Rec month #00 intro
In order for me to get some of these rants done i am going to start a write as long as i can on a think i want to..  and hopefully these will end up being videos.. that i been trying to do ...  
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Rec weekly #4
Lindsay Ellis My fav youtube reviewer .. came out with a  video called The Complex Feels of Guardians of the Galaxy v.2 https://youtu.be/8VulkN5OLEM . and i think she address most of the issues and why i would like gotg 2 alot..  but in her own way..  and she went alot more deeper then what i thought about the film. so highly rec to watch...   but only ONLY if u SEEn the Movie! cuss it gives away Everything! 
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Rec weekly #3
Digibro talks about two music videos with opposite takes on loneliness..  i was never a big fan of him talking about music cuss i am not the biggest music guy and also he is mainly talking about stuff i don’t care about.. but this one is interesting to me..  it is music i like and is about music videos! .   https://youtu.be/dL7-2BfGjHM
and the other thing is on that wave Lindsey Stirling finally came out with something i kinda though was ok lol.. cover on green day Boulevard of broken dreams which i like alot  !  https://youtu.be/mdkWFPrrZVQ
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weekly recommendation #2
is amazing how everytime i think i found everythign i want to look at .. or watch..   there seems to always been one around the corner! ..   
One is Mister Metokur..   i think i have seen some of his videos on the side..bar but never clicked on it..  untill now..  and he has a series that talk about a retrospective on the reviewers on TGWTG..  and is interesting how reviewers have been around long enough and cuss we live in the internet age..  where we can track and do a bio pic type of thing on people..  and i myself followed most of the TGWTG channal..  but this guy talk about alot of stuff i didn’t even realize happen or at less had a different take on the stuff that happened.. on that site.. i wish the series was done. .but i guess is gonna come out once a month..    and i wish he talked about my fav reviewer..  and i hope he does it by the time i make a video about her but is unlikely.. 
The Sec thing..  is i just happen to find this interview with Freddie Wong (Rocket Jump ) http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/AA/79_FreddieWong.mp3  i feel like all the interviews he has done. he is really good at explaining and giving u insight in to how he did things..  
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Recommendation of the week #1
Gonna try to start a Weekly Recommendation thing..  ...  (and maybe more if i had something.. also to remind me stuff... )   (and i may make longer entry in the future) 
The two things that Digibro recommended this week was interesting 
one is a manga called “the life-changing manga of tidying up” is basic on a book about tidying up) i assume that the book would be way to long and the manga simple everything and show u vizual how things worked which i feel like would help alot.
sec thing is that there is a new anime called  made in abyss    that the first 3 epz are out..  and looks like it be a interesting good anime..  and story telling wise does the lore stuff good  and looks really good cuss some of the people who worked in studio ghibli worked on it .
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So you care about 2D animation ?
the thing everyone tells you to do.. is get The animation survival guide..   it will give you all the basic of animation..    and then   
Here i will throw in things i think maybe helpful for anyone who cares about 2D animation ..  and i know when i was in animation class one of the other books they told me to get but at the time cost way to much.. and i only bought it this year...  is The Illusion of Life - Disney Animation  .. 
on the other side ..   Every Frame a Painting did a video about Chuck Jones-The Evolution of an Artist. ( Chuck did alot of the loony tunes cartoons and every frame explains it here)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHpXle4NqWI   Of course he also talks about alot of film making stuff.. that would help you creater a scene..  when i was in my story board class..  i realize that most of the people in there were alot better at drawing then me but they didn’t have any idea of how to frame a shot..  and since i came from more of a film maker background i did understand these things..  and i write the shot list for my group to draw..   but if you want to keep it to just 2d animation..  every frame of painting also did one on Satoshi Kon the guy who does stuff that is unlike any other anime stuff.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz49vQwSoTE  and my persaonl fav is his video about  Wolf Children (2012) - The Lateral Tracking Shot .. using the animation media doing something that you can’t really do in live action.. but is also very simple.. 
of course the sec thing i would recommend people to do.. is look at whatever film.. tv shows or anything they really like and want it to be like  ( or they may not want it to look or be like it but understanding what they do is key..)  try to look up and research and look at behind the scene and commentary of these things. 
