yozff · 5 months
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yozff · 5 months
Cuir bouilli test — 615x285 sheets from A14, A16, A17, A18 87C for ~3 mins (dropped in at 99C but wet leather cooled water and settled at 87C)
— After 16 hours in press the leather is still damp. HardER but not hard hard. Back in press for weekend, reopen on Monday.
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yozff · 5 months
Non-leather materials, Ash and Misty Missing the wooden frames, three 'sack' cushions, the remaining metal springs, the wooden arm blocks
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yozff · 5 months
Leather from Ash and Misty, 5m x 3m
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yozff · 5 months
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Materials from Ash and Misty — Brock still standing
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yozff · 5 months
Kipple: useless objects. The examples used as expressly waste objects: junk mail, empty matchbox, yesterdays newspaper. "Waste is every object, plus time." [B. Thill, Waste] Leave an undesired object long enough, it becomes waste. It becomes kipple. The first law of kipple: kipple drives out non-kipple. The no-longer-desired overwhelms that which is now desired. It could be said to subsume or assimilate or transmute or transmogrify the non-kipple into the kipple.
Kipple-ized: The process of transformation from non-kipple to kipple.
Kipple-factor: a measurement of ratio between the states of kipple to non-kipple. K:Nk K to Nk
Kippleization: the universal principle that the entire universe is moving towards a state of complete kipple. The logical end point of the first law of kipple. Everything has been kipple-ized. The kipple-factor is 100K:0Nk
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yozff · 5 months
“Kipple is useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers or yesterday's homeopape. When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself. For instance, if you go to bed leaving any kipple around your apartment, when you wake up the next morning there's twice as much of it. It always gets more and more." "I see." The girl regarded him uncertainly, not knowing whether to believe him. Not sure if he meant it seriously. "There's the First Law of Kipple," he said. "'Kipple drives out nonkipple.' Like Gresham's law about bad money. And in these apartments there's been nobody here to fight the kipple." "So it has taken over completely," the girl finished. She nodded. "Now I understand." "Your place, here," he said, "this apartment you've picked--it's too kipple-ized to live in. We can roll the kipple-factor back; we can do like I said, raid the other apts. But--" He broke off. "But what?" Isidore said, "We can't win." "Why not?" [...] "No one can win against kipple," he said, "except temporarily and maybe in one spot, like in my apartment I've sort of created a stasis between the pressure of kipple and nonkipple, for the time being. But eventually I'll die or go away, and then the kipple will again take over. It's a universal principle operating throughout the universe; the entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute kippleization.”
― Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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yozff · 5 months
murphy's law
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yozff · 5 months
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disassembly, day 1
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yozff · 5 months
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cuir bouilli tests
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yozff · 5 months
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yozff · 5 months
Sofa recovery
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yozff · 6 months
Caterpillar, crab, crow.
The caterpillar eats what’s around it.  He takes just enough to be beautiful. What he takes he weaves into a cocoon and in doing so becomes something magical.
The crab makes her shell from the waste of others.  She takes just enough to be safe. What she takes is cola cans and dead chitin, which she uses to clothe herself.
The crow makes her home from sticks and shiny things. She takes what she takes just as it is. What she takes will fall away when she is done, back to the ground it came from.
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yozff · 6 months
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yozff · 6 months
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yozff · 6 months
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yozff · 6 months
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