Photography 2 Summative 1
Personal project & Portfolio
Question 1: Task -1 Personal project
4. Portrait Photography
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Tumblr media
1. Technical details: Canon EOS 50D, 1/200sec, F/5.6,ISO- 500 and image size 4.93MB
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Tumblr media
2. Technical details: Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 1/320sec, F/4, ISO- 400 and image size 5.34MB
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Tumblr media
3. Technical details: Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 1/320sec, F/4.5, ISO-400 and image size 5.94MB
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Tumblr media
4. Technical details: Canon EOS 550, 1/4000sec, F/1.8, ISO-1000 and image size 6.6MB
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Tumblr media
5. Technical details: Canon EOS 1300D, 1/320sec,F/5,ISO-400 and image size 5.00MB
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Task 2 of Photography 2 Summative 1
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Tumblr media
1. Technical details: Canon EOS 60D, 1/250sec,F/5.6, ISO-800 and image size 3,68MB
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Tumblr media
2. Technical details: Canon EOS 550D,1/125sec,F/5.6,ISO-400 and image size 3,68MB
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Tumblr media
3. Technical details: Canon EOS 50D,1/80sec,ISO-500 and image size 5,39MB
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Tumblr media
4. Technical details: Canon EOS 50D, 1/320sec, ISO- 500 and image size 6,05MB
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Tumblr media
5. Technical details: Canon EOS 50D,1/500sec,F/7.1, ISO-500 and image size 4,56MB
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Stll Life photography
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Tumblr media
(Still life)
Technical details: Canon EOS 60D,1/250sec,F/5.6, ISO-800 and image size 3,68MB
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Tumblr media
(Still life)
Technical details: Canon EOS 60D, 1/750sec,F/11,ISO-800 and image size 4,53MB
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Environmental portrait
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Tumblr media
Meet the founder of Arvine T.I.P. Tattoos, he is my Subject Irvine the Tattoo artist, he owns a tattoo studio,which is based in Hillbrow and he’s a very great artist with amazing talent.
(Environmental portrait)
Name: Arvine
Occupation: Tattoo Artist
Location: Hillbrow
Technical details: Canon EOS 50D, 1/60sec, F/2, ISO-800 and image size 20.8MB
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