yuuhayashi-blog · 6 years
Spice Mini Interview with Kai
Just a few words about the upcoming tour
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yuuhayashi-blog · 6 years
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Read here how he bought his first make up and quit school to be in a band, as well as his hardships when he joined the GazettE 
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yuuhayashi-blog · 6 years
Reita and Uruha vs a 50-year-old man who is in love with Kai
Dark Side Mail
Reita (reading mail): “Listen to my Dad’s dark side. So we like the GazettE together, but my dad loves Kai a weird amount. When he gets drunk, out of nowhere he’ll be like ‘I love Kai..’ and I’ve caught him watching DVDs to see Kai. He says his dream is to smoke a cigarette with Kai. And he says he wants to get a World Tour VIP ticket and shake hands with Kai before he retires. I’m grateful that we can appreciate the same music together. Please watch out for my 50-year-old father’s passion. And I love Uruha with the same passion. Please take care of yourselves and keep working hard! PS - I don’t believe my Dad is ‘like that’.”
(Uruha was giggling this whole time)
Uruha: So I guess the Dad just, you know, he has a family…and he just loves Kai too?
Reita: Well, we don’t know in what way he loves him…
Uruha: Well you see, we understand the true nature of this individual human called Kai.
Reita: Yes.
Uruha: We understand what kind of being he is, his ecology.
Reita: Ecology (dying laughing)
Uruha: We know what he likes, what he is living for.
Reita: Yes.
Uruha: We have a thorough understanding.
Reita: We have a thorough understanding, yes.
Uruha: Yes…and that is why he horrifies us.
(both burst out laughing)
Reita: So anyway, he says he wants to get a world tour VIP ticket and shake hands with him before he retires, and he’s 50 now, and I guess he’ll retire at 60? 65? Well let’s say 60, so that’s in 10 more years. So we gotta do a world tour then, huh. Cause you know at the end we shake hands with the fans, that’s his dream.
Uruha: Aw but that’s so nice of him.
Reita: Yeah, smoking a cigarette with Kai tho…does he even smoke now?
Uruha: Yeah, I think…I think he actually does.
Reita: Well he says he quit…
Uruha: He doesn’t smoke in front of us.
Reita: And like, I thought he had quit but…you know how he is…
(both laugh)
Uruha: Can we be saying this stuff?
Reita: No but really, he was sneaking cigarettes before, I found a pack in his jacket pocket. And then I was like, “hey, you’re smoking aren’t you,” and he was like “What’s that!?”
(both laugh)
Reita: But no I don’t think he smokes now…
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yuuhayashi-blog · 6 years
the GazettE 15th anniversary MCs
Ruki: First, we’re really grateful to all of you for these 15 years. We’ve been walking this life called the GazettE for 15 years and we saw a lot of different sceneries during this time. Speaking about our early days, we started with Dainippon Itangeisha and visual kei and we’re proud of it. There might be people who think that these are the things of the past and they don’t know what it is. But the feelings of Dainippon Itangeisha and visual kei are still the things that we carry in our hearts right now and we’ll continue to in the future, just like we’ve done this whole time and it’s not gonna change. 
Of course, we went a long road, so there were times when we were anxious and times when we didn’t know what to do, but still like this because we had you and you believed in us, we reached this 15th year as the GazettE. Thank you so much. 
Also, we’re gonna continue to look for the meaning of the GazettE in the future too. No matter how many years go by, we will keep showing you the scenery that you haven’t seen before, and we’re gonna make awesome lives, I promise you all. We’re not letting go of you! We love you!
Uruha: Thank you all for your hard work. The road to this day was quite long, wasn’t it? Aoi san even started crying. Really, thank you for this beautiful scenery. And I’m not good at throwing pics, sorry!
Kai: Between all of the things we did, Dainippon Itangeisha was like the first page of our era. Thanks to all of you I was able to connect it with the present and feel it again. And like Ruki said it’s all because of you. This is all because you were with us for these 15 years. Because if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be here now. The only thing I can do is to be grateful. We have a deep connection with you all. You’re like a sixth member of this band. From now, together with you all, I’d like to keep protecting the GazettE. Thank you.
Aoi: I’m not crying. But I was thinking that I do really love these guys. So, of course, I’m really happy being with them and with all of you. Thank you so much for these 15 years. From now on too please treat these good for nothing guys well. I’m gonna cut it short now. And I’m not crying.
Reita: Thank you for your hard work. It’s really… *starts crying* I can’t talk today. I’m just gonna say one thing, thank you very much. Thank you for your hard work!!!
