Jefferson Airplane -Somebody to love , White rabbit (live at Woodstock)
Jack Twist
This was Sunday morning. We woke up and to this day I can still see Gracie Slick silhouetted against a rising sun. And I can still hear, in my head, her say "Good morning people." It was an amazing concert, but that's all it was for most of us.  Hours later,  as my friend and I were leaving, card board boxes were being tossed from the stage-inside were Woodstock Concert programs.  People were just stepping over them and many of  programs settled into the mud and wet earth. I picked up two fairly clean ones and handed  one to my friend and said: "Here, take this, I have ah feeling that they may be worth something one day." He shrugged, and took one.  Who knew? Yes. I still have one of those programs. And my friend? Yes.  He too has his.  In fact, on the Woodstock Two album, if you open it up, on the left hand side, the kid on the fence, with the hat on,  reaching for the bottle of  champagne is that friend. His first name is Paul. What a time it was.
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I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
old guy
The Beatles had been on ED Sullivan on a Sunday and on Monday we all went to school as usual and  before classes started we were all talking in the halls about seeing the Beatles on tv, when suddenly this song came over the pa system, now in our small high school , only announcements were allowed over the pa, but that day was different,, we don't know if it was the principal or the office staff, but they played this song and it was like something out of a movie, we were all shouting and dancing in the halls. What a great memory of the Beatles !!
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The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset
Bobby Powell
I was a Sr. in high school. Blasting down the interstate at 4:30 in the morning after all night bowling with some friends.  This song came on and I got lost in it. I stopped at a pay phone and called the radio station to find out the name and who sang because I was afraid I'd never hear it again. Took forever to find it in the record shops but I finally did . Loved it then, love it now. I'm 60 years old and that feeling still comes back to me. Great to be alive.
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I’m Still Standing - Elton John
Asta Fire
Its a shame i cant sing this song without getting funny looks. i hate my wheelchair
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Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
I was a Senior in High School in 1975, I had this LP on pre-order at my local Music Store.  I got a call the night before that my new copy of Physical Graffiti had arrived for pick up. I Got it, listened to that good vinyl and recorded it on my home Cassette deck for my Car deck. The next morning I got to school early to park my car, and start blasting the killer sound of new Led Zepp and "Kashmir" out of my car stereo speakers and attached home speakers to the gaining audience of the high school students. I grew a crowd and we all chowed down on some tasty Jimmy Page licks while Robert Plant wailed over the school grounds. It was a great day for a Zepp fan.
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The Zombies - Time of the Season
Bernard Bochenski
I wish I could convey to you all, the meaning of this and other songs, of the time. In April 1969, I was just 20 years old. I had just returned to the states from Viet Nam, after 15 tough months in combat, as a U.S. Marine. Like so many of us, I saw things that no one should witness or endure. I came home to reunite with a young girl (Geri) whom I had met and dated, for a mere 3 weeks, in chilly November 1967, Upstate, NY.  She was just 16 years old then. I was home on leave before shipping off to Viet Nam. Yes, I treated and respected her, like the 16 year old girl that she was!! She waited for my return, writing me nearly every day!! She would sometimes walk to the shore's edge, staring out to sea, waiting for my return. Either with my shield, or on it!    When I returned, I listened to this song, travelling to East Aurora, NY, from my duty station at Camp LeJeune, NC, in my new 1969 Chevelle 307. I drove mostly Rt 81, visiting her, every weekend that I could.    I was then, as I am now, a hopeless, hapless romantic…and a warrior. Purple Heart and all.      For the most part, I am doing okay. This and other songs, help put my mind at ease. We have been married for just over 51 years. I am 71 now, and can travel back in time, through a time tunnel, to those days...whenever I hear this, and so many other songs.   Finally, to all of my brothers and sisters who survived and also made it back from the jungle, highlands, the hospitals, etc., in my final years, I hope and pray that you are doing okay.     Lastly, my total love and respect to the beautiful, talented, caring, wonderful, and unsung hero nurses, who helped me, in July 1968, when I had been medevaced, to the U.S. Air Force General Hosp, Cam Ranh Bay, South Viet Nam. Bernie Bochenski - USMC, SGT, E5 , Enlisted Lieutenant Colonel, O5, U.S. Army Officer, Retired
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Maggy May
My Maggie May was a young lady called Jan, I met her in the spring of 81 she was 24 and I was 17 nearly 18, but spent the summer lying about my age. Anyway we spent an amazing year together, and spent most weekends away in B+B's just outside of Brighton, she really was my first true love and an amazing women. I had a motorbike as I hadn't passed my test then, so she used to drive us about in her 74 Ford Capri...we drove down to the Isle of Wight four times and on two of those occasions never left our room, except for provisions, that and days out was a blueprint for our relationship. Anyway she ended up emigrating to Australia and we lost contact, then in 99 I got a phone call from an old friend I used to work with telling me Jan had rung my old firm and she was over here for six weeks. We were both divorced by then had kids and nearly twenty years had passed, but after a couple of days we picked up where we had left off all those years ago and had another great summer.. She is back in Oz now, I'm, in the UK and we've lost touch again...oh well we might meet up again, who knows, but she'll always be my Maggie May.
