yswsblog · 2 years
Latest Jewelry Wholesale Guide
Jewelry is an item that many people have. Both adults and children can use it. Different age groups like different jewelry. Now more and more people choose jewelry wholesale, in order to help you buy the right products faster, please pay attention to the following points:
1. How to wholesale jewelry
Buyers can use the support of the Internet to immediately realize jewelry wholesale, online ordering, online payment, quickly conclude transactions and enjoy corresponding buyer protection services.
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2. How to better search for products
When wholesale jewelry, you can use the product name, related product information, manufacturer and other filter criteria to find your suitable jewelry.
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3. How to search for sellers
You can select manufacturers who sell jewelry by the kilo through an Internet search engine, and you can follow the advice of some jewelry bloggers to find the right seller.
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4.How to choose an excellent shopping platform
Choose an excellent shopping platform and buy jewelry by kilogram will be more secure. For example, if you want to learn more about jewelry wholesale, you can go to the jewelkg platform for a more in-depth exploration.
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In short, there will be a lot of knowledge about wholesale jewelry, and you need to purchase can go to the jewelrykg platform for reference according to their own situation.
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yswsblog · 2 years
The magic weapon to dress you up in autumn depends on this batch of jewelry!
The reason why many collocation bloggers can wear ordinary clothes with unique temperament depends on these small accessories! Especially in autumn, if you only rely on clothes, it is actually difficult to wear layers, especially when the neck is exposed, it will feel empty. At this time, appropriate wholesale of some good accessories is definitely your magic weapon! If you don't believe me, let me give you an example~
1. Increase the number of accessories
If you want to highlight the fashion, it is - stacking. Whether it's necklaces, rings, or earrings, you can build up a ragged aesthetic by increasing the number. When buying jewelry in large quantities, choosing wholesale jewelry is the wisest choice.
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2. Multi-factor mix and match
When wholesale jewelry, choose simple bronze color or some retro elements such as chains, pearls, and coins. When these elements are stacked together, they are simple and a little flamboyant, which can be said to be very elegant!
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3. Wholesale small jewelry
When wholesale jewelry, you must also remember to choose small jewelry, so as to increase your sophistication, especially the same color and texture can make your matching feel special.
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The class on using accessories to enhance your temperament and style is over! If you are interested in jewelry matching, then come to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry!
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yswsblog · 2 years
How much of the jewelry wholesale industry is a secret that laymen do not know?
In fact, the jewelry wholesale industry includes not only science and engineering such as geology and minerals, but also art such as jewelry design, as well as historical inheritance. It is a highly comprehensive discipline, and in-depth research is particularly complicated. So how deep is your understanding of the jewelry wholesale industry? Let's check it out together!
1. Most of the jewelry has more traditional names, and when you encounter strange names, because these names are expensive, I think you can ignore them. Anything related to fortune will be sold at a high price, so what you sell is not what you expect.
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2. The difference in information determines the premium space and profit space. If you really want to wholesale jewelry that does not lose money, you need to spend time learning and understanding.
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3. It is recommended to wholesale niche jewelry. In fact, niche jewelry does not mean that the cheaper it is, the worse it is. It is just because of information asymmetry and some mixed companies that make you have this illusion. If you wholesale cost-effective and reliable niche jewelry, it is also a good choice, such as the jewelrykg platform.
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The jewelry wholesale industry is also a traditional industry with a very low threshold, which leads many people to know a little about fur, and even those who have only heard of one kind of gemstone mistakenly think that they understand jewelry very well. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the jewelry wholesale industry, then join the ranks of wholesale jewelry!
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry business you need to know 4 things! Pure dry goods sharing!
How to stock
If you want to be full-time, go to the local wholesale market to wholesale jewelry, go to the source of small jewelry production, and find the best source for yourself.
If it is just a side business, you can choose to purchase goods online. Online purchases need to control the quality, delivery time, and after-sales. It is best to use a small amount and many times, find a few more companies, and test the water first. If the price is reasonable and the quality is good, then you can cooperate for a long time, such as the jewelrykg platform.
