ysdic · 6 months
YS dictionary (a-n)
a限定成套的东西,例如She was just plain jealous - that’s the truth of it. You’ve got to be very careful when there’s a husband and wife about.,又如Stimson ran down the street looking for a horse and carriage.。
连词相接的并列短语,可用一个a统领,例如Knowing whether you need an overview or conclusion can make all the difference to your results.,又如We noticed a login from a new device or location and want to make sure it was you.,又如Not long ago it was fashionable to brag about that you hardly slept at all, and the mark of a successful businessperson or politician was their ability to get by on very little shut-eye.。此点在the条目下亦有。
人名前加a的例子,如There is a Miss Hayden, my uncle’s secretary, who lived in his house.,犹言“有个叫…的”,又如
人名前加a+形容词,例如An angry Mikel Arteta has dismissed speculation that he could take over at Barcelona at the end of the season and insisted he has unfinished business at Arsenal.,又如A disappointed Van Dijk apologised for his role in the decisive 67th‑minute misunderstanding with Alisson.。
数量前加a+形容词,例如Every year an estimated 50,000 visitors explore some 910m of tunnel in these dank catacombs to look at 6 million ghoulishly arranged skull-and-crossbones skeletons.,
just about犹言差不大多,例如I can just about pronounce millefeuille. It’s a classic French dessert.,又如He’s just about the best golfer in the world.,又如The good news for Arsenal is that they will start 2024 only two points off the league leaders Liverpool. The bad news is, well, just about everything else.。
表示某方面的事,例如I want to tell you about last night.,较to tell you what happened last night简练地道,又如Last month I was in trouble with the police and that old woman wrote to my office and she told them about the police.。
accused sb. of sth./v-ing.,例如She accused him of a murder.,又如His young wife was sick, and he was accused of stealing money from the bank.。
take action on sth.,例如CleanBC is helping people in British Columbia take action on climate change.。
可数,介词用for,例如He had seen it so often in old prints on Christmas cards and in advertisements for whisky.。
可以表示有力量的接触,用法需把握,例如‘What’s that against my left foot?’Ma said.,又如The rain beat against the windows.。
ahead of time谓提前,例如It would all be finished months ahead of time.。
飞行器的统称,复数不变形,例如Drones could ground aircraft involved in crucial firefighting missions, Ma said.。
形容词谓相像(不可总用similiar),例如You may not agree with me, but I think we’re very much alike.。
all-+adj.表示程度极高,例如In our age of high surveillance and anxieties about all-powerful AIs, the idea that a machine could read our most personal thoughts feels more plausible than ever to us as individuals.。
any置于形容词前,表示程度之微,例如On Wednesday night, officials told the city’s 20,000 residents they had to be out by Friday at noon before a massive wildfire gets any closer.
If anything, …强调事实恰恰相反,出乎常人意料,略可译成“真要说起来,反倒是云云”,例如He's still not the type Arteta wants to use there, so no. If anything, he'll put Rice there if really needed.,此句中有两个if,前一个只是语气词。又如If anything, you have to work harder when your dad’s the boss.。
数的照应从前不从后,例如Voice notes are a more efficient way of journalling and getting things off my chest.。
under one’s arm谓腋下夹着东西,例如He carried his three-cornered hat under his arm and in his hand a gold-headed cane.。
arm in arm谓手勾着手,例如The two walked arm in arm down the empty streets until they found a restaurant. 。
get around后面直接地区,谓在该地区内转来转去,例如You need a car to get around town.,犹言在城里出行,又如Vehicles are usable items in Adopt Me!. They are designed to make getting around the Adoption Island and the Neighborhood easier.。
谓清楚言明(而非遮掩曲晦),及物,例如For a people-pleasing good-girl sort, learning to be direct and articulate my needs has been life-changing.。
as of/from谓由某时起生效,例如Our phone number is changing as from May 12.,又如The notice is effective as of 8 a.m. PT Wednesday.。
as to谓关于至若,可以独立前置,相当于as for,例如As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.,也可以在句中后置,此时略等于about,例如When I asked Dutch friends to comment on the meaning of niksen, they said they knew the word but didn’t feel they had any explanation as to what was Dutch about it.。
as可替代when sb. is/are使用,更简洁,如We learn to lie as children, between ages of two and five.
as if后可接介词短语,例如Mrs Jerebohm, stupefied by sheer size and acreage of panelling, heard three pairs of footsteps echo about her as if in a cave.,又如Mr Jerebohm, staring hard at the lake as if in hope of seeing a fish rise, resisted with great difficulty a powerful and insidious temptation to ask how Ma dealt with trout.,
as adj. as后亦可接介词短语,例如Arsenal were as pallid as against West Ham.,此句言本场比赛和上场对西汉姆之比赛同样苍白乏力。
my ass接在名词后,犹言个屁,例如You think your job is tough work? Tough work, my ass! My job is the tough one.,又如- Give Spurs a late boost of confidence to carry into the City game; 5D chess from Arteta. - 5D Chess my ass; that's just Arsenal bottle job loading.。
在某方面擅长与否用at,例如Even so, we are hopeless at spotting deception. … People are bad at it because the differences between truth-tellers and liars are particularly small and unreliable.,甚至如But I am going to give you 20 of the most important tips that will improve you at boxing.。
在说明问题时标出重要数字,用法须把握,例如At 6ft 7in, Crouch was no one’s idea of a footballer – and even his own fans liked to tell him so.,又如
at auction是固定泛指说法,如A letter written by Ernest Hemingway recounting his harrowing injuries after surviving two successive plane crashes in two days has sold at auction for $237,055 (£187,751),又如A classic Rolls-Royce fetched £25 000 at auction.
谓受众的整体,可数,例如an audience of 10 000,又如Many sidemen in the big bands became famous in their own right, and audiences idolised them.。
back out (of + np./v.-ing)谓反悔退出,例如The London Review of Books has expressed its disappointment after the Barbican backed out of hosting a lecture series which included a talk about the Holocaust and allegations that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.,又如You agreed to come. You can’t back out now!。
back in + 时间点,此为常见表达习惯,例如Lawro first started the weekly feature way back in 2000.,
即background story,例如The film spends too long establishing the characters' backstories.,注意此例用复数,又如Everybody knew the backstory, how Arsenal had won their previous Premier League title almost 20 years ago to the day at White Hart Lane.。
bank on犹言rely on,例如Finally, it's not something to bank on, but if you've been working as a SWE for a year you could also apply for PR (through FSW or CEC (if you've been working in Canada)) and hope you get it whilst you're in the program or before you start the program.,又如I’m banking on you to help me.。
bank holiday即是public holiday,此为英国人说法。
谓衣裳宽松,例如The baggier the trousers, the more it puffs out. It looks much better than wearing a skirt over tights.
on a adj./n. basis用于描述行为方式,例如And in the absence of Gabriel Jesus, that is precisely what Arsenal need to see on a regular basis from his stand-in Eddie Nketiah.,又如Most people work on a part-time/voluntary basis.
-bedroom和-bedroomed都可以,如a three-bedroomed house或four-bedroom houses.
谈过去的过去可用before替代ago之功能,如One morning in the mid-90s, the art historian Patricia Albers and her husband drove out to a farm in Oregon, looking for clues that would bring her closer to a woman she had encountered a decade before.。
谓信教之人,例如The magi we know best first appear in the Gospel of Matthew—those three wise men, long thought to be Persian astrologers, following a star from the East to find, and crown, the new King. One need not be a believer to find it a stirring tale of the entanglements of wisdom and revelation.。
透示,例如His stiff movements betray his age.,
可直接在数量定语中表示范围,例如The 30-year-old defender is set to miss between seven and nine months of action after undergoing surgery.
go big,成语,谓玩一票大的云云,如Chelsea have gone big on a 90s theme and it’s mostly a sartorial win, because the new kit bangs like OK Computer.此外俗语有Go big or go home.一语,犹饿死胆小的撑死胆大的云,例如In this industry, it’s go big or go home. There’s no room for those who want to play it safe.
have a bite犹言少吃上点,例如’Oh! Come in and have a bite,’ Pop said, ‘Ma’ll be pleased to death.’,又如You’ll feel better once you’ve had a bite to eat.
be to blame谓得负责,例如Which driver was to blame for the accident?。only have oneself to blame为成语,谓只能怪自己,例如If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame.,又如As for Leeds, they have only themselves to blame.,注意有only的位置有微调。
deliver a/the blow为固定表达,谓重击,例如Late goals from substitute Leon Bailey and Ollie Watkins delivered a hammer blow to Arsenal’s chances of ending a 20-year wait to be crowned champions.
后直接姓名谓本名,例如Kate Chopin (1851-1904) was born Katherine O’Flaherty in St. Louis, Missouri.。
借用某人的说法,例如To borrow a line from Mikel Arteta, it was about making their own history here.,又如
box fresh谓商品刚刚拆封,言其状态新而好,例如They are dressed in fluorescent hoodies and box-fresh trainers.,又如By that point in May, Arsenal were cooked by their season’s exertions, while Brighton looked box fresh.,此例为比喻性用法。
/ˈbəʊzəʊ/.俗语谓蠢逼,例如The reason you don’t want stuff, bozo, I remind myself, is that you bought everything in your 20s.,且往往侧重不顾及他人一点,例如Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.。
猎获的一双禽鸟,单复同形,例如Pop presently disappeared into the pantry and came out holding a brace of pheasants.。
谓短暂,常用,例如As an adult, he briefly tried living and writing in Paris, and later he moved permanently to London.,又如He briefly attended college and then moved to New York City.。
谓导致使得,意义较虚,用法灵活,其例如Now we are free and perhaps, we can deal openly with each other. Knowledge may be dangerous, but it can bring us closer.,又如
[phrasal verbs]buckle up谓系好安全带,如Everyone buckle up and get ready to do some exploring.,此语英国说belt up。
on a tight budget谓预算不多,例如But eating healthily is going to be much more expensive, and therefore not an option for people on a tight budget.。
过劳引起不适,不可数的例子如My job glorified overworking, despite its obvious negative impact, with numerous colleagues experiencing burnout.。
拆开为burn out的及物动词例子,如If he doesn’t stopping working so hard, he will burn himself out.。
like nobody’s business,言程度之快之剧,例如Captain Perigo drank like nobody’s business, starting an hour after breakfast.
be business as usual,谓一切如常有序,例如There'll be no more nonsense around here. It will be business as usual.,又如Much of the town lost electricity in the storm, but for people with generators it was business as usual.。
作动词,busy sb. with sth./v.-ing,例如His aim was to teach his students to think for themselves and he did not like it when they busied themselves with their quills to write down his every words.,此句的叙事用了一种特殊的信息序列,把quills作为主要宾语,真正的动词反而再用to的连动式接上。又当后为v.-ing,则with可省,如While we talked, John busied himself fixing lunch.。
butter up谓奉承拍马,如I don’t really know if he was trying to butter me up.
