yumiiz · 10 months
hiii!! can i be added to the taglist for attention pleaseee?
sure you can!!
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yumiiz · 11 months
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yumiiz · 1 year
Hey hey!! I just found your blog and I gotta say your &team smau is one of my favorites I've read so far! Could I be added to the tag list, for future updates?
(Also, another Italian here, happy to see more of us on this platform haha! Although I'm only Italian on my father's side, but still. Anyway, have a great day! <33)
omg thank you so much that means a lot 😭😭 sure i’ll add you!!
(there’s way more italian lunès that i expect tbh and that makes me so happy, i really thought there was like five of us in total😔)
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yumiiz · 1 year
stared watching casually and now if Haruto doesn’t debut i’m going to burn down mnet
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yumiiz · 1 year
btw have you watched boys planet???? its funny cuz this blog used to be a produce x 101 one and i thought i would have never watched another show and then i’m here ulting enhypen and &team and watching bp even tho i know i will cry.
btw my 1st pick is zhang hao and my 2nd is haruto what about you guys 😙😙
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yumiiz · 1 year
cw: really drunk y/n, like embarrassingly drunk, mentions of throwing up
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“y/n… y/n wake up I can’t piggyback you up the stairs!” Taki kept on moving your shoulder, in hopes of waking you up but that just wouldn’t happen. he knew you, he knew that once you fall asleep there’s no way of doing that, they all did, that’s why Yuma and Jo left at the speed of light. He sighed, he really shouldn’t have left you alone at the party. “Okay.. let’s go.” He says, more to himself than to you. He picks you up and tries to do the least noise he could, if the moms saw you guys like that they wouldn’t let you out for the rest of the summer, and he really didn’t want that to happen.
When he finally gets upstairs he feels you moving. “Yuma?” “Shh! I’m riki.” He says, he didn’t know what he was more annoyed about, you calling him Yuma or you waking up just now. “Put me down.” He does as you say and turns around to see you. To be honest, you looked really bad. Your hair was all over the place, just like your make up, and your eye bags were showing more than usual. But he somehow thought you were cute, still. “Let’s get you to bed, y/n.” You took his hand, your head felt like it could explode any minute, and you felt nauseous. “Riki.” “Mh?” “I think i might have to throw up.”
He sprints to your bathroom, panic in his eyes, he never had to deal with things like this. “Let me call Yuma please, please don’t do anything and please don’t faint.” Easy to say for him, but at that moment you really felt like you were going to. You lie down on the carpet, which, at the moment, seemed the most comfortable thing you could lie on. When the two brothers come back you let out a giggle. “hi.” “Y/n sit up.” “I can’t.” “Yes you can, please sit up.” you stretch your arms up for Yuma to help you up. He does, and you sit up. “How much did you drink?” “I don’t know, that Jay guy was sooo good and i think i smoked a bit but i don’t remember maybe i saw someone smoke and thought it was me does it make sense?”
it was going to be a long night. Yuma and Taki looked at each other in disbelief, last year it was you who had to help them through their drunkenness, they would’ve never thought you guys would switch places. The youngest sits next to you, “Do you still feel like throwing up?” “I just want some water,” Yuma nods “And i’m hungry.” “I’ll go get you something.” and so he goes. You then put your head on Riki’s shoulder “So… Euijoo?” You smile, that guy really made your night. He kept on telling you to stop drinking, but he was more than tipsy himself so that didn’t work out. “He is so fun, we talked a lot…” You told him every single story you could remember, from meeting Jay until Yuma and Jo ruined the fun, but when you looked up to see his reaction he was already asleep.
a/n | hi… sorry i’ve been away for so long and this is what you get 😔 i have my first exam in like three days i’m about to shit myself ngl. also it was my birthday two days ago so yeah that’s that!!! sorry again!! i’ll come back properly once i finish this exams :(
TAGLIST | @renjunba3 @kpoprhia @gayayayayaya @laurasseditss (still open!!)
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yumiiz · 1 year
i’m in exam session rn so sorry if it will take me a lil bit longer to update 😔 losing my mind over globalization atm 😔
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yumiiz · 1 year
Straight to your heart
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In Which jungwon found him self Devoloping a crush on his Manger’s daughter .. oh no, he is even falling in love!
