yunalescafaith-blog · 5 years
letting other people down is bad 
but letting yourselves down is worst..
knowing that u cant even hold it together even for your own sake...
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yunalescafaith-blog · 5 years
it’s alright, it will work out somehow someday...
just keep going and one day without even realizing it..you’re there 
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yunalescafaith-blog · 5 years
Liking someone is supposed to put a smile on one’s face, 
But why does it makes my chest hurt everytime ..
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yunalescafaith-blog · 5 years
Its not over yet, as long as you still got a breath in you;
keep on pushing through, it’ll be worth it someday 
and someday can be tomorrow or better yet... today ;)
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yunalescafaith-blog · 5 years
To Cope
Have you ever felt as if nothing is changing..stuck in the same phase over and over again...
Well that’s what I feel every single day..
Looking at others especially those close to me, moving forward..
Its getting harder and harder everyday..
But I am still finding ways to cope..
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