yukithesnow · 3 years
Ok, so I just dropped in to my tumblr only to find sims stuff (thinking about playing again after quitting 3 times). Idk, but I found my old mbti-stuff in the drafts and kind of cringed at my posts.
Ngl, I have kind of left the psychology stuff ever since I started to focus more on myself than based on what letters said I was/wasn’t.  Anyway, if I am reading this in the future - dw, life goes on and you just have to deal with it.
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yukithesnow · 5 years
Hi, I’m your perhaps mistyped ENTJ
Soooo, the recent days - since starting my healing process and since I stopped eating birth control - I have finally found myself. Or at least gained more knowledge about me;
I’m probably an ENTJ and not an INTJ - since figuring out myself always have been a problem and I have naturally always had an active life. This includes: spending lots of times with my friends, joining dance classes, playing handball and studying. Never have I ever thought about this as being busy. 
Starting this blog/tumblr was also in due to handling my inferior function: Fi. Because feelings and thoughts hasn’t always been easy to handle, especially when the emotions are too much. Writing it down was almost like “leaving” them on a shelf to later analyze what I felt by then. 
People always seen me (the later years) as confident, decisive and “wise”. I’m very open about my opinions and never sugar coat anything - I don’t find it necessary. 
Aaaaaaaand even if I am an INTJ, it doesn’t make sense if my ennegram type is 8w7 - or at least to me.
If anyone can make me more “sure” of myself, please do not hesitate to correct or help me :D! 
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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this seems accurate...
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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Sternberg’s Love Theory.
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yukithesnow · 5 years
I'm an INTJ and i've never been in a relationship before. I've had crushes but the concept of actually expressing my feelings and being in that vulnerable state is terrifying. If a guy shows interest in me, it's almost a reflex to pull away and act indifferent(sometimes even dismissive) towards them. I don't know how to fix this. I can easily see the problem for what it is but continue to strap my emotions into a mental straight jacket of sorts when it comes to love. Have any advice?
INTJs and Opening Up (Part II)
Love is scary and I don’t think that any amount of advice can ever push you to do what by instinct you find terrifying. But I do think that most of it depends on the other person - that one day you’ll meet someone for which is worth risking everything and being bare in front of them. I believe this kind of vulnerability is something you accept (and even in this case it’s still hard) when you already care about another person - deeply from within, for a reason you can’t quite explain. This is not something you can plan, it’s something that has to come to you, and chances are it will. 
You can however train yourself to open up to other people, not necessarily to pour your heart out to whomever, but to share things about your life to the people that are interested in listening. There is this fear sometimes in us INTJs that makes us believe that once we share something about us we become a little less - as if we had a secret recipe and by sharing it we’d lose all its value. It’s an unfunded fear. All us humans are endless and ever-changing, and discovering a bit of the mystery that we are is not a loss - it is, however, a gift that we choose carefully to whom to give. 
So this is my piece of advice: of these people that are interested in you, romantically or not, do get to know them. It shouldn’t be about feelings at first - try to figure out if you guys get along. And if you realize that you like them, the effort and the fear to open up, both about your life and maybe ultimately even your feelings, will be a little more acceptable and the process more worth it. It is something that comes with training - it’s not natural and it’ll almost always be a conscious choice you have to make, but remember that you have in you the potential to make it. Don’t forget that expressing feelings is not all about saying it in words - it will probably come more easy to you to do little acts of kindness and care, and that is totally alright. 
Part I
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yukithesnow · 5 years
“Having a low opinion of yourself is not modesty. It’s self-destruction.”
— Bobby Sommer
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yukithesnow · 5 years
Do you ever wanna bond with someone so bad you’re like “damn i wish we were knights on a dangerous quest”
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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yukithesnow · 5 years
#10 INTJ thoughts
Sometimes one phone call from that one person is all you need, and everything seem to clear out (I would like to shoutout to my ESTP friend who helped me through this shit with ENTP. Made me finally realise ENTPs insecurity and my matureness). 
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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Same 😆
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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yukithesnow · 5 years
Man this year...
