yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Progress Update for Week 13
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This week I have had great success in selling and getting more orders set in for my product as the word has gone out about my product by word of mouth and also by social media advertising on Facebook. People have realized that it really does work and they love the fact that its all natural. I even posted the video commercial that I made for the customer showcase and people are really loving how cheesy and funny it is and its already added in 7 more orders for my deodorant. Yesterday I posted on Facebook some pictures of the product and a written description of the deodorant. From that post I got orders for 9 more deodorant from yesterday. In today I have 16 new orders just in the past 24 hours. This have really has motivated me into advertise more and get some business cards going asap. I have the entrepreneur itch to push myself to the next level and up my stock to a higher level so I can sell more product faster and more efficiently without having to have delays of reordering supplies and waiting for them to how up before I can fill waiting orders. And waiting customer can make people lose interest fast and buy elsewhere. 
I have a few ideas up my sleeve to keep my product new and interesting. Also I want to make another fresh and new commercial in 2 weeks as people really react to the cheesy idea of a funny commercial to advertise my products. People will scroll past the idea of having to read stuff but if its all played out in a video then Its a great way to get my product known and people will watch for a few laughs. 
I have sold/orders of 31 deodorants now and both lines are doing equally well. The deal 3 for $20 is working like a charm still and I find that many people want to buy more for the savings (i know I would). I have learned so much so far about running this business and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings for the business and for my products. Now I'm off to finish my final project and then order more deodorant containers to finish filling the many orders I have and the many more I expect to come.  I want to learn more about selling my product in a business and know how much to sell it to the store owner in order for them to make a percentage profit themselves??
My new idea next is to start looking for recyclable/ decomposable to limit the amount of product waste in the landfill. 
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I use the plastic type right now but would love to try to look for this supplier for my deodorants. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Week 12 Progress Update
This week I sold the 16 total in deodorant and so far the 3 for $20 deal has attracted people to want to purchase 3 in order to save the $2.50. This was a great idea to offer a little savings while encouraging people to buy more to save and maybe gift the extra one or they have extra for a longer lasting supply. I plan on just working on keeping a stock for the chances to have more sales by having it available. 
What I’m working on is to order more coconut oil that is unscented (with out the coconut smell) so it takes on the essential smells more. Also making a brochure of the benefits of using the natural products and benefits of the products I have chosen so customers know why and what. I’d also like to bring in a little basket of deodorants into work and a see if more co workers would like to try my product. 
I have learned that people really like having the information on the benefits of the essential oils and I’d really like to focus on the making the labels on the computer to make them more professional in order to get into my friends store. She has bought the Earths Blossoms and said when I get the professional labels she will sell them in her natural store. 
I’m excited to expand my products to the bar soap as my cousin in China had shown interest into selling many of my products I have talked about there. I have learned that I have to buy a bigger stock of supplies as I’m running out of arrowroot powder and natural cornstarch. I have a lot of essential oils left as I bought a bigger stock there. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Online Customer Showcase
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Week 11 Progress of Venture
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This week things are coming along and really working out business wise. I have 2 new customers that have decided to try out my product. One girl from my work is buying 2 Earths Blossoms and 1 The Woodsman so she gets the 3 for $20 deal. The other lady I work with is buying 1 Earths Blossoms as well. So after dropping off all my orders I’ll have sold 14 deodorants. 
I  have noticed that I can smell the coconut smell a little and I have to use more essential oils to cover that initial smell it starts with so I’m considering using unscented coconut oil. 
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Now to work on getting professional labels made as it takes awhile to hand make the labels that I used now. The ingredient list is on the back and take awhile to make. But I excited to get my product out there and share my great well working all natural product.
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Week 10 Progress of My Venture
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My shipment has finally arrived for my deodorants. I got 20 containers and 11 new essential oils to blend together to make some new scents and wonderful benefits for the customers as well. 
With the delay of the shipment I have not been able to get the online showcase part done but I will be able to finished it by this weekend. I have for sure found that juggling full time work is for sure a daily challenge as I have 3 young children that have homework and all that fun stuff. 
I have talked to my friend that opens a new natural pharmacy in my town and she said once I get professional labels on them she would be willing to sell my products at her store. Very good news. 
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Now that the challenge of waiting for the package is over I am ready to get this show on the road and push myself to get done 10 orders by this weekend and have my video showcase finished. I will be contacting the customers who pre ordered some deodorant and let them know it will be delivered soon/or ready for pick up.
