zanrai-kid · 28 days
As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:
It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.
Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.
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zanrai-kid · 1 month
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What it’s like to be slut-shamed when buying birth control
Even when pharmacists do let people access contraception, whether emergency contraception or condoms or prescription birth control pills, the process isn’t always free of judgment. In a series of recent online discussions, people across the country have begun to share stories of the stigma they’ve experienced. As many have pointed out, this can be especially damaging to teens.
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zanrai-kid · 1 month
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Picrew of my Lancer character. Uploading for COMP/CON purposes. Let me know if you want to know more about him.
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zanrai-kid · 2 months
Resources for Gaza/Palestine
On the last day of the strike, and in the days/weeks following the end of the strike, please give your time to these resources and share them with others.
Donation Links:
The PCRF has been able to bring tangible resources to those in Gaza.
World Food Program has also provided food inside the Gaza Strip, and Hind has reported on this a few times.
This PayPal belongs to someone on the ground in Gaza who has been able to distribute aid directly to people in Gaza. You can find more information and proof of these purchases at @helpgazachildren.
UNRWA recently had their funding cut off by the US. They bring aid across Falasteen but you can choose to donate specifically to Gaza on the page I linked.
Gazaesims is a direct way you can donate esims to Gaza to help those inside the Strip stay connected to the rest of the world. If you have any questions about donating esims you can ask me directly!
Anera provides relief items to those in Gaza.
Islamic Relief does work globally. You can choose to donate specifically to their Palestine Emergency Aid program (name might be different depending on if you're on the US site or the global site).
Educational Resources/People to Follow:
DecolonizePalestine is my go-to when giving resources to people who are new to hearing about what's happening in Falasteen. It's a comprehensive, easily navigated archive of the history of Falasteen and the occupation, common myths surrounding the occupation, and resources for learning.
The Palestine Academy has courses on the history of Falasteen, resources on actions to take/education, and resources for Gaza.
IMEU provides news and education about all of Falasteen including Gaza, and provides fact sheets, photo essays, and personal testimonies from Palestinians. You can find their Instagram here.
Hidden Palestine tells the history of Falasteen through photos. They also provide updates about Gaza and other parts of Falasteen on their Instagram.
Subhi is a Palestinian-American who does a lot of work and makes educational videos about Falasteen and Gaza. He also provides many resources and shares news about Gaza/Falasteen in general.
Mohammed El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer who became well-known after defending his family from being evicted from their home for settler theft in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem. He shares news, provides educational resources, and shares his own videos/writing on the topic of Gaza and Falasteen in general.
Salma Shawa (anat.international) is a Palestinian from Gaza who is not currently in Gaza. She shares videos, news, and resources about Gaza.
Noura Erakat is a Palestinian-American lawyer and activist who shares education, news, resources about Gaza and Falasteen.
Bisan is a young journalist on the ground in the south of Gaza
Hind is a journalist and reporter who has mostly been reporting from the middle areas of the Gaza Strip.
Bayan is a journalist and photographer on the ground in Gaza. She gives updates on what's happening around Gaza City.
Motaz is a journalist and photographer who was on the ground in Gaza until a few days ago. He continues to share news and stories from Gaza.
Princekouta is a Canadian citizen who has been unable to escape from the North of Gaza since the beginning of the genocide. He shares updates on what's happening in the North, which has essentially been cut off from the rest of the Gaza Strip. You can donate to his GFM here.
Miriam Barghouti is a journalist and writer in the West Bank. She shares news/updates about the West Bank and Gaza.
Eye.on.palestine shares videos of people on the ground in Gaza, in the West Bank, and in the '48 territories.
Translating_gaza provides English translations of videos from those on the ground in Gaza/new reports from other sources.
Middle East Eye brings news from Gaza and Falasteen. Here is their instagram.
Electronic Intifada has news about Falasteen along with updates about what's happening in Gaza.
Organizations for Palestine:
Palestinian Youth Movement (resources, actions, organizing, protests)
Adalah Justice Project (actions, organizing, protests)
American Muslims for Palestine (education, organizing, advocacy)
USCPR (resources, actions, updated protest lists)
Actions You Can Take:
BDS provides a list of companies to boycott/pressure to divest from Israel.
Global Protest List
US: Call your representatives to demand a ceasefire now.
Email template for Congress.
USCPR action toolkit.
Canada: Call your MPs.
UK: Write to your MPs.
