yulecogs · 20 hours
kinda just wanna put this out there but if any of you ever need a resource for like cultural stuff in case you're including charles' indian background in your fics, i am free.
i am pakistani + punjabi, speak urdu (and therefore a fair bit of hindi too), know a tiny bit of punjabi (and actually have people fluent in it living in the same house as me so yk), and fully willing to help out to whatever extent i can.
just putting this out there for the future like i would genuinely love to help any fic writers if they need it. like literally just ask, in fact i am begging you to ask-
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yulecogs · 20 hours
Both Edwin and his notebook were normal objects, once. He would have carried it in his bookbag or in his pocket, taking notes about detective novels and coursework.
But then both Edwin and his notebook were taken to Hell. Maybe he hid it under a floorboard; maybe he hid it in a hole in the wall. It was his salvation, writing notes in it while he was down there, creating maps and escape plans and little drawings while actively being tortured for decades. It didn't just enable him to escape Hell; it provided him with a refuge while he was there.
And then he got out. With the notebook.
He slipped it into his pocket, maybe, or he held it in his hand. But he walked through an entirely new world, and he started to take notes in it again about what it was like to be a ghost. Ghost rules. Facts and historical events in this new world he lives in, this new world he cannot yet fathom.
That notebook is his constant comfort. And now he's a boy back at St Hilarion's, 73 years of horrors later, taking notes in the same logbook he'd had when he was alive.
Over time, he realized: Hell changed the notebook. Just as Edwin was an eternal being, the notebook was now an eternal thing. The pages inside were limitless, and he will always be able to use it.
Edwin's relationship with his notebook must be so rich, and so nuanced. I wish we had season 2 and could delve into this more, because it's so fascinating to me and I love him so much.
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yulecogs · 20 hours
Angsty Fic Snippet
“Most likely, in our current state, we would be what you are thinking of as ‘killed,’” Edwin confirmed. “I posit that it is similar to Hell. We retain all of our senses and can die, but shall immediately regenerate upon death.”
“What do you mean, regenerate?” Crystal asked. Charles’s face was white as a sheet, a haunted look in his eyes.
Edwin knew what he was remembering. The Dollhouse, his pile of corpses, torn to shreds as though Edwin himself were a discarded toy.
Edwin also knew that Crystal had never seen anything like it before. “Once a ghost dies on certain planes, like Hell – once their heart gives out – they regenerate into their original ghostly state. The process then continues until they die again.” He paused. “I have died many times, regenerated just as many.”
“How many?” Crystal asked, her face a mask of horror.
“It is not of import.”
“Edwin,” Crystal said. “How many?”
Edwin swallowed. “Four hundred twenty three thousand,” he said. “Eight hundred and six. And then another twenty-two, when I went back in Port Townsend.”
“Holy shit,” Crystal breathed.
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yulecogs · 20 hours
Edwin: Did it hurt when you fell- Charles: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Edwin: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Charles: ... Edwin: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
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yulecogs · 20 hours
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Chapter 24: Charles | Alone
Something new Charles was learning about his boyfriend is that he was really bad at texting. At least that’s what Charles hoped was happening. Because the only other alternative he could come up with was that Edwin was getting tired of him. Already.
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yulecogs · 21 hours
Eddie, still on this live-stream: Did your students ask about me?
Steve, genuinely confused: No, why would they do that?
Eddie: Becau-
Eddie: Because I’m famous.
Steve: I don’t think your music is popular with kid. They like Taylor Swift.
Eddie, a little weak: But- but your students last year. They thought I was cool.
Steve: Well, yeah. ‘Course they do. You’re married to me!
Steve: These are new kids. They don’t even think I’m cool. But they will!
Steve: Think you’re cool. Not me. They just don’t know you yet.
Eddie: Take me to work with you
Steve: No, babe.
