yunhos-treasure · 4 years
For some reason Tumblr hates me and I can't see my one shot in the tags😭😭😭
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yunhos-treasure · 4 years
𝐀 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 ☆ミ 𝐣𝐰𝐲
༄𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Wooyoung is so excited to have a day off with his friends and fellow ATEEZ groupmates and does his best to cook something yummy for a Sunday picnic, and everything is so perfect and tasty that it is to die for!
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 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life, fluff and a little surprise at the end.
 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1,9k
 [𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]: so... there's something like a plot twist, hehe ٩ (ᐛ) و I'm sorry I can't put it on the tags
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I made some mistakes, I'm still learning.
For Wooyoung today is definitely a wonderful and beautifully sunny day, perfect to have the best picnic of his life. Anyone who looked at the young man would instantly know that he was more than ecstatic with the big and genuine smile spread across his pretty face.
It was eight in the morning and the black-haired boy was in the kitchen listening to music with his headphones while he happily cooked for himself and his friends.
The sun was streaming in through the window and the rays of it made the young man's dark hair appear to have reddish tones giving it an ethereal touch.
Everyone in the apartment were asleep, and all that could be heard was the sound of cabinet doors and countertop drawers opening along with the the soft humming to the rhythm of the music coming from the kitchen.
Wooyoung made sandwiches, prepared orange juice and lemonade in cute glass bottles, and also made cupcakes with strawberries and kiwis with cream for dessert, as well as put fruits cut into animal shapes in small tuppers.
As he thought about what might be missing for the picnic, he realized that he didn't know where the baskets and blankets were even though Seonghwa had packed the baskets yesterday and told him at least three times where he had kept them, but Wooyoung was too busy playing with San that all he did was say “Yes, yes, I know! You don't have to say it so many times, I'm not going to forget it.”, without really listening to what the older man had said.
And there he was, trying to remember what the blonde told him without succeeding so he started looking all over the place.
“Basket, basket.... Where are you, basket?” He called out as if the basket was a puppy that could run to him.
After several unsuccessful attempts, he thought about talking to Seonghwa but the fear that Hongjoong would scold him for being so careless made him retract and decided to go back to looking in the first places where he had looked at the beginning: because for some unknown reason things are always in the first place they seemed not to be.
And he was right. With a victorious smile he took the baskets and ran to put them on the table to start packing the food and drinks, then grabbed eight glasses and put them away along with a couple of pastel napkins.
With excitement he went to his room to change his clothes and take the opportunity to wake up San and Jongho, who seemed reluctant to get up, mainly San who hugged his Shiber plushie tighter. The raven-haired boy smirked and uncovered him, then grabbed the other boy by the ankles to drag him off the bed, but the latter grabbed onto the bed as hard as he could while he screamed in a high-pitched voice.
“Let me and my son Shiber sleep in peace!”
But Wooyoung didn't care and while he laughed in an outrageously way he kept pulling him. Jongho, who shared a room with those two got up disheveled and in a bad mood. All the noise made it impossible for him to stay more time in that room and before leaving he let out a groan of annoyance as he went to the bathroom.
“Why do I feel like I'm the oldest in this place?”  
Due to the noise, the others began to wake up, but not before cursing Wooyoung and San mentally, like every day.
Little by little the place began to fill with the noise of the voices of the other boys, and the doors of their rooms opening and closing.
San struggled to get up, grabbed a pillow and started hitting Wooyoung on the head while the shorter one laughed like a maniac, his laughter was contagious and the pink haired boy started laughing too.
Hongjoong walked into the room with his face half pale and his hands slightly shaking, he looked at the two boys and told them to hurry up and go to the living room.
San and Wooyoung looked at each other with concern before getting done, and heading to the room where the others were already, waiting for Jongho to come out of the bathroom so they could enter and wash.
In the living room Hongjoong and Seonghwa were talking in whispers in the corner, their expressions looked worried while Mingi and Yunho commented on what they would do at night when they returned home and Yeosang looked at them with an empty expression, it was Sunday and definitely too early in the morning to join an actual conversation, though it's not like he's very talkative after all.
Jongho came out of the bathroom and went to look for something in the living room, where he accidentally overheard a bit of the conversation of the older boys in the group.
“[...] and that's why I'm telling you not to worry, Hongjoong. Today will be a great day, it is impossible for a bad dream to come true and there is no point in staying locked up at home. So coming with us to a picnic will not kill you.” half consoled and half joked the older.