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How to choose
The first time you buy a product, you need more styles and less quantity of each, because you don't know which one is the best. It is best to display 50~60 models for the first time. The quantity is 50 pairs−100 pairs, but it is also enough for customers to choose.
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How to price
Determine the price according to your consumer group. At the beginning, you can choose several products with good value for money to attract customers. The price is based on the local consumption level, but the price should not be too high.
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A thousand words, the road to entrepreneurship is definitely not as simple as imagined. If you just have the mentality of starting a business casually and doing a career, it is difficult to get any good results. This takes time, and you need to spend enough time, energy and cost to cultivate slowly. Let's work hard together, success is ahead!
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry maintenance advice buyers must see
Many consumers think that jewelry maintenance is a headache. Proper maintenance can make jewelry more beautiful, but if it is not properly maintained, it will be a big trouble.
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Salt and vinegar are mixed into a cleaning agent, which can be used to wipe pure gold jewelry for a long time.
To protect the luster of gold jewelry, you can apply a thin layer of nail polish on it.
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For a gem-set ring, wrap a piece of cotton with a popsicle or matchstick, wet it in a mixture of toilet water and glycerin, scrub the frame of the gem, and then polish the ring with a flannel. Do not use sharp objects such as blades to scrape.
Toothpaste or scrubbing with hot thick rice soup can also restore luster.
If there is a black silver film on the surface, you can use 2 grams of salt, 7 grams of baking soda, 8 grams of bleaching powder, and 60 ml of water to prepare a cleaning agent, put the gold jewelry in a bowl, pour the cleaning agent, and after 2 hours, Take out the gold jewelry, rinse it with clean water (preferably not hard water), bury it in sawdust to dry, and then wipe it with a soft cloth.
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Gold jewelry that is often worn should be cleaned and inspected once a month.
The easiest and most convenient way to clean gold jewelry is to use mild soap and a soft-bristled brush.
Do not expose jewelry to chemicals.
Avoid wearing gold jewelry, especially rings, when doing heavy work.
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If you have doubts about the maintenance of jewelry, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry and practice more jewelry maintenance mysteries.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Recommendations for selling jewelry by the kilo
1. Off-season purchases
If you want to buy gold jewelry with high cost performance, it is recommended to buy it in the off-season.
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2. Try to choose solid jewelry
Many jewelry are fashionable and fashionable, but some jewelry is hollow. If you want to buy bracelets, necklaces and rings, it is best to use solid ones as the hollow style is difficult to repair after deformation.
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3. Choose a real and reliable shopping platform
Choose a real and reliable shopping platform, and buy jewelry by kilogram will be more secure, such as the jewelrykg platform.
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In addition to the above little knowledge, there are many secrets in the sale of jewelry by kilograms waiting for us to explore. Do you want to know more about the world of jewelry sold by the kilo? Let's join us on a journey of wholesale jewelry discovery!
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yswsblog · 2 years
What is the process of opening a boutique jewelry store?
For many inexperienced entrepreneurs, starting a jewelry store is a good choice, so how should a jewelry store be opened? A friend recently asked: What is the process of opening a boutique jewelry store? Today, I will introduce to you the major steps of opening a jewelry store.
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Learn about the industry
Before opening a jewelry store, entrepreneurs should first understand the industry, the industry's average development level, development prospects, entry barriers, etc. You need to know whether this industry can be done, whether you are suitable for it, and then consider specific issues.
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Market survey
Different regions have different specific market environments. Therefore, if you are learning about this industry and feel that the development prospects are good, it is suitable for you to do it yourself. Investigate the population base of the region, the level of economic development in the region, who are the main target customer groups, the spending power of the main target customer groups, and what consumption preferences they have.
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Purchase goods
The next step is to purchase goods. A good source of goods can not only ensure the quality and style of the goods, but also make the goods more competitive, and they can also be very competitive in price. For example, the jewelrykg platform has a good source of goods, the quality and style of wholesale jewelry are guaranteed, and the headquarters purchases large quantities of goods, and the manufacturer's quotation is more favorable.
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yswsblog · 2 years
How to buy goods in a jewelry store?
