zach-delgado · 4 years
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“Be careful. They might put you in a plastic bubble if too many people find out.”
“I’d say it could be our little secret, but considering I’m sparkly, I think it would be fairly easy to figure out who the culprit is.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“We’re all very aware of your face right now.” That may have been a bit rude of him to say, but it was the truth. Daniel hadn’t looked away from his sparkly face since they sat down. “A shower could help–? Not that you stink or anything, but that’s a lot of glitter. Where’d you even go? … Do you remember?”
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“Well, that definitely doesn’t help.” He chuckled and sipped on his coffee. “I probably should shower, there’s feathers stuck to my chest that I hope are from a feather boa.” Sighing, he scratched his face again. “I ended up at a gay bar in Montgomery. But I don’t remember it at all.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
She nodded as she started getting the glitter and gems off his face. “Yes, yes you do,” Taylor answered with a nod. “You’re so cute covered in glitter that I’m actually trying to to resist kissing you.” she stopped when she said that, blushing a little bit. 
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He winced slightly as the gems pulled at the hairs on his face. At her words his eyes widened slightly and he smirked, trying to hide the surprise on his face. “Even with the glitter? Maybe I should dust myself with it more often then?”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Perfect way to unwind if you ask me. The kids that bad this year? Every time I check in with Boone, he looks like he’s about to lose his mind or his hair, but I can’t tell if it’s because the kids are drivin’ him up a wall or if it’s just him.”
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“They weren’t bad, but definitely a handful. I had a few that I wasn’t completely convinced I could help, but we got it in the end. Boone though, I can’t speak for. I have no idea how the athletes did.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“I don’t really know what to say about where your drunk mind and feet are takin’ you, but I could easily be swayed with some cheese sticks too, so – wait, fried cheese sticks, right? Or are we talkin’ string cheese? Big difference. I can help you with some acetone to get that off though.”
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“I’m fairly certain it was for fried cheese sticks. I don’t know if I could have gotten a ride to Montgomery for string cheese.” He sighed happily at her words. “You’d be my hero if you could.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Well that’s cheating!” Hannah said shaking her head. “Ya can’t just ask a question like that and then turn around be like, well ya can order take out too. Why wouldn’t just go to the grocery store and get different food than!” Hannah argued as she took a seat at the table. “That’s just absolute chaos Zach Delgado, I can’t have that.”
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“It’s my hypothetical, I make the rules.” He shrugged and tickled Tommy, laughing as the little boy shrieked. “Chaos isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it can bring clarity... or just a little more fun, ya feel?”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Oh, wow, maybe. You don’t know how you got to Montgomery? What if you accidentally killed a man while you were blacked out or something?”
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“When I came to get my stuff from The Watering Can this morning they informed me, through lots of laughter, that I bribed a man with the promise of cheese sticks to drive me. What happened after that could have been worse. But I’m hoping not.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
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“It’s a gemstone, not a bullet. Quick and easy, just pull it off.” 
“I will fully admit I’m a big baby when it comes to pain, but I haven’t a solution that doesn’t hurt, so I’m going to suffer. I’m not gonna be happy about it though.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
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“I would tread carefully. If you’re saying your 35 year old self shouldn’t do it than inadvertently you’re telling my 35 year old self that I shouldn’t either and,” breathing in through closed teeth, “That’s not fun. I like my wild nights.” Chuckling, she moved her hand up to touch one of the gem stones, “I suppose you could keep them on until they eventually fall off?”
“I’ll concede and say maybe I shouldn’t do it alone. Having a friend with me might have saved me a few troubles,” he scratched at his face with a sigh, “And some glitter.” As she touched his face, he shrugged slightly. “I may just have to Google and see if there’s a clean up I can try.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Oh yeah, I mean a few more rhinestones and you’ll be ready for Coachella,” she joked. “I don’t know, people always tell me I’m a real heavyweight. Ten shots ain’t much, but I guess the two drinks before probably would’ve gotten me to a nice tipsy at least.”
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“I can be one of the influencers. I saw that James Charles kid with assless chaps one year, pretty sure I could rock those.” Zach snorted. “The two drinks were mostly tequila and like a hint of lime. I was doomed from the start.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
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Ally Condie, Matched
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Mr. Delgado, I appreciate your enthusiasm but putting false hope in me ain’t doin’ me any good.”
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“And why is that Slug? Because I know you’ve got a hell of a lot more potential than you like to let people see.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Well, damn. You’re not sounds like a lot more interesting and fun than mine. I mean, you do look like quite the character, but I think it suits you. If it was a good party, that’s all that matters.”
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“I think I had a good time. Can’t fully confirm that, but I just feel in my soul it was a hell of night. Maybe once this hangover passes, I’ll start to remember stuff, but right now, I just want to not look like I rolled myself in an arts and crafts project.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
“Well, ok…first problem right there,” she laughed. “Why didn’t you, I don’t know, try washing your face with soap and water? Or use baby oil or something other than picking at it?” Why she thought a guy would know what to do with glitter and rhinestones on his face is beyond her. “Well, sounds like you had a lot of fun that you don’t remember.” 
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He exhaled heavily, his nostrils flaring as he took in her words with great consideration. “Does it help if I tell you the hangover I’m dealing with is off the charts and I didn’t even think to think of that?” He chuckled heartily and raised his brows. “If only I could actually remember, I bet it’s a hell of a story.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
Kiran laughed, “Man, is that all you think I’m good for? Just standin’ around lookin’ handsome and shit?” His brow raised, teasing Zach with a lopsided grin, “You might have to fight Elle for that puppy, I think she loves Winnie more than me now.” 
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Zach pursed his lips before breaking and rolling his eyes. “Well, if the shoe fits, might as well wear it right?” He returned the grin in favor and nodded. “I’m not saying I’ll fight Elle, but I may sneak dog treats to have the upper hand.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
Nadia raised her brow at him, “You look like you babysat a kid all night and fell asleep before she did.” A small laugh escaped her head, “Is that what happened to you last night? You ought to be more careful or at least keep me in the loop so when no one hears from you, I can send the search party.”
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Zach chuckled and shook his head. “If only that were what happened. I apparently bribed an old man to drive me to Montgomery in exchange for cheese fries. I ended up at a gay bar and woke up like this.”
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zach-delgado · 4 years
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joey laughs, “there are worse things to be stuck t’ y’er face than glitter.” she points out. while it’s never happened personally to her, she can only imagine how creative some people could get, especially with one or two pints as their sidekick in the act. “—who wouldn’t say yes to cheese fries? now y’ got me cravin’ ‘em.” she chuckles and shakes her head. “at least y’ are safe and it ain’t like some dateline uber trip. and it makes for a funny story.”
Zach inclined his head and chuckled. “You’re right, at least it’s glitter and not sharpie, or something far more obnoxious.” He let out another hearty chuckle at her words. “It’s true though. I didn’t end up on some weird episode of Criminal Minds, some guy got cheese fries out of it and I’m very confused, very hungover but otherwise no worse for the wear.”
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