yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
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Matt Boyd, the bestie that you are
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yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
crazy that neil got to see the two most evil people in his life be shot in front of him pretty much back to back
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yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
How Nora wrote Jean and Jeremy puts into startling perspective how fucked up Neil's stay at Evermore was.
He would not and COULD NOT think about those eighteen days. It was so bad he can't even remember most of it.
I imagine that he only gets small flashbacks when something specific triggers him even later into his pro career.
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yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
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neil josten is UNREAL oh my god
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yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
the foxhole court is just neil and andrew discovering that they match each others freak and then fighting the mafia over the right to continue doing so. also kevin is there.
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yourpipedreamx · 3 hours
I’m such a slut for casual intimacy. Like yesss rest your chin on my shoulder while we're in line at the grocery store, I live for that shit.
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yourpipedreamx · 19 days
we are behind (long story, longer year). but unless anything goes horrifically sideways, best guess is sometime December for 2 and 2025 for 3. please do not ask me WHEN in 2025 or I will kms, thx lovies bye <3
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yourpipedreamx · 23 days
Kevin, leaning over Seth’s coffin: how could you do this to us, we’re so short staffed.
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yourpipedreamx · 1 month
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
my favourite part about Jean and Andrew is that when they both realised that they had caught a crush
— they were so pissed about it.
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
ronan lynch telling adam ‘maybe i dreamt you’ and andrew minyard telling neil ‘you are a pipe dream’ send tweet
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
thinking abt how wymacks apartment made neil uncomfortable since he “preferred staying to lower levels so he could make an easy escape if need be” when later the roof of a four story building becomes neil’s safe space because the safety and comfort andrew provides outweighs neil’s survival instincts…. yeah….
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
I don't want October to be over. Because October means you.
—Pumpkinheads (2019), Rainbow Rowell
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
Andrew Minyard deserves to score a goal. While playing goalie. Casually, not a twitch in his expression as the world melts down around him.
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
The moment I find something that gives me joy, I CONSUME it incessantly until it yields no more joy. like a mosquitor sucking on blood until it pops.
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
nicky joking about teaching the twins spanish and sometimes he does but assumes they're not picking any of it up until they both start cursing in spanish and nicky's never been prouder
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yourpipedreamx · 2 months
the color pink has always been there 4 me
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