ysabaedeclermont · 5 months
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I offered you the world, and at the first test of honor, I betrayed your trust. Please, Danielle. Say it again. I'm sorry. No. The part where you said my name.
Ever After (1998)
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ysabaedeclermont · 11 months
what the fuck do you mean your keyboard doesnt have letters
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We have no letters Kathleen!
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ysabaedeclermont · 1 year
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ysabaedeclermont · 1 year
Very strange 🤨 the way some of the user base of this site wants to treat random bloggers with some popular posts as like, microcelebrities or influencers. Oh you have a TUMBLR BLOG with 4-5 digits of followers well you're basically a household name like Mark of Plier I guess. So you're never allowed to screw up or be mildly irritating without being put on like "most irritating Tumblr users" polls or called out for whatever micro annoyance you caused for like 5 people. It's funny on the surface level but beneath that it's irritating and weird. I don't think some random blogger who makes funny posts should have to, like, deal with that. You're just being parasocial and it's scaring the hoes.
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ysabaedeclermont · 1 year
Transphobia is so antithetical to genuine feminism it blows my mind there's such a wide overlap like you either believe in autonomy and self determination or you don't
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ysabaedeclermont · 1 year
Ok so we know that Aly thinks of herself as being very akin to George, which is true, but she also has a lot of Alanna in her that she doesn’t seem to see as clearly- she’s stubborn, she breaks the rules and won’t let anyone else tell her who she is going to be, etc
and of course that’s part of that developmental stage where teens are struggling to separate from their parent and it’s common for girls to struggle to separate from their mothers specifically and we see that in how Aly reacts to Alanna all “OK WELL I’M SORRY I’M NOT YOU”
but also it’s like Aly doesn’t see Alanna as a real human person she sees her as Mother Legend and is clearly so attached to the mythos of how heroic and epic Alanna is, and at the same time has internalized this idea that she herself is lazy and unambitious,
and so sometimes I wonder if part of it is that Aly doesn’t always see the Alanna in herself because she can’t imagine herself as being capable of possessing those same bold and heroic qualities
anyways we were so robbed by only getting Aly for two years
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ysabaedeclermont · 1 year
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
Exciting news out of Madison Wisconsin…
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
life advice:
never say anything to a penguin that the penguin has not already said to you
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
I know I already made a post about this. But ICWA is LITERALLY being challenged by a white couple that wants to adopt indigenous children to Christianize them. The tribe, whom has a say in who can take their children, is like "Nah, we don't want our youth Christianized like you tride last time"
And the lawyer that's helping the white couple try to overturn ICWA (so that they can convert indigenous children) is doing it pro-bono (which means he's not charging the couple anything).
AND that lawyer is a big time lawyer whose clients are usually oil and gas industries. He's literally fighting for indigenous children to be ripped from their tribes and culture so there's less indigenous people to protest big oil destroying their sacred land.
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
“BDSM is sex for autistic people” post is funny to me because me and my bf realized that we’re both lapsed Catholics and to us it’s more like “BDSM is catholicism for gay people”
Oh the Catholicism/BDSM overlap might be even stronger than the autism/BDSM overlap
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
already got a blazed marvel post. the adpocalypse is closer than we think so heres your daily PSA
don't interact with corporate tumblr accounts
yes even to dunk on them. i don't care if you have the sickest burn of the century lined up, don't even give them the time of day
the eventual and inevitable fall of twitter marks a change in the advertising industry, and tumblr is unclaimed territory. if we want tumblr to remain the social media bastion it has become, it needs to remain as unappealing to corporations as possible. do not engage. in a marketing strategist's eyes, any kind of attention is good attention. don't "silence, brand" them. don't kungpowpenis them. don't send them hate anons. don't hate-follow them. corporate tumblrs are not a single entity and they will not be harassed off this site. we only have a shot at repelling them because of tumblr's lack of an algorithm. so turn off recommended posts on your dashboard, put it chronological order, and install an adblocker. if you don't seek out these blazed posts and actively ignore them when they happen upon you, the corporations will starve. in this case, the best kind of protest is a silent one
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
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this emerged in my head when I was trying to drive
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ysabaedeclermont · 2 years
Chidi Anagonye, the man who was literally killed by his indecisiveness, knew without any debate or advice that he was ready to move on, and was the first of the main cast to walk through the gate.
Jason Mendoza, the loud-mouthed dimwit whose idea of hell was a world where he was forced to be quiet and wise, spent thousands of cycles alone in contemplation of the universe, and sat patiently until he could provide his final act of kindness to the Not-Girl he loved.
Tahani Al-Jamil, the woman who needed constant validation for her achievements and talents, decided to spend the rest of (the foreseeable) eternity by sitting in the shadows and creating the simulations that would help others become their best selves.
Michael, a demon who by nature despised all of humanity, found his happiness in becoming a human, and in learning to grow and change for the better.
Janet, the AI who had no purpose other than to fein happiness and provide for anyone’s desires without question, learned to not only love but to think and feel for herself.
And of course, Eleanor Shellstrop, the woman who needed no one, who owed nobody anything, did not ever spend her time in the good place alone, and refused to walk through the gate until she made sure that everyone else she knew was happy first.
Each of them ended their stories with their original faults/sins resolving to become their greatest virtues, and these virtues became the things that gave them the peace to move on and be one with the universe. This show was absolutely beautiful and there won’t be anything quite like it.
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