art museums, classic poetry, and greek mythology is the holy trinity of dark academia
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No because pride and prejudice isn't "I changed myself for you so you would love me back." It's "your blatant rejection and disdain for me made me realize things about myself no one had ever been bold enough to tell me so I sat down and evaluated all my behavior patterns and why they came about and came to the realization myself that I had to work on myself. Also I don't expect you to love me now that I'm a work in progress, so I'm just going to do nice things for you because I don't like seeing you hurt." No wonder P&P fans refuse to settle.
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getting the most popular result on uquiz is one of the worst and most sickening things that can happen to a girl
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Gosling is the one who looks a bit more stupid and Reynolds looks a bit meaner. Hope that helps
I'm gonna be so honest I have spent my whole life seeing pictures of Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling and being like yeah okay that's the one who has that face. I always forget which one it is but now I remember. Surely the other one looks different even if I can't remember how right now. And today for the first time ever I realized that they do in fact just have the exact same face
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i literally wasn’t made to work sorry to the freaks who enjoy this grindset shit but you literally have psychological problems. i just want to sit and think and maybe talk and eat and drink
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when sally rooney wrote “I thought about all the things I had never told Nick about myself, and I started to feel better then, as if my privacy extended all around me like a barrier protecting my body. I was a very autonomous and independent person with an inner life that nobody else had ever touched or perceived” I felt that
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chaotic academia (margaret's version): may 31 2022
reading hemingway on the bus all pretentiously while also being really into the book only to arrive 20 minutes too late to the lecture i actually would have to be really into
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reblog this and tag with a food you no longer have access to (closed restaurant, state you moved away from, ex’s mom’s cooking, etc) that will haunt you until your dying day, mine are the spicy chicken sandwich on the employee menu at the fine dining restaurant I was a prep cook at, and the onion bagel from the kosher place down the street from my house when I lived in the city
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it’s like when i choose to see the good side of things, i’m not being naive. it’s strategic and necessary. it’s how i learned to survive through everything btw. if you even care
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When Oscar Wilde wrote “There seemed to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance.” He meant James and Oliver friendship/relationship, I mean when Oliver saw those bruise marks on James he was like 'I wanted to give Richard ten bruises for every one he’d put on James, and when James showed up at his house unannounced he called Meredith to say 'I had no idea he was coming, but I can’t just leave him here. I don’t think New York is going to happen' and when James broke his nose, the first thing Oliver said was 'I want to forgive you' and threw a harmless paperback book at his knee to get even, and when James was crazy drunk and reciting Shakespeare in madness, Oliver said reassuringly 'You can tell me. Even if it’s bad, even if it’s really bad. We’ll find a way to fix it', and when James confessed to killing Richard, Oliver only comforted him by saying '“It’s okay," ... "It'll be okay" ' and when Colborne came to arrest James, Oliver took the blame and went to jail, and when James asked 'Why?' Oliver answered 'You know why'.
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you can only raise ignorant sons and oppressed daughters. no matter how well you educate, how HARD you try to break the circle, in the end we're in a vacuum that cannot be resolved by great parents.
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Oddly specific, but i'm here for it
when taylor swift said “it’s a war / it’s the goddamn fight of my life and you started it” ari punched a hole in his wall
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Ari every time he is near dante in second book. (Haven’t finish reading yet)
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jo march really was like. i love the people around me and i cannot cope with them leaving and being mature and appealing enough to start new chapters in their lives while i'm still clinging into this idealised, carefree, comedy-like lifestyle i thought was gonna last forever. and i really thought platonic relationships could replace my repressed longing for a romantic one but now all my loved ones' first priorities became romance. meanwhile i cannot put myself out seeking a romantic relationship because that would automatically mean altering, belittleing, objectifying and compromising myself, my life would become a cliche with guaranteed unhappy ending because i feel like no one in this world could truly make me happy. and i do want to embrace my independent, single lifestyle but i guess i didnt calculate back then how lonely it's going to feel. it's like my only choice is between two types of unhappiness. jo march conveyed all this stuff and i'm not supposed to tear up just thinking about that goddamn movie???
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Something something about Jo March needing to search for beauty within herself, needing to write and create and come up with new meanings for the world around her, the world that she doesn't like (and that she feels doesn't like her) and Amy March seeing beauty everywhere she goes, simultaneously loving the concept and feeling overshadowed by it and how with both of them, it leads to this painfully wonderful or wonderfully painful catharsis.
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you're either a jo march folklore kinda person or a amy march evermore kinda person
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