It truly has been a rollercoaster: 1. I graduated from my hellish school
2. I moved out of my parents house and actually lived with my crush the first 2 weeks
3. I confessed to my crush, spent 5 months with him, and it all eventually ended. Therefore, I also lost a best friend and someone I truly adored and respects until this day. Someone who inspired me to break out of my shell and also recognise my value. And I’ll probably post more often about this issue, since I really feel like a bother to the people around me. When I am always telling them I am trying to move on :P, but still overthinks about everything. 
4. I begun university and I am liking it so far, made a lot of friends (which I thought I would’ve never do); I’m not saying that I like and connect with all of them, but the feeling of not being so lonely it’s refreshing.
5. I started being more honest with myself which has attracted or redirected people to/against me. 
6. I met my soulmate on the camp I worked at. 
7. I learned the most important lesson is that being humble and honest will get you far in life. Even if it’s not what the situation asks for, it is almost always the best option. 
8. I am still struggling with some of the anxiety, but that is only for now since I just got out of a relationship that wasn’t even a relationship (?). Pretty complicated.
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yukithesnow · 5 years
So me and an ENTP has been spending a lot of time, for like 5 months. Until recently when he felt that he wanted to work on himself and couldn’t put himself into this relationship (that never was, but it was something). I’m just curious about when an ENTP may ever be ready for a relationship. And if there is a chance he’ll return (we have a pause right now, and before going on this pause he told me he liked me 3 times but needed to figure out stuff on his own). - INTJ
It’s really a personal thing! But I’ll let you know, ENTPs (probably like anyone) do appreciate straight shooting. 
If he likes you, which he must if you spend this much time together, then he wouldn’t mind if you just asked. If he didn’t like you and you asked then he may easily say a people-pleasy thing or fib so that you don’t feel bad….. but if you’re for sure past this, then it’s all good. 
He said he needs time, and you can ask him if he’s ready, but all you can do is wait and ask and wait. It’s a personal thing though–outside of personality type. 
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yukithesnow · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could please tell me how entps are in romantic relationships and how I can be a good partner and understand them better??
Hi! First and foremost, when it comes to relationships always always always it’s important to pay attention to your partner and their own specific needs. Mbti cannot tell your partner’s language of love or how they’re doing at a certain point in time. It’s a very general type of diagnosis, so there are many other aspects of them and their personality that may dictate what they need. 
On this note, ENTPs in committed romantic relationships are a beautiful sight. When we commit, we really commit–often times we can be described as being too clingy, and when relationships like these break up an ENTP can be really romantically hurt for a seriously long time since we aren’t the hugest fans of vulnerability. We go big or go home. 
We really like open mindedness in a relationship. This can be just the ability to not shut us down when we talk about something a bit weird. The ability to mentally go with the flow is a huge turn on for us. 
Also a good partner shows the ability to adapt or just logically consider choices that may seem like big changes– like moving to another country or taking another job. ENTPs love newness and change, but at the end of the day, we are rationals and can make logical decisions about change that satisfy both logic and the Ne. As we do care very much for our partners when we’re committed, we may not even suggest these new ideas and life changes. This also means that often times, when we do bring up these suggestions, we mean it, and it should be considered by the partner without judgement. 
ENTPs fall in love with their interests (so many interests) on and off, and you don’t have to be into all of them, or even any, but a good partner doesn’t criticize our interest in everything. A good partner can see it as a trait that can also be a strength! We often don’t turn into master pianists or a scientists who knows absolutely everything about ammonia, but we do know quite a lot when we pursue our interests of even the short periods of time. A good partner for an ENTP accepts this and supports this. 
Finally, a good partner for an ENTP is independent. They think their own thoughts that totally might not agree with the ENTP’s. Differences help fuel the interest. We want to constantly be challenged by (in a supporting way) our partners, and we constantly want to learn about and with our partners. This is why I say for finding your match, focus on what your ENTP wants or needs, and focus on what you want and need as well so that both people continue to grow and change for the better! 
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yukithesnow · 5 years
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yukithesnow · 5 years
INTJ: Oh wow, I'm really attracted to this person. They seem nice and cool and interesting. I might really like them.
INTJ: Time to go full Darcy and pretend I barely know of their existence, because that's how you flirt, right?
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yukithesnow · 5 years
ENTP being sick
Entp: *coughs*
Intj: hey, stop dying.
Entp: i’m sorry *makes sad face*
Intj: omg, how could i be mad if you are going to look that cute!!
Entp: stop it...
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