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Week 9- Progress of venture
What is working?
I have not lost my drive to make this idea and business work. I am determined to keep my dream alive and actively moving towards my end result. I have my plans all drawn up to the men/boys line and women/girls line. I thought that I would have the labels ready and done before I get the other materials together. With orders already in I will be asking people if they like to  name there a personalized name especially for the children. My son loves this part, I even let him design his with pictures. 
What is not working?
My shipment had a slight hiccup and was way delayed with error in the payment and even then after it was payed for they were running behind and orders were going out late due to the business being busy themselves. I asked the the company if they could rush the order and she asked her boss in which they said yes and shipped it out asap. I am still waiting for the supplies today.
How do you feel the project is coming?
The project is coming not great due to the supplies being late to arrive for me to have containers to fill for the deodorants and the new essential oils for the new scents I want to offer. I feel like I have all my ideas and plans in order I just had to wait on the other suppliers business to get the shipments to me. 
What are you learning about running a business?
I am learning that I have to not let this little delay bring me down and that really if you want something to work and be successful it truly will come true in time. 
What are you learning about yourself?
I am learning that yes I can get disappointed with delays but I know I can handle this types of this being a business order and to take this with a grain of salt. I would also like to have another supplier ready in these cases as I am not sure If i should stay with company as my provider.
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Progress of my Venture
What is working?
The word of mouth process side of the business is working well as I have 3 more deodorants to sell. I’m waiting for a few more days to have more pictures taken of the product to be able to post some pictures on Facebook to get some new customers and more advertising out there.  
What is not working?
I’m still having a difficult time juggling the time out to devote more of my undivided attention towards this business. But I am ok will the business starting out slow as it gives me more time to adjust to the added tasks to my life.
How do you feel the project is coming?
I feel that I could push myself more and ask my friends who own local businesses to sell my product but I would like to have my soap line out first. Everything is going good so far in my eyes as with minor bumps in the road of delays with ordering and shipping of new supplies. 
What are you learning about running a business?
I have learned that not rushing and pushing to hard is a good idea for me as that way I’m not creating to much stress for myself when starting a new business. Taking it slowly but surely will help to build up the business while making decision thats aren't to rushed and not thought out.
What are you learning about yourself?
I have learned this week that I really enjoy the idea of being my own boss and can't wait till this gets bigger and can create a real amount of profit to be proud of and t grow with.
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Business Venture Update
Whats Working? 
Right now I have 10 deodorants already ordered from customers. They have tried samples and are very excited to get more. The new scents added more interest for people to buy one of each as one is geared towards men/boys and other women/girls. The idea of word of mouth is working so far as I’m not ready to be big enough to move into stores at it take a lot more time and money to start up big. 
Whats not working?
The idea of dreaming big at first is what it is. I have to think practical when working full time and having three kids to care for is that I have to manage my time very wisely and start small, and slowly build up bigger so I can Learn to make time for the extra next. My original plan is to be already selling by this date. But I am a little behind as it has taken me longer to find the right place to order new supplies from online. I have my new supplies ordered now just waiting for them to arrive in mail as I’m waiting on more oils and deodorant containers. 
Project overall thoughts:
The business is going to do well I think and I am enjoying the thought of making something a use and believe in and sharing it with more people that think the same while making a profit. Once the supplies arrive I’ll be on my way to success. 
What I’m learning:
I’ve learned that running a business is all about good time management and organization. The plan needs to laid out each week of what I expect to get done. If I don't make a plan I won't follow it or push my self to get the list done. I have to be wise with my money and look out for ways to save money on buying bulk supplies. I also learned that it takes time and organization to be successful and not to give up for anything. 
I learned that I enjoy being entrepreneur and can't wait to build up my business up so much that its my only job to focus on. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Financial Source
For my particular business I plan on using a personal invest route. For my business it can be taken slow with a small start up cost out of pocket. And money made will go back into the business to advertise and grow the business and products quantity offered. If my business got to large for be to use my own personal invest upfront and I needed to move my location to make in a higher scale, then I would next move to love money for someone to invest in my business and I would pay back. At which with family seeing how well things are going and taking a look a my business plan, this could bring ease to my family while loaning the money. 
I think it would be a smart idea to always check to see what type of grants the government is offering as that way I can have a good money source thats isn't needed to be paid back. This would need a clear business plan and budget laid out with proof that their could be a high need and future profits and also jobs to be created out of it.