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yuuhayashi-blog · 7 years
Rock & Read 0043 Kai Part 4
Part 1 http://259paradox.tumblr.com/post/171737475951/rock-read-0043-kai-part-1 Part 2 http://259paradox.tumblr.com/post/171737506966/rock-read-00043-kai-part-2 Part 3 http://259paradox.tumblr.com/post/171737536006/rock-read-0043-kai-part-3
I: I think it’s really important to have the consciousness to express the following: On disc 1 there’s KAGO NO SANAGI which was written by Kai-san, right? K: Yes. I: It’s been a while since Kai-san wrote a song, right? K: I always bring songs though (lol). Fans often tell me to ‘write more songs’ or things like that but well, I do bring them! (lol) That’s why I’m really happy that KAGO NO SANAGI was included. Lately, even if I was able to feel some response from the members, the song still wouldn’t get picked during song collections meetings. In the past I didn’t look confident while everyone was listening to the song and while I secretly thought that the song is good, I remember the pleasure when it got approved in the end (lol). When I brought this song, it was pretty low quality compared to the demos the others had brought with them but I thought maybe it conveys the atmosphere nonetheless. Whether it was the process of the chords, the atmosphere of the song or the structure, if just one member had been pulled in by one of these, I would have been really lucky- that’s how I felt. And then, when they heard this song, when they heard my song they became silent… that was a really rare picture for me (lol). I was like: ‘huh? Won’t you say anything to me?’(lol) Even though they’re usually chuckling, they just kept silent and listened. That’s why I thought ‘maybe…?’. So we talked about it and the conclusion was that the song really wasn’t bad and that made my doubts pass (lol) I: It’s a great emotional song and grew into the role of the hook of disc 1, right? K: Really? I don#t really know (lol). I’m often told that the chords I create are strange, though. But I think that song was difficult for everyone. From the demo onward the arrangement was pretty strange, but thanks to everyone’s help we were able to complete it in a good way, weren’t we? I: I’m expecting your next songs too. How is disc 2? K: Disc 2 is more… there are many things but what should I say…One particular song that leaves an impression is DERANGEMENT, I guess? It’s an enthusiastic song and has something like a ‘constant fun kind of feeling to it. It’s rare for the GazettE to do things such as changing the rhythm to match the song development. That’s why this song leaves a strong impression, right? There are many more things about this song though. I: Aren’t there many songs on disc 2 that are difficult for the drums? K: There are. It was the first time we included so many loop beats throughout the whole album, right? Until now, we’ve had songs like FILTH IN THE BEAUTY where the loop is just in the background and the band is in front. This time, it was exactly like that too! We have quite a lot of songs where the beat pattern is made out of loops and raw drums. To tell the truth, I still don’t have the confidence to reproduce that properly during the lives. In regard to that, I have one personal goal for this tour, and I’m really sorry for the fans, but I think I’ll tone down the wild actions during the live a little. Being able to hit the drums without hurting the body is connected to hitting the exact rhythm synchronously with the loop. I’ve always left this part out until now! Despite the fact that you shouldn’t leave parts out as a drummer. It‘s a good opportunity for me to try it, because you can‘t hit the drums without shifting so you’re always making a big show but there’s is difference between that show and being able to do big hits (on the drums). For that purpose I‘m building up my lower body right now. I: Is it necessary to work out? Usually you’d think hitting the drums would use more body strength, right? K: No, how should I say that… It’s really easy to understand, I say it simply. Are you right handed? I: I am. K: Can you throw a ball with one hand like with the other? I: I can’t. K: It’s the feeling to try to be able to do exactly this! The point is, my right leg has always been my priority until now, my upper half is also moving as if it’s cheating. I don’t know if you can call it cheating because it also creates a rhythm at the same time. I want to correct that. It’s kind of ridiculous to talk about it! I’ve been hitting the drums for half my life now and always had that kind of playing style. That‘s why it‘s impossible to suddenly be able to use the left as well as the right, so I‘m starting from the beginning again. I’ve been playing Luna Sea’s JESUS and also other song with my left hand for some time now. In doing this I returned to the beginning, doing everything I always did with the right with the left. I think it will take a few years but I do want to pursue it. I have more knowledge about drums now so it is different from the past but because I use my right hand only, my left hand also improved. That‘s why I‘m convinced that it‘s efficient but nothing you‘ll accomplish in 2 or 3 months. I: That surprises me a lot. Even if you don’t change the form, for