zahnya · 1 year
The article demonstrates how much more difficult it is for immigrants to be willing to work than other social groups. They begin working in places like factories, construction sites, etc. at a young age. to help themselves and their families. Having said that, they are accustomed to working long hours every day to support their families. This article illustrates social class by utilizing the idea of interactions between work and labor, one of Marx's classes.
Since Weber argued that social class isn't exclusively based on whether or not a person owns property like factories or machinery, this piece perfectly illustrates his concept of social class. For Weber, social class included prestige and power in addition to belongings and wealth. Higher output and earnings benefit all firm managers, regardless of ownership. Bill Gates is incredibly wealthy and the owner of numerous homes, buildings, and properties.
Since this essay contends that capital and habit are two crucial elements in the reproduction of knowledge, it serves as an illustration of Bourdieu's theory of social class. While capital includes participation in cultural activities and access to cultural resources, habit concentrates on personal attitudes and dispositions. The article addresses how some diversity and racial studies lessons are illegal and displacing teachers from the classroom. Because these students aren't learning about diversity at an early age, it's problematic for teachers to not be able to teach children about it, which makes their job a difficult setting to teach in.
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zahnya · 1 year
Chapter 13 CONTINUED
because of his proficiency in English. The Dominican Republic has a high crime rate since there aren't many police there, so it's basically everyone for themselves. Since everyone needs to protect themselves, carrying a gun is completely normal throughout society. In the Dominican Republic, health insurance is crucial; if you don't have it, they'll leave you to bleed to death without providing the necessary care. Unlike the United States, they will send you without considering whether you have insurance or not directly to the emergency department, where they will at least stabilize you. He added that a four-bedroom house in the Dominican Republic with an underground pool and a jacuzzi can easily go for a $400 per month. His water and light bills are under $20 a month, but his cable bill is $30.In regard to that, the currency is distinct from American dollars. Chris claimed that as a child, his parents failed to give him any attention and never showed him any love, which pushed him to choose the wrong route because he had no mentors. I learnt a lot about the challenges and problems immigrants have as they transition to a new way of life outside the country from hearing his narrative, which I found to be quite intriguing.
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zahnya · 1 year
Chapter 13 field work
For this task I had the pleasure of interviewing a family friend. We shall refer to him as "Chris" because I pledged to keep his identity a secret. Chris was raised in American culture despite the fact that he was actually born in the Dominican Republic and immigrated to the country at the age of 1. He had the same privileges as an American because he had his green card and was a legal resident.He was fluent in English because he went to school in the USA from kindergarten through high school. It was challenging for him to adjust to two distinct cultures because he was raised in a home where both of his parents spoke only Spanish and he was also exposed to English in school. In contrast to some children who immigrate to the United States and must enroll in ESL lessons in order to learn English, he was bilingual. It was created when he was still quite young.He resided in Washington, DC, until the sixth grade, at which point he relocated to Baltimore, Maryland, to continue his education and way of life. Chris' story is a bit different from others; he was deported from the United States due to criminal activity even though he was a legal resident. He was selling drugs as a faster way of income in order to provide and take care of his family. So with that being said when Chris was arrested he wasn’t given the opportunity to go to a halfway house or drug court like an American citizen would be able to if they caught a drug charge. He did not qualify for that due to being an immigrant so he had to serve 3 years inside of a prison locked behind a cement wall.After serving his three years, he was required to serve additional time in immigration, which took six months of his efforts to fight to remain in the country; nevertheless, because of the severity of his charges, he was not allowed the chance to remain in the United States. He was informed that he would receive American citizenship after 15 years of being deported. In addition, he said that after spending seven years in the Dominican Republic, he would prefer to travel through Mexico than wait 15 years. Chris then snuck back into the country after saying that. He flew from the Dominican Republic to Columbia and then drove across Columbia to reach Mexico. He also mentioned that he had contacts in Mexico who had him go by car and spend the nights in several hotels along the way to Mexico in order to avoid being discovered and sent back to his country of origin. Due to the fact that Mexico and the United States share a border, he had to travel from the southern to the northern section of Mexico. Chris had two sons while residing in the country. He used to only get to spend time with his sons once every other summer, and occasionally he would miss the opportunity entirely. Similarly, because he was deported as an immigrant, he hardly ever saw his nuclear family. He missed his family structure from his native country. Although he established his own family in the Dominican Republic and now has a daughter and a wife, his children were never raised together. When you are deported, such moments are taken away from you and removed from your life. He claimed that whenever he thought back to his former life in the United States, he used to cry.Due to changes in his living situation, Chris experienced culture shock. It was difficult for him to communicate because he didn't speak Spanish well, and it was particularly obvious when he spoke to individuals who did. As he previously stated, he emigrated when he was just a year old and had no idea how to make a income in a new nation. Each person had their own flair, including how they dressed. The transition from seasonal weather such as 40 degrees in winter and 80 degrees in summer to 90 degrees all year round was quite challenging because of the weather change.The Dominican Republic's minimum wage is $6 per hour, but in United States the average minimum wage is $14. Without a college degree, finding a workplace and employment chances is challenging. Chris was employed as a translator by AAA, a firm based in the United States,