For the basic of animation you can look in to Extra Credits . Extra Frame series.. they talk about some of the basic stuff that the animator’s Survival Kit  (even though they are about video games mostly..  alot of things still apply s to 2d animation.. and in alot of ways is even harder on games.. cuss you have limited frames and reactions to work with... unfortunately his has slowed down his production on this series  but is still a good place to start  )  https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz   and the one called  Learn More about Game Animation - Extra Frames ..  is him throwing a bone to you and telling you other people you can follow..  and the one that i cared about the most is Mariel cartwright ( Kinuko ) .. shes was the lead animator of skull girls..  and just youtube her works ..the gdc talks.. she has..  her talking about how to do the skull girls animation is something i didn’t really learn.. even from my years of animation classes mainly cuss they didn’t deal with games ( shes also the daughter of Randy Cartwright ( he is one of the people in the The Illusion of Life - Disney Animation book ) 
If you looking for how to use certain programs like flash...  or toon boom  to do animation..  (and he also goes over some of the basic beginners of how to do stuff .. and alot of other things look at ) Jesse J. Jones https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSskW1S07KnC3m91hEgFOw
Anime related stuff  
if you are an anime fan ( or just animation in general is good to understand why things are made and how they are made...  is not just about the art sadly you need to understand the business behind it..  as well...   so here are some things that address these)  
Watch  Anime  Shirobako  (is about making anime..  it may not be the more realistic but so far is the best one that does show how anime is made.. seen by the entry level guys..  and how the run of the mill anime are made.. (if u try to read in to it u will realize how meta that is cuss since is a anime itself they fall in to these things as well) 
Digibro on why Good Anime is hard to make (digibro talks about the overview using real examples of anime producers who try to make things and get funding and how that works)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AHo-_XEV6E  Digi also has a cool character design series kinda.. (this one is about gurren lagann)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pGc5_gT54w    that is good to look at ..   and look at his other stuff...  
For a different and more visual example take on highlighting what certain animators do...  look at TheCanipaEffect channel ...  here are two videos i would point to...    Pokemon Sun and Moon: The Importance of New Anime Character Designs | Animator Spotlight  (this video is about the new Pokemon animation and software and how they do their 2d stuff now)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBH3IYRjaw   and this one Ufotable: Unlimited Digital Works | Anime Studio Spotlight  (is about why the fate series looks that good..  hint..  is their 2d computer works..  not the 2d drawings ..  ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYJ8Jgt8MwI
Not Animation but story
So i stated before alot of the people i know in my animation classes.. the thing they lack was the understanding of how to tell  a story..  and well if you don’t have a story you don’t have anything..  of course unless all you want to do is make super cool scenes..  u don’t have to know about story but it helps alot if you understand how to tell one..   ( and plus if you are trying to work in america animation..  well..  is all about the talking.. and not about cool shots...  and the ones that do do it.. most of the work is from people in Korean..   you not gonna find jobs here..  )   so with that said...  this is not as much narrtive story basic but more info basic..  would be my fav is CGP grey hardly using any animation but making intresting informative videos..  but the one that is more animation basic would be Jello apocalypse .. watch some of the videos and see with basily just storyboards what they can do..   my fav is their if uno was an anime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1XQduS6IfA . 
Just to remind myself.. i will mostly do some kinda podcast or video about why i didn’t end up being an animator..  even though i have a degree on it.. is mostly.. due to the west don’t care about 2d stuff.. and the ones that do.. mostly use over seas work..  so yea..      
