zanorgan-blog · 5 years
Sexual behaviour has been a subject of interest since time immemorial by the researchers
It is no longer a new term to be discovered. Many aspects of sexual behaviour still require attention by the researchers. It can be defined as a process which requires a number of sequential steps threesome dating which ultimately lead to the expression of sexuality. The steps may include mate finding, attracting a partner, physical, emotional and sexual contact and finally sexual contact. Sexual activity also encompasses sexual intercourse, oral sex and masturbation. In some cultures sexual activity is accepted only after marriage but premarital and extramarital sex is not uncommon today. Some sexual activities are under the criminal act like the sexual activity is a person below sexual age and sexual assault. Most individuals participate in the sexual activity because of the sexual pleasure they experience from the orgasm. The successful, pleasant sexual activities include the sexual intercourse and masturbation.
Most people engage themselves in the sexual activity just because they feel sexually attracted towards the partner and some indulge in sexual act just a matter of pity or sympathy. The major criterion that a man and a woman indulge in sexual activity is to give birth to a child which is helpful in the continuation of the population. Some individuals also participate in the hate sex as they do not like each other and they heighten the sexual tension.
Prerequisites of Human Sexual Behaviour
How Females Get sexually Excited?
The first level which makes the female feel sexually excited is the foreplay. Foreplay is the step by which a feel is prepared to feel that she has been loved and she is prepared for the sexual intercourse. The next level of sexual activity in females is orgasm but females require greater stimulation in comparison to the males for getting excited. The two parts of the female body that help her to reach orgasm are the clitoris and vagina. The clitoris possesses about 8,000 nerve fibers and forms the part of the body which is richest in nerve supply. The stimulation of the clitoris helps the female to reach orgasm. The clitoris gets engorged with blood when a female is aroused during sexual activity. Grafenberg has discovered an area near the vagina of the female designated as g-spot which has some role in providing sexual pleasure to the excited female. The duration and intensity of orgasm is variable among women. Women are capable of experiencing sequential orgasms one after the other with a break of only few minutes. Although multiple orgasms are never experienced as they are impossible. Orgasm is later on followed by climax.
There are erogenous zones in the body of the female which are richly supplied by nerve fibers and whose stimulation results in enjoying the sexual activity by the female. The ultimate aim of the erogenous zones is to prepare the female for sexual intercourse and helping her in reaching orgasm. The erogenous zones are different in every woman. It is also possible that one female may feel sexually excited by the stimulation of erogenous zones while the other may not. There are certain areas in the body of female which when touched or kissed help in exciting the female. One such area is the ear. If the ears are kissed or touch gently the erogenous zones get excited and the female feels excited. Another sensitive area is that of lips and many females love being kissed on lips and they feel excited. Kissing of either of the lips or the ears is the beginning of the first act of the sexual activity which is the foreplay. Many females enjoy French kissing also.
Another sensitive area of the woman's body is the neck. Many females get stimulated simply by the warmth of the breath of the partner, simple touch of the fingertips and kiss. Biting of the neck also stimulates the sensitive nerves. The undersides of the breasts and the nipples are also the sensitive areas and few females can get excited by a gentle touch of the breasts. Touching or kissing of these areas also help in exciting a female. The inner sides of thighs are also the erogenous areas of the female's body. Touching or kissing of thighs and legs increases the degree of woman arousal. Feet are also the sensitive areas of the female's body.
Edifying Angle
As concerned with other human behaviours the sexual behaviour is rather very much complicated. Many individuals enjoy same sexual activities throughout their lives while others try different types of sexual activities to enjoy their lives. Many people avoid sexual activities due to certain religious beliefs. Many humans stay monogamous which means they enjoy their sex life with a single partners while some wish to change their partners throughout their life.
Sexual behaviour in humans is governed by certain rules and norms and they are called as sexual morality and sexual norms. Sexual norms and rules consider legality, honesty and fidelity. Sexual crime in humans is not a new term. Many individuals are also indulged in prostitution and rape which comprise the category of sexual assault. The frequency of the sexual intercourse may range from zero to 15-20 a week. According to a report the frequency of sexual intercourse for a married couple is 2-3 times a week. It is clear that the frequency of sexual intercourse declines in the postmenopausal women. According to a report Kinsey Institute the frequency of sexual intercourse was 112 times a year in the people of the age group 18-29, 86 times per year in the people of age group 30-39 and 69 times per year in the people of the age group of 40-49 in USA.
Safety Slant Sexual activity is not free of risks. There are three major risks that are associated with sexual activity and these are sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancy and physical injury. During sexual intercourse the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted disease is very high as the body fluids are exchanged. The chances of pregnancy are also increased during the sexual intercourse as even the contact of the semen with the vagina or the vulva may lead to possibility of pregnancy. The risk of pregnancy can be reduced by the use of contraceptive pills, condoms, spermicides, hormonal contraception and sterilization. During the sexual activity the physical and mental state of the partner should be kept in mind and one must avoid the use of alcohol, drugs etc. the laws have set up a minimum age for an individual to engage in the sexual activity. According to laws of India a female must be of 18 years and a male must be of 21 years of age. Most jurisdictions also prohibit sexual activity between very close relatives.
Child Sexuality Children have been naturally thought to be curious about their bodies they wonder how babies come, difference in the physical appearance of girl and boy. They also indulge themselves in the sexual play which basically comprise of playing with the genitals. Children often engage themselves in the sex play either with their siblings or with their friends. Children are supposed to be symbol of purity unless and until they undergo further development. The first researcher who took child sexuality seriously was Sigmund Freud but his ideas were discarded at that time. Later on Alfred Kinsey also reported child sexuality in his Kinsey reports he suggested that the tendency of sex play decreases in children as they start going to school and indulge in studies. Curiosity still prevails but it comes into play when they reach maturity where sexual interest develops.
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