you, who achieves so much, to go that far… K: That’s the price for skipping (lol). We’ll be performing the songs from DIVISION on tour soon, won’t we? I don’t want the audience to feel that I’ve had difficulty! At lives people who never look at the drums… for example other member’s fans, they are always watching the person they like. But the sound of the drums just naturally enters the ear and it’s comfortable because it doesn’t disturb the rhythm so you can enjoy the live, right? If I say it like that, isn‘t that a ‚zero condition‘ for the listeners? I want the songs from DIVISION to reach that far too, but that zero is quite high at the moment. When my drums join the loop beat it doesn’t waver at all so they would notice. It wouldn’t be good if the fans felt odd without knowing the reason. When I thought about how I could avoid that, I realized that I have to correct myself. I: Stoic as ever, aren’t you? Not running from the problems but to confront them is something I really respect. K: Thank you very much. But that’s also connected to improving the skills as a drummer, and because it’s definitely something crucial for the GazettE. I’m practicing without giving up. It‘s just, like I said earlier, to master that, I think it will take years. That‘s why for now, I want to reach as far as I can until the tour starts. I‘m practicing 6 days a week alone. I: Eh? 6 days a week?!…I don’t have words for this anymore. Please be careful to not destroy your health, okay? I’m returning to the topic of the GazettE but after 10 years, what is the GazettE aiming for from now on? K: Hmm…I think that many people say that about the GazettE but we really are a haphazard band! In a really good way. If something comes up that we want to do we won’t feel relieved until we try it, right? Furthermore, with the experience we have gathered until now, we’re confident that after trying something new, the next thing to do will come up automatically. We’ve already decided on most of next years activities and it was either our manager or someone else who wrote „Song production" into our schedule. I doubt that anyone will write a single song though. When the next thing we want to do comes up but we haven’t experience it yet, we won‘t be able to produce songs for it. That‘s why even when you ask me what we‘re aiming for next, the truth is, I really can‘t say anything (lol). I: Oh-Okay (lol). It’s just that top bands that just surpassed the 10 year mark usually calm down with the releases and other activities, don’t they? The GazettE didn’t show any signs of doing so and I get the feeling that you’re creating a new image of a top band. K I wonder. I have always loved lives since the past and lives are everything for me. I’m sorry but whether it’s photo shootings, interviews or recordings, everything’s connected to lives in a good way so I enjoy doing them. I think that’s probably the same for all the members! That’s why I want to have energetic lives from now on too and like I said earlier, to have the ideal live, new songs are necessary. In that sense, I think that the GazettE won’t change its pace from now on either.
Beta: https://twitter.com/banana_nashi_
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yuuhayashi-blog · 7 years
Falling Lyrics
I tried to translate the lyrics.
Falling Do you know how long it‘s been? Let‘s dive into the chaos as if we‘re intertwined Falling down Deep in to the dark
A scream that unravels and distorts the past – conflicted mind I hid my vaguely closed eyes The ghost of the past stuck in my head falls apart Deep inside it‘s probably a distorted idea swelled up in absurdity Deep inside the distorted idea is turning to a beloved end
Shout out – Even if I cut out the agony beneath the reaction Writher – Because I saw myself that day, lost in stupefaction
We just believe in ourselves to die I know you were the same We embrace the same pain – I‘m going to break It‘s okay to be smashed to pieces To be reborn again I’m gonna fall
A scream that unravels and distorts the past – conflicted mind            I hid my vaguely closed eyes The screeching sound is stuck in my head
Inside me Something’s changing I see an ending Take it all in I’m gonna fall
I stare at the grief which will dissapear               We just believe in ourselves to die I know you were the same We embrace the same pain - momentary I won‘t forget – this is not the end So, open your eyes and fall
We just believe in ourselves to die
Even broken is okay
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yuuhayashi-blog · 7 years
Интервью с ADAMS для J-Rock Belgium
Интервью с ADAMS для J-Rock Belgium
Нам предоставился удобный случай взять интервью у дуэта ADAMS в свете их европейского тура – 2014. Большое спасибо Ramên Events и участникам ADAMS! Надеемся, интервью вам понравится, и вы присоединитесь к ADAMS (и нам!) в их туре. (more…)
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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SIAM SHADE: билеты на концерт в Сибуя Кокайдо 13 августа распроданы! В настоящее время идёт запись второго альбома Даже в редакции GiGS SIAM SHADE привлекли наибольшее внимание среди новых групп. Их первый альбом SIAM SHADE стал бестселлером, несмотря на то, что вышел на инди-лейбле.