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Gundam 0079 movie three
What is interesting about this movie is that. A lot of the stuff u would think that is in the sec act ( like empire ) even though that stuff is in the sec movie. It did not really hit home and it does in this movie .. at less the first half .. of the main Character do have ppl they are care about who are killed or at less is people u think would have more history with them.. and in the middle of the movie it t kinda gets confusing cuss. Is going to battle after battle. And you may not be able to follow it. But it is a lot of keeper from fights and of couse it has more personal fights in it ( which they took out the fights that don't really matter to the over all story. .. but this part is when the Gundam is super human and can prettt Much beat anyone and this would be the best time to come up worh a person they need to best that is. Not by skill but the conflict of the heart .. and in a lot of ways this film makes of the the other two films lack of flash . The t also has a lot of weird mystical stuff. But at less than exploans why they are so Over powered. And I think in a lot of ways. In the main Gundam canon. This is the only time you really have the main character out class everyone else at the end of the movie .. ( and he in the fight it was not just a kipp fight it was a he didn't want to kill char he is after the real bad guy even though char ends up dealing with that .. ). Is a blinded by rage and fights of ideals. Rather then a good vs evil ) then and they make the big thing of dealing set in stone a lot of the stuff .. that will come after. Of couse zeta did more
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Gundam 0079 movie 2 rewatch
The first half of the movie deals with the People who were set up in the sec half of the first movie .. and I guess the losses of them ( which does what all good sec movies do. With dealing with people story. Is dealing with loss and love but the main issue is that. Most of the ppl who die are secondary characters and they don't matter to much. And. It was a bit more choppy in terms of pacing in the beginning of the movie .. which gets better as time goes on ( the opposite of the first movie ). And the sec half of the movie deals with more of the other characters issue rather then the main character .. it also feels weird that the girl just. Now feel like she should ask about her brother even though she knew since ep 1 .. But this movie is about the main characters encountering the other bad guys and almost could have been friends if they were. Not fighting each other ( which is I guess something that Gundam seed end up doing with that ). And chat coming back in and don't really see him in action till the ending of the movie .. in some ways you have more down time in this movie to think .. but. In some ways. Unlike sec movies that sometimes become better then the first becomes of the unfocused nature of it being an episodic series this middle part is where they reach the goal they wanted to reach in the first movie. And. Is more of a transition and payoff to set ups. To set the new stage for the final movie
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First Gundam 0079 movie re-watch thoughts
Re watching the first movie of Gundam. And after seeing Gundam f91. Is interesting since I think Gundam f91 try's to hit similer beats but in some ways. F91 is better and others is. Not. F91 is clear showing the chaos of war is way better. But is not to say is not shown in 0079.. in a lot of ways is more passive which is more like how o you hear solders are doing better go somehweee else. Cuss there is going to be fighting . As the film goes on it seems to become more and more clear that they cut things out. ( I would have had to wonder if I didn't see the series if I would know though. ). I was aware that there are things missing but was not sure. Since I saw the movies first before the series... but I think for modern audiences. This movie is hard to sit through but if anything is like watching the first Eva movie .. and ofcouse have to keep in mind that this was the first seious war story anime for its time. And in the west. As far as I can tell this kinda stuff still don't really exist ( you still need to show that ppl don't die in cartoons. Unless you are a D.C. Film or something like that ) I think that is part of why I like the older Gundam series. It really does show that die has meaning and people have meaning. And shows humanity at its good and bad. ( the oringal game of thrones) the newer non oringal time line series for the most part don't do that as much .. and clearly Gundam seed copy's almost everything here beat by beat... and I think seed is more emotional. It almost soap opera level. When this one feels more like if Nomral ppl did get involved. And. Them try to write it off alittle bit by saying they are special .. now back in track. I think this first movie does a ok job with keeping you engaged but the later half starts to really see like cliffs. Notes. And knowing they did cut a lot of of stuff. Even though some of the stuff they cut out was robot of the week and it don't matter but other things. Are important to the pacing of the show and the themes of the show. You may feel like there should be a pay off to some stuff that didn't come. But it did in the show .. but I think at less since I saw the movies first is not a necessity to understand all of that. And I guess the enjoyment of this is understandinf this is one created anime as it is. Now. And knowing that it does get better. Unlike Star Wars or other stuff. The interesting about this Trilogy of movies. Star Wars is ether you liked a. New hope or empire and some krazy ppl like Jedi .. but I think most ppl think consistently that the last film is the best one. But in some ways. For people who one action it is kinda. A slow burn to get to it ( ironoly I think seed has the same issue. It is. Not until he gets freedom when they stop copying 0079 that it gets a lot better the issue is that Kira chavahter arh is pretty much done at that point.. and ironlicly more so in that story then in this one they may as well should have killed him off as originally intended just like in 0079 original we intended but I think 0079. By keeping him around clearly made it a classic because of the stories they told wiru him which didn't as much in seed ) But yea at the end of the movie they are trying to set up stuff to come and don't think it work that well but. Again unlike Star Wars and other films. This film was not ment to be soap contain. Which ironically lord of the rings is. Not ether but u get the feel of closure in the first one .. but. In 0079. You may not feel the drama as much. But I should in the next one
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Gundam F-91 rewatch thoughts
Just rewatched gundam F-91   it was the first gundam i have seen and i think i even watched it in cantionese (grandma VHS) and rewatching it i rembmer almost not understanding what happen..  and showing how war is horrble.. cuss the baby mom gets hit by a shell and deads and they take the baby away.. i remember not really undersstand why she didn’t open her eyes.. as well as later when the black kid dies...      