Genre: racer!jungwon x fem!reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, minor angst if u looked throw a microscope, romance
W.c: 2.3k (Lmao save anon)
Warnings: kissing! Jake interrupted an almost-kiss (spoiler!), flirty jungwon
A/n: LMAO THAT TOOK LONG TIME TBH, sry anon for waiting for too long :,) it’s not abt writing but I got exams these weeks (pray for me), anyways Idk if u wanted it like this but I wish u will like it :3, also jsbsjjshskJjs the edit I’m sobbing screaming crying
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Continua a leggere
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yumiiz · 1 year
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You looked in the mirror one last time before getting in the car with the boys, you took Taki’s advice, shorts and a top would do just fine, it’s just a beach party anyway. You don’t even know why you care so much to be completely honest. This definitely isn’t your first party so there’s no reason to be so stressed. Maybe you feel like you have to prove yourself this summer, you were tired of being seen just as Jo’s annoying sister.
As soon as you get in the car Riki asks “So who’s going to drive on the way back?” “Not me” you say. “Oh come on, the least you can do is drive us.” You kick the seat in front of you, where your brother is. “I swear to god you won’t even see me, there’s no reason to be so dramatic.” “Let her live, Jo.” “Thanks Yuma.” “But you should really drive us.” You sigh, “Okay, fine, i won’t drink a lot.” Jo was about to talk again but Yuma hit him before he could. You can’t even see your brother but you just know he rolled his eyes before turning the radio on.
“Since when do you drink anyway?” You put your phone in your purse, the last thing you want to do is send some embarrassing messages to the group chat or text that situationship you had two months ago. “A lot can happen in a year, Riki.” “Yeah but you look like a completely different person.” “I don’t.” But in reality you really do. For instance, you finally took your braces off this winter, you grew out your hair and puberty did the most part, but even your attitude kind of changed. Last year you would have stayed with the moms to watch some really old movie only they liked or in your room reading the same book for the millionth time.
When you get at the actual party is when reality hits you. You don’t know anyone. Your brother and Yuma are already on their way to a group of people you don’t know, and you told Riki you were going to be fine, so he also went to greet some of his friends. “Hi,” You turn around and see a guy, who looks way older than you. “I’ve never seen you here, you new?” “Actually, I always visit in the summer.” He nods, and continues to chug on his beer. “Are you alone?” You always hated the smell of beer out of all, and he really smells like it. “No, i’m here with my brother.” You look around to search for Jo with your eyes, but he’s nowhere near to see you.
He takes a step towards you. “So you’re not here with your boyfriend?” Now you’re actually freaked out. “Oh, no he’s coming too.” You try to go where more people can see you, the last thing you want to do this summer is getting kidnapped. “Should I stay with you until he arrives?” “I’m really fine…” You say, going backwards. You wish you didn’t send Riki off like that before. He’s about to say something else but then you feel a hand on your shoulder, and you really hope it’s your brother, or Yuma, or anyone else who isn’t a bad person honestly.
“Sorry i’m late, is he bothering you?” You look up to see who is your savior, and of course you have no idea who it is. He has curly brown hair and big round eyes, his features kind of make him look like a ghibli character whom you could not recall the name of in that situation. “Let’s just go.” You say, starting to walk away from the beer smelling guy. When you guys are far enough, you finally thank him. “I really thought i was going to get murdered at my first beach party.” You laugh, even though you were dead serious. “He’s known for being a dick, sorry that happened.”
“Don’t say sorry, i’m fine! I’m Y/N by the way.” “Byun Euijoo.” He smiles, he truly looks handsome, and he’s really, really tall too. “You sure you’re okay? I can drive you home or something.” Is this how summer crushes begin? Or is it just a guy doing the bare minimum? “I have to drive those three home so..” you point to your friends and brother playing some random drinking game. He nods “Your brothers?” “Just the tall one.” Euijoo chuckles, he doesn’t seem to want to leave, which you don’t mind for two reasons. Number one, he just saved you from a creep and, number two, he doesn’t smell like beer. “You know, you could help me with something now that i think about it.”
“Is there any other alcool other than beer?” “ma’am please follow me to the actual good alcool.” You giggle, and follow him without hesitation. You shouldn’t trust people this easily, but then again, he’s hot so it doesn’t really matter. He takes you not too far away, there’s a few people he greets there. “Jay! Can you do two margaritas for my friend and I here?” The guy on the other side of the little table just does a thumbs up before getting some things from the cooler bag in front of him. “You get a bartender at the beach?” “We like to be organized, and beer just sucks.” You already like how he thinks. After a few minutes Jay gives you your margaritas. “This is the last one for me, just for you to know.”