When opening a jewelry store, entrepreneurs are most concerned about the supply of goods. Some entrepreneurs do not know where to wholesale jewelry and how to choose the right products. Let me share my experience with you:
Find a source
Generally speaking, each region will have a relatively large wholesale market, which local people should know, and it is not difficult to find. The goods in such small commodity wholesale markets are generally ordered locally or from factories, and most of them are purchased locally. If you want to get the goods at the lowest price, you need to contact the factory or a reliable online platform to purchase, such as the jewelrykg platform.
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In addition, merchants in such small commodity wholesale markets are basically not responsible for distribution, so entrepreneurs need to find logistics and distribution by themselves. In order to reduce the hassle, it is best to reach a long-term cooperation with the merchant.
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Choose an item
The types of accessories are very rich, including makeup and skin care, beauty tools, fashion bags and other categories, with a total of tens of thousands of products. In order to ensure the richness of store products and meet the needs of more consumers, it is generally necessary to configure 3 to 5 types of products.
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Of course, in addition to purchasing from the wholesale market, entrepreneurs can also consider cooperating with brands to ensure success. Some also provide a real-time supply system, and entrepreneurs can order online according to their needs, saying goodbye to the inventory problems caused by one-time large-scale purchases.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry wholesale unspoken rules how to avoid minefields
Where is the cheapest wholesale trinket? If you want to wholesale trinkets in your own city, of course, you should go to the local wholesale market. Of course, there are also some well-known wholesale platforms, such as the jewelrykg platform, with a wide variety of high quality and low prices.
But whether opening a physical store can make money is not an easy task. Whether the purchase work is done properly will also affect the business development of the store. If you want to successfully open a profitable jewelry store, you must pay attention to the unspoken rules of jewelry wholesale and avoid minefields.
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Smart choice of jewelry purchase styles
There must be a grade allocation in the purchase style, for example, the mid-range accounts for 50%, the low-end 30%, and the high-end 20%. This kind of allocation is not necessarily the best, but it is definitely the most stable. In the jewelry store, it is best to choose some products that are sold all year round, such as earrings, etc. It is ok, especially reminding, pay attention to gold-colored goods, such products are generally more serious.
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Control the quality of incoming goods - boutique strategy
It is also very important to ensure the quality of goods, which can attract more repeat customers for our store. When we choose to purchase goods online, we must ensure that the quality is passed, and do more comparison and research. If you want to buy goods in the wholesale market, you must inspect them. When you mention the goods, you only need to check the quantity. Generally, when you go back and find that there is a problem with the product, you will ask for a replacement. Of course, it should not be too far from the time of purchase.
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Purchase price control - the top priority
As an operator who has just entered the wholesale jewelry market, the control of the purchase price is particularly important. We must remember one thing: expensive things are not necessarily the best, and cheap things are not necessarily the worst. In the process of wholesale, you must learn how to buy goods. Generally, the wholesale price of ornaments is 50% to 30% off the market retail price.
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yswsblog · 2 years
3 common display methods of jewelry
In addition to the basic elements of display (easy selection, improving freshness, increasing value, attracting attention, etc.), jewelry display arranges serialized products from the overall consideration of the display, gives special products the most prominent position, and reasonably matches different types of products, etc. 
Left-right symmetry
The jewelry will be displayed according to the principle of symmetry, and its subdivision can be divided into axisymmetric method and center symmetry method.
Axisymmetric method: Take the center line of the counter top as the axis of symmetry, and the jewelry on both sides are symmetrical one by one. Common patterns include rectangles, trapezoids and various combinations.
Center symmetry method: that is, the jewelry is arranged symmetrically around a center, and the common figures are circular, radial, etc.
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Rhythm and Harmony
That is to say, two or more kinds of jewelry with different colors and shapes are skillfully combined to create a distinct difference in people's vision, thus highlighting and rendering the role of the theme jewelry. The contrast display is mainly manifested in several aspects such as color contrast, texture contrast, and style contrast.
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Left and right asymmetrical arrangement and triangular arrangement
"Rhythm" is originally the beauty of rhythm in music theory, and it is extended to the concept of time and space in jewelry display. This reminds us from a rational point of view that we should make full use of the principles of suppression, yang, pause and setback in vocal music in the conception, design and implementation of display, as much as possible. The counters are displayed to achieve bright color contrast, decent arrangement and three-dimensional effect.