I also don’t really recall it being alittle confusing as a kid...   i think later when i watched it again..  in the early 2000 when tehy came out with the dvd i realize how..  not taht good this movie was...  at less when it comes to the pacing .. now when i watch it again..   understand alot more about this series.. ..  you can see all the rush elements in here..  all thoguh this makes more sinces then in char’s counter attack..   this at less in the bienging takes its time..  but when i first saw it i did i was confused on who the bad parent was..  cuss they look similer the two main cahrhtesr parnets.dads.. and it is confusing what happens...   
I really hope they come out with crossbone gundam that i hear is one of the better gundam manga stories... 
Over all ..  if u are just wanting to watch kinda a war movie..  and robots..  u can watch this film just know that.. u may be confused on what is going on..  cuss it fast fwd to alot of parts..  is intresting to watch it as a this is how gundam was like..   but forsure the other gundam series are better but this one at less u don’t really need to know what the other stuff is all tohuhg u may still be confused about it..     they ment this to be a 25 epz series from what i undersatnd so is confsuing..   
I can see alot of stuff that gundam seed and seed desieirly that took form this movie..   and the gundam f91 is still one of the kewler gundam designs to me..  (which strike freedom clearly copyed from..  )
is intersting in the commitiery on the blu-ray they talk about how the beigning was just really confusing mess..   which the diricitoer himself says that too.. and that ppl confused the two fathers..  so he clearly is aware of teh issues he has..  (all thoguh i wonder if he was ment to confuse ppl.. with  the space c and the place taht look like earth.. i think as a  kid i understand what is going on. .but as ppl who have seen interstealer would say..they were confused on what that space staittion thing was at the end cuss that was the one thing they did not explain.. )  
4 mins in to the film and all hells breaks loss with the robots hitting the city.. and i think other then the first gundam..  this is the best ver of that kinda chaos of war..  and unlike the other gundams where u move on to the main guy getting in to the gundam to stop it..well the gundam does not show up till like 40 mins in to the film.. or so..   and u get the heros hardly being able to do anything other then being in a tank.. that is almost useless...  
you get ppl trying to run away...   and is not like in the other movies where people are in crowds and push ppl alway..  there is alot of open space where people are running around trying to get away..   ( and is way more effective then Godzila haveing a solider who just stands there or runs around.. but u are not realyl scaryed ...  of what happens to them.. when these are just nomrla kids running around..  trying to get away..  and picking up people and stuff like that..  and seeing a few deaths right in front of them that means sometihng..  that u see and get the effect off. and is not over drama done. ( like in seed D) and someone who just calling and a car almost crush in to him..    (  the commteiry was saying in this time in anime.. alot of these kind stuff was shown to ppl..  and is kranzy... ( i think it has to do with them still rmember ing the fire raids..  drop in japan..  and stuff like that) 
america cartoon these days like L of koara u still need to see ppl who lived or jump out with a P...  no one dies.. and in gundam f 91..  ppl are dieing lefted and right and it almost feels like something that would really happen..     ( he is saying that alot of the diriciters he leaves alot of stuff out so u need ti think how this world is.. and not just spoon feed u)  ( there are  a few robots in here that are in gundam unicirion since that is not taht far in the timeline) 
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StoryWonk Podcast Recommend
There are a few different podcast that under the StoryWonk name.. that i have enjoyed...  his podcast are very writing analytical ... meaning he talks alot about behind the meaning of the writing like the themes.. and what these story does that means something to us....      he has a few podcast like say one...   on The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.. where he goes thought secitions of the book chronologically ...   one that is shorter ..  is his star wars one..  where he talks about the basic themes and conflicts and structure of each movies.. (and i learn something new from these short ones... that i didn’t in all the youtube reviewers i have seen) ...     also The Journeyman writer...  where he talks about the craft of writing.. and is short less then 8 mins on one subject likes say..  on writing conflict.. for example. .   (not whole chapters or books on a subject that can be cut down to a few mins...  which is what he does..)   and the last thing i have been trying to listen to is his Buffy the vampire slayer one..  which i already listen to a podcast just for this but .. . that one.. does feel like is  normal ppl talking about the show.. and is getting less and less interesting.. when again with all of these.. he is clearly a writer.. who is going thought these and finding writing wise what is interesting about them...     he also has a whole alot of other ones that i don’t listen too..  like a harry potter one.. 
