youturntorant ¡ 4 years
I got told to get off the swings at a public park in my neighborhood by someone because they were taking pictures for the HOA and I was looked like I was having to much fun. I didn’t even know we had an HOA
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youturntorant ¡ 4 years
Alright I’m adding to this
as someone who has literally grown up in Seattle witch is like the coffee capital at least in the US, yes the coffee addiction is bad, but Washington also acknowledges how bad the addiction is by putting it in our drugs unit in schools. Witch isn’t much but the addiction is at least acknowledged. But it’s still a horrendous addiction that even people who don’t drink coffee especially if you regularly visit Starbucks.
As someone who will not drink coffee in general it has never affected me much until I went to New York. You see my family drinks Starbucks at least on a weekly basis. I get a peppermint hot chocolate every time. I know what it is supposed to taste like. When I went to New York obviously I went for something familiar the first day there so I went to Starbucks...and it was terrible. when I got my hot choclate and tasted it, it was more like warm milk.
Now I know what you’re thinking oh maybe they had a bad day or your over exaggerating. I tried three other Starbucks while I was there each time with the same result. I thought I was going crazy until like the 4th day when I finally said something to a classmate who was with me and they said “ ya the Starbucks around here seem to be really week I can barely stay awake and I’m on my third cup today.” Mind you this person could usually go all day on one cup of coffee in Washington.
I was horrified and that’s when I realized different areas run on different levels of coffee. ESPECIALLY if you run on Starbucks. Mind you that’s just with the words of a few friends and realizing that my hot chocolate wasn’t as flavorful as usual.
what's up I fucking despise the way we as a society have normalized caffeine addiction
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youturntorant ¡ 4 years
Nough said
there’s this moment of awareness for a girl when she realizes her legs (and/or arms, armpits, upper lip…) are unacceptable.
she’s just minding her own business, bopping along, when maybe a classmate starts mocking her for having visible body hair. or she goes to a sleepover and someone points out that her legs look different from all the other girls’. or she walks in on her mom shaving and asks why, and the answer is “because a woman’s body looks nicer this way.” or maybe her mother or sister actually approaches her and says, “looks like it’s time you learned to shave that jungle.”
the point is, the day before that realization, however it happened, the girl didn’t give a shit about her hair. she put on shorts and tank tops without a second thought. she didn’t feel unclean. she didn’t feel like a monster when she looked in the mirror (at least not because of body hair). her hair didn’t stop her from riding a bike or climbing a tree.
only after someone draws her attention to it does she start feeling self-conscious and wanting to remove it. removal, in this culture, is never a choice made free of coercion. it’s never born of a girl’s own naturally occurring desires. the seed of shame was planted in her by someone else (family, friends, bullies, magazines, razor commercials) and chances are that seed will stay with her forever- a sinking realization that her body can be wrong, that she can look ugly or dirty even when clean, that a thing she never even noticed about herself before should be a source of retroactive humiliation.
that feeling is like a scar. every time we look at it, the humiliation and judgment we experienced as kids comes rushing back and the little nasty patriarchal voice in our heads (the same one that says shit like “jesus you’re getting fat,” “ugh why did you think you could pull off this outfit,” “god who would ever want to touch THOSE boobs,” etc) says “ugh, looks like it’s time I shaved that jungle.” and it’s just parroting back what we’ve already been told.
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youturntorant ¡ 6 years
Yes! Finally someone F*cking said it. And no you were not the only one
i knew in the 2nd grade that standardized testing was bullshit. harry potter book 4 had just come out and i was at a good part. harry had just put his name into the goblet of fire.
during the standardized test, we were allowed to keep a post-test book on our desk. i diligently got started on part 1: english. at the time, all of the answers went on the same sheet, but all of the questions were in different booklets. so i finish all my english questions, read in my extra time, and then it’s part 2: math.
i realize i have answered all of my english questions on the math portion of the answer sheet. at first, annoyed but undeterred, i’m like. okay great i gotta erase every bubble. but i get bored around question 5 of doing this because… like… harry potter is sitting on my desk and i could just give them the wrong answers. so i answer maybe 10 whole questions in the math portion, copy the english answers over to where they actually belong, and then crack open the book and call it a day.
i obviously failed. this is the real life, not a movie. my parents were called in. i had scored in the lowest percentile. i was bad at math. i was concerningly bad at math. i could have done better just guessing than how i did with the english answers. 
if this was just a funny story, someone would ask me “why did you do so badly when you usually get fairly average grades” and i would have said “i wanted to read harry potter, not take this stupid test.” but it’s the real life, and nobody asked. instead, i was branded stupid and bad at math. i got placed in a lower math than i needed to be in; got bored, stopped paying attention. knew i was in the “worst at math” group, started saying “i’m bad at math” and 100% stopped trying because the further i fell behind, the worse i got. through the rest of my academic career - until senior year in high school, i never got above a c on a math test, because i was “just bad” at math.
