yqgameryt · 8 months
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As he finally staggered out of the corrupt portal, he knelt down and sat in amazement, staring at a desolate world, corrupted to it's very core...
Holy crap, I'm not dead. I know it's been a second. Hell, almost a year by this point but I finally have the opportunity to start writing and drawing again, albeit very minimally on the side. I have the next parts pretty much finished too but think I'm gonna pace them a bit to be a little more consistent.
Thank you all for your patience and hope you enjoy
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yqgameryt · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Everyone!
Been a heck of a year, new laptop, new job, tons of work to do, irl. I appreciate all of you for sticking with me and Shade through the long year. I'll try to be more active in the new year and hope to see you all soon.
Thank you all for all you do, Merry Christmas and see you in 2024
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yqgameryt · 11 months
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Sup y'all, been a bit...
Life has been crazy busy lately. I've been putting a real effort into school and grades hoping to keep my GPA up and bought myself a new computer for work allowing me to do things and play games I never could before.
Despite this however, with the FNAF movie coming out, (I'm watching it soon) I took the opportunity to do a quick sketch and draw to make sure I'm not rusty. With this out now, its time to crack back down on the story of Shade and continue to work on it, although at a slower pace (if that's even possible, lol)
So, now with all this said and done. I hope you like the art and have a great rest of your days.
YQgamer out...
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yqgameryt · 1 year
Hope, It's all about Hope...
Hello Everyone, IMPORTANT NEWS I have borrowed an old LapTop from a Family Member who was going to get rid of it for being too old and have downloaded most of my main programs back on.
Better news, I will be buying my own Laptop for school/work purposes soon and will have a permanent computer that doesn't have the processing power of a potato.
Unfortunately however, not all news is good as I was unable to salvage my work from my old harddrive meaning the art for the next two parts that I had almost completed was lost. I can't say when I'll update next but I will be 'completing' the book until I can get the art redone.
Until then,
YQgamer out!
(Btw, major props to whoever gets the title reference)
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yqgameryt · 1 year
Hey y’all, sorry for the inactivity and here’s a warning of more to come. My computer has broken down due to water leaking onto it while it was in my bag. All projects of mine were deleted and I’m quite demoralized right now. I apologize for the delay and hope that I can sort it all out soon. Hopefully, I can salvage the hard drive and get back to work soon. Until then, YQgamer out
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yqgameryt · 1 year
Good Ol’ Dust. There’s a reason he’s one of my favorites...
(Nice work on the Comic, wish I could draw even half as good as this. Looks awesome)
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redrawn my old comic cuz I didn't like how it looked
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yqgameryt · 1 year
I mean...
It might be....maybe?
Nah, it would probably suck...
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yqgameryt · 1 year
Hey y’all, hope you all enjoyed Part 1 of the 4 parter. Drafts have already been drawn up for both part 2 and 3 as well as story timelines planned out. Both of these chapters will both take longer to put out however as I am on Break for the next 10 days and won’t have access to my computer meaning no progress will be made. However, once I’m back in action, I have an extra hour each day to work on the stories and will try to ship them out to y’all quicker than before.
Thank you for your patience,
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yqgameryt · 1 year
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The name’s Sans, Sans the Skeleton,'' the Skeleton smiled. “Nice to meet you Sans, I’m Shade”... Part 1 of 4 (Will definitely revisit Undertale after the 4-parter) Personal Note: Looking at the difference between the "Favorite Sans AUs" picture and this, it is very clear that I have gotten better at drawing on computer (at least in my opinion). Very proud
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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For the last test, Shade prepared himself and pushed light into an Ink Sample
Hey everyone, with this release, Shade and Blight’s efforts have paid off and a new direction seems to have opened for what may be a final conflict with the corruption.
With this, I hope you enjoy and I’ll see you all around
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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Lightfall Launches on Feb. 28 and I don’t know about all of you but I’m stoked. Looks like a ton of fun.
It’s Tomorrow, Wooooooooo! I’ve updated my game, listened to the title music and ensured I have enough snacks and drinks to last. My hype is greater than ever. Now I know I’m doing the Legendary Campaign but what are y’all doing? Let me know in the comments
(Sorry if this looks a little rushed, super busy right now so that I can take Tomorrow to just relax and play.)
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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Lightfall Launches on Feb. 28 and I don’t know about all of you but I’m stoked. Looks like a ton of fun.
The Darkness is here, the being with a thousand names but only one spoken, the Witness. We’ve seen some stuff already through the trailer but this elusive character still has much we do not know. I know I’m excited to understand more about them and their connections to the Darkness
2 days left
(Sorry if this looks a little rushed, super busy right now so that I can take Tuesday to just relax and play.)
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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Lightfall Launches on Feb. 28 and I don’t know about all of you but I’m stoked. Looks like a ton of fun.
3 days left
For anyone who hasn’t seen the Finale, sorry but here’s a spoiler. We’ve seen the Pyramids are passing Jupiter, this means that S$%t’s about to get real and holy smokes, I can’t wait to see what crazy cutscenes the Bungie team has cooked up for this.
(Sorry if this looks a little rushed, super busy right now so that I can take Tuesday to just relax and play.)
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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Lightfall Launches on Feb. 28 and I don’t know about all of you but I’m stoked. Looks like a ton of fun.
4 days left
Neumona, the Neptunian city is soon to be live and I’m sure I’m going to spend plenty of time grappling around with Strand. Who else is excited for that?
(Sorry if this looks a little rushed, super busy right now so that I can take Tuesday to just relax and play.)
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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With Shade in Joey Drew Studios, Blight pursues a corruption in an unfamiliar world to pursue the second half of his and Shade’s plan.
(This was a request from a follower on WattPad, if you wish to red any of my arts accompanying stories, you can find me there) 
Blight finally gets a chance to shine, and he finally realizes how tough of a job Shade has. Now with his and Shade’s roles both complete, it’s time for some comparisons.
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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The second creator I want to think is @jjaydazo,
 Strangely enough, I didn’t find @jjaydazo because of anything here on Tumblr but I actually found her over on DeviantArt. I had been looking through at BATIM pics because I love the game and a picture popped up in my recommended with Frisk and Sans dressed as Bendy and Alice. I loved the style for both of them and proceeded to check out their profile eventually finding my way to her home page here on Tumblr. Now, whenever I feel like I need a break, I love scrolling through her art and seeing how good it all is. Her art is one of the reasons why I started drawing, it was and still is a goal of mine to one day be as good at art as her. Thank you @jjaydazo for all you do.
(P.S I’m sorry if it’s a little bland and if I messed up the sona’s arm. I couldn’t tell if the shadowy appearance was an arm or the hair so I settled on both)
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yqgameryt · 2 years
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I have always been a Frans fan and love to watch the Dubs of Frans Comics over on Youtube. After seeing several comics in an artstyle that I really liked, I decided to check the link of the artist in the description. This person was @venelona. 
Before I got a Tumblr account, I proceeded to check out many of Venelona’s pieces of art and when I did finally decide to create an account, I immediately made sure I followed so that I could see whatever new art was posted as soon as possible.
Part of why I started drawing and posting my drawings on Tumblr was because of @venelona and because of that I am eternally grateful. 
(P.S I know the drawing is super bad, I hope it’s good enough for you)
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