Jewelry display is to attract people's attention within a certain range of commodity display space or sales space, leave an impression, further generate desire to buy commodities, achieve the purpose of stimulating commodity sales, creating brand influence, and spreading brand culture, so from the perspective of competition It is said that jewelry display must be deeply studied and applied in practice.
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If you have doubts about the display method of jewelry, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry and practice more mysteries of jewelry storage methods.
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yswsblog · 2 years
No matter how good jewelry is, if it is not stored properly, it will eventually become scrap iron
Each piece of jewelry has special materials and craftsmanship, and there are also different storage methods. If you don’t want to buy jewelry at a high price, it is likely to become scrap iron. Come and learn about jewelry storage~
Daily wear jewelry storage
Jewelry for daily wear should be easy to handle, and it is best to be clear at a glance for easy selection, so it should be in the form of hanging. For jewelry that is easy to oxidize, you can use a transparent acrylic jewelry storage box. The transparent material can quickly find accessories, and it is not easy to get dust.
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Precious jewelry storage
If precious jewelry is hung outside, it is easy to oxidize and turn black, and it is easy to be scratched by sharp metal, so it is best to keep it sealed. Put a special jewelry storage box in the drawer, and the precious jewelry is not easy to be scratched.
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DIY Jewelry Storage
People who like to drink red wine may have many corks at home. Arrange the corks in a double-sided photo frame and match them with pins, which can not only store accessories, but also serve as collectibles.
There are many kinds of accessories, and the storage methods are also different. Different types of jewelry should be stored separately due to different frequencies of use, and jewelry that is easily oxidized should be kept in a sealed container.
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If you have doubts about the storage of jewelry, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry, learn and discover more mysteries of jewelry storage methods.
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yswsblog · 2 years
The current status and trend of women's jewelry wholesale?
At present, the wholesale jewelry industry is in a stage of stable and rapid development. In the next few years, with the continuous and rapid growth of the national economy and the continuous improvement of people's material and cultural living standards, the consumption of the jewelry wholesale industry will definitely move forward in greater strides.
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Jewelry of wholesale jewelry
Due to the needs and changes of the market environment, it will be a big trend for popular jewelry to develop into semi-jewelry.
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Accessoryization of wholesale jewelry
At present, the wholesale jewelry is gradually deduced in the direction of jewelry and accessories. Accessories are a major area for the future development of the fashion industry, and there is huge room for future development.
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E-commerce of wholesale jewelry
Most jewelry companies have their own e-commerce teams. Some companies even spend a lot of money to invite experienced e-commerce operation teams to deploy online marketing channels. Well-known brand enterprises have achieved good results on the road of e-commerce. And a large number of small and medium-sized jewelry companies have also invested in the operation of e-commerce, such as the jewelrykg platform.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry and accessories are not only the difference between good-looking and easy-to-use
Jewelry and accessories are two words that people often put together, whether in life or in the context of art and design. It is also a place that confuses many people. Today, I will take the difference between jewelry and accessories as a starting point, analyze the expressions of jewelry and accessories in different contexts, and help you recognize the differences and similarities between these two majors.
Differences in design logic
It is still one of the most important "functions" of jewelry to show the status and decorative function of the body. The task of early accessories and jewelry conveying the identity of the wearer is different, and often needs to have a certain function.
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The difference in wearing form
Compared with accessories, jewelry is actually more closely related to the human body, and the wearing position often has a fixed body part. Accessories are different from jewelry, because they are practical and functional. In order to play a more comprehensive and convenient role, accessories often have a relatively distant relationship with the human body, and are more convenient to wear.
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Take difference in material
Although a variety of non-traditional materials have been used in jewelry design today, it is undeniable that metals and gemstones are still the most common materials in jewelry design. Due to its own characteristics, accessories design is much richer in the use of materials.
If you have doubts about the above jewelry and accessories, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry, learn and discover more mysteries of jewelry maintenance methods.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry Surface Treatment Process Revealed!