I will be taking my business forward and I am determined to make this work and create a profitable business for me and my family. If at anytime the above ideas no longer are feasable I would then look an Angel Investor or bank loan. Having a great business plan and already showing profits and success will make me have a higher chance in getting one of these for a great financial source if my original plan fails. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Business Operations Plan
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                                  Your True Nature Deodorant
My plan is in place so far to have everything I need to make 2 different scented batches of all natural deodorant by the end of next weekend. I’m in the process of creating a Mens line called ‘The Woodsmen’ and a Women's called ‘Earths Blossoms’ (the names could change as I am still brain storming those). 
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The supplies I need to purchase this week is:
- New essential oils to created these two new scents 
-20-30 deodorant containers 
-Sticker labels from Staples ( I will print my own labels from the computer)
-Stock up on bulk supples for the other ingredients in case I run out of what I already have. (find new supplier to buy from to save by buying more at a time)
-Stock up on packaging supples such as, bags, wrappings. 
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Other Operation plans:
* Call the local chamber of commerce to make sure I am clear to run a business from home in my town. 
* Talk to persons of interests so I know how many will be sold right away. 
* Contact some local businesses about the possibility of selling my product there. (Local farm market, Wellness pharmacy, Yoga studio)
* Do a name search and confirm on my business name idea.
* Register on Etsy.com/ca to have an online shop for my products and future products (deodorant now, future is bar soaps, body sprays, beard oils, chap sticks, bug sprays, sunscreens...) 
After all this is in place I will be ready with a mini stock of 20-30 all natural deodorants with two different scents for men or women, boys and girls to enjoy the benefits chemical free products. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
Local Competition
Name: Tom’s of Maine
 Location: Sold online at www.well.ca, www.amazon.ca, www.vitasave.ca, www.walmart.ca, Zehrs grocery store, and Superstores. http://www.tomsofmaine.com/body-care/antiperspirant-deodorant
  Mission statement: "At Tom's of Maine, we believe one thing that makes our products good is how we make them. That's why we've always been committed to high quality standards and never use artificial colors, flavors, fragrances, preservatives or animal testing. You deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing the products you choose not only work, but also share your values."
 Product offered: Deodorants in 7 different styles and scents.
 Strengths: A lot of locations online and in stores. Being around awhile gives them an advantage as they have build up their name since 1970. They use social media and have a blog to keep up with the now. They sell other products to offer a variety of products to customers. The website provides a lot of information and contact info for customers.
 Weaknesses: They are mainly natural but still tend to have some chemicals in their products such as aluminum chlorohydrate in one type of their deodorants and on all of their lines there where complaints that the people still smelled after using it. One customer complaint about an ingredient they had still used in their product. The website was a little busy lost of colour a little too much going on at once.
 Social media: Facebook, Blog, Twitter.
 Pricing: $7.49 each deodorant.
 Market positioning: It didn’t seem to be priced to high, as in the review I didn’t see complaints on that. People seem to be buying their products but they didn’t get the best rating for their deodorants as they averaged 3.5/5 on most.
 Website experience: The website was very colorful and almost to busy but it had a lot of information about there mission and products ingredients information. At the top of the website customers could call, email or live chat with the business. The website showed all the products they sold such as, soaps, creams, lip balms.
Name: The Green Beaver Company
 Location: www.amazon.ca, www.well.ca, www.nationalnutrition.ca, in Local stores such as Zehrs grocery store and the Superstore. http://boutique.greenbeaver.com/products/deodorants
  Mission statement: Green Beaver is a family company founded on the belief that the best ingredients come from Mother Nature. We rely on pure, natural ingredients to bring you safe alternatives to common household cleaning or personal care products. From our family to yours, we’re proud to offer products that are good for you, good for the environment, and good for future generations.
 Product offered: Deodorant sticks and spray.
“Try an all-natural deodorant that really works! We’ve tried for years to come up with a formula for a chemical-free deodorant that really works, and we’ve finally succeeded. This new and revolutionary formula uses the anti-odorant ingredient found in sage oil combined with Canadian-grown organic Labrador tea. It’s so effective that it eliminates existing odors in addition to preventing new ones!” http://boutique.greenbeaver.com/products/deodorants
Strengths: They do offer other natural type products such a lip balms, sunscreens, soaps, toothpastes. Their website was very well set up and organized as it was not flashy and busy. There website got straight to the point and gave out information as to what certifications they had, cruelty free, Ecocert, Zero plastic, Localized. They used social media and made it easy to find on there web site. They even offered a deal for 20% of lip balms on their main home page.  Well-known name build for them. Nice labels and good presentation of the product.
