yuihell · 1 day
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yuihell · 3 days
||...“Cemetery of Eves”...||
(Yui in the asylum: part#2)
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"Cemetery of Eves": When the blonde closes her eyes, she doesn't see darkness, she sees her cemetery. Corpses of herself with different stories that made them end in that place. But the only person alive in that place, besides her, is the King of the Makai himself, Karlheinz, who only watches the movements of his Eve. So... Even Yui's dreams are prisoners?•••
(This is a AU that I made, where Yui escape from the vampires, but get crazy, so she ended in a asylum. I hope u like it ^^) (excuse my English if I made a mistake:'3)
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yuihell · 3 days
Guys my art blocks gone
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We're so back turns out I'm actually good at art
Little picnic for Reiji since summers coming up
I gave him some more casual clothes since a shirt and tie can't be nice in this heat
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Here's the ref I used the Reiji
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yuihell · 3 days
No one:
Carla in Shuu's route:
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yuihell · 3 days
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Ayato hated their mom, hated her long manicured nails, her long shiny purple hair, her expensive jewellery but he hated how his brothers loved her the most. He hated their oh so love, the love that so much turned into hate. He hated it.
Even so he loved how he can show his love towards her and his brothers.
By taking her life himself, leaving nothing left to ones who wants to show their love. Or the ones she desired.
However he couldn’t grasp how this idea was planted in his head. How his older brother knew who she was and hated her from the beginning, warning his baby brothers by his harsh tongue, whispering mean words to their ears; “Don’t, she doesn’t care anyway.” or “She doesn’t love you.”
He knew, he saw everything that needed to be seen, that’s why he wanted his brother himself kill her. Herewith he doesn’t fall into trap of love by giving himself to her also takes the pleasure of being loved by her greatest love. He wanted her to know he didn’t loved her much to kill but her golden son hated her much to do it.
In the end, Cordelia created her kin, the devil who whispers in ears to seduce.
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I think we have to kill this guy, steven.
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yuihell · 5 days
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yuihell · 5 days
Normal humans!AU goes like this Cordelia Sakamaki was a supermodel and film star known for her temper tantrums and penchant for big rubies and one day at the prime of her career (19) she marries Karl whose an old family friend and also like Logan Roy but funny and just a bit more evil. When she met him for the first time after turning 18 he had her and like 10 other girls stand in front of him like a creeper and later he told her that he had chosen her because she wore the least clothes but it was all Dior or something cringy like that. She only speaks to him 3 times after that. Anyway, she stops working, has triplets with Karl 3 minutes after he divorces his first wife, something that kinda makes everyone hate her, but his kids from that marriage still hang around the house for some reason. Cordelia thinks it’s weird because her son is Obviously going to inherit the family company/fortune/kingdom/cult/whatever DUH!! One day she realises that after carrying triplets for 9 months her body isn’t the same as before so she gets plastic surgery goes on ozempics and hires a personal trainer and personal chef but everyone on Twitter calls her botched (she has no friends she is chronically online) and also she soon realises that her husband’s entourage is less accepting of her gaudiness and quirks than the ones she threw away so her kids become her only companion she plays favorites because that’s how life is sometimes and Kanato and Laito are her replacement friends and she starts sleeping with Karl’s brother because she’s crazy like that but also because the life that she’s living has lost all meaning and she feels no sense of control and Ayato is the friend she likes to ignore except someday Karlheinz start looking incestiously at his cousin and then Ayato is her lifeboat. But that lifeboat sinks or whatever and Cordelia is divorced and thrown out of the house and she very much regrets turning her nose at the prenup. Fast forward some years and Cordelia is a forgotten hag (she is 37) who hangs around her ex husband’s brother’s house most of the time and does coke and drinking red wine. She doesn’t talk to her kids and they all pretend she’s dead. She still has some admirers but most of her old fans have turned her back on her after the whole homewrecking thing and the more progressive one left after she made offensive comment after offensive comment on Twitter, Instagram and SNL and she’s never seen as anything but the villain in the divorce because there’s like a 10 hour montage on YouTube of her cheating on Karl with his brother, saying how much she hates her kids (and other weird CPS call worthy things), mistreating staff and just being the reincarnation of the devil and at this point the only people who stan her are white gays on Twitter who use old pics of her to gain interactions and post stuff like
“She was never the villain the world made her out to be 🥺” *Insert pic of Cordelia smiling at baby Laito.* and the comments are filled with
“She was so misunderstood.”
“Cordelia is so kind ❤️”
“Oh that’s not-“
“Isn’t she like super problematic?”
“The world truly hates strong women. I wish I could hug her and warn her about the future.”
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yuihell · 3 months
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Original (c) Rejet
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yuihell · 7 months
Laito would sniff his girl out like a hound dog and slide up to her saying he knew how to find her cuz of her period. He’d also send snapchats asking what size her pussy is while in the pad section (referencing the meme lol).
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yuihell · 7 months
I’m actually really glad the dl fandom isn’t that big. I recently got obsessed with a plot device character from another fandom (like really obsessed) so ofc I made a tumblr and twitter account dedicated to that media and I’ve only just realised how much of a toll it had taken on me.
Discours everyday at every moment. Weirdos everywhere. On one hand I was happy because there was so much to talk about, so many fanart and fanfics and people to interact with but on the other that fandom was just constantly arguing about the same unresolved things and it just wasn’t fun anymore and that fandom was also filled with weirdos but very rarely were they the fun kind 😭.
Anyway, weirdos are everywhere and I’m not saying everything here is perfect but at least no one is constantly at each other’s throat and even if everyone isn’t on the same page at least we’re reading from the same book.
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yuihell · 7 months
I’ve found them , The holy trinity
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I’m half serious half not
Well I’m serious about Jarvis
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yuihell · 7 months
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yuihell · 7 months
via yapwrokoumivaron
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yuihell · 7 months
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yuihell · 1 year
Ok but wouldn't it be fucking HILARIOUS if Laito had a daughter and she looked exactly like Cordelia
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yuihell · 1 year
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Another Ayayui thing❗ it's a bit simple but i'm in college, take their eyes. ♡
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yuihell · 1 year
my hand slipped,, fem sakamakis + kino doodles <3
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