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zahnya · 1 year
Extra Credit
A few posters with a lot of educational and descriptive information impressed me greatly. Below, I'll talk about them. Based on what the speaker said, I remember a lot of information, but I don't know the poster's name. This one covered how to appropriately describe the kind of fire that has broken out in someone's home in order for emergency personnel to quickly contain the issue. If they say the fire is small, they could give them instructions on how to put it out or what to use. They will encourage them to leave immediately if they describe it as large. They use a coding system of 1, 2, and 3 to determine the level of danger. The highest value is 3, while the lowest is 1. However, we looked at a number of posters, and one poster talked about experiences with discrimination. According to studies, African Americans experience prejudice more frequently than people of other racial groups. There are reports that higher levels of perceived prejudice are linked to greater food cravings. However, they are correlational exploration. A sample of 125 participants of mixed race and gender were randomly assigned to play Cyberball, a virtual game, and either experience general social exclusion or social inclusion as control experiences to test the hypothesis that actual discrimination will lead to an increase in the desire for palatable substances. After the game, participants completed the Perceived Everyday Discrimination (PED) and Yale Food Addiction (YFA) questionnaires regarding their desire for food. Race, direction, and detachment conditions were thought about while investigating the consequences of these scales. Saffron (Crocus sativus), a plant species, has been shown in clinical studies to have antidepressant, anti-anxiolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Another poster discussed the effects of saffron on a depression model in mice. Previous research suggests that elevated inflammation levels may also be linked to depression and anxiety. Measurements of depression-like behaviors, such as posture, appearance, and responsiveness to handling scores, weight changes, and time spent in an open field, were conducted on four distinct groups of mice. Groups of mice received either LPS injections with water inflammation induced depression or saffron tea (saffron treatment condition or saline injections with three water controls). The purpose of the following poster, titled "Childhood Experience BioMakers of Stress and Juvinelle Risky Behavior," is that there are currently few guidelines that can be used by research assistants to select the appropriate biomarkers of ongoing pressure to use in studies with children and teenagers. However, incorporating these guidelines into pediatric research studies could help explain the connections between being open to difficulty and having a good long-term health. Unfavorable youth encounters are unpleasant and horrendous accidents that happen during adolescence and puberty up until the age of 18, like sexual maltreatment, physical or psychological mistreatment, and actual disregard. These occurrences have a negative impact on children's sense of security, stability, and attachment.
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zahnya · 1 year
Extra Credit
The primary focus of this task for additional recognition was social interaction. We had a lot of fun playing games. I actually had fun and met a few new sociology majors during today's extra credit assignment, which was more fun than the rest of the week's assignments. A few of the professors who were present were talked to by us; They were new to me, but I'm looking forward to speaking with more of them because they were genuine nice people. The questions that students were asked on Friday about why they wanted to major in sociology or criminal justice were very much aimed at the new freshman class. They demonstrated how they came to be a support system for college students who are first generational through the discussion of the first gen project. The lessons that players learn from playing some of the games can help them become better citizens. It could, for instance, improve one's capacity for making decisions. Society is influenced over the long haul by an individual's choices. Notwithstanding, I was approached by a young woman on Friday's game night. She informed me that she had a few inquiries for me, but she was unsure how to ask them. I advised her not to be shy about asking questions and to feel free to do so at any time. Because we could relate to each other, I was actually more than happy to answer a girl's questions. She would have been the first person in her family, like me, to attend college, so I am aware of how challenging it can be to have a lot of questions but no one to ask them to. She told me that she was excited to attend Morgan State and major in sociology so that she could become a detective. She also stated that Morgan State only offers the criminal justice minor, despite her intention to major there. When I moved here from Delaware State, I had to choose between studying political science and sociology. I advised her that choosing sociology over political science, which is more closely related to criminal justice, was the right choice. We exchanged Instagrams, I told her to feel free and text me at any time. I also told her that I would be glad to address any inquiries she had and show her around the grounds when she began here in the forthcoming fall semester. My younger sisters turn to me for assistance with even the tiniest of issues, so I can understand how someone might require direction and support during a difficult time because I am the oldest of four sisters. Sociology has the potential to provide individuals who may be experiencing feelings of isolation and loneliness with a sense of belonging by fostering strong bonds and sisterhoods that last a lifetime. We utilize sociology all during our time to day presences Since it offers understanding into social relations, human correspondences, and what these mean for society, sociology is basic.As a sociology major who hopes to become a lawyer one day, I realized from this week's extra credit assignment that sociology is very important and will have an impact not only on my career path but also on my day-to-day life.Sociology assists regulation with bettering figure out society for smoother guideline and development of regulations.