有经过之意,例如They drove by in the horse and carriage a few minutes ago so Lizzie could say goodbye.,又如Just drive by. Don't stop.,注意一停一不停。停之类又如I'll come by this evening and pick up the books.,又In the evening, an old miner dropped by for a visit.;不停之类又如
call out谓大声叫,例如But just then the driver called out, "The wheel is fixed. The carriage is ready to leave.",又如In a week voice he called out, "Lizzie.",注意此例谓轻声地叫。
burn the candle at both ends谓早起晚睡,焚膏继晷工作,例如Like most teenagers, I was keen to burn the candle at both ends. As a medical student, I often stayed up partying, then went straight into some feverish last-minute cramming.。
be caught up in谓受某事波及影响,多为负面,如The altoist returned to Blue Note in 1967 and soon became caught up in the increasingly commercial leanings of the label.,又如Try not to get too caught up in the moment.,后一例是就情绪上说的,并且以too修饰,说明有情绪形容词的价值。
即T台,介词为on,北美亦用runway,例如From the nightclub to the runway, dress and skirt-trouser combinations (aka skousers) are “officially back”, says Vogue. It was a key trend on the autumn/winter 2023 catwalks.。
妥协同意照办,例如I also made a choice to go without a smartphone for a whole decade, from 2010 to 2020. In 2020, my final year of university, I caved and bought one, a choice encouraged by my mum.,常用格式为cave in to sth.(注意in to分词),例如The president is unlikely to cave in to demands for a public inquiry.。
后接罪名用with,例如Lai, 75, is charged with colluding with foreign forces under the city’s national security law.。
有抠门一义,例如Buying secondhand clothes. Not because I’m particularly sustainability-minded, but because I’m cheap.。
the cherry on top of the cake谓锦上添花,实际出现多以略式,如That late goal might just be the cherry on top.,又如The garden is not our main reason for buying the house, but it’s the cherry on the cake.
play 4D/5D chess犹言下一盘大棋,例如Give Spurs a late boost of confidence to carry into the City game; 5D chess from Arteta.。
It is your choice.谓你要如此也行、你自己看着办,例如However, if you choose to start with writing task 2, it is your choice.
[phrasal verbs]clock up谓积攒、总计、达到,例如The centre-back was only a real first-team regular during the turbulent 2020-21 season, but still clocked up more than 150 appearances as a reliable squad player.,又如The Australians have clocked up three medals and two silvers in the swimming events.
up close强调近距离,例如I am fitter and happier – and it gets me up close to nature.,又如I like those silver earrings in the window. Can I see them up close?。
用于静态描述,口语中较自然,例如There is one terrific family of Pascal matrices, and they come in all sizes, and above all they have real meaning.,又如Returning multiple values from a function can be very useful at time, but it also comes with some dangers from a program design perspective. 。
come in handy/useful谓到时候派上用场,例如Arsenal always knew Kai Havertz’s versatility would come in handy.,又如The money will come in handy when I want to travel.
be coming up谓即将发生,例如We’ve got three hours of hiking coming up.,又如Plan your activities so that you are rested and refreshed when something important is coming up.。
keep sb. company谓陪着某人(而非由某人陪着),例如We'll sing some songs and keep him company until he falls asleep.。
confide in sb.谓把秘密告诉信任者,例如Confiding in ChatGPT about work gripes or political preferences could come back to bite users, according to an artificial intelligence expert.,又如It is important to have someone you can confide in.。
可以接双宾语(或当理解为发生省略),例如We all lose lung function over time, which is considered normal ageing.。
be in contention谓参与竞争,例如Recalling a failed audition for the musical Annie when she was a child, Kidman said those in contention were being measured before being allowed into the audition room.。
俗语动词,言效果出色,例如Arsenal are blowing away the other teams by destroying them and being clinical in front of goal. This team is slowly starting to cook.,又如The party cooked right through the night.。
大量,例如I started eating copious amounts of vegetables only when I found dishes I loved.,又如She supports her theory with copious evidence.。
cash cow谓摇钱树、印钞机,例如The story goes that Lavigne was plunged into a deep depression after the death of her grandfather and, her stresses compounded by the pressures of fame, killed herself in 2002. But the cynical, money-grubbing record executives who controlled her career couldn’t let go of this cash cow, so they drafted in a lookalike named Melissa to play Lavigne.。
crack up谓狂笑不止,例如He walked in and everyone just cracked up.。也有使动用法,例如Gill’s so funny - She just cracked me up.,又如"And the referee....has still given it!" got me cracked up.。
cross out/through谓划掉,如Each line will cross out a letter.;与之不同,cross off特指除名,如We can cross his name off; he's not coming.。
curtain call谓返场谢幕,常用动词为take,例如He later took a curtain call and tossed his batting gloves into the stands.。
表习俗可数,例如a local/brutal custom,又如As an American living in Europe, James wrote about the conflict between American and European manners and customs.,
裁断之界线,例如She was 5ft 4in at the time, two inches above the 5ft 2in cut-off.,又如Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood?。
星期中的一日可数,例如I saw 27 films, mostly on a Sunday!。参看evening下一条。
a deal is a deal,说话要算话。
v. to death,例如“The wigs in Guys and Dolls are all human hair,” Smyth says, “but the wigs a panto dame would wear tend to be more like helmets – you can beat someone to death with them.”,又如He’s drinking himself to death.谓喝酒过多已经有危险。另有sentence to death,例如He was sentenced to death.。
后接电话号码,例如He went to the telephone and dialled her number.,又如Dial 0033 for France.
叙述小说电影的内容,用一般现在时,其中的倒退则用一般过去时,例如In the second season of the Netflix documentary Making a Murderer, Steven Avery, who is serving a life sentence for a brutal killing he says he did not commit, undergoes a “brain fingerprinting” exam.
would die for谓极其想要,例如I’d die for some ice-cream right now.,又如’Think the kids were pleased about the swimming pool,’ he said, ‘don’t you? I thought the twins would die.’,此例中省去for。
可数,例如Even if it’s only for five minutes, it makes a huge difference to my circadian rhythms and overall mood.。
北美英语有用different than而非from者,例如These instruments performed differently during the swing era than they had before.。
不一定指晚餐,有一义为一日中最盛大之一餐,例如At nine’o clock Kant returned to his room, once more put on his dressing-gown, his night-cap, his three-cornered hat, and his slippers and studied till exactly a quarter to one. Then he called down to his cook, told her the hour, dressed and went back to his study to await the guests he expected to dinner.,毛姆这段中的dinner显然是午餐。又英国英语的school dinners谓学校提供的中饭。
a disappointment to sb.,注意介词,例如I'm a terrible artist, Peter. I realise that now. It's a big disappointment to me.,
dish up,装盘上菜,例如Ma’ll be dishing up in ten minutes and she won’t have it spoiled.。
后面跟动词原形的例子,如Scientists are investigating whether large language models, which underpin modern chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, can do more than repackage information learned in training.,又如
/ˈdɒmɪnəʊ/ a domino effect即多米诺效应,注意冠词为a而非the,例如I find it hugely beneficial for my mental and physical health, which has had a domino effect on my whole life.,又如This exposure triggered a domino effect, creating a customer base eager to experience what Blu Atlas had to offer.。
double down (on something)略谓变本加厉,更其做某事(多为危险挑战之事),例如The military government decided to double down and escalate the war.,又如“Just get down the tunnel,” Carragher fumed. “You’ve won a game, three points, you’ve been brilliant. Back in the title race, get down the tunnel. I’m serious, honestly.” Carragher would double down on the opinion in a social media post. “By all means enjoy it but enjoy it by being disciplined,” he wrote.,此例谓一言既出,再造波澜。
walk down the street与walk up the street基本可以换用,参看up下一条。
谓吸水或吸气,例如His ribs ached every time he drew breath.。
谓素描或素描画,和painting相对。通常诸如小孩绘画之类,均称drawing,如Before we an leave on vacation you’ll need to complete this drawing of our vehicle.常用格式为do/make a drawing of sth./sb.
drift off谓睡着,例如Despite the disruption to my sleep pattern caused by the irregular hours I had to work, I never had any problem drifting off.。
drink to sb.谓举酒为某人寿,例如Everybody rose and drank to Ma.。
滴水,主语可以是水,如Hearts race, sweat drips and micro-expressions leak from small muscles in the face.,亦可是滴水物,如The tap is dripping with water.
谓小心翼翼移步,以免撞到之类,如She'd duck in and out of the kitchen to stir whatever she had on the stove.
dumb down谓简单化弱智化,例如The BBC denies that its broadcasting has been dumbed down.。愚民亦用此语,例如We don’t need Karl Marx’s conception of a grand warfare between the classes to see that it is in the interest of complex management, economic or political, to dumb people down, to demoralise them, to divide them from one another, and to discard them if they don’t conform.。
可数的例子如His parents were wealthy and encouraged their children to get a good education.,
实质上,例如He sparked the move for Martin Ødegaard’s opening goal and it was his pull-back that led to the own goal from Daiki Hashioka just before half-time that effectively ended the contest.
the elements谓天气,多偏于恶劣侵害之一面,例如The A5 format became cumbersome, so I shifted to tiny reporters’ notebooks with spiral binding at the top. Sadly, these have lines and provide little-to-no protection from the elements.,又如Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk?,其中brave the elements为习语,犹言冒犯风雨。
医学术语,谓充血。例如Penile plethysmography tests arousal levels in sex offenders by measuring the engorgement of the penis using a special cuff.