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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«У нас всегда чёткие планы»: интервью с Адамом и Шотой из ADAMS Вы привезли из Японии что-нибудь особенное для этого тура? Адам: Да, у нас будет кое-что особенно хорошее от меня. Шота: И пожалуйста, послушайте “ONE AND ONLY”. Это одна из особенных песен ADAMS. Что отличает вашу музыку от других? Адам: Планирование на 10 лет вперёд. Шота: Адам и Шота. Это заставляет меня гореть. Когда вы решили создавать музыку? И как долго вы создаёте её вместе? Шота: Я начал создавать ��узыку ещё до того, как родился. Адам: Правда? Вместе мы начали создавать музыку полтора года назад. Пожалуйста, расскажите о вашем последнем сингле “Bittersweet”. О чём он? За ним стоит какая-то история? Адам: Любовь сладкая, но всегда горькая для всех и... Шота: Иногда тяжёлая, верно? Адам: Да. Что вас вдохновляет, когда пишете лирику и сочиняете мелодии? Шота: Ничего. Думаю, я просто делаю это! Ну, хорошо, погодите *смеется* Много времени у меня занимает планирование - где, как, почему. Адам: Разговоры с Шотой, душ, отдых. У вас несколько концертов в Германии. Что думаете о ней? Шота: В Германии много классных людей. Имею в виду, умных, конечно. И у них великолепный город. И... Адам: ...хорошее пиво *смеется*. В Нидерландах вы будете играть с двумя другими японскими группами, Vaniru и Gothika. Вы знакомы с их музыкой? Если да, то что думаете о ней? Шота: Конечно, я слышал их музыку. Она была хорошей. Адам: Но наш стиль неизменен. Шота: Да, у нас всегда чёткие планы. Что делаете перед выходом на сцену? Адам: Ничего. Шота: Хороший вопрос! Если мне нужно, то курю в одиночестве. Чем занимаетесь, помимо музыки? Шота: Я всегда соприкасаюсь с искусством. Иногда болтаю с другом, иногда гуляю в одиночестве. Адам: Что-нибудь, что мне нравится... Например... смотрю кино или катаюсь на машине. Интересуетесь модой? Насколько она важна для вас? Адам: Наверное, нам свойственно чувство стиля. Шота проще меня. Шота: Да, думаю, мне нравится простота, а Адаму - яркость... Adams = простота и яркость *смеется* Адам, как ты тренируешь свой голос? Есть что посоветовать тем, кто хочет стать вокалистами? Адам: Конечно. Вам в обязательном порядке нужно практиковаться. Но самое важное - должен быть человек, который даст совет, если есть какие-то сомнения. У меня для этого есть Шота. Но найти человека, который укажет верный путь, нелегко. Япония славится отличной едой. Вы хорошо готовите? Адам: Нет... Шота: Нет-нет-нет *смеется*. Без чего не сможете жить: без пива или без сигарет? Шота: Без сигарет, пожалуй. Адам: Мне нужно пиво, но на сцене я его не пью ради голоса. Что предрочитаете - конфеты или вино? Шота: Пожалуй, вино. Адам: И то и другое, пожалуйста *смеется*. Оставьте сообщение для ваших поклонников и наших читателей. Адам: Дорогие Евы! Спасибо огромное за ADAMS! Шота: И спасибо, что всегда с нами. Целую. Источник: Indie Fighters Перевод с английского: Yuu Hayashi При размещении данного перевода на других ресурсах ссылка на блог Jigsaw обязательна!
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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Интервью ADAMS для Laestadea: «Нам был нужен новый стиль, который объединил бы рок и любовь» Не так давно в далёкой галак...В смысле не так давно в «Экстреманга» (Мерида) мы имели возможность поболтать с японской группой ADAMS после того, как увидели их живое выступление накануне.
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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50 вопросов Адаму (ADAMS) Основное Имя: Адам Роль в группе: вокалист Дата рождения: ещё не родился Место рождения / родной город: секрет Как называют другие: Адам Семья: -
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
50 вопросов Шоте (ADAMS)
Шота: «Я слаб, когда вокруг слишком много людей»
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Основное Имя: Шота Роль в группе: гитарист Дата рождения: ещё не родился Место рождения / родной город: секрет Как называют другие: вам решать Семья: секрет (more…)
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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Интервью с ADAMS на AVO Festival ADAMS – нео-сексуальный рок-дуэт, созданный в 2011 году. Впервые у ADAMS проходит европейский тур. 14 июля они сыграли вместе с Gothika и Vaniru в  Тиволи-де-Хеллинг в Утрехте (Нидерланды) - так они отпраздновали 10-летнее существование голландского форума AVO.
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
Интервью с ADAMS для Nippon Heaven
Интервью с ADAMS для Nippon Heaven
ADAMS – дуэт из Японии, который включает в свои песни, видео и живые выступления тему гомосексуализма. Этой группой они хотят переписать историю сотворения мира, в которой нет Адама и Евы, а есть два Адама. (more…)
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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yuuhayashi-blog · 8 years
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