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My Origin Story, so to speak (Part 1)
Today I will be giving my Origin story, so to speak of wanting to become an artiest and the struggles of not sure where i should go with it. Therefore i will start from the beginning.  
When i was in pre-school, they put me in, what you called disabled student services, mostly because i have hearing loss and later on they found out that i had some reading disable, now people have asked me over the years what that is but at less when i was still in school i don’t believe they have a specific diagnosis for it.. over the years... I believe the issue is .. i can’t sound out words very well, so therefore i can’t read or write very well. ( Is possible that this had to do with my hearing loss.. where i can’t hear certain sounds very well ..which have cause the disconnect).. the best example i can come up with .. to explain this.. is not to use words but to use numbers...  lets say.. you had me try to solve the problem 568x789..If i answered it wrong.. . I know is wrong but i don’t know where i got it wrong.. and i could spend the next 40 mins doing the problem over...  even if you give me the real answer .. i still can’t see where i went wrong on the problem...  now..  most ppl if they come over and look at the problem..  they will be like.. you didn’t carry over a one...  and that was all i did.. for some reason in my mind..  i think i did that... but i wrote a different number.... and that is the same for reading and writing.. sometimes i just can’t tell where i got the spelling or reading wrong..  and anything who can read and write will look at it and tell me where is wrong...   and you may think.. well most people have this issue... whats the big issue..  just use spell check...   well the issue is the only reason i am able to not misspell on here is because i used siri and asked her a word so she can spell it for me. and i didn’t know this was an issue until a few years ago.. but it turns out i also have a huge reading comprehension issue as well.  I was tested by reading a few stories that were about a paragraph long..  and there were 4 questions on the back.. they made me read out load, to make sure i understand i was reading it right.. and then when i answer the questions i almost always just got 1 out of 4...    i remember one of the questions was... what color were her shoes.. that she wears..  i remember she put on shoes but i don’t remember what the color was. and most of my schooling.. i never learn how to study for test.. i would highlight the whole book .. i was never able to understand and pick out what detail mattered to be in a test..    
Now because I was unable to do well in school... with words... and what not....  other things became my strength... and one of these things was of course doing art...     on to part 2 
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Memory (Notes)
I have always had a good memory and can recall random things and remember movies and tv shows really well but for some reason lately i gusss cuss I am getting order I am having a hard time trying to recall things and in a lot of ways that's super sad cuss that was one of the only few good things about me
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Your name (notes)
Your name The price of food and how much stuff with other things ? Meeting someone who becomes a different person? Playing with the memory of ppl and forgetting ppl ?  ( but with magic ..) ( forget things no matter how hard u try ) Your lingering body feelings of stuff you have forgotten ( stuff you like that you maybe done but don't know but u did before e) A lot of Kino Nahua is very has a lot of things that Big ideas in the film and it a lot of thought in the films a try to have either small ideas of that make it seem really big or or big ideas that really small and the and he does a lot of that stuff up which up a lot ofA lot of times does not have a lot of substance so they ended up I'm not being very good but because the way that he did a team in on our wife that he use Kinda through a lot of the ideas he had him and then put them in one movie although a lot of them are kind of in the back on or subtle addI kind a like a lot of the up big blockbusters now where they put in the small things where it's very much a could be interesting premise but they don't really go anywhere with it but the the thing that he does thathe does sprinkle and evening so that it does go somewhere but then he ends up not really a capitalizing on it but please he does in a way where it works for the film because the it's not trying to be a thought piece so it's trying to be more for the masses and and and that's why all the potholes exist
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Egg tart rant (notes)
Why everywhere that sell egg tart always run out.  In the morning I guess they count it as a morning thing I guess that's why 85 always has it cuss is the only place that will habeir ? Is like the McDonald's of egg tart. Not great but good enough And I can't find anywhere other then if I go to Chinese town. The flacly egg tart. And even if I do find it somewhere else they run out (. I think they have them in China town don't run out ? )
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Why are we here? ( Notes)
These are notes i took.. that i am just throwing up ... may rework them in a later date...   