/ɪnˈlaɪvn/,使生动有趣,例如He enlivened his discourse with humour and abundant illustrations.。
表示较如何的一部分,例如Ben White is one of the older members of the Arsenal side at the age of 26.,又如Beethoven composed his greatest works in the latter part of his life.,又如"The Pace of Youth" takes place in the 1890s and is one of Crane's lighter stories.。
to equate sth. with sth.,视如等同,例如More recently, lie detection has largely been equated with the juddering styluses of the polygraph machine.,又如I don't see how you can equate the two things.,后一例固无须with。
/esk/. 犹言某某式的,例如The Skandar series by AF Steadman is good for kids because it’s got bloodthirsty unicorns and Harry Potter-esque magic but with a more contemporary twist.。
前夜,介词用on,例如On the eve of her 27th birthday this month, Agnes Chow updated her Instagram feed for the first time in two and half years.。
可数,例如In the evenings, Pan took Mark up to her little apartment above her father's shop.。参看day下一条。
ever + adj.-er谓愈发如何,例如As my medical training progressed, sleep became ever more precious.。
an expert on sth.,如Jeff Hancock, an expert on digital communication at Stanford, has found that people who are lying in their online dating profiles tend to use the words “I”, “me” and “my” more often, for instance.
make eyes at谓深情或性感地注视,例如Stimson stood in the corner of hi office staring at the young man. "He must stop making eyes at Lizzie. If he doesn't stop, I'll take away his job."。
睫毛,可数。例如Pop stared hard at Ma as he spoke, but Ma didn’t move an eyelash in reply.
without fail谓雷打不动,从无例外,例如“My big life hack is to read every single day,” says Morrish. “I read every night without fail, even if it’s just for five minutes or a page.”,
用于表达有一说一,例如He’s done the job badly but, to be fair, I gave him very little time to do it.,又如Let’s be fair: technology has improved my life in ways that still surprise and delight me on a daily basis.。
a n. too far谓有些过头,实际例子如Arteta’s chasing of the game by loading up on forwards to leave Rice fighting alone in midfield against the excellent, superior João Palhinha and Tom Cairney was a risk too far.,又如AI is amazing but a 300+ piece of literature might be a quest too far.,又如Relying on FDI may be a gamble too far.。由于具体的语义含在名词中,故表达轻巧,很有用。
施事可以是参与项目,例如The story is known to be Alcott’s – it features in the lists the writer made of her works – but had not yet been found.,又如Several local musicians featured on the album.;也可以是参与活动内容,例如The film features Cary Grant as a professor.,又如The actress was featured on the cover of Time magazine last month.。
feed on/off谓动物以某为食,例如Three fatalities occurred in 2023 off South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, a remote area with a high population of white sharks and the seals they feed on.,又有比喻的用法例如He feeds off the work and reputation of others.。
feel like + v.ing,表示想做某事,而且预设义为事实上没做,例如The effect of this outburst was so touching that the nurse suddenly felt like weeping too and hastily remembered she had something to do in another ward.。另有一种feel like + v.ing/n.的用法,只表示当下所想往,没有预设义,例如I feel like (having) a nice cool glass of lemonade.。
at your fingertips谓需要时就在手头,例如VPL's entire collection is at your fingertips - you can also access thousands of online resources through vpl.ca.,但不一定关乎电子设备,例如I made sure I had all the facts at my fingertips before attending the meeting.。
vp. + first thing谓一早上首先干某事,例如Now, I write first thing, before listening to the news, looking at screens or even talking to anyone.,又如He said he’d call back first thing tomorrow.。
谓整理仪容,例如Soon a pretty young girl walked along and stopped to fix her skirt.,又如I've got to fix my hair,' I said and retreated to my bedroom.。
an old flame谓旧情人,例如’And who’s the tall blonde piece? Haven’t seen her before.’’Old flame.’ 。
谓企业不景气倒闭,例如Finally he got tenure and then his college folded.。
follow suit谓照样学样,例如When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually follow suit.,又如But Spotify’s success with these one-way broadcasts of individual taste has inspired other companies to follow suit – not just cinemas and banks, but those with even less to show on their users’ preferences and behaviours.。
follow in sb.'s footsteps多谓继承家业,例如Lance grew up thinking he would be an artist like his father, and Mrs. Mallow encouraged Lance to follow in his father's footsteps。
时间前的for省略之例,如He had been at Harvard only a month.,又如
谓落下东西,例如He was hot and tired and his head felt cool. He touched his head and realised that he forgot his hat.。
make a fortune谓发财,例如But, rather, Samira and her older brother gradually stopped speaking after he made a fortune from his tech start-up.,亦可make someone’s fortune,例如Her father made his fortune selling electronics.。类似表达如I was mining in California, and I hoped to find gold. The weeks and months passes, and I never found my fortune.。
系列电影,例如The average Redditor is a 25 year-old male weaned on the Harry Potter franchise.,
go n.-free,例如On weekends, I go social-media-free. I’ve started reading books instead.。
可数的例子如It takes getting used to, but this small, simple change has had a big impact and given me a newfound freedom.。
make friends with谓交朋友,复数无冠词,例如I wish Tommie would make friends with him.。
可指身体正面,与back相对,例如Sleeping on your front is discouraged due to the pressure it can exert on the stomach.谓人朝下睡,又如I spilled coffee down my front.谓咖啡洒得胸前都是,其中down sb’s front为成语。
动词谓加强增多,例如Simply doing what you can, when you can, fuels your own happiness and preserves the gas you have in the tank to be of service to others.,又如Whether it’s a simple smile from my son or a big award at work, acknowledging three things I’m thankful for each morning ignites curiosity, amplifies appreciation and fuels productivity.,亦可是负面的如The rapid promotion of the director’s son has itself fuelled the resentment within the company.。
make fun of谓取笑,例如He made fun of Chinese customs and beliefs.。
get away with谓行某事而不受追究,通常宾语谓形式的it,如We lie to promote ourselves, protect ourselves and to hurt or avoid hurting others. The mystery is how we keep getting away with it.,又如If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn’t pay my taxes at all.。但此语感上终究为带宾短语,另有例如She’s determined that her students will not get away with plagiarism.。
get by谓过活,支撑,例如Not long ago it was fashionable to brag about that you hardly slept at all, and the mark of a successful businessperson or politician was their ability to get by on very little shut-eye.。
注意读音为hard g。但是女性人名的Gill为soft g,也写作Jill。
green around the gills谓不适应、不舒服,例如Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gills after the trip.,又如He is now 24 and no longer green around the gills.谓球员已经成熟,习于比赛环境。
Still a minute to go.用以说离结束还剩多少时间(此例句出于足球解说)。
As the n. goes, 谓xx有之曰,例如As the old adage goes, money can’t buy you friends.。类似例子如,The story goes that Lavigne was plunged into a deep depression after the death of her grandfather and, her stresses compounded by the pressures of fame, killed herself in 2002.,犹该故事如是说,
on the go谓忙来忙去,例如Download and access VPL anywhere, anytime and on-the-go.,这里语义似偏于“不安定地在路上”,又如I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time.,这里仅仅言其忙碌。
有时意义偏于量,兼言质。多为固定说法,须记忆,例如There is a good chance that I won’t be here next year.,又如There is good evidence that being physically active has an impact on lung health.。
grease the wheels of sth.犹言促进,如The majority of the lies we tell are “white”, the inconsequential niceties – “I love your dress!” – that grease the wheels of human interaction.,又如They hope that the text cuts would grease the wheels of the economy.
过去完成时可以带时间点,例如The detectives were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.,又如
谓一局牌,例如‘Play crib?’ Pop said with great cheerfulness. ‘What about a couple of hands at crib?’,或如‘Who wants to play a hand of poker?’,又如’I’ll have to leave after this hand.’
go hand in hand,谓密不可分,例如R&B and the art of studio-craft go hand-in-hand.。
hang on谓抓紧(防摔),例如Please hang on to the handrail while using the stairs.。
hang on亦用于要对方停停先别继续,例如Hang on - I’m not quite ready. 以上两义比较hold on。
hang on亦可表挺到底,例如O’Neil hoped his side might be given a penalty in stoppage time, but, this time, he could have no complaints as a relieved Arsenal hung on.
get the hang of sth.,把握要领,宾语多为it,语感上可能趋于形式宾语,例如It takes a bit of practice but is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.。亦有接v-ing.的例子如The kids are beginning to get the hang of marching in formation.。
生小孩用have,例如We had a daughter last year and I’ve put on about 30 pounds.,又如She married Oscar Chopin, moved to New Orleans, and had six children.,这些have都是强动性的。
主句用现在完成时,小句的时态不必随主句倒退(因为主句的时还是现在),如The musician Noel Gallagher has admitted he struggles to remember the words to some of the hits he created with his younger brother Liam in their band Oasis.
have to虽然语义约当must,但仍富有一般动词的价值,因此可以接在动词或模态动词后面,注意就例句体会口气,如Other traffic shouldn’t have to change direction or slow down for you.(有“全然不必”之意味,口气较强),又如I have gone into the arrangements of the house rather fully here because I don’t want to have to go over them again later.
