yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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"Well, I know of you, anyway. I'm from long after your time." She took his hand briefly, smiling with mischief in her eyes as she pulled hers away. "Although, we're not completely without connection, I did have fun destroying the Rock of Eternity, I believe that has some relevance to you."
I am Saturn Queen, I hail from Titan
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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"Perhaps farther than I thought." she mused. Another Captain Marvel? This place could prove to be very interesting indeed. "Would you mind telling me precisely where and, for good measure, when we are, Captain?"
yourtitanianqueen has said the magic word
"Saturn Queen. You’re certainly far away from home."
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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"I don't ask permission for much of anything. I am Saturn Queen," she smirks a bit "one among your number may recognize me. It's been some time, Brainiac 5."
yourtitanianqueen started following you
"…. I was not anticipating a visit… Though I suppose you do not appear to be one who would ask permission to entire my palace…. Identify, at once."
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
jennijennio started following you
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"Well, well, what have we here? A legionnaire, right on my doorstep. And what can I do for you?"
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
((heheh, hi there *waves nervously*))
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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Reblog with a picture of your muse's "SO DONE WITH THIS SHIT" face.
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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Knitting her brow, she eyes him skeptically "'Shazam'? You mean to say you're Captain Marvel?"
I am Saturn Queen, I hail from Titan
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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"Would you like me to remind you?"
{ little raindrops }
{♡} "I forgot what I’m meant to say."
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
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"I'm sure it is, Saturn Queen will do, and who would you be?"
I am Saturn Queen, I hail from Titan
I joined the legion to outwit the law on this world, I look forward to doing the same to you.
((Hello, ladies and gentlemen of tumblr. I’m fairly new to the whole, tumblr roleplay scene so I apologize in advance for any clumsiness.))
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yourtitanianqueen · 11 years
I am Saturn Queen, I hail from Titan
I joined the legion to outwit the law on this world, I look forward to doing the same to you.
((Hello, ladies and gentlemen of tumblr. I'm fairly new to the whole tumblr roleplay scene so I apologize in advance for any clumsiness.))
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