Why are we here... thats the question..  In all the films and shows..i love...  ask that quesiton..  maybe not in a excusisitalsim why of asking. but in a ... what do i do with my life?  what is my meaning of being on this earth...  do i really matter .. is what i do here.. matter? what can i do to make a differnts?  these are the quesitons we all ask our selfs.. at less if we want to see the bigger picture..  or we blatantly ignore it... cuss we don't want the answer to it... all the films and movies i love.. that gets me to the care of me... trys to answer this kinda question...   and roammtics is a part of it.. but alot of the things i like is the romatics focous you to face.. yourself and your own values.. and what you offer the world.. and to the other person u care aobut.. why would that person care about you?   is it financial stablilty? or is it an conviction and intellectual one?  or anything else?  these are the questions that are rasied in the films and movies i really like.   the people who try to copy 5 cen guy..  don't understand all the underlining themes he has...  what am i doing here..  can i be with the person i want to be with the way i am, who i am?  thats the core question.. wong fu only trys to annswer the loss romatiic part... the lust or pining after someone..  they forget that...  in 5 cen...  what did the girl do..she try to better herself get in to the same school study hard.. try to become someone who he would care about..  and she was sturgging with that with her own.. story of being in the shadow of her sister.. and what she wants to do.. and her being unclear about it...  and only when she thinks she finds herself she is the person that is wroth sometinhg to him ...  but  she realize that he was never really looking at her... he was always looking somewhere else... and loss to it.. . which in the last part of it.. tells us clearly that he has been lost to it.. he gives in to emotion.. he gives him to being with someone but that hole he has with the person he really cared about... who he had super conntion to.. the perosn who seem to have really understand him in that place...  but as we see she clearly has moved on from that place...  and gotten over her problmes and has find someone who she can be with now.. rather then him who is stuck in the past and can't move on...   in alot of ways... you have the girl who found her place in life...  and is happy..  you have the girl who has found something she can be happy with but .. she can't get the other thing she really wants... and u have the guy who has not been able to find what he wants.. and is not happy and his living in the ghost of himself...   In the girl who lepth thought time..  is a jounery ( like the sec girl) of self discivierily.. where she don't know what she wants in her life and her just thinking the way she is is how things will always be...  and her finding something that would change her life.. and ask a simple minded girl what she really wants in life....  and if she does have any feelings  and if she can move on....   and at the end of the film she has found something she wants to do...  and want to be...   and accepts that she will not be with the person she wants to be in the way she wants to be and have to accept that she has a job to do in this life for that perosn she loves...    and herself...   all these disney /america stuff trys to ether be just a power fantas.y of i can be kewl if i was like this.  or the oppsite if u were kewl...  like tihs your life would b ehorroble . .u would never really want to be like this..  ( irnocly in dimoation 404 alot of the quesitons they ask in there is  is what do you want in your life.. and if you do ge what u want in your life..then what happens? which i think is what most america stuff is missing...  is not trying to give u a msg.. is just trying to enteurenat u.. with these charhters who does have stuff they want to do and is not bad writing but there is no msg to people.. only the o is kewl to see these guys but none of the marvel movies really have a what would and can u do now?  what lesson did u get form it..)  ..all narrtives come from story telling.. from older people..  they are trying to tell you a story.. there is a joke there is a punch line  most of the time there is some kinda life lession in it...   with is a diseny thing.. their punch line is..  u can be what u want to be but then all theshe cahrhers they give u..  are chosse or unrelaticly good at what they are do or the  u hav eso much talent but ppl around u don't see it.. cuss of their biases.. but real people .. u need to find out what u want to do.. and in these animes i love..  they are just guessing these are tihngs they should do they dont know for sure...  even if there is a way they know for sure.. they still have  a chosse to make.. . which i think is  a quesiton taht tehy do address in arrvial  ( maybe it has to do with an asain writer? lol )  ...  if u know everything thats gonna happen in your life.. would living it be meaningless...   all the hurt all the pain but the small joy u would get is it wroth it..  .  
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March comes like a  Lion vs Your lie in April ep1: Head to Head #1
So becomes i was told to watch your lie in April and i just watched March comes like a Lion recently..  I found some very interesting parallels and i guess bad writing vs good... 