 Weaknesses: Their deodorants were said to protect from orders for 24 hours and many customers wrote in to say it didn’t work for them. Also several complaints were that the when they used the deodorant stick it was wet and sticky feeling and didn’t work for them, also had a whitening affect.  Had 3.5 stars of 5. They spray was said to work the same as the stick type and not stay on very long. Was said to have been used together works a little better but was used more as a body spray.
 Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, You tube
 Pricing: $6.49 on www.well.ca each for sticks and $7.99 each for the spray deodorants.
 Market positioning: The price for the spray type seems a bit higher and not a many people buy or writing reviews as there were only 4 and it scored not the greatest. I found that the ingredients are similar to that of the Toms as they use a few borderline safe chemicals. Compared to Toms they don’t use aluminum products at all.
 Website experience: Great calm experience as is not over stimulating with too much movement and colour. It’s easy to see the social media info at the top of the page and the information why easy to find for ingredients and product info.
Name: Jason
 Location: www.amazon.ca, www.walmart.ca, www.iherb.com, and at local grocery stores such as Zehrs and Superstore. http://www.jason-personalcare.com/body-loving-products/body/deodorant
  Mission statement: The JĀSÖN® team meticulously created body loving products - at first just for their own family and friends - staying true to the JĀSÖN® Code of Honor:
·       Select safe, gentle and effective ingredients
·       Rigorously test every formula to ensure safety and efficacy
·       Never test on animals
·       Constantly innovate and improve
As one generation has given way to the next, JĀSÖN® products have remained on the path forged by the brand’s founders, committed to discovering even more ways to offer personal care solutions safer for us, our families and our planet.
  Product offered: Deodorant dry sprays and stick types.
 Strengths: They have been around since 1959. They product different products as well such as hair chair, body soaps, deodorants, mouth wash, tea tree deodorant product got a 5/5 rating. Having many varieties of products this gathers more people towards trying other products when they find they line one line. Gluten free product line, and also a kid’s only line. Fewer complaints on the ingredients they use for the deodorants.  
 Weaknesses: Was harder to find the contact information, and no live chat area and not as many social medias contacts. Uses of chemicals in not natural fragrances are never a good thing, when people find out they will stop buying this product. 2 of the 3 reviews I saw on their website for the tea tree one they said it didn’t work for them and they got stinky fast.
 Social media: Facebook and instagram.
 Pricing: $5.97 each deodorant stick from walmart.ca
 Market positioning: It seems that they sell a lot of their products being around for so long, and being at a lower price at Walmart I feel more people are willing to try it. Most of the reviews were 5 stars and a good rating for the stick type deodorant. The dry spray doesn’t seem to have many ratings so maybe it’s a new product still. With this company using many different products to sell towards cleanliness they seem better rounded.
 Website experience: The website experience was good but I didn’t enjoy it was much as the Green Beaver one. But you know what it was simple and straight to the point and easy to use. In order to make a review you have to register as a member.
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
The Positive Maker
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When your worried you will always be focused on the bad and be trapped in a sad state of mind. The positive maker is the thing for you. Each bead is put on for every happy and positive thought and is then made into a lovely bracelet of all positive thoughts. As a continuous reminder of all the goods things in your life. 
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yourtruenature-blog · 7 years
The perfect customer persona
34 yrs old
 - Mother of three children
- Married
- Lives in Urban area
- Masters degree
- $100,000/yr
 Goals and Challenges
 - To busy to shop around for products
- Want to find more natural options for my family
- Online shopping or door to door shipping is preferred.
- Would like to only use natural products
We will help to offer door-to-door local delivery of the natural products for busy families, as well as offer online shopping and local store options. All the products sold are all natural.
 Values and Fears
- To be able to buy a product and not wonder about it quality or the chance of it having harmful chemicals.
- Buying a product for a fair price but will pay more when it comes to quality and all natural chemical free products.
Market Message
 - An all-natural deodorant that actually works all day.
 Elevator Pitch
-  With the product being all natural and safe to use with 100% pure essential oils to keep you feeling clean all day, what more would you want in a deodorant. And the price is good.
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