决定一类动作,发生于过去,影响现在,讨论时常常用完成时(而非过去时),例如Why are you living in the UK? Why have you chosen to be here?,注意体会运用。
come to a head谓坏到无法敷衍,必须了断,例如On December 23, 1948, Davis's irritation with what he considered Parker's lack of professionalism came to a head.。又有bring sth. to a head,例如The chairman's resignation finally brought matters to a head.。
hale and hearty,俗语,谓老人健硕,例如She was as hale and hearty in her seventies as she was on the day that Nehemiah jilted her at the altar.,其中hale现代不单用,语源为whole,仅用于该成语押头韵。
有压力一义,(偏指令人须使劲不放松)。例如We need to put the heat on those guys so that they finally pay the debts to us.,又如 Victory for Arsenal at Sheffield United this evening is therefore non-negotiable if they want to keep some heat on the top two.,又如Can he take the heat of this level of competition?。
形容数量巨大,例如Trying some hefty exponentiation, we can see that we can compute with some pretty big numbers such as 2^1000 as illustrated below.。
as/like hell用在形容词后面加强语气,如Phil Foden looked hungry as hell when he came on against us.,又如They were mad as hell.。亦有as adv. as hell一式,如We’ve been working as hard as hell to finish on schedule.。亦可用在动词后,如If you asked me I believed she cared like hell for Richard Carey.
hold up the line谓排队(��排队结账)时一个人太慢,把后面的人拖住,Just try to go when it's less busy so you don't hold up the line.。
介词常用from,如The 40-year-old from North Carolina works from home running her family business, Big Al’s Pub & Grubberia.,又如I'll call you from home later.。
be/feel at home with谓习于某物,人的例子如She was at home with her father's people. With her mother's, she felt strange.,物的例子如I've never really feel completely at home with all these new-fangled machines.,
in hopes of doing/that,无冠词,例如Many Canadians, however, wait for years on provincial family doctor waitlists. Others have to call around town in hopes of finding someone willing to accept them.。另式为in (the) hope of/that,希望某事发生,冠词可有可无,例如He waited in the hope that she would show up.。
推搡打闹,不可数,例如工地标语有云No horseplay or any kind will be tolerated.,又如In the factories, workers repeatedly defied safety rules and practices, dismantled machine guards, and engaged in horseplay.
a host of谓许许多多,可以是人,如Billie Eilish, Peter Gabriel, Sheryl Crow and a host of other artists have joined forced for a new coalition against gun violence.,可以是物,如Lavender oil can relieve a whole host of ailments.
human/human being
human和human being可视作相等。
指人类可数,例如Humans have been trying to overcome this problem for millennia.,又如That is no way to treat another human being.
hunt down谓捉拿,例如Ecuador’s president, Daniel Noboa, has denied that his government is embarking on an indiscriminate campaign to hunt down and kill gang members.,又如The tellers know my face, and the transaction is linked to my bank account. My mom banks there. I used to go to school with one of their tellers, too. They could hunt me down by crossing the street.。
side-hustle谓副业,例如John works in accounting but the gym, counting his protein and maintaining his build, is his side-hustle.。
机器设在某个档位,用in,例如When you wash laundry in cold, few harmful microfibres end up in the ocean.
树木枝叶一类,介词可用in,例如I went from nodding, smiling, talking too loudly and saying: “Eh?” all the time to speaking more softly, hearing the wind in the leaves, the birds in the trees.,又如I quickly climbed up a nearby tree and hid in the branches.。
程度副词,言出奇地,例如That day was inordinately hot.,又如It makes me inordinately happy.。
口语以insides谓肠子和胃,例如He complained of a pain in his insides.,又如Ashton Wilcox, 8, points to a dead hedgehog snagged in the rocks of a stream at Battle Hill. “Look, its insides are moving”, he says with alarm.。
熨的衣服(犹laundry谓洗的衣服),例如On a morning in April the Brigadier’s sister, going upstairs with a small pile of ironing and suddenly lacking strength to reach the top, had simply sat down on the middle steps and quietly died.。
熨衣的工作,通常言to do the ironing。
表抽象概念,无冠词,例如There's a threshold of handsomeness. If you're over it, you're a photographer; if you're below it, you're in jail.,又如His lawyer worked hard to keep him out of jail.,又如Maybe I should let him know I’m going to have you arrested and put in jail.。
on the job谓在工作场合中,例如More than a dozen officers have shot multiple civilians on the job without facing consequences.,又如You’ll get on-the-job training.。
作make sure之类用,更自然,例如The best way to do this, says Dulak, is to “keep your books visible – not under the bed – and in the same place so you always know where they are”.,
keep to oneself谓不喜与人交接,例如It's hard with the Sakkaros. They keep to themselves. I don't even know what Mr. Sakkaro does for a living.
the key to sth./doing sth.,例如the key to success等,或者The key to eating a Meddiet cheaply is to go for canned and frozen foods, which are just as nutritious.。
谓初识,瞬间动词,例如A long time ago, you knew Tom Briggs.,又如I’ve known David for 20 years.。
意谓心领神会,例如The surviving members of the band, now in their 70s and 80s, chose London’s Hackney Gazette to reveal details of the new record to their knowing fans.,又Stones aficionados have been enjoying sharing the many knowing references in the advert to the band’s history, lyrics and iconography.,或如a knowing smile/look**.
in the knowledge that作状语,相当于knowing that而更地道轻巧,例如I do recognise the same essential impulse: to grab at life, tug at the details and hold on to them in the knowledge that although each moment, each thought may be fleeting and tenuous, together they make up the substance of our lives, day by day, year by year until we reach the final page.。注意此前可再连表肯定的形容词,例如I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house.,再如They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project.。
动词谓投毒,结构为lace sth. with sth.例如Another EEG-based test was used in 2008 to convict a 24-year-old Indian woman named Aditi Sharma of murdering her fiancé by lacing his food with arsenic.
see the last of,谓见最后一次,例如Fans of thriller writer David Cornwell – better known by his pen name John le Carré – may have thought they had seen the last of recurring protagonist George Smiley when the author died in 2020.。
指洗的衣物,例如When you wash laundry in cold, few harmful microfibres end up in the ocean.。
lead to sb. doing sth.,例如The literary scandal led to Corrain posting an apology, being dropped by her agent and having her book deal cancelled.。
the least bit谓一丁点,例如She's always looking at the sky, and she's never been out when it's the least bit cloudy.,又如Alice was not the least bit frightened.。
pick up where sb. left off谓从中断处重新开始。注意此为成语,left off无须退为过去完成时,例如Once he returned, though, he picked up where he left off and continued to score at a blistering pace, averaging more than a goal per game in the league.。
副词谓程度低,语义上仍带有比较,例如Following the stress of the 0-0 draw against City, this was an easier ride, Arsenal moving back above ­Liverpool to the top of the table, Arteta able to enjoy the impact of some of his lesser used players.,
著述中let the reader + vp.字样,犹言请读者如何,例如Let the reader state carefully the interpretation of these definitions, and establish the following propositions.。
There is more to life than doing sth.谓人生之意义远为丰富深奥,例如There is more to life than watching millionaires exercise.
come to light谓事实一类公开(原先隐秘),例如All these secrets we kept from each other have finally come to light.,
可做副词,犹for a long time,例如After 9/11, the US government – long an enthusiastic sponsor of deception science – started funding other kinds of brain-based lie-detection work.,又如These reforms are long overdue.
loom large谓问题渐趋严重,例如But another standoff with the club looms large, and Mbappé’s potential involvement in the Olympics is increasingly likely to be his send-off from his home city.,又如The prospect of war loomed large.。
on a low note谓气氛不愉悦,例如Our vacation ended on a low note when our flight was delayed.,亦有省为on a low者,例如When I hated doing the dishes, even delicious meals ended on a low.。
/ˈluːkrətɪv/. 油水丰厚能生财,例如Holmes was lucrative for Conan Doyle, but the author decided to kill him off once he had earned him enough money, sending him over a Swiss waterfall in 1893.。
扑向,介词不一,例如She landed on her feet and let out one long screech. Then she lunged for Nehemiah.,又如He took out a knife and lunged at her.,又如She lunged forward and snatched the letter from me.。
谓享受可数,例如There was still money in her wallet. Her next luxury was going to see a play.,又如A comfortable bed to sleep in is a luxury that we take for granted.。
有弄饮食一义,不必等于制作,例如Diane made some milk and took it to mother.,又如
犹reach,且用法较灵活,例如He followed her on light springy steps, hoping she might possibly slip and fall in a harmless sort of way so that he could have the pleasure of picking her up but to his disappointment she made the boat without a trip or stumble.,意义实在,至于I’m sorry I couldn’t make your party last night.,则略为虚化,至于The story made the front pages.,或He’ll never make the team.,或We just managed to make the deadline.,虽皆可释以reach,但意思相当虚化,近于固定表达,须记忆。
make for谓去往某处,例如They made for the centre of town.,又如The midfielder’s shot from outside the area curled away from Alphonse Areola to find the far corner and that sound you heard were of seats clicking back and people making for the exits.
make off谓匆匆逃离,例如The thieves reportedly made off with £1m worth of jewellery and watches.。
make do with谓把某物先将就着用,例如Arsenal will have to make do with their existing squad.,又如Can you make do with $5 for now and I will give you the rest tomorrow?。
manage可以替代及物动词用,后接数量,例如I read 51 books. In 2023, I managed 56.。
manners复数,礼貌,多以good/bad修饰,例如If one cannot avoid yawning, good manners require that the hand should be placed before the mouth.。
no matter what谓无论如何,例如He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.,又如We have to win all our matches no matter what. Win all our matches to prove to everyone and to ourselves that we can handle the pressure and not “choke”.。
物言be meant for sb.,谓为某人所设,例如The chair was clearly meant for a child.,又如God please protect Declan Rice; transfer any injury meant for him to my Ex.。
By all means.犹言当然行,口语常用,例如”May I borrow this book.” “By all means.”,又如Want to read something into her lyrics? By all means. Want to scrutinise the moles on Lavigne’s body in detail? Go ahead, creep.。
形容词,前置,例如One middle-aged woman looked at him and thought he looked charming in his sleep.。
moneys或monies为法律用法,表示款项,例如Mr Holmes used monies obtained by the loan agreements to fund a property development venture in or around Vancouver, Canada.
more or less犹言差不多,后接the same常见,例如The next moment he was sitting on the stairs, at more or less the same place where his sister had sat herself down.。
all morning谓一早上,例如It was a very hot day, and after walking all morning in the sun, he became tired and sleepy.。
most of all作为插入语提出重点,如We lie to our employers, our partners and, most of all, one study has found, to our mothers.,又如I do hope you enjoy this book and, most of all, I hope it puts you to sleep. Fast.。
most置于动词后,一般现在时,犹言最能如何,注意没有the,例如Offering myself a few moments to pause helps me orient my attention and heart to what matters most.,又如The people it helps most, though, are people who are not able to get as great access to other ways to get fluoride.。
the final nail in the coffin谓最后的致命一击,例如Watkins put the final nail in Arsenal’s coffin with a dinked finish deflected into the top corner late on to send Emery and the Villa supporters into dreamland and leave Arsenal’s expecting the worst.,又如The latest evidence could be the final nail in the coffin for Jackson's case.。
name after谓以某命名,例如His most famous composition was the hit "Lullaby of Birdland", written in 1952 and titled after the New York jazz club named after Charlie Parker.,注意此句中连用两处。
精妙炫技,例如You'll want to go through a more extensive introduction to programming to learn the full extent of what you can do with Python, but you can still do some pretty nifty stuff by just playing around.,又如There’s some nifty guitar work on his latest album.。
床头柜,例如I keep my gua sha – a smooth, flat crystal for massaging my face – on my nightstand so it’s easy to remember to use it.