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zahnya · 1 year
1) Why did you choose the questions you chose?
I wanted an in-depth discussion about it, therefore I picked the questions I did. I was curious about other people's perspectives on the family, marriage, and polygamy. I did not want my interviewers to feel uncomfortable with my queries, though.
2) What patterns do you see from the responses(consider for example age, gender, marital status, religion, race, social class, etc.)?
In contrast to the other female who thought marriage was more than simply a ring and a piece of paper, one female throughout our interview was all for marriage and falling in love with their significant other and building a family as well
3) Is there anything that surprises you?
No, I wasn't astonished by the responses I got; in fact, the responses were expected. I was just startled that they both wanted to get married because modern love is nothing like love was in the past.
4) If you were doing this again, what would you do differently?
I think I would ask more basic, uncomplicated questions. I believe I had the proper idea, but for the sake of time and modification, I should have tried to ask questions with straightforward answers that can be given in a few phrases.
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zahnya · 1 year
Here is the version from my sisters friend
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zahnya · 1 year
Here is one version of my interview. I interviewed my blood sister to get her perspective on marriage and I also Interviewed her friend so I can see to different opinions one within my family and one outside of my kinship
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zahnya · 1 year
Chapter 6 field work
My ethnic foundation is Puerto Rican which is a piece of the US and I'm completely Puerto Rican so I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my family was brought up here in America. I am unaware of the nationalism or culture of my family, both of which would be difficult to learn about because I don't speak or understand Spanish, and my great-grandmother only spoke and understood Spanish. Additionally, I don't know very much about my family, so conducting research would be difficult for me.
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zahnya · 1 year
chapter 5 field work
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Racism: Individuals' thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create or reproduce unequal access to power, privilege, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups. 
 The song is actually about the suffering caused by prejudice and hatred and serves as a means of bringing attention to social and political issues. It's about how the system can falsely accuse young people and the injustices they face. This song speaks out about how unnecessary discrimination is for everyone, including Michael himself. I love that he doesn't sing, "I am upset about this situation" which would be too obvious. Instead, he uses short, hard phrases that let you think about them on your own. A very well-thought-out set of MJ's lyrics. It highlights some obvious issues, such as segregation and "Throw the brother in jail" (if Martin Luther were still alive, he wouldn't let this happen). It also demonstrates his ire at people's judgmental attitudes. His skin color is always questioned as he addresses the issues that are clearly about him (Don't you Black or White Me). I'm sick and tired of being the target of hate) - if he has done anything that merits so much hatred from numerous individuals, fine, but he is a "victim." Everyone has their own little theory about Michael Jackson, but what did he do wrong? Nothing. Despite the fact that he is almost too good a person, there are always unfounded accusations and quick judgments.
Jim Crow: Laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to enforce segregation legally, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery.
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The Jim Crow laws kept whites and blacks apart by any means necessary while segregation was in place. For instance, the image below depicts how black people were disparaged for exercising their rights in comparison to whites. Black people were not treated the same as white people. They were separated, but they were not treated equally. Why do white people have access to a posh filtered water fountain while black people are forced to drink water from a small sink?
Miscegenation: A demeaning historical term for interracial marriage.
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This couple exemplifies miscegenation, a term that refers to interracial marriage.  In the Netflix series "Love is blind," this married couple is featured. Before they were a part of the social experience, Lauren and Cameron never had a relationship outside of their race. They are deeply in love for the first time dating outside of their race now that they are married. A lot of people today believe that everyone should date people of their race, which is not true, and this couple is an illustration of why.
Hypodescent: Sometimes called the "one drop of blood rule"; the assignment of children of racially "mixed" unions to the subordinate group.
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The children of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West exemplify hypodescent, also known as the "one drop rule." The mother is a white woman, while the father is an African American man. If they were alive during slavery or segregation, each of these children would be considered black, despite the fact that their mother was white. However, their father is black. If you had even a trace of black blood in you, you were treated like a black person, no matter how you looked or who your parents were.
Racial Ideology: A set of popular ideas about race that allows the discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem reasonable, rational, and normal.