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yulecogs · 21 hours
just had a customer come in and she was telling us about how when she first got married she wasn't allowed to have her own bank account or put her name down on the mortgage for the house her and her husband were buying and how she had a job but she had to stay in the back hidden from customers lest they saw a woman working and it's wild because when we learn about these things we see them as being so long ago but there's an old woman walking around my village who remembers that and lived through it and she still marvels over the fact she can have her own bank account and spend her money as she pleases. I was absolutely born in the right generation I love having the freedom to have a bank account in my own name and put my name on rental agreements and have a job
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yulecogs · 21 hours
AU where everything's the same but trickster Cat King charges Edwin the more problematic task of Counting All the Queers in Port Townsend and Edwin's gonna have a harder time ignoring thinking lgbt thoughts
Edwin, with his little notebook, interviewing Tragic Mick: ... where would you say your romantic proclivities take you?
Mick: *silent stare, tons of ace cards crowning behind his head on the wall*
Edwin: there are 122. queers. in port Townsend
Cat King: you forgot to count Charles
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yulecogs · 21 hours
Not so friendly suggestion, but maybe it took so long for Edwin to hear the misery wraith in the Devlin House is because he heard them so frequently in Hell that his mind learned to automatically tune them out so he could listen for the Spider...
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yulecogs · 21 hours
“Oh…shit,” Eddie mutters as the garage door slowly lifts open.
“What’s oh shit?” Hazel pipes up from the back seat.
“Nothin’. Just didn’t know Papa was gonna be home early today.”
Eddie takes his sweet time easing into the garage and cutting the engine, and then he twists in his seat to look at Hazel.
“Okay, we had a super fun day today, right?”
“Right, so here’s the deal – Papa is not gonna be thrilled with me if he sees how much fun today was. What if you go inside and distract Papa for me while I get everything in the house?”
Hazel just looks at him for a moment – long enough that Eddie wonders if she might hit the other end of the spectrum and go tattle on him to Steve, (and honestly, with Hazel it was sort of a toss-up if she’d actually be interested in running a mostly harmless con on her dad anyway).
“Okay,” she finally says.
“Okay?” Eddie repeats, “Alright, atta-girl. You wanna come up with a plan or–”
“No,” she cuts him off, fiddling with the buckle on her carseat.
Eddie pauses.
“You’re good?”
“Okay,” he replies, only somewhat tentatively, and only then does he get out of the car, help Hazel out of her seat, and follow her into the house.
Steve is sitting at the kitchen counter, and he looks up as they walk in.
“Papa!” Hazel exclaims, barely kicking her sandals off before she’s running up to Steve and jumping into his arms.
“You’re home early,” Eddie comments.
“Had a feeling my last client was gonna cancel so I got all my admin shit done early in the day,” Steve replies, “What were you two up to?”
“Errands,” Eddie replies, because keep it simple, stupid (or so Eddie needs to remind himself constantly).
He hikes Hazel a little higher up so he can press a kiss onto her cheek, “How ‘bout you? Did you have a good day today?”
“Yup,” Hazel nods, and Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at her behind Steve’s back, “I wanna snuggle and put jammies on and read with you please.”
Steve’s whole face lights up.
“Really? You wanna snuggle and have some quiet time before your sisters get home?”
“Uh-huh,” she nods again, nuzzling her cheek against the collar of his shirt.
Steve looks entirely delighted as he heads up the stairs, and Hazel gives Eddie a thumbs up without even lifting her head off of Steve’s shoulder.
Holy shit, Eddie thinks, because he can’t believe that actually worked, but also because, holy shit, Hazel is diabolical. Just as diabolical as her big sisters, but in her own special, twisted kind of way, which means Eddie and Steve’s hopes of having an easy go of it with their youngest daughter are totally shot.
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yulecogs · 21 hours
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Edwin canonically liking feminine things is so so important for my mental health
the hat he's wearing if you care:
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yulecogs · 21 hours
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UGH the amount of time I spend thinking about these two dorks. Would someone get them their own action figures already? I want to make them kiss.
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yulecogs · 21 hours
Can we see the dbda comics meeting the show? I know you haven’t read the comics, but I don’t think any of us mind. 