口语习惯,可在否定句最后重复no,例如I would not describe their style as particularly formal, no.
后面可以跟复数,例如No two days are the same.,又如The book contains no startling new discoveries.。
nod off,俗语谓坐着打磕冲,例如When I get back to work, I’m energised, rather than nodding off at my desk.。
under one’s nose,在眼皮子底下,例如’Had a fox fetch a goose the other night,’ Ma said. ‘Right under our noses.’
not that犹言并不是说,例如’Good for your figure,’ Pop said, with some enthusiasm and several more rapid glances at it. ‘Not that it’s not good now.’
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ysdic · 6 months
YS dictionary (o-z)
the odd one out谓孤臣异类,例如And so suddenly, instead of being one among many, I became the odd one out.。
引介选择范围,例如Of the two bands, Tommy's probably featured the more inventive and interesting jazz charts.,又如Of the three people who died aged under 65, one person was vaccinated against COVID-19 and two people were not vaccinated.。
后接数字表示年龄,例如David Swan, a young man of 20, was travelling on foot from New Hampshire to Boston.,
take offence犹言自认被冒犯,例如Author Sarah Stusek appeared to take offence when Goodreads user Karleigh Kebartas gave her debut novel Three Rivers four stars instead of five.。
双宾动词,例如The last part offers the reader additional opportunity for practice.。
offer to do sth.,谓自动表示愿做某事,例如’No, I’ll keep my stole on,’ she said to the girl when she offered to take it, ‘thank you.’
谓色之偏于深暗,例如When the visitors seized the lead after 55 seconds it spelled the start of a miserable afternoon for those in old gold.,此为狼队球衣色。
(every) once in a while,偶尔,例如I used to live in a city, but now I saw only fields and trees and once in a while, an old log cabin.
注意one是半元音开头的,前面用a,如When I was just learning to drive I went down a one-way street the wrong way.,又如a one-bedroomed apartment.
More than one后跟单数形式,例如When you find yourself in a situation with more than one hazard, what do you do?
only too言程度之高,其中only too well较常见,例如Mrs Jerebohm was to reticent to point out that her poverty in country friendships was only too well reflected in the number of guests at her dinner table.,其它例如I was only too pleased to help.
事件之开始,例如His first hit record marked the onset of an astonishing career.,又如at the onset of the war,介词用at。
可受修饰整体做形容词,例如Alcohol misuse, coming from a lower socioeconomic background, loneliness and having a hearing impairment are among 15 factors found to significantly increase the risk of early-onset dementia.,又如Addressing these modifiable factors may prove effective in mitigating the risk of developing young onset dementia.。
be of the opinion that,犹言持论如左,较正式,例如He would not sit down after they had left in case he fell asleep, which this he would not permit himself to do since he was of opinion that sleep should be enjoyed sparingly.,此句出自毛姆,无the,察当代例皆有the,故以有为准。
介词可用for,不可数,后接np.,例如The last part offers the reader additional opportunity for practice.,或接v-ing.,例如There’ll be plenty of opportunity for relaxing once the work is done.。
动词可用seize,例如The forward has seized his opportunity in the absence of the injured Gabriel Jesus with three goals in his last four appearances and impressive teamwork in the wins over Liverpool and West Ham.。
polar opposite谓绝对对立面,例如Still, after watching her in Harry Potter, it's interesting to see her play a character who is the polar opposite of Hermione Granger.。
or连接两个完整的一般疑问句,即可表示两种情况间的选择问。例如Was it heart failure in the back of a taxi or was Rivera right in suggesting that it was a politically motivated crime?,又如Can you really remember that or did I just tell it to you?
out there在口语中很惯用,虽则在语义上贡献甚微。应注意体会使用,如But while there's endless advice out there for parents, there's not much specifically for how to be in this non-parent supportive role.
观众集体鼓掌致意,可数,例如Smith Rowe was given a standing ovation when Arteta withdrew him towards the end.,又如The final piece won her a rapturous ovation from the audience.,又如In addition to a brief review for the course final exam, the overflowing audience (both in person and on the live YouTube stream) heard recollections, appreciations, and congratulations from Prof. Strang’s colleagues and former students. A rousing standing ovation concluded this historic event.。
over表示地点的用法比较微妙。例如The English version is two aisles over.,这里over等于away。
表比较,例如Kylian Mbappe chose PSG over Real Madrid.,又如
后加餐饮,引介情境,例如She would have preferred a maisonette on the front at Brighton, where she could occasionally parade in her best hat, gossip over morning coffee, and gaze at the sea.,又如They spent an hour over lunch.,此句over近于during。
后可搭配problem,表示搞定难题,如Humans have been trying to overcome this problem for millennia.
pale blue eyes为洋人形容瞳子色常用语,谓其淡蓝,例如”I been to a funeral,” he said, staring me with his pale, blue eyes.
part with犹言献出、给出,后常常跟钱,例如It’s a huge investment, so you probably need to ask yourself if you like CS enough to part with that amount of money.。
有this past之说法,谓新近刚过去的,例如The last collective agreement expired at the end of 2022 and bargaining didn't start until this past October.,又如this past week/summer.。
可数,例如One of her favourite pastimes is reading detective stories.。
peanuts谓钱少如毛毛雨,例如When I sold my first bestseller (and a million dollars was peanuts for my father) he was not impressed and wondered what I was going to do with myself.,又如I won’t work for peanuts.。
A square peg (in a round hole),方凿圆枘,谓不适宜某岗位,例如Emi isn't good with the ball at his feet; he literally can't play the way we need a keeper to for our style of game. Square peg, round hole.。
peg本身义较多,须具体理解。如coat pegs谓挂衣钩,clothes pegs则晾衣夹,tuning pegs则乐器之旋钮。
[phrasal verbs]pencil in谓初步排定某事件或时间,例如On Thursday night the indications were that Kane is leaning towards a move to Germany, with a medical pencilled in for Friday after talks gathered pace.,又如We’ll pencil in the dates for the next two meetings and confirm them later.注意前一例是事件作动词宾语,for引介时间;后一例是时间作动词宾语,仍用for引介事件。主要宾语亦可为人,如Shall I pencil you in for Friday?(用于预约);又如He was pencilled in to play the detective.,此例和时间无关。
watch every penny谓省着用,例如This was a large amount for someone who watched every penny and was so careful with money.。pinch pennies或pinch a penny程度更强,谓抠抠搜搜,例如She was the most wilful woman that ever lived and the best at pinching a penny. She had all three girls married at the same time by the same minister to save money.。
害虫或兽,例如A teacher nearby gently advises Ashton not to touch the animal, then explains hedgehogs are a pest in New Zealand and that the maggots are breaking down its remains.。
pet name犹言诨名昵称,例如Pinkie was his pet name for Mrs Jerebohm; it suited her much better than Phyllis.。
注意动词没有图画一义。有谓想象者,例如He pictured Harvard and Yale as famous universities where students, like the ancient Greeks, stood around under marble temples and talked about great ideas.;有谓
guinea pig/ˈɡɪn.i/犹谓人体小白鼠,例如Having failed to kill Smith on its first attempt, Alabama has selected him as its ‘guinea pig’ to test a method of execution never attempted before.,又如They are asking for students to be guinea pigs in their research into the common cold.。
副词表强调,例如Monk instead created a piano style that struck many of his contemporaries as erratic, awkward, or just plain odd.。
苦难困境,例如A pandemic of inhumanity has taken hold, from Darfur to Ukraine, from the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan to the seemingly forgotten voices of Rohingya refugees in Myanmar, and now the intolerable tragedy that is deepening in Israel and the State of Palestine and threatening to spread wider.注意为可数,例如The African elephant is in a desperate flight.。
to the point表示程度,例如For the last 20 years, I have suffered quite badly from intermittent insomnia, to the point where I was in real despair.,又如He was rude to the point of being aggressive.。亦有用不定冠词的类似表达,例如Though Python supports an indefinite level of nesting, there can come a point where it becomes too confusing for humans to easily understand.,
powers of sth.谓某种特殊能力,例如Conan Doyle wrote four novels and 56 short stories about the mastermind’s pursuit of criminals using his observational skills and powers of deduction.,亦可不言明能力的内容,例如Spiderman uses his powers to fight crime.。
有近于一义,例如A dominating force in the 1930s, Hawkins influenced practically all other saxophonists.。此义形容词亦有之,例如She married a practical stranger.。
医生、律师等特定职业,动词用practice,例如He attended the University of Toronto Law School, but he never practiced law.,又如She’s practicing medicine in Philadelphia.。名词亦有此,例如《成长的烦恼》中Jason has moved his practice into the house so he can be there for the kids.,其中Jason是psychiatrist。
It is good practice to do sth.谓是个好习惯,无冠词,例如Due to this, it is good practice to avoid nesting if-statements beyond 2 or 3 levels deep.,又如Everyone knows it is good business practice to listen to your customers.
