yunaire · 5 years
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yunaire · 5 years
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30 Day OTP Challenge: Day 26 (Getting married)
Day 25 - Day 27
sorry, my american is showing; i drafted this and then thought to look up civil partnership ceremonies in the UK and then I was too lazy to try and rewrite it lol
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i like to imagine this lady is just thinking “wtf was that, you’re not married yet, those aren’t the words… and you need to sign… hey…..”
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yunaire · 5 years
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30 Day OTP Challenge: Day 17 (Spooning)
Day 16 - Day 18 (NSFW) or (SFW)
yeah i never said this would be a complicated plot
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yunaire · 5 years
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30 Day OTP Challenge: Day 9 (Hanging out with friends)
Day 8 - Day 10
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yunaire · 5 years
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 Sherlock as Howl from Howl’s moving castle, if you’d like!!! — dragon-in-a-top-hat
remember several weeks ago when i opened requests for like two minutes and said i’d do three but then i only did two
here is the third one lol
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yunaire · 5 years
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yunaire · 5 years
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Guerin Pierre Narcisse - Morpheus and Iris (details)
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yunaire · 6 years
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I don’t wanna know this feeling Unless it’s you and me I don’t wanna waste a moment And I don’t wanna give somebody else the better part of me I would rather wait for you
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yunaire · 6 years
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River & Keanu requested by anonymous
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yunaire · 6 years
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Call Me by Your Name (2017)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
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yunaire · 6 years
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My Own Private Idaho (1991) // dir. Gus Van Sant
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yunaire · 6 years
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yunaire · 6 years
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Q: How long do you think your careers will last?
RIVER: My career will last forever. What do you think?
KEANU: My career will last as long as I get parts in films
Q: And then what?
KEANU: And then you die
RIVER: Then it’s time for the old folks home. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get older, do you Keany?
KEANU: I’d like to maybe get a boat some day and sail around. Maybe I’ll settle down and raise a family. I’ve always wanted kids
RIVER: I didn’t know that
KEANU: You never asked, dude
RIVER: I really want kids too…
- City Limits (UK), Jan 1992
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yunaire · 6 years
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have you ever thought about death?
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yunaire · 6 years
It’s Tom Holland I’m dead
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yunaire · 6 years
Reason #039: because Eiji's letter will break your heart.
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I’m not going to post the manga pages that the letter is actually on because ~~spoilers~~. And I’m not going to talk about the circumstances of the letter or the things that it caused (both in the short-run and the long-run) because, again, ~~spoilers~~. But Eiji’s simple, loving words have always been enough to get me ready to cry and I suspect the same is true of other fans.
I am very worried because I haven’t seen you and I don’t know if you are okay.
You said to me before, “We live in different worlds.” But I am not sure if that is true. We are from different countries, and our skin and eyes are different color. But so what? We are friends. Isn’t that enough? What else do we need?
I am very happy I came to America. I made many friends here. Above all… I met you, Ash.
You asked me many times if you scare me. But I never felt scared of you, not even once. From the first time I met you. Actually, I always felt that you are hurt, much more than me— that your soul is wounded.
I know that you are much smarter than me, and bigger, and stronger— but even so— I always wanted to protect you. Funny, isn’t it? But what did I want to protect you from?
I think I wanted to protect you from your future. Because your fate was sweeping you away, like a flood.
Do you remember telling me about the leopard in that Hemingway book? He died at the top of the mountain, and you said he knew he will never go back down.
But I said you are not a leopard, and that you can change your future. It’s true, Ash. You can change your fate.
You are not alone, Ash. I am with you. My soul is always with you.
Sayonara, America. Sayonara, New York…
But I’m not saying “sayonara” to you… Ash. Because this isn’t goodbye. I know we’ll see each other again someday—
You are my best friend, Ash.
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yunaire · 6 years
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By Karen Zack (@teenybiscuit)
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