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One manifestation of racial ideology is education. Because of their education, many people believe that white people are more knowledgeable than black people. Overcrowding, a lack of supplies, and underpaid teachers were all consequences of schools that served students of color receiving significantly less funding than schools that served students of white students. Due to these disparities, educational opportunities for black people differed from those for white people, leading many to believe that black people are not as intelligent and educated as white people. White people attend elite private or suburban schools, whereas black people attend city schools, which give the impression that they are less knowledgeable.
Microaggression- Common, everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.
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The following are some typical instances of microaggression that persist today. Because of their race, it is assumed that people of color are dangerous, criminal, or deviant. As a result, when a Black or Latino person approaches or passes, a White person clutches their purse or checks their wallet. A store owner follows a racial customer throughout the store assuming that they will steal. Black people are viewed as poor and of low class. They automatically make the assumption that you are a criminal, that you are going to steal, or even that you are dangerous and do not belong.
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zahnya · 1 year
Chapter 2 Field work
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zahnya · 1 year
Chapter 2 Field work
This assignment has taught me how to better manage my money in the future and opened my eyes to a larger picture. After completing this assignment and creating a chart comparing the things I need with the things I want, I realize that I spend money that could be saved. I own a lot of clothes but rarely wear them. As an example, if I were to post a picture of myself in a certain outfit once and wear it again, you might never see me in it again. I realized that rather than trying to keep up with the latest fashion, I could invest the money I spent on expensive clothing in other things and buy cheaper brands. My MacBook is useful for schoolwork, but I rarely use my iPad, so buying one was a waste of money. The most important thing I've learned from this assignment is that managing my spending and saving money will help me in the long run.
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zahnya · 1 year
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2. In 1946, Goldie and Jerry Lippman established Gojo. Goldie held a supervisor position in a life raft and another products-producing rubber factory in Akron, Ohio, during World War II. Goldie observed that workers had to dip their hands in harsh chemicals like kerosene and benzene to remove graphite and carbon black from their hands at the end of each shift. Gojo (a combination of their first names) was founded by a husband and wife who realized they could improve a cleaning product. Gojo's first-hand cleaner was developed in collaboration with a chemistry professor at Kent State University.
3. The United States produces hand sanitizers with the highest consumer appeal. The primary manufacturing facility for Purell by Gojo Industries is in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, a city between Cleveland and Akron. Additionally, it has a manufacturing facility in Wooster, Ohio, in the former Rubbermaid headquarters. After that, in 1988, the company came up with the hand gel Purell, which has propylene glycol and 70% ethyl alcohol as its main ingredient. Even though Purell is now the hand sanitizer that sells the most in the world, it took some time for stores to carry the product that most everyday customers didn't really want. As a result, [ was not made available to the general public by Gojo until 1997. Gojo is a private, family-owned company. In 1946, Gojo was founded by Jerome "Jerry" Lippman and Goldie Lippman
4.  Due to the COVID-19 virus, which has the potential to end a person's life, hand sanitizer is an essential part of everyday life. This item has had an impact on my life. Hand sanitizer can prevent the spread of germs since we rarely have access to a sink to wash our hands. In clinical settings like hospitals, where hands come into contact with germs but are typically not heavily soiled or greasy, hand sanitizer will come in handy. However, it also plays a crucial role in community settings like sports, handling food, and work.
5. According to one version of the story, Lupe Hernandez invented hand sanitizer when she was a nursing student in Bakersfield, California, in 1966. She combined alcohol and gel to make a product that doctors could use when they don't have time to get soap and warm water before treating patients. The invention of Lupe Hernandez still has a significant impact on our day-to-day lives; hand sanitizer will always have a significant impact on workplaces, schools, and medical facilities. According to google, they are unsure of if Lupe Hernandez is still alive today.
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zahnya · 1 year
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This is a google meets call it relates to Time Space Compression because it is a form of technology that helps us perform remote work. Google meet has an impact on education when decreasing space between students and teachers. Google meet is a good app for communicating, you can easily access a link and be connected to the classroom itself.
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This is an image of shein factory workers, it is related to flexible accumulation because it shows us the harsh labor work that these people are being put to do with little to no pay. Working conditions throughout these factories were often unsafe and could even lead up to deadly accidents.
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This is an example of increasing migration, this image shows us different people traveling the world migrating from different countries. People tend to travel from one country to another to look for more work opportunities with better pay or even just to travel to sightsee other parts of the world.
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This is an example of uneven development, this image shows us how the effects of globalization are impacting other countries negatively. People throughout America are satisfied by the products that are produced and sent over to our country but never think about the bigger picture and how these products are leaving a huge effect on other countries
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