zacharytess · 10 years
There's only been like 38 successful prison breaks, I think I got this. But they were actually inmates, so would it actually count. Do I need to get arrested for that? That would be so much work, though. We'd have to, like, change the location of the meeting place every time and use burner phones in case the police are spying. No thank you. That's a true friend right there. So you were sent by police or parents?
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Oh okay, I'll keep that in mind. I don't know, really, I just..write. I was sent here because of an essay on like, the discrimination against the lgbtqia+ community.
Of course, escaping prison seems like pretty tough stuff, and you’d definitely get a lot of respect for your Houdini-like ways. Agreed, I’d totally read your book. You should even have a book club for anyone who reads your book, and uses your escape plans to get out of prison. I guess you could say that. Well, I’m not a dealer okay, a friend just really needed help selling some dope, and me being the awesome friend I am, I helped out. Long story short, the party we were at got busted and well, here I am.
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Hey, us delinquents prefer the term boss ass bitches. Just so you know, in case you got curious. I think writing is interesting. What type of things do you write? You know, other than get out of prison instructions. 
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zacharytess · 10 years
See? I should so be here for, like, escaping prison or something. I should write a book on how to escape from places. Oh, so you're a problem child. I'm sure you're here because of the whole problem child thing and the club's inability to handle you. What'd you do? 
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I'm here for writing, which is way less interesting than being a delinquent. Just so you know, in case you got curious.
Clearly, see I was just going to go to the back of the school gates, climb, run, and hope for the best, but with 3 months of planning time, I’m sure I could do so much better. True, being sneaky is way more entertaining. Well, I like to say I’m here because the club can’t even handle me, but my paperwork says “Reformatory Purposes”.
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zacharytess · 10 years
Gotta put effort into these kinds of plans. I guess I could ask, but that takes like all of the fun out of it. Oh? And what is your social status?
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3 months, yeah? That’s true expertise right there. Any pointers? I think I might need them. You should probably still try asking, who knows, they might let you leave. I think the main reason they keep turning me down is because of my social status around here.
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zacharytess · 10 years
Oh yeah, I was worried about the 30 minute drive. But I'm excellent at sneaking, I could probably manage to get off campus if I plan 3 months ahead. Maybe. 
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If there are rules against it, you’ll probably have more trouble convincing them to let you leave campus unsupervised than getting a puppy in. 
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zacharytess · 10 years
You know what I've always wanted? A puppy. Are there rules against that here because I'm about to go hit up a pet store if not.
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zacharytess · 10 years
The earth breaks, it falls and save your beat I’d find myself swallowed, drowning in your heat….
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zacharytess · 10 years
in a week when i fly back home we’re gonna jump in bed and be all alone you’ll make biscuits and i’ll make tea we’ll curl up close and then fall asleep to the sound of no one else of no one else around 
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zacharytess · 10 years
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45/∞ pictures of: Dylan O’Brien
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zacharytess · 10 years
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