It wasn’t.
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a/n | writing this at almost 2 am so yeah sorry for eventual errors! I will correct them once i get some sleep. no but like i’m actually enjoying writing this, that’s why the chapters are always longer than i expect them to be T’T
TAGLIST | @renjunba3 @kpoprhia @gayayayayaya @laurasseditss (still open!!)
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yumiiz · 1 year
hey could i be added to the tag list for attention please !!<33
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yumiiz · 1 year
yang jungwon please i can’t do this anymore
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yumiiz · 1 year
Can I be added to the tag list?
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yumiiz · 1 year
Italian gang?? Milan is a hour far but I had school
!!!!!! i’m from sicily so there’s no way i could have been there but i’m still salty about it 😔👍🏻
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yumiiz · 1 year
enha is almost in milan and i can’t go bc i live on the other part of italy 😔 crying rn
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yumiiz · 1 year
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“Wow!” Riki finally got off your brother, approaching you, “Did you get taller?” you said, as he picked you up, giving you the warmest hug, the one’s he’s only capable of giving. “Look at you! You got your braces off!” “I did!” he took your hand and made you do a spin to show off.
Jo calls him and, with the sweetest smile, Riki goes to see what your brother has to tell him, your mom is already greeting her best friend, Irene, and there’s no trace of Yuma. Which is weird, he’s always been outside waiting for you every single year.
You look around, waiting for your turn to say at least hi to Irene, but that’s going to take awhile since your mom is still talking to her. You’ve always been envious of their friendship, it’s been what? twenty? thirty years? and they’re still close as ever. Nothing about this place has changed, its always been so cured and perfect, the white stairs, the fountain and even the trees have always been immaculate. It looked like nothing there could ever change or go wrong, maybe that’s why you liked this place so much.
“Yuma!” You hear Jo scream, you turn around at the speed of light, and there you see him. Your heart skips a bit when his eyes meet yours. “Hi!” you got closer to the boys to greet Yuma. His hair got longer and the fact that he kept running his hand through them only made you stare more at him. “Hey Y/n.” He put his hand on your shoulder, giving you a side hug. You smiled and were about to take your phone to tell about your interaction to Minji but Riki took it off your hands.
“What are you doing?” He put it on your car with a smirk on his face, and then you knew. “Isn’t it time for a swim?” “No..” you started going backwards, as the three of them got near you. “C’mon guys i’m still wearing my shoes!” And then you started to run, finally catching the attention of your moms. “Don’t get hurt guys!” okay, not that much of attention.
Riki picked you up with the help of the other two, at that point you gave up. It happened every year, they picked you, throw you in the pool and you all have some laughs after. You tried to take Jo with you as they proceded to toss you in the water, but of course you failed. And so, here you are, soaked, and with your shoes still on. “Fuck off! I hurt my ankle!” You lied and you reach out for Yuma’s hand, throwing him in the pool with you.
It wasn’t a smart decision, because now you were looking at him, with his hair wet and his white shirt completely transparent. He laughed and tried to get you down the water again. “Can you not try to kill me on my first day please?” You said, keeping him away with your hands on his shoulders. “So dramatic.” You pushed him and got out of the pool, smiling like an idiot.
You definitely aren’t over him.
a/n | finally the first chapter is here!! writing is scary!!!!
TAGLIST | @laurasseditss @gayayayayaya (STILL OPEN!!)
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yumiiz · 1 year
writing is so scary to me for some reasons but i also love doing it but then if i like it why is it scary like it doesn’t make sense
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yumiiz · 1 year
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yuma | used to be just as loud as his brother until something come up. maybe it was a heartbreak or maybe his awful relationship with his father. No one really knows what’s going on inside his head.
taki | likes to have fun, the real life of the party and doesn’t like to get into serious things or relationships. or does he?
ej | the sweet boy who works at the country club and doesn’t know how to talk to girls.
hanni | One of the debutantes of this summer. Super rich, never knows whats going on but at least she’s having fun!
danielle | debutante, can be pretty intimidating at first but is actually really sweet and kind. Also super rich. Always bored and boy crazy.
haerin | Taki’s best friend and last of the debutantes of y/n’s group. The youngest. Knows everything about everyone in the village, kinda creepy.
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TAGLIST | @laurasseditss (still open! just reply or send me an ask to be added!!)
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