to be precise,准确而言,例如The former West Ham hero had set up goals with whipped dead-ball deliveries for William Saliba and Gabriel Magalhães – Nos 1 and 3, to be precise.。
prepare sb. for sth.,例如Shortly before you wake, your body releases a surge of hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol, which prepares you for the day.。
pretend (that) + s.谓装得好像,例如All these years she has been pretending. She has pretended that he was a great artist to protect him.,又如We pretended nothing had happened.。
像样的,例如But despite this, he is opposed to buying a proper water bottle. He carries around a big plastic one and only replaces it every month or so.,又如When are you going to find a proper job?。
俚语谓呕吐,例如The boy puked all over me this morning.。亦有puke sth. up,例如I puked up my dinner.。
谓置人于某境地,具体例子如I’ve taken drugs to put me to sleep and drugs to keep me awake.,又如Don’t go putting yourself at risk.。
谓引发,例如The cancellation of Owen’s talk at HKU comes after a number of incidents that have raised concerns about academic freedom in the Chinese territory.,又如
reach谓伸手拿,常用for引介所拿的东西,例如Tolman reached for the envelope, but Gillian tore it up and said, “You doo’t need to read this.”,又如She reached inside her bag for a pen.。
Whenever you are ready.是一句常用口语,提示对方可以下一步操作。
谓敏于做某事,例如To a very attentive reader ready to pick up suggestions they may reveal the key idea of the solution.,又如Don’t be so ready to believe the worst about people.,其中ready为形容词故受修饰。
reason with sb.谓白活道理,例如Eventually, Peter stopped trying to reason with Mrs. Mallow.,
厌惧,介词用from,例如Mrs Jerebohm recoiled from the expression ‘demolition rats’ as Mr Jerebohm himself had done down by the lake-side.,或at,例如I recoiled at the thought.。
快速缩回,例如She recoiled from his touch.,或如He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse。故此可解释from及at的使用。
(catch sb.) red-handed谓抓现行,例如He’s been stealing from the store. I caught him red-handed.,又被动的例子如He must be caught red-handed to secure a conviction.。词源方面,如果是指手上沾血,那么red-handed所修饰的是受事;不过现在语感中,语义指向可能已经转向谓语。
谓降价,价值近于形容词,例如The price is reduced from 99 cents to 85 cents.,且受事可以是商品,例如The sign nearby said the stockings were reduced from $2.50 to $1.98.。
副词犹言尽管如此,多置句末,例如As things stand, with Sevilla 1-0 up through Sergio Ramos, Arsenal are in the last 16. They’ll want to win regardless, especially as they owe Lens one after a 2-1 defeat in the return fixture.。
cash register谓超市收银机。
谓人际关系可数,例如From early childhood, we all form close relationships with the people around us.,又如In the final story, the relationship between a mother and her son is tested.。
不消不停,不折不挠,例如What really interests Xi is how Israel’s relentless assault on Gaza is making its US ally look weak and guilty by association in the eyes of the world while dividing the western democracies.,或如a relentless enemy。但未必是贬义,例如her relentless pursuit of perfection。
on repeat谓循环放歌,例如It won’t be the number of minutes of Taylor Swift that made a mark, but the emotional angst of a breakup I tried to expel by playing Mr Perfectly Fine on repeat for an entire day.。
resonate with谓引起共鸣、触动情感,例如For a chance to feature in the magazine, send us a picture you took recently, telling us where it is in the world, when you took it and why the scene resonated with you at that particular moment.,又如His speech resonated with the fears and suspicions of his audience.,后一例的宾语不是人。
be rich in谓富于,例如According to a self-styled sleep expert I found on the internet, “Turkey is rich in an amino acid called tryptophan, which goes to your brain and is converted to serotonin, which helps you sleep.”。
in sb’s own right谓凭自己,而非借势于人,使用需要把握,参考例子如Using a symbol for a missing digit in a place value system is not the same as recognising zero as a number in its own right.。
谓河流发源,例如Rising in Bedfordshire, the Lea flows for 46 miles through Hertfordshire and north-east London, eventually reaching the Thames.。
动词谓摇晃,例如Maybe the movement of the bus will rock me to sleep.,又如摇椅为rocking chair。
量词,谓子弹的发,例如A consultant hired by the city concluded that “the 55 rounds fired by six officers in ~3.5 seconds is reasonable based upon my training and experience as a range instructor”.,又如We only have three rounds of ammunition left.。
en route必读为/ˌɒ̃ ˈruːt/。
名词谓争执,例如Arteta was taken back to Tuesday night’s 2-1 win at Nottingham Forest. And specifically to the on-pitch row between Oleksandr Zinchenko and Ben White after the full-time whistle, when passions boiled over.
谓讲平整之处弄乱,例如A light breeze ruffled the surface of the lake.,又如She ruffled his hair affectionately.。
ruffle sb.’s feathers谓令人不悦,例如No longer saying yes when my gut says no – even if I risk ruffling someone’s feathers.
run-up to sth.略谓某事之先的筹备造势阶段,介词可用during,例如during the run-up to the election,例如In August 2014, de Botton was one of 200 public figures who were signatories to a letter to ‘The Guardian’ opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September's referendum on that issue.,亦可受前置限定,例如The shops are fully stocked for the Christmas run-up.。
谓快速移动,未必在水上,例如Then she kicked him from behind, and he went flying out the door. Nehemiah's feet never touched the front steps. He sailed right out onto the lawn, came down on his feet and kept on running.谓飞过,又如She sailed past, ignoring me completely.谓走过,
the same as后接的内容较灵活,此亦可参看than一条,例如Arsenal’s position at Christmas and point at Anfield are the same as last season, but Arsenal are not the same as last season.
save sb. sth.谓免于,例如The Brigadier was saved the necessity of answering this enigmatical question by the breezy entrance of Pop.。
that’s saying something犹言可见一斑,例如My pleasure in playing with Teddy Wilson equalled the pleasure I got out of playing Mozart, and that's saying something.,又如This is the most confusing novel I’ve ever read, and considering I did my Master’s thesis on Ulysses, that’s saying something.,此表达常搭配considering云云.。
吓着,例如Frank, you scared me.,又如It scared me to think I was alone in the building.,又如Most of us like to read about strange events, and sometimes we even like to be scared.。
给影视等配乐,及物,例如Nick Cave and Warren Ellis will score the forthcoming Amy Winehouse biopic, Back to Black.。
scream one’s head off谓疯狂大叫,例如I was screaming my head off at the local Gooner pub last night.,又如I screamed my head off on the roller coster.。
screen out谓将不良分子屏斥在外,如Converus’s technology, EyeDetect, has been used by FedEx in Panama and Uber in Mexico to screen out drivers with criminal histories.。
every second字面固谓每两个有一个,但亦有泛滥一义,如Probably every second baby boy and each dog will now be named Bayraktar.,就是说Bayraktar这个名字在男孩身上用得太滥。
看医生一类可言see,例如Eighteen months ago, I saw a breathworker and the impact on my mental health was transformative.。
自私,形容做法如Anyone wondering what life would be like in a 21st-century world led by China need look no further than Beijing’s self-serving, two-faced approach to the Israel-Hamas war.,亦可形容人,如He is a ruthless, self-serving politician.。
自封的,例如According to a self-styled sleep expert I found on the internet, “Turkey is rich in an amino acid called tryptopham, which goes to your brain and is converted to serotonin, which helps you sleep.”。
派遣,例如Mark Carson was a newspaper journalist. He was sent by his editor to write a story about life in Chinatown.。
谓理智、判断力一类东西,注意把握,例如He looks like a big fellow, doesn’t he? It takes some of them a long time to get any sense.,又如You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered.。
区别分辨,介词用from,例如But none of these methods has yielded a reliable way to separate fiction from fact.,又如On average, across 206 scientific studies, people can separate truth from lies just 54% of the time.。
连载、连播,多用被动,例如The novel was originally serialised in both the Tokyo and Osaka editions of the Asahi Newspaper in one hundred instalments from October 1961 through January of the following year.。
start shit,口语谓挑事惹麻烦,例如Then the Porto players trying to act tough and start shit with our players.。
挥手或物赶走,例如Bees get stuck by our kitchen skylight, buzzing in panic. Shooing them with a magazine only makes them panic more.。
亦为叹词,犹“去去去”,例如Shoo, all of you, I’m busy!
shoo-in谓包赢之人,非渠莫属,例如If Arsenal do sign Martin Odegaard, they’re a shoo-in for the 2024 Champions League quarter finals.,又如There is not yet an Academy Award for Best Whistling, but, if there were, Molly Lewis would be a shoo-in.