Trace gold:
Trace gold craft refers to the process of drawing gold lines with a pen. The gold powder used for gold tracing is mixed with glue, and the lines do not change color all year round after natural drying, and the picture looks brilliant. The gold tracing process is often used in traditional Chinese jewelry making. In traditional arts and crafts techniques, gold-painting techniques are often used for large-scale murals, screens and hanging screens.
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Drawing is a process that uses emery to press on the surface of the jewelry for directional movement to form fine metal stripes (Note: The drawing process here is different from the drawing and pressing in the basic metalworking concept).
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Hot Stamping:
The hot stamping process is often used in printing. The material he uses is aluminum oxide or copper powder, which is attached to the printed matter by the pressure of the font at high temperature, which is not actually a gold processing technology. However, in special cases, gold powder is also used for bronzing. Such as publications, awards, certificates, etc. with far-reaching significance, high value and significant impact.
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If you have doubts about the jewelry surface treatment process, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry, practice and discover more mysteries of jewelry surface treatment technology.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Jewelry maintenance tips
Jewelry is a financial and emotional investment. Taking care of your diamond, gemstone and pearl jewelry will not only keep them looking beautiful, but also ensure they will last for generations. The next article will teach you how to take care of your jewelry, learn is to earn!
Just as the sun burns skin, heat and light can damage certain gemstones. Jewelry may darken if exposed to too much light. To avoid this, store your jewelry in a dark-colored bag or jewelry box.
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Exposure to common everyday household chemicals such as ammonia or bleach can damage metals and gemstones. Even chemicals worn on the body, such as hairspray, perfume, and lotion, can affect metals and dull gemstones. To keep your jewelry looking new, it's a good idea to put on any perfume, lotion, or hairspray before wearing your jewelry.
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Ultrasonic cleaner
While ultrasonic cleaners are great for cleaning metals, diamonds, and certain gemstones, any gemstones that are susceptible to heat or temperature changes, such as tanzanite, iodine, opals, etc., should not be cleaned in ultrasonic cleaners.
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With minimal effort, your fine jewelry can be cleaned, well cared for, stored safely, and provided for years of wear. If you have doubts about the above jewelry maintenance tips, you can choose to go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry, practice and discover more secrets of jewelry maintenance methods.
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yswsblog · 2 years
Correct jewelry cleaning method, shiny as new in 1 minute
Here are a lot of practical and convenient cleaning methods to keep your "old" jewelry in your home looking better than when you bought it new! Come and have a look~
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Gentle method
Add hot water, salt or baking soda to a container, a few pieces of aluminum foil, put the jewelry into the hot mixture, black particles in the water solution are dirty, and finally rinse it off.
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Deep Cleaning
Dip the diluted cleaning agent with a sponge, wipe the jewelry, or replace it with toothpaste, and finally wipe it with a dry soft cloth.
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If you don't wear jewelry often, you should wrap it with a tissue and seal it with a plastic bag, so it won't get old easily~
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Friends who are interested in the cleaning method of jewelry can go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry and practice more mysteries of jewelry cleaning methods~
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yswsblog · 2 years
The most complete and correct way to clean jewelry
Many female friends have large and small jewelry at home,some jewelry has been worn for a long time or not used for a long time, and it will be stained with all kinds of stains... Should i be allowed to age like this? Of course not ~ here are a lot of practical and convenient cleaning methods to make your "old" jewelry in your home look better than when you bought it new! Come and have a look~
All-purpose method
Drop a few drops of soapy water or homemade soapy water in the water, soak the jewelry for 5 to 15 minutes, gently brush the softened dirt with a soft brush, and finally dry it with a soft cloth, and use a cotton swab on the side seam. clean~
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Deep cleaning
Add a small amount of ammonia-containing detergent to the water, mix well, put the jewelry into the mixture, and then quickly take it out, rinse the mixture on the surface of the jewelry with water, or dilute the toothpaste slightly, and then brush the jewelry lightly with a toothbrush. Finally rinse with clean water and dry.
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Soft method
Use a soft cloth dipped in soapy water, wipe the jewelry, and then wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth dipped in water to wipe off the chemical substances on its surface, and finally dry.
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Interested friends can go to the jewelrykg platform to wholesale jewelry and explore more mysteries of jewelry cleaning methods~
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