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I think they'll get along fine
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yulecogs · 21 hours
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what if Edwin silenced Charles with a kiss rather than his hand at this moment??!!?! WHAT THEN?!?!??!!?!!!
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yulecogs · 21 hours
Imagining this within the first week of Charles and Edwin knowing each other. Charles has helped Edwin catch up on a BIT of what’s happened in the last 70 years, but Edwin can tell that Charles’ knowledge and strengths are not in history (finding out there was an even worse world war right after The Great War was certainly horrific though). So Edwin decides his best bet is to look in the public archives. Charles is sitting in the room with him absolutely bored out of his skull when he comments “Wow, you weren’t joking about not being great at people, were you?”
To which Edwin’s patience runs out, and he snidely responds, “Evidently not. If my researching the events of the last seventy years is so off-putting to you, then you can leave.”
Edwin was expecting some kind of token protest, but instead Charles just hops up, and says, “Cheers mate. See you.” Then LEAVES. Just like that. Edwin would like to be offended, but he supposes he did tell Charles to go. He just thought there would have been more to it than that? It almost feels…anticlimactic. At least he and Charles barely knew each other. Better to cut their losses now than get attached. Even as he thinks it he can’t help but feel maybe he was already growing attached.
So he spends the whole day digging through the archive and he learns so much about the past half century. It’s amazing and daunting just how much as changed. No wonder Charles hadn’t been able to go over even a fraction of it. It’s like the world is a completely different place.
He’s engrossed in his research when a head pops in through the door, and violently startles him with a cheerful, “Hey mate!” Edwin doesn’t have a heartbeat, but if he did it would be running a mile a minute from that fright. Charles is just grinning as he walks through the door. “I have to say, that’s my favourite part of being dead so far. I can just walk through walls.” Charles continues to chat happily, completely oblivious to Edwin’s shock.
Eventually Edwin gains enough of his senses back to interrupt Charles and say, “You came back.”
Charles just cocks his head, but he’s still smiling. “Yeah bruv. You’ve been here ALL DAY. The sun’s started going down. I know we don’t need to eat or sleep, but I figure you should take a break. Plus all the people playing football at the park left, so I got bored.”
Edwin doesn’t quite know what to say to that. He’s still working on the fact Charles came back. Charles hadn’t planned on leaving in any permanent way. He just went to do his own thing while Edwin did his. Yet instead of anything intelligent coming out of his mouth, he says “Football?”
“Oh c’mon! I know you had football even a thousand years ago. Yeah, I went to play with some other guys at the park across the street.”
Edwin snorts at that, and isn’t that a strange and wonderful feeling, laughing after all this time. He doesn’t even know if he did it often before he went to Hell, but here Charles has been making him laugh on and off for the week they’ve known each other. “Yes, we had football. You’ll have to explain how you managed to play a team sport without being seen by either team. You are right though. If it’s getting dark out, they’ll be turning the lights out in here soon. We might as well leave for the day.”
“Cheers. Mostly it involved messing with the ball so it went the wrong way when they kicked it. Oh! I kicked one over a fence. Do you think we can go grab it? How about your day? Learn anything exciting?”
Edwin leads them out, and now in a much better mood he shares something he thinks Charles will enjoy. “As a matter of fact, there was quite a lot about how music evolved, and styles from the Americas really took off since the 20s.”
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yulecogs · 21 hours
jayden revri makes such fascinating acting choices bc like. why does charles look Away when Edwin confesses to him AND when edwin asks what a handjob is AND when he’s Dayi the dead jocks are “just mates.” I need to study you
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yulecogs · 21 hours
omega steve who hates all the feminization surrounding male omegas. no, he doesn't want to wear dresses or skirts, he doesn't want his hair long and feminine, and he's going to punch the next asshole who says they'll make a "good housewife" out of him. he's a man, designation be damned, and he wants to be treated like one.
so when he hooks up with alpha eddie for the first time and he starts spouting the same bullshit as every other small minded idiot, steve hisses and pushes eddie off of him and immediately goes on a rant that's long overdue.
poor eddie, who's never been with *any* omega before this, is at a loss.
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