1971, down in the South...warm sunny days of my youth, my boyfriend JP (his initials), his new Cuda that I picked out cuz I Loved the color....it was a 72 Cuda that had just come out.  I Loved that car and so did he.  Us flying down the highway of life without one care in the world except each other.  My long hair flying all in his face as it always did as I tried to straddle the console to get closer to him so I could snuggle his neck cuz I Loved his cologne so much which was called "Oland" by Avon and on him it smelled like Heaven!  We were such a good looking couple too.  We had a big old Poster photo of us taken at the County Fair and the photographer liked it so much he asked if he could keep it up there as an advertisement til later.  So we went back much later to get our posters.  I had that thing for years and years and loved that photo of us. He was the love of my life back then, but Life changes and sometimes gives you lemons along the way and we were separated by things out of our control. So I keep in my heart and soul All our memories....and I always will.  JP...RIP my beloved, This was OUR song and American Woman by the Guess Who was OUR album...the song 8:15 was our fave on that one. I hope to see you again someday in Heaven if for nothing else than to hear your fabulous laugh.  I loved your loud laugh, it was the best.
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Cyn- I’ll Still have Me
ezy x
 I was travelling when I met this random stranger from another country. We spent a day and a night exploring together, then I had to fly home. We kept in contact and after several months he finally came to my country to stay with me for a few weeks. We never had labels, and whenever I asked him what it was he wanted, he kept putting off the answers, saying that we should wait and see what happens when we met again. A few days after he arrived, I finally asked again and he told me outright that he didn't want a relationship. It crushed my heart, but it wasn't unexpected--I already knew it was going to turn out that way. But it hurt to know that all he wanted from me was a good time; that while I was being sincere, to him, I was just another warm body. The day after that conversation, I started singing this song in the shower. When I stepped out, he said he wondered what I was singing about. If he only knew. I still chose to let him spend the rest of his vacation with me, because I am a fool. Though I never heard from him again after he returned to his country. I never tried to reach out to him, too. I think I've shortchanged myself enough, just because I was in love. These days I still think about him, and I'm waiting for the day when I don't have to anymore. 
Rylin Mariel
The video is a nice commentary on how in earlier generations - in my generation, in fact - people felt that they were not whole people without a mate. For my own part, I feel like it's a shame it took me til I was in my late fifties to figure that out. Now I'm sixty-four, I'm alone, and I'm reasonably happy. And that brings me to the fact that happiness is vastly overrated - in the sense that in the world today, and this began in my generation, I guess, everyone started chasing this illusion that they could be happy all the time - but that's just not possible. All kinds of things come into our lives: illness, heartache from the loss of loved ones, and it can be possible to attain some kind of superficial happiness "all the time" when you're younger, but as you get older, it's harder and harder to hang onto that kind of happiness all the time, until at last (if you're lucky!) you realize how hollow it is. There is another kind of positivity that one can have, that acknowledges sadness as well as joy, and embraces all that life has to bring, changes what needs to be changed and can be, and accepts what can't, and looks for a greater sense of meaning, in whatever form that sense comes. The ability to be content on one's own is part of that kind of adjustment, and the consequent inner wholeness.
Excessively Vapid
I just found this song last night, I can already tell this is going to be my ‘breakup song’. I ended things with my ex a little over two months ago, and last week she texted me saying she missed me and wanted to get back together. I had to look really deep inside and there were just whole hours of the day I was questioning the decision I made months ago. I related to a lot of the sentiments in the second verse, that she was my number one, and I never questioned her. Ultimately, even though it was hard, I had to shoot her down again. I really struggled with what I’d done, what if I potentially made a mistake. But when I hear this song it makes it feel okay. Like this happens. From the first verse I felt all the decisions of why I ended it with her, I felt like I broke my back and she didn’t do the same for me, and it broke my will to be in the relationship when she wouldn’t put in the effort. But ‘there’s no reason to speak badly, we just reached our end’. I’ll never say a bad word about her as a person to anyone, she just wasn’t the one for me. But there are parts of her that will always be with me, and of who I was in that relationship. This was just the exact song I needed to hear right now, every verse, positive and negative, because it summed up my feelings so well and it made me realize why I made the decisions I made and that it’ll still be okay.
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