of 2024
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yourgospel · 4 months
i survived the finals of 2024
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yourgospel · 5 months
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machia and her man @aragusuku tsuneo btw. if you care.
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yourgospel · 5 months
*crawls out of a hole covered in blood and viscera* Hi guys. Heres a discord drop if ppl want to plot or become friends or what have you. Fun fact: my icon is machias stepfather. Isnt that hilarious
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yourgospel · 5 months
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picrew machia vs how the artist actually drew them
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yourgospel · 5 months
oh god. there. replies posted. yippee.
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yourgospel · 5 months
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there’s a short laugh that falls from his lips as the fallen angel regales her tale. “ i would’ve loved to see it. do they spill blood like humans do, or is it golden like the other ones? do they bleed at all? ” he stops stirring the drink, instead tracing his sharp nail around the rim, emitting a quiet-yet-irritating noise. “ i wish i could’ve seen it all happen, from your rebellion to your daring escape. ”
“ tell me about it, ” machia says, but it’s more of a command then an ask. he isn’t compelling her to do so–not intentionally. in this “human” body, the limits of his abilities are more than just overbearing–with an angel like this, a fallen one at that, indulging in this simple compulsion could very well be resisted. he’s desperate to know, curiosity gnawing at his heart. “ tell me, from beginning to end–from your imprisonment to when those chains broke free–how did it make you feel? ”
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Blinding lights, clashing steel. Her jaw tightens at the memories; the images come to life, the sounds ringing in her ear. The searing chains around her wrist, her tranquil fury as they locked her away on the blood moon. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 
“Yes.” She says sharply, then composes herself again, as if she'd forgotten herself a moment, the images dissipating. “I didn’t win the first battle… but I think starting something - I very well could have. I was successful in such a regard.” She smiles wryly. “Being here is a testament to that.” She glances at her own drink, tracing her fingers against the dew gathering on the cold glass. “I never thought I would enjoy it. I only knew I had to do it.” 
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yourgospel · 5 months
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the goddess giggles, a layer of voices ringing in thana’s head. “ you know my name. feigning ignorance as an attempt to undermine me only makes you look stupider than you already are. ”
venus. ah, yes–once upon a time, this is the role they played. aphrodite, ishtar, isis, kama–these names and many more were all attributed to him, varied across all cultures, representing love, creation, and vengeance. even as he leaped across mythologies, he left a distinct mark in history–there’s a reason why his temples remain regularly attended to, while thana is reduced to something less than a wife.
but that was irrelevant, izanami remarks to himself.  he smiles, but they both know there’s no sincerity behind it. his hands clasped gracefully over his chest, izanami chooses grace and maturity. “ i merely wanted to investigate what was left of what was my underworld. i hear you demanded extensive renovations… i’m surprised he let you. tell me–how much flesh did you have to give up for all of this? ”
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“ venus, right? or do you have another name you go by, now? ” maintaining a cordial smile, they keep their head and chin high. the goddess of love has graced the halls of the dead, an hour and a privilege, but thanatos doesn't trust @yourgospel's intentions. nor their husband's. “ for why do you visit the underworld? is there a war impending? ”
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yourgospel · 5 months
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“ it’s almost like you want me to keep hurting you. stop insulting my character. ” the cutesy, playful tone is completely gone. admittedly, machia was still sore over their situation–this was their last chance, after many years and many discarded selves, to live fully. it was all his fault, yet deep down they knew the blame was shared, if not entirely her own. she could thank them for that.
they all fight within her, clawing for some figurative switch. speak to him kindly, lovingly, those ones cry; after all, this is something to be happy about. her own memories wash over her, images of tsuneo smiling at her fondly in different eras. the other ones oppose, telling her to fight, to yell, to claw. she places a hand over her eye. it hurts. 
“ this is going terribly, ” she says wryly. this isn’t just her anymore; the weight of all of them within her is taking a larger toll on her than she expected. “ i. i–am. sorry. ” an apology was physically painful to give, yet she gives it anyway. her thumb swipes over the scar on tsuneo’s lip. it heals immediately.  “ for hurting you. ”
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the memories aren't concrete, but rather fluid. he supposes a mortal mind couldn't handle the entirety of several hundred lifetimes down to the last detail, so his memories of the past resurface when convenient. here, for instance, machia conjures up the various memories across a dozen lifetimes of sheer and utter torment. he remembers the pain, the futility, and it was well-deserved.
the cut stings, but he doesn't make a move to wipe the blood away. dealing with machia is like dealing with a predator—sudden movements only encouraged a chase, with claws and teeth bared. instead, he swipes his tongue along his bottom lip and does little more than smear the blood. now, it's not actively bleeding. “ i don't think you would ever kiss me in such a sweet way. it's not who you are, not now. ”
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yourgospel · 5 months
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“ is that not what religion is? a shared deprivation of love, faith, and feeling… when people who lack such things join together, they look to a higher entity as a guide. it’s natural for all to seek those who they have in common with. with that said, i’m not afraid to admit my affinity for those who lack, yes. it makes me ever so greedy, eager to fill it with whatever i can find. ” ah, he’s rambling again–he only stops himself because he’s ever so curious.
this person was intriguing to him largely due to the fact that he had never met someone so devoid of empathy. he wants to cut him open, inspect the workings of his brain. he wants to understand how a human could ever reach this point. tell me, tell me! he skips over the question in favor of asking his own. “what is your name? ” his head cocks to the side in query. “does killing make you feel alive? ”
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“Do you often develop affinity for others through recognition of a mutual lack?... Bonding over shared deprivation, perhaps?” Although the other seemed much more taken to the potential of like-mindedness, Makishima remained composed as he permitted the proximity. It's natural for sentient beings to gravitate toward those with perceived similar characteristics and dispositions, so he refrained from expressing his skepticism. It's a curious theory. What followed was an even more curious proposition, one that drew his amusement in the form of smooth laughter. Skipping the small talk?
“Are you searching for titillation? To be regaled by thrilling stories written in blood? Do you wish to live vicariously through another's expression of violence?...” He smiled at the bold inquiry and gave a gentle shake of his head. “Alas, I cannot indulge you with such intimate details... but I could aid you in creating your own story, to help satisfy your urges with the perfect opportunities to express yourself most ardently. — There's no substitution for the act of killing, wouldn't you agree?...”
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yourgospel · 5 months
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this is all i have to show for my shenanigans today
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yourgospel · 5 months
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act ii 3.29
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yourgospel · 5 months
Constantly obsessed with the concept of a man forced to be a myth. What do you do when every step you take is embedded into the text. Every word you say prose to read. You're part of something bigger than yourself. The narrative tugs you along like water currents. There is no time to rest, to be human. You must be great, you must be legend
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yourgospel · 5 months
*crawls out of my grave* expect writing tomorrow 👍🏽
hi i promise im still active. april is just a horrible month to be me
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yourgospel · 5 months
hi i promise im still active. april is just a horrible month to be me
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