I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but in case it wasn't clear: continue to spread awareness about what is happening and Gaza and about Falasteen as often and as loudly as you can. When you see news coming out of Gaza, allow yourself to be moved to action. Share news and resources with others, pressure your governments to call for a ceasefire, make sure your money is not going to a corporation that supports Israeli apartheid, and above all else, do not lose hope. The horrors we are seeing now are not normal, nor will they ever be; use the resources and tools you have at your disposal to take whatever action you can to stop the genocide. And when we do get a ceasefire, we must keep on pushing and doing the work until we achieve a totally liberated Falasteen.
From the river to the sea 🇵🇸
*note: falasteeni friends please feel free to add on any donation links or resources you know of that i may have missed!
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zanrai-kid · 2 months
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zanrai-kid · 2 months
Disabled Venezuelan Trans Person of Color needs Immediate Help affording food, services and medical bills for their family
(I'm so fucking tired Boss)
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Ren | 20 | He/They
Ngl it really suck that this has to be my first post back on tumblr after a long while gone. But I'm currently in extreme need of help and I don't know anywhere else where I could plead.
Extremely long story short: my family and I still live in Venezuela and we're in a critical economic condition; We own 2 months of rent basic services like water and electricity and If we don't play next week they'll be cutted completely, we're having issues getting food, hygiene products, my bipolar and anxiety medicine and the general basic market cest, and where 3 months behind the mensuality of my brother's psychiatric internation. Both me and my parents barely do the minimun wage and I don't know how much longer we can keep going without a change.
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(Note: these are Bolivares, not USD, meaning that my actual account balance is around $0.012? Yeah shits fucked)
Because of this i'm currently accepting both donations and quick traditional art commissions since they're the most comfortable for me rn
Examples of my traditional art below:
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Commission Prices and Details
Monochrome Lineart — $6 / 2 Ko-Fis
Flat Color/Simple shading — $9 / 3 Ko-Fis
Full color/Rendering — $12 / 4 Ko-Fis
Any kind of pose/body length
Other things like character desing complexity or Nsfw can be disscussed on DMs
Ppl (please ignore my deadname)
Here's my Ko-Fi for both easy Donations and Comm requests
[The platform covers all convertions and you don't need and account. You can pay directly from any USA bank account or P4y4l/Stripe]
Also Ik that crypto is ultra cringe and rightfully so. But since I live in a country with an USA blockade, that greatly affects things like Paypal fees, I'm putting addresses as alternative donation methods for those that wish so
btc - ltc - bnb(bsc) - usdt(trc)
Anything, even just sharing this post as much as possible helps. I'm so, so damn burned out. Thank you so much for your time guys.
Progress Bar
( $0 / $1000 )
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zanrai-kid · 4 months
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Secret Recipes To Try At Home
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zanrai-kid · 5 months
“aren’t you tired of being nice” no!!!! i’m tired of everyone else being mean!!!!!!!!
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zanrai-kid · 5 months
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zanrai-kid · 6 months
When I was little I wanted to be Italian REALLT badly bc I loved the movie cars and specifically had a crush on this fucking THING
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Which doesn’t speak English at all, all it’s line are in Italian and it’s name is GUIDO. And everyone knew I was obsessed with Italy in elementary school but they didn’t know why bc I, even as a young autistic child, had the sense to know this was a rightfully so, highly mockable thing. So I would read about cars on IMDB and then one day someone posted a crackfic on the message boards there and it was about this guy getting drunk and beating his wife, and it snapped me out of my fugue long enough to realize how absurd wanting to be Italian was, but then it made me cry really hard and my parents were like ‘hey what the fuck’ and I didn’t have the chutzpah to admit anything so I told them I saw a naked lady online and then they went into the computer and found all the weird south park midi songs I downloaded on lime wire and I thought they were literally going to kill me for about two weeks.
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zanrai-kid · 6 months
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zanrai-kid · 2 years
I’ve been putting out more mashups lately.
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zanrai-kid · 2 years
polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:
as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.
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zanrai-kid · 2 years
If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubuskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.
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I’ve marked those voivodeships on the map!
Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!
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zanrai-kid · 3 years
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zanrai-kid · 3 years
Why don't you look at pictures of capybaras and say "ooo capybara! It's a dog made of coconut!" and maybe you'll calm down
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zanrai-kid · 3 years
trying to prove a point to the boys at school
reblog this if you believe trans men are real men like this if you dont
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