The leader just nodded and agreed, laughing a little and realizing that in reality the situation was absurd, dreams are only dreams and nothing else, no matter how real they may seem.
He just needs to go out and clear himself up a bit and it would be much better if it's with the people he cares the most, so he's more than determined to go out thanks to Seonghwa's persuasion.
The youngest continued on his way to his room to change his clothes without giving much thought.
The other boys ran to the bathroom, and then to their rooms to put on clothes suitable for the day.  When everyone was ready, San asked Hongjoong what was wrong with him because he was still worried because the older one had looked very strange today when he went to talk to them, and he only answered that he had slept very little and had a nightmare, and that he only needed a little air and he would feel better already, which calmed everyone present who had also noticed Hongjoong's state but hadn't said anything before.
───── ❀ ◦ ❀ ◦ ❀ ─────
The trip was full of laughter, music and talk, it really was a very beautiful day and it was getting better and better, all the unnecessary worries of the morning and days gone by were left behind, without leaving room for anxiety or stress. This break was exactly what they needed and they knew it.
The weather was sunny but it wasn't hot at all, everyone were wearing light clothes without being so summery because every so often a small cold wind ran that gave you chills, and with the warmth of the sun's rays they were the perfect contrast wich feels like a good sensation against the skin.
They arrived at the planned place and got out of the van, while they stretched they observed the beauty of Mother Nature that surrounded them and the peace that only she can transmit.
It looked like a scene out of a Studio Ghibli movie with soft colored flowers, the trees gave beautiful shadows perfect to sit under them and the wind swayed the grasses from time to time but without being annoying. There was also a small stream with transparent cold water and you could heard the sound of the water running and hitting the stones at the same time that you could also hear the songs of birds, cicadas and some frogs. It was fresh and peaceful.
Wooyoung threw himself on the grass and started rolling followed by a very excited Yunho, Mingi, and San. Seonghwa and Yeosang were looking at them with expressions of 'I'm judging you intensely', but they secretly wished to do the same.
Jongho and Hongjoong looked for the baskets and blankets and then began to set up the picnic and take photos as if they were in an impromptu photoshoot to save memories and upload a couple to Twitter for their beloved Atinys, to which the other boys also joined and took photos with them. Some turned out fine and others... well, some were blurry or someone would always appear in the back with a derp expression causing the photos to be ruined, but it was funny so no one complained and they just continued to enjoy each other's company.
“We should have more days like this.” Mingi said with a huge and sweet smile as he collected flowers and put them in his hair to take pictures. Everyone agreed with what the tall boy had said and Yunho imitated his friend by putting flowers in his hair as well and they both challenged the other to a duel over who would get the most likes on his posts.
“Guys ... I spent a lot of time preparing the food, why don't we start eating at once?”
An annoyed Wooyoung said while taking a sandwich and starting to eat, his friends laughed and ate with him. All the food tasted very good and they all thanked the boy for putting so much effort into this day and taking care of them.
“Why don't we toast Wooyoung's delicious food and our friendship?” San suggested, breadcrumbs on his cheeks that made him look adorable.
Yeosang took the glasses that were still stored in the basket, served them all lemonade and orange juice, and smiled as he said playfully.
“Everyone, consider this an act of charity on my behalf”
The other members started saying things to him and he just laughed as he raised his glass and toasted the others.
No one noticed how Wooyoung did not even take a sip of the juice and simply put it on the blanket on the ground, while looking at the sky, it was very clear and beautiful, everything was so calm and the wind began to sway the leaves of the tree over his head causing the sun to hit his face, when he looked down at the ground his friends looked strange.
The black-haired man looked at them more closely and their pupils were excessively dilated. Hongjoong was choking and struggling for air while a worried Seonghwa tried to help him but felt nauseous and with drowsy legs he tried to run to vomit, Jongho was confused and his brain couldn't process anything that was happening around him, Yunho had a hand pressed on his heart which was beating very fast while Mingi was lying on the ground motionless, not even breathing and San was trying to wake up Mingi with a dry mouth and a really bad bellyache.
Yeosang looked at Wooyoung, who was perfectly fine, as he tried to speak.
“Woo.... Wo.... Young... What... did you do to us?”
But he never got an answer before his joints completely stop working and he drops with a dry sound just like his other friends.
The black-haired boy took a cupcake and calmly ate it, ignoring the seven lifeless bodies of his friends because for Wooyoung today is definitely a wonderful and beautifully sunny day, perfect to have the best picnic of his life. Anyone who looked at the young man would instantly know that he was more than ecstatic with the big and genuine smile spread across his pretty face.
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