从店里顺走东西,及物,例如She was caught trying to shoplift a pair of jeans.,又名词例子如Shoplifting is a crime. Offenders will be prosecuted.。
表示比较肯定的推测,在未来事件中等于probably,研究The lesser spotted Gabriel replaces the injured Thomas Partey, which means Ben White will (okay, should) move to right-back.。
fall short (of)谓不及,例如Arsenal are planning a third offer for Rice after a second bid, which fell short of the minimum £100m asking price, was rejected on Tuesday.,又如August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.,未必后接数字。言差距用by,例如They needed 60 votes to pass the bill, but they fell short by 12 votes.。
表示冲突悬案之最终摊牌解决,可数,例如The now-yearly summer contract showdown with his employers meant the forward was sidelined from the first-team at the start of the campaign.,又如Management are facing a showdown with union members today.。
shy away from谓因紧张害怕而躲避,例如She always shied away from white people.,又如I've never shied away from hard work.。由后一例来看,和shy的字面义已经关涉不大。
有景点一义,如On this road trip you must visit all the sights without driving over the same road twice to make it to the finish.,搭配动词常用visit或see。
句末副词,谓从此以后(不必是否定句),例如Investing in wired headphones, rather than wireless earbuds. Not one has popped out of my ear and disappeared down the drain since.,又如I started on 18 January 1994 and, by repeating this same promise to myself every morning since, I’m coming up to 30 years sober.。
single-use谓一次性,例如single-use straws/napkins/stir sticks等。
go up a size谓衣服鞋子增大一码,例如I used to think there was no such thing as a comfy bra, believing that it was normal for underwire to leave angry red marks in its wake. Turns out I just needed to go up a size!。
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve,成语谓感情流露不加掩饰,例如Mikel Arteta says he has no regrets over his explosive reaction to Arsenal’s defeat at Newcastle in November and will continue to wear his heart on his sleeve if he feels his team have suffered injustice.。
the small hours指凌晨约一两点钟,亦有作the early hours者,例如My wife will quite happily stay up working until the small hours, while I prefer to head for bed soon after 10 p.m.。
做动词,常以be smarting from格式出现,谓承受……之痛,例如My eyes are smarting from the onions.,又如And Arsenal were still smarting from their previous record buy, who was … Nicolas Pepe.。
snap up略谓好东西被争相购买,多为被动式,如All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.,又如Their inventions are being snapped up by police forces, state agencies and nations desperate to secure themselves against foreign threats.,又如Don’t be too sad for Altman – the 38-year-old has already been snapped up by Microsoft for an undisclosed sum.,此句言挖人而非购物。
抓过抢过,例如We would crowd round, heads bent over a video game or YouTube, snatching the phone off each other to have a go.,又如She managed to snatch the gun from his hand.。
此词难译,谓以身体拥在某处,贪其舒适,例如When I’m comfortable, cosy or just entertained, I turn my attention toward that sensation, in the way I would notice a puppy snuggling in my lap.,又如The child snuggled up to her mother.,又如He snuggled his head onto her shoulder.表示及物用法,又如He snuggled down under the bedclothes.。各句介词不一,须单独记忆。
This is so犹This is how,口气犹正是藉此,例如You need to go online at least once every 30 days to keep your downloads. This is so Spotify can collect play data to compensate artists.,又如Hole cut in stormwater pond fence. I would guess this is so they could paint graffiti on the wall inside the fence.。
so… that…之倒装,例如He lectured from seven till nine and so popular were his lectures that if you wanted a good seat you had to be there at six thirty.。
or something (like that),犹言诸如此类,例如You mean she’s still waiting out there? She’ll faint off or something.。
something of + np.谓可算是,如Blakey was something of a university for up-and-coming jazz players, providing them with a rich environment for musical growth.,又如She found herself something of a celebrity.。
soon-to-be谓即将成为,例如She was still laughing when all her children and soon-to-be mourners came down the stairs and surrounded her.。
sell one's soul (to the devil)谓不择手段出卖灵魂,例如He knew how to get people to tell him their secrets. In fact, people who knew him said he was "a man who would sell his soul for a story".,
speak to sb.谓谈话,例如We spoke to five experts with different viewpoints to capture the current state of discussion.,或如I’ve spoken to the manager about it.。又如打电话可以说Can I speak to Billy?。
意味,导致,往往为负面,例如For one thing, Arteta ensured no significant errors were made in Group B. They took Lens, Sevilla and PSV Eindhoven seriously because the alternative would have spelt trouble.,又如The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.,可以后接for sb.。
spit (- spat - spat)
吐口水,不带宾。如She spat in his face and went out.
spit out吐出,如Three thousand years ago in China, the accused were forced to chew and spit out rice; the grains were thought to stick in the dry, nervous mouths of the guilty.
谓恶心某人,惹怒某人,例如Folks said she married this fellow Buxton after she was jilted by Nehemiah Westfield just to spite Nehemiah.。
split the difference谓谈价时各退一步取中间,例如’I’ll split the difference,’ Mr Jerebohm said. ‘Fair enough,’ Pop said, ‘Seventeen thousand.’。
put sb. on the spot谓使人难堪或难办,例如Mira rather put the boss on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a pay rise.,又如Some people stiffen and freeze when put on the spot; others become more animated.
指一些合要求的地点,用法较灵活,例如Can you avoid everyone, find a quiet spot, read the books, then rush to the all-night garage to pick up some last-minute gifts?,又如I just wanted to find a spot to sleep.,又如It was a very hot day, and after walking all morning in the sun, he became tired and sleepy. He found a shady spot where he could sit and wait for a stagecoach.,又如a parking/tourist/secluded spot等。
stand in谓替补,如My assistant will stand in for me while I’m away.名词stand-in,例如And in the absence of Gabriel Jesus, that is precisely what Arsenal need to see on a regular basis from his stand-in Eddie Nketiah.。
stand down谓下台让位,自动词,例如He stood down to make way for someone younger.,亦有他动词用法谓撤差,例如The video assistant referee who recommended the controversial penalty that denied Newcastle victory against Paris Saint‑Germain in the Champions League on Tuesday has been stood down at the Champions League Group D fixture on Wednesday between Real Sociedad and Red Bull Salzburg.
stay off谓远离某事物,例如Let’s stay off the subject of politics.,又如I realised that there were really two key inputs that would help me finish my novel: writing every day and staying off my phone because it always distracted me.。
犹言更,成语有better still,独立做插入语。例如This work potentially gives us another very interesting tool for such collaborations, enabling mathematicians to search efficiently for clever and unexpected constructions. Better still, these constructions are humanly interpretable.。亦有非成语用法,如The next day was warmer still.,或如If you can manage to get two tickets that’s better still.。
take stock谓复盘计划,例如It was time to stand back and take stock of his career.,又如December has always been a time to take stock: the highs, lows, memorable moments and best-ofs from the year just passed.。
set in stone谓板上钉钉,如The schedule isn't set in stone, but we'd like to stick to it pretty closely. 又如Our legendary manager’s place in history was already assured thanks to the three league titles and seven FA Cups he claimed, but now it is truly set in stone - or rather bronze - after he was immortalised with a statue outside the stadium.这里的用法有幽默意味。
动词谓塞,例如If we start to use multiple return too loosely, this can lead to us trying to stuff too much functionality into one function, and then returning many results. ,又如The boy stuffed his pockets with candy.
名词,犹言苦难,常用搭配如human suffering,例如We are currently experiencing a moment of profound human suffering globally.。又如Death finally brought an end to her suffering.。
be sure to do sth.谓一定记得去做,例如"I'll be sure to come back on Sunday." Tom said goodnight to us and left.,又如Be sure to ring and let us know you’ve got back safely.
be survived by犹言身后留下,如He was survived by his wife, two sons Booker T. III and Larry Cornelius, and two daughters Cornelia and Ana Dorsey.,此为常用套话。这是因为survive可做outlive解,例如She survived her husband by ten years.
tailor sth. to sth.,依要求打造,例如All the products that looked so great in the ads – so stylish, and so tailored to my exact requirements – turned out to be a letdown on delivery.,此句中另用程度副词修饰。又tailor sth. for sb.,量身打造,例如The system is specially tailored for small companies.。
医学检测常用之,如In 1730, the English writer Daniel Defoe suggested taking the pulse of suspected pickpockets.,又如Take an adult's temperature by mouth, in the ear or under the armpit.
take + sth./v.-ing谓需要,例如It takes getting used to, but this small, simple change has had a big impact and given me a newfound freedom.。
take it or leave it犹言你要不要吧,例如'Nice and profitable, you mean. A hundred dollars, take it or leave it.' she says.
take off谓匆匆离开,例如Before I could ask where they were going, they took off.。
一滴眼泪,可数,因此多用复数。单数例子如A tear rolled down his face.。用单数的成语有shed a tear,犹言哭了一小下,例如I shed a tear during the final episode of the show.。
close to tears谓快哭了,例如He was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilised by the hugeness of the task ahead.。
tears of n.谓xx的眼泪,尤其例如She felt her eyes slowly fill with tears of joy.,又如He was crying tears of joy.。
move sb. to tears谓令人泪下,注意未必是正面的感动,例如Chicago Bulls fans booed former general manager Jerry Krause on Friday night during a halftime ceremony to honor the organisation’s greats, seemingly moving his widow to tears and drawing criticism from former players.。
tear up谓撕得粉碎,例如Tolman reached for the envelope, but Gillian tore it up and said, “You don’t need to read this.”。
比较的后项,句法性质可以和前项不同,需要体会才能熟练运用。例如For a few seconds it actually hurt him to look at her, taller by several inches than when he had seen her last, growing rapidly, her bust ripening.
rather than前后一致,价值上似近于元语连词,例如Rather than feel lost, I take a pause, stop the spiral of anxious thoughts and remind myself that, when nothing is certain, anything is possible.,句中feel lost犹如接在主语I后,和其他vp.一样。此亦可参看do下一条。
动词,例如”I thank you very much, Sir,” Gillian said, and he went out to his cab.,这里用语较正式,又如I thanked him and was happy to see his lovely home.。
the + 国籍,表示某国人,复数,例如Mecking’s book has now been translated into 13 languages and the French are particularly keen on it. But just because niksen originated in the Netherlands does not mean the Dutch are particularly good at it.。
the可以管多个名词短语,如Sales will take place throughout the spring and summer.。此点在a条目下亦有。
习惯上不加冠词的,如He liked to linger over dinner and the guests did not rise from table till late.,又如At a quarter to ten he suspended his arduous labour and by ten was safely tucked up in bed.,又如I don’t have much time. I go on stage in two minutes.,又如
of短语前也未必加the,例如Voice-stress analysis, which aims to detect deception based on changes in tone of voice, was used during the interrogation of George Zimmerman.。
有限定的名词前也可不加the,关键在于有没有语用上的回指,例如These tools track the flow of blood to areas of the brain involved in social calculation, memory recall and impulse control.,又如Arthur Conan Doyle secretly hated his creation Sherlock Holmes and blamed the cerebral detective character for denying him recognition as the author of highbrow historical fiction, according to the historian Lucy Worsley.。
职位之前,有些情况无冠词,例如He only recently made his debut for the France Under-21s, where he was picked as captain by manager Thierry Henry.。
同位语前无冠词,例如He only recently made his debut for the France Under-21s, where he was picked as captain by manager Thierry Henry.,又如
有战线一义,例如His subsequent novels of Burma and of India stemmed directly or indirectly from his war experience in the Eastern theatre of war.,又如an intelligence officer in the Pacific theatre。
in the thick of为深入参预,例如Mikel Arteta proclaimed that ­Arsenal are back in the thick of the title race after their resounding 3-1 win against Liverpool.,或深陷其中,例如Her comments landed her in the thick of a family feud.,又如These intimate confessions are displayed on a wall of the Jam Factory, an elegant arts centre in the city of Lviv in western Ukraine that has, improbably, opened in the thick of Russia’s invasion.