So i am gonna start with  Your Lie in April..  the first thing that happens is  you see this kid playing piano and a girl watching him...   and then after that..  the girl end hitting the base ball to the guys head and is bleeding...  from the window.. when she finds the ball.. there is a shot of him bleeding.. and you would think .. wait we are already getting to to crazy drama.. but it turn out out he just brushed it aside..   as if nothing happening.. that was already weird.. and then he gets to pick up the glass and the girl slaps him..and then some other random guy takes their pic..and say they are love birds.. and that was kinda it..      the next scene is them walking home and..  even i guess if we assume the scene of her as a kid... small she likes him but is not clearly shown in any way..  and we don’t know what he thinks ether..   kinda..  but then we get in the next scene where she is like o i am sure all the girls like you..and he is like no.. and he is thinking why would girls ever like me..  and this is the first time we get any of this info.. this is like 8 mins in or so..  and we get the worst exposition and weird camera angle..  i am sure is done on purpose but is just looks weird.. she walks to her house and she gets a  call and someone is like did u ask him yet..and shes like no...   so at this point i guess i assume that she wants to ask him out or something.. but again we had no induction of this other then a flash back..and i guess the weird way she talked to him right before...     then it goes to him going home and saying he is home..  o wait before that he literally was like o you have such a wonderful family with a lot of people.. unlike me.  who i live alone...  when in the next scene we would have gotten that info ...  that was really annoying..    so far..  all i know.. is she maybe likes him ? but i only got that from the last scene for sure..and the flashback only imply that. but is not a direct connection because the flash back was unmotivated.. is just random.  and i guess he played piano..   
and with in the same time..  in March comes like a lion...   you have this interesting opening where someone is saying you don’t have friends and you are worth nothing to the main guy..  so is clear something happen to him  in the past..  and he wakes up..  and o  you see he lives alone..  and then it spend a min or so getting you use to the pace is going to be in this show... and mood the show will be on.. and then he goes to his chess match.. and you get o.. he has a history with this guy and the flashbacks is clear about that as well as what he says and don’t say...  and also with the thing before it a min of tone.. well it also shows o this is where he is going..  and what he does everyday kinda thing..  so u understand he is a pro player of this game.. and he left a family cuss maybe of a girl issue..  maybe the same girl in the opening..  it also shows that this older guy does seem to care about him a lot and asking him if he is eating and stuff..     
So to sum it up..   with in the same time frame..of both shows...  in March,we know that he has a past history issue not sure.. then we see he lives alone..  and then we see he plays this game.. and is clearly he is really good at it...  and we conform that or at less have more added to the girl.. in the flash back..and we also see that this older guy does care about him a lot...  so we understand that he is some kinda big deal.. guy and we understand he has a past.. and we get some idea in to how he responds to things..and how the older guy responds to thinks and enough from the flash back that we kinda understand enough of the back story.. and maybe if this was an important match for him..     vs April..  the guy played piano and seems sad ? but not sure.. later we see some girl who maybe likes him...  and he is a downer..  and i guess we get that they are friends and they have some other friend.. who is kinda weird..  but that kinda it..  and he is a loner..   and on paper these things sound about the same in terms of info given...  but is in the details that is what matters...   and is clear if i run this down to the end of the ep...   at the end  of march comes like a lion..    we understand he has some kinda rival..  and he is doing this stuff to win these games.. and he has loving people who care about him..  but he also clearly has a past of at less one person who don’t like him that he is hunted by.. we see a teacher caring about him.. who understand his foster dad cares about him at less to some entry and is not just for money..    we kinda understand where the story will get.. he needs to play these games.. and he will become more open person with the people who care about him..and his past the good and the bad will come back to him...    but in your lie in April...    we understand that he is someone who gave up on piano and i guess he will pick it up again..  maybe this girl likes her..but at the end he sees some other girl and i guess he likes her.. and she knows how to play music..  and she is the crazy girl who he would like but i guess she wants to date his friend so we will have a few love triangle stuff..  but is all just we know this drama will happen but we don’t really care about them ...   other then the promise that it maybe interesting..  but i don’t really care..and i know from watching it to the next ep and from the cover he will end up doing piano with the violin girl...   but that was not something in epz 1 so we don’t know that...   but in march ..  i cared about all the people that were shown.. and want to see what all this story is going to be.. and then we know there is gonna be some kinda rival element at the end...  and also the humor is done right.. with the sad part...      
i am sure people will say is apples and oranges but i think in terms of just writing or seeing how things are told...   is clear one has alot of stuff set up and layer in.. vs the other one that is just throwing in a check list of stuff..  and u should care about it...  and sadly.. so many people do care about it..  o and the animation between march vs April is like night and day...  march clearly as a style when there are a lot of weird stuff that happens in April that makes you think if they know what they were doing...     
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