i had undiagnosed adhd. the only reason i know now i have adhd is because at 22 years old, i finally went to a therapist, who effectively said, “are you kidding me you have the most obvious case of attention deficit i’ve ever seen.”
but nobody had been looking. my one test grade had given teachers permission to not look, because, obviously, i was bad at math. the one time i got 100% on a math test - that one time in senior year - i remember my math teacher looking at it and saying “it’s clear that if you just focused, you could do the work.”
in college i’d take a math class and i actually “just focused” for the first time in my life - meaning i treated math as a challenge, but one i could overcome with the skills i’d learned all on my own, through constant work and practice. i got the highest grade in my class. i still think i’m bad at math. 
which makes me wonder: how many people got fucked over because of something stupid like “i was too preoccupied with harry potter”. who had nobody looking out for them. who slipped under the radar because - come on, aren’t some people just bad at things?
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Will someone please talk to me? I want to make new friends and am really stepping out of my comfort level. I don't talk online very much.
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Hey everyone can I ask a question? Well I'm going to anyway. When we get older those who are planning to be teachers or go into education can you change what we learn for goodness sake we only use like 5 percent of what we learn outside of school make school fun make it interesting don't force kids into things they don't want to please for our future bring back the art programs make school fun and less stressful make it so kids want to do homework please? And if you work for education now change it make it fun please we don't want to force kids to be more stressed than we are already do we? Repost to save the future.
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Ok now that I have your attention.. go fallow @stresscat she is one of my friends and needs as much support as she can get and is the most adorable thing ever please go fallow her! Ok now you can scroll.
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Why is it when people think of abuse most people go to physical abuse? I know too many people who are verbally abused more so than physically abused and it angers me. Why? some of you adults might ask. Because those children you call stupid and yell at about homework and getting jobs are 1) secretly abusing themselves because they believe they are worthless or 2) mentally beating themselves up. I know I have been yelled at all my life. I do not cut my self or any of that stuff but I will admit suicide has crossed my mind a few times. But the worst part about this is that those of us who actually know others like this do NOT TELL. Yes I get it people don't want others to know especially not their parents but actually telling gets them help faster. The reason I say this is a few weeks ago one of my friends had a code black ( witch is what we use to say they are going to kill them self or are harming themselves) anyway i was getting ready for bed when 5 different friends start blowing up my phone saying give me there address of and I panicked and went to my mother who proceeded to call the friends mother who got to her quicker than any of our friends or 911 could have so please remember to actually tell an adult what is going on. And if you are physically abused for goodness sake I understand you don't want them to go to jail or be put in the system but you have to speak up its hard yes but it must be done. You are all loved by the people in you're life so don't you ever think you are worthless. You are loved.
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
3rd Art Giveaway to kick off 2017!
ok since everyone seemed to like paintings as prizes in my last promo I’ll be doing that again!
1st place:
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torso up painting of any character (OC or otherwise) of your choosing! (plus a more complex BG if you want) 
2nd and 3rd places:
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Head shot of your character
All winners get process GIFs along with their art
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-you must be following me as this promo is to scrounge up more followers and say thanks to my current ones :>
-only reblogs count 
-Promo ends February 15th, winners will be contacted over tumblr messenger
(can draw light mech or anthro if required :>)
Good luck!! 
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Please reblog if you wouldn't act differently around a friend if they came out as bisexual, gay, lesbian, asexual, or admitted to being trans.
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
Reblog if you accept muslims, are muslim or just want some fries
I’m following every single guy that reblogs these
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
I'm sorry there's not Much I can do but I understand your situation so I will reblog for you
signal boost
hey guys,
my face is literally burning off in shame but i cant do this alone. i am being constantly mentally abused by my mother at home. she makes it impossible to focus on school or even exist at all. i need to move away so i can actually finish college. all my money went into college funds, i have nothing
please help me get away from this hellhole
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
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youturntorant ¡ 7 years
I'm sorry I don't want to get yelled at but I just broke down crying to this I get it white's have done some pretty messed up things but it doesn't mean every single one of them have a "superiority complex" I actually have a white friend who has been picked on all her life only because she is white but she has done nothing to deserve it and is honestly one of the kindest of people ever and is very against racism again I don't want to star a fight I just want to point out not everyone weather it's race is not what they seem.
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Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About The Radicalization of Whites?
by Johnny Silvercloud on afrosapiophile.com
A while back ago I spoke in great pain on how I’m losing friends fighting racism.  I talked about how one can have friends (white) who will invite you (black person) to a Christmas dinner, but will engage in vehicular manslaughter when it comes to Black Lives Matter protesters.  What I didn’t really discuss was this radicalization process among the white community in America which makes such violent ideas possible.