thin out谓数量由多变少,例如He’s 27 but the front of his hair and the middle have thinned out a lot.。
and that sort of thing,注意单数,例如My husband wants shooting parties and all that sort of thing.。
表示想为及物动词,哪怕直接代词亦可,例如Because I’m from England, so obviously I’m going to think that.。
think about谓就某事做考虑,例如The government needs to think carefully about the issue raised.。
think of往往表示评价判断,例如What do you think of the film?,当然在这个用法上也可换成about,例如What you think about his idea?,或省去介词,如What do you think?即问意见。此外有think of np. as np.,例如I think of this place as my home.。
I think not.相当于No.,唯语气正式,例如警察说But did he put the tablets in the hot milk? I think not.,又如'Will you be going tonight, James?''I think not.'。
all this谓以上全部,注意不是all these,例如Despite all this, bebop proved attractive to some of the large bands.,又如The mobile phone is cheap. It has a good battery. It has front and rear cameras. All this makes it a good choice.。
在句末,表“虽说…不过…”,补充此前意思相反的信息,例如No. They do get told when people enter the stream, though.。
谓想法可数,例如We have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day, but 80% of them are repetitive and negative. Every morning, I choose an empowering thought; every night, I choose a grateful thought, which helps shift my mindset.。
想及某事物,介词用of,例如The thought of her four children dressed in new clothes made her excited and happy.,又如I couldn’t bear the thought of waiting any longer.。
形容词,谓激动兴奋,例如Felice told me she was worried that they wouldn’t find anything, so she was thrilled when the final results were clearer than she had dared hope.。
谓一段时间内连续或频繁做某动作,强调其频率高,例如He has recorded dozens of worthy and spirited sets throughout the years.,又如The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout.,此例不带宾。
rule of thumb谓经验之谈,例如A good rule-of-thumb is to stick to having functions either returning nothing, or exactly 1 thing, as much as possible.,
It’s high time.犹言早就该做了,例如’Have him charged, Pinkie. Put him in court. Let the police deal with him. The swine. It’s high time. I’ll be a witness for you.’,又如It’s high time (that) you cleaned your room.,句式为It’s high time (that) + 过去时小句,另注意无冠词。
at all times,一直。例如You don’t have to keep your curtains open at all times.,又如Hard hats must be worn at all times on site.。
to + vp.作为体词的例子,如The key to eating a Meddiet cheaply is to go for canned and frozen foods, which are just as nutritious.,
歌词用to,例如Some might say – but some might simply forget the words to the song. The musician Noel Gallagher has admitted he struggles to remember the words to some of the hits he created with his younger brother Liam in their band Oasis.,又如To pull one from the collection at random might be to meet the me that copied out the lyrics to Doll Parts, or scrawled, bizarrely, “no gene for mortgage: socially constructed”, or the me who wrote that they had “100 years to start appreciating ballet”.,其中Doll Parts为歌曲名。
具某种情味的细节,例如The cottage was decorated with a woman's touch. There were pictures hanging on the walls and rugs on the floors.,又如The candles gave the table a romantic touch.
throw in the towel谓认输放弃,例如Rather than telling myself to throw in the towel, I find that affirming messages help me get hard things done.。
交通,不可数,美语多作transportation,例如After 30 years of taking public transport and walking, I got healthier.。
trick sb. into doing.,例如Putting a smile on my face the moment I wake up. It tricks the brain into thinking: ooh, I feel quite good about today!。
do the trick谓起效用,例如Listening to music while working out has made me feel powerful and alive. Metallica is the best, but any 80s or 90s metal does the trick.。
绊一跤,主动词,例如He tripped and fell down, grazing his knee.。又有trip over sth.,例如There’s no more scrabbling for the light switch while I trip over a box.
in/into trouble指惹事上身被人算账的情形,注意为单数形式,例如But Alfred always got in trouble and couldn’t hold a job for very long.,算账的人用with引介,例如He was in trouble with his teachers.,又如a charity that helps women in trouble with the law。
微调,名词可数,例如With a few tweaks this venue will be perfect.,又如Here are tried and tested tweaks that can lead to big improvements.。动词例如I think you’ll have to tweak these figures a little before you show them to the boss.。
令人恐慌,例如Florida Museum of Natural History shark research director Gavin Naylor said the number of bites was consistent with long-term trends. “Though the number of fatalities is a bit unnerving this year,” he said.,又如Meeting a twin brother I didn’t know I had was an unnerving experience.。
up to加时间,相当于until,如Up to yesterday, we had no idea where the child was.,细按则up to较until更有逼近迄至的口气。亦有The record rain, reported in the hour up to midnight on Thursday, comes just days after the city dodged major damage from a super typhoon.,此句中犹言紧邻午夜前的一小时。亦有up until,如Up until the 19th century, the Halloween bonfires were also used for divination in parts of Scotland, Wales and Brittany.
沿路走时,up或down的使用近于任意,例如Four times Henry walked up the road and looked for her.,又如
多用于on vacation,例如Do you always try to head to bed before midnight, even if you are on vacation?。
very表示强调,后为最高级形容词,如Hazard got over his jaw-dropping loss of cool in south Wales and over the course of the next six years established himself as one of Chelsea’s very best players.,或为限定形容词,如At last he had his very own car,又如at the very top of the stairs。
影视画外音,可数,例如In a voiceover, Tien suffers this fate due to his bad karma, but adds that he will find a way to cheat death.。
可指一个人的衣物,可数,例如I want to buy a whole summer wardrobe.,又如My capsule wardrobe is three pairs of trousers, three jumpers and five tops.。
make waves谓惹争议搞事情,例如A San Francisco taqueria owner made waves after raising the price of a signature dish.。
谓涂香水,例如It was a wonderful perfume she was wearing.,又如She was wearing too much perfume.。
谓面露表情,例如Jurgen Klopp paces and paces, wearing the pressure all so obviously.,又如He wore a puzzled look on his face.,
违背现实之事,各人称均用were,例如He bowed as she left as if she were a princess.。
Now what?谓现在咋办。
后仅接np.的例子,如Exercising and being outdoors, whatever the weather, sets me on the right track for my day.。
用于否定句末尾,犹at all,谓毫不或略无,例如Arsenal are guaranteed to finish Group B as winners, while PSV have already secured second spot. This game has no real consequence whatsoever, so let’s not oversell it and simply enjoy it for what it is.。
turn white谓惊慌失色,主语可以直接是人,例如Miss Hayden turned white. “Oh,” she said, and again, “oh.”,又相近的例子如She went white as a sheet as she heard the news.,也可以是脸,例如Zack’s face turned white and his jaw dropped.。
谓西洋人,例如Pan was a half-white, half-Chinese girl.。
动词谓木雕,例如The children, aged between four and 12, trundle along to the working farm every week, leaving their home or mainstream schools to spend the day playing in mud, building campfires, feeding tuna (the Māori word for eels), whittling , trapping pests, planting native trees and learning how to become kaitiaki (guardians) of their environment.,又如He whittled a piece of wood into a simple toy.或He whittled a simple toy from a piece of wood.。
do wonders for sb./sth.谓大有裨益,例如My new place is closer to work, and a grocery, meaning I can now walk to both. Along with the larger windows, this has done wonders for my mental health.。
word gets around that谓流言出现,例如Then all of a sudden, about two weeks ago, word got around that she was dying.,around可接地点,例如She doesn’t want word getting around the office that she’s pregnant.。
work up反应激动甚至过激,例如Wow dude, you are too worked up over this.,又如It’s easy to get worked up when you’re tired and everything seems to be against you.。
work可后接时间宾语,例如And if you decide to go into one of the caring professions, do bear in mind that doctors, nurses, paramedics, and care workers are all expected to work antisocial hours.,又如Despite the disruption to my sleep pattern caused by the irregular hours I had to work, I never had any problem drifting off.,后一例同时支持了此不宜分析为时间短语做状语。
work in + n.谓在做某一行,例如She has worked in English language teaching for twenty years.,又如I've always worked in education.。
spin yarns谓吹牛瞎编,例如Liars can spin yarns packed with colour and detail and truth-tellers can seem vague and evasive.
谓青少年恒为复数,亦有作the youth者,参考例子如Adults and youth (ages 13 and older) need an average of 2000 calories a day, and children (ages 4 to 12) need an average of 1500 calories a day.。
Zip it.谓闭嘴。
After 9/11, the US government – long an enthusiastic sponsor of deception science – started funding other kinds of brain-based lie-detection work.
绰号前面的the,不进入引号,例如Dubbed the “Ghost Boat” by officials, the rusted carcass of a second world war Higgins boat, used to transport troops into battle and on to beaches overseas, began to emerge from the shallows in Lake Shasta last fall. 。但如果the是��名的一部分,则进入引号,例如Nearly everybody enters for “The Nicest Garden Competition” each year, but Joe wins every time.。
括号带插入语,置于常规标点后,例如Nehemiah came to the house. 'Well, Jenny, (see the Widow's name was Jenny) this is a sad occasion.'
word order and more
定语直接后置,例如He’s got a waiting list a mile long.,
关系名词作同位语后领多个名词,例如On a wall outside Sainsbury’s Local, just off the busy Peckham Road in south-east London, fine art students and flatmates Ruby Edwards and Mae Meddings, both 20, are eating lunch.
介词短语的完全倒装句,例如Before each guest was placed a pint bottle of wine and a pint bottle of white.。
假设句倒装,例如The ball is lofted, Robertson hauls Antony down and Diaz smashes over. Had that gone in, VAR would surely have ruled it out.,
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