Radicalization?  You probably never really took a look at it. You’re probably wondering what am I talking about.  Radicalization?  What radicalization?
Radicalization of the White American
To the left is a photograph I took of a white woman, bowing down to Donald Trump during the Tucson Trump rally in March 2016.
The put this into perspective, I do a lot of political/protest rallies as a street photographer.  Out of the thousands of photos I’ve ever taken, I never seen anything like this in a political rally before in my life. The crazy thing about this photo is the fact that it was difficult to get anything like this.  You see, the photography is tightly controlled in a Trump rally.  They are NOT media friendly.  The bigger take away here is the fact that this is is categorically odd to capture at a political rally.
As Donald Trump continued to validate the claims of white supremacists, Americanized Nazis, and other racists, I always think of this photo.  When Richard Spencer held an Americanized Nazi rally in Washington D.C. and mainstream (whitestream?) media attempted to romanticize the alt-right, I thought of this photo.
I think of this photo a lot.  As a black abolitionist, I never really stop to think about what does white supremacist ideologies and propaganda feels like to a white person.  When it comes to that question this photo says plenty.
The structure and ideologies of white supremacy must be very comfortable.  I would imagine that it feels good to know that you are infinitely above suspicion when it comes to any form of social deviance, including crime.  It probably feels soothing to know that no matter what, a white person will NEVER have to answer for the behavior of other whites.  I’ll go as far as suggesting that white people may get a sad level of satisfaction in hearing non-white people talk, discuss, protest all these things that nonwhites suffer from due to white supremacy.  To hear that for example, people in Africa and Asia engage in skin bleaching to look like you — the white person — may be the source of a sick level of pride. Yes, we never think of it as people of color.  But the notion that people in Asia actually go through elective surgery and cut their eyes open to look more white probably fuels a cold-blooded smirk of satisfaction inside of many white people as a whole.
Sure, to a black person this level of pride is sick and disgusting. But to a white person, all of this — white supremacy, white privilege, white defaultness — is simply, the way.  All of this is simply the way things are.  While these things are largely invisible in (white) American society, these things are in fact known and understood.
Being that these things are understood by white America, imagine if a person comes by who promise to practically, maintain and rejuvenate white supremacy?  What happens when you have websites dedicated to taking the job of J. Edger Hoover, slandering those who are oppressed?  What happens when you have mainstream media forever angelicizing white criminals, all while demonizing black victims of crime?  What happens when the government who remained callous to minority drug offenders began softening up laws when heroin strikes white neighborhoods?  What happens when whites are allowed to have guns, but nonwhites are not?
What takes place is a caste system within a society.  Currently, America is NOT one reality for all.  You cannot argue that we live in an equal society if a police officer can murder me and attempt to place false evidence by my body, and not be convicted.
White Radicalization is a Reality
With an intricate collective of white supremacist websites, blogs, message board forums and conservative pundits, glued together with conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns (which guides stupid whites into kinetic action), we are now facing a moment in modern history where white people are now becoming radicalized into white supremacy at an alarming rate.  Where a man named Barry Goldwater campaigned as a blatant white supremacist and failed, Donald Trump did the same and succeeded.  Nazis think they can wear suits and nice haircuts and do Nazi salutes downtown Washington D.C.
Some of the friends I’ve lost, the white ones, now dance with the devil when it comes to the white radicalization process.  I’ve noticed this when Obama was in office.  One white male I’ve known for the Army years had a friend call me an Obama lover, which contextually sounds like nigger lover.   Honestly, the guy is so stupid it’s not a serious loss. Other white friends ROUTINELY share racist, bigoted propaganda on social media, with them actually taking refuge in racism, saying things with a false sense of shielding sarcasm, like:
“…but that would make me racist huh?”
“I’m gonna have to be racist…”
“….race baiting…”
If you were to look at the social media accounts of these radicalized white men, you’d think that American police forces are infallible, devoid of corruption — but federal (non-conservative) politicians are full of lies and deception. The list could go on.
Years ago, I wrote this one column I called the Four Fears.  The Four Fears were a set of fears I believe what drives white anxiety concerning white privilege and race relations as a whole.  At the end of this old column I stated that whites will either realize that diversity isn’t a bad thing and we are all the same regardless, or they will radicalize and fight tooth and nail to maintain white privilege and restore white supremacy.  I fear we are now looking at the latter.
America will talk all day about radical Islam and radical black speakers and writers.  No one ever thinks to talk about white radicalization, which is a unique danger we’ve seen on this planet before.
Anyway, I do believe that there should be a discussion on this white radicalization process taking place.  That conversation will have to be brutally honest.  If this discussion doesn’t take place, feel free to catch up on fascism, because it’s what follows next.
Source: https://afrosapiophile.com/2016/12/10/white-radicalization/
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