zanypaperprince · 3 years
Bladder Cancer Treatment Cost in India | GHN Healthcare Services
The bladder present in our body collects urine from kidneys before expelling the urine from the body through urination. This type of cancer develops when the cells in bladder starts to grow in abnormal manner.  Bladder  cancer is 4th most prevalent cancer in males and it does effect females also. This type of growth in the bladder may be benign or malignant. The Malignant ones may be life threatening as it quick spreads in the body. If untreated, this can damage other tissues and organs in the body.
To know more about best bladder cancer hospitals and doctors in India or bladder cancer treatment cost in India, Feel free to reach out to us using our HELPLINE NO.+91 98188 57545 for assistance & support.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Ovarian or Ovary cancer refers to a cancerous growth which starts in the ovaries. Ovary as you all know is a part of the woman body which produces eggs. Ovarian Cancer/Ovary Cancer is the 5th most common cause of deaths related to cancer in USA among females.
In this article, we will read about symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of ovary cancer.
Incase, you wish to know about ovary cancer treatment cost in India or best ovary cancer treatment hospitals and doctors in India, Please contact our Helpline: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
best ovary cancer hospitals and doctors in India or ovary cancer treatment cost in India, Please feel free to contact +91 98188 57545 for immediate assistance.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Colorectal cancer is also known as bowel cancer, rectal cancer or colon cancer, this is a cancer that affects your colon and rectum. Fatality rate has fallen due to medical advances in the recent times. As per an analysis done in year 2021, the number of cases diagnosed with Colorectal cancer are rising among the people younger than 50 years of age,  most probably due to improvements in screening nowadays.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
you wish to enquire more about best cervical cancer treatment hospitals and doctors in India or cervical cancer treatment cost in India, Please contact our HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Cervical Cancer Treatment Cost in India
http://www.ghnservices.com/treatment/cervical-cancer-treatment-in-india/What is Cervical Cancer?
This cancer affects the entry point of your womb. The cervix is narrow part of lower uterus and this often referred to as the neck of the womb.
In this article about cervical cancer, we will learn about symptoms, stages, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.
Incase, you wish to enquire about best cervical cancer treatment hospitals and doctors or about cervical cancer treatment cost in India, Please feel free to contact our 24*7 HELPLINE NO. +91 98188 57545 for immediate help and support.
What are the symptoms of Cervical Cancer?
In early stages of this disease a person may have no symptoms at all. And due to this women should undergo a regular checkup having cervical smear tests or Pap tests.
Pap test is preventive. The aim of this is not to detect cancer by to find out changes in the cell. If there are any changes, a person can go for further testing for confirming the diagnosis.
The most common symptoms of cervical cancer are mentioned below-
bleeding between the periods
bleeding after having sexual intercourse
bleeding in women with post-menopause
discomfort having sexual intercourse
vaginal discharge with strong odor
pain the pelvic region
How to diagnose Cervical Cancer?
The early cervical cancer diagnosis helps in improving the success rate of medical treatment.
Following are some tests which are required for diagnosis of this disease:
Cervical smear test- This Screening does not confirm the cancer but this looks for abnormal changes in the cells of  cervix. If treatment is not done,  some abnormal cells can develop into cancer.
HPV DNA testing- This determines whether the patient has any of type of HPV most likely to cause CA Cervix.
If PAP test reveals abnormal cells than your doctor may request for the following examinations:
Colposcopy: In this tests, a visual examination of vagina is done.
Biopsy: Your treating doctor may take a small section of the tissue under general anesthesia.
Cone biopsy: Your doctor in this case takes a small cone shape section from abnormal tissuefor examination.
LLETZ: Diathermy is done using a wire loop with electric current which helps in  removing abnormal tissues.
Blood tests: A full blood count with other blood tests.
CT scan: The scan can be done to see cellular changes.
MRI: This can help identifying cervical cancer in early stage.
Pelvic ultrasound( USG) : This scan can help in showing the abnormal changes.
What are the Stages of Cervical Cancer?
The aim of the staging is to assess how far the cancerous cells have spread and whether they have reached nearby or distant organs.
4 Stage system is the most common way to define the stage of cervical cancer.
Stage 0: Presence of precancerous cells.
Stage 1: The Cancer cells have grown from surface to deeper tissues of cervix.
Stage 2: The cancer has now moved beyond cervix & the uterus, but has not gone as far as the walls of pelvis or lower vaginal part. This may or may not lymph nodes that are nearby.
Stage 3: Cancerous cells are present in the lower vaginal part and it may be forming blockages in the patient’s ureters. This may or may not affect lymph nodes that are nearby.
Stage 4: In this stage the cancer affects bladder or rectum and it is growing out of the pelvis region. This may or may not have affected the lymph nodes but later  in stage 4, it will spread to far away organs like liver, bones, lungs and the lymph nodes etc.
What is the Treatment for Cervical Cancer?
The Cervical cancer treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or may be combinations of all. This depends on various factors and the Team of doctors will decide the most suitable line of treatment considering the stage, your age and over all health.
List of Top Hospitals for Cervical cancer treatment in India -
BLK-MAX Super Speciality Hospital
American Oncology Institute
Fortis Hospitals
Artemis Hospitals
Apollo Hospitals
Incase, you wish to enquire more about best cervical cancer treatment hospitals and doctors in India or cervical cancer treatment cost in India, Please contact our HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
GHN Advantages –
Free Medical Opinion from Best Surgeons / Doctors in India upon receipt of Medical reports.
Most Affordable Treatment Packages for your Treatment.
Quick Medical Visa Assistance / Complimentary Airport Transfers.
Dedicated Case Managers for your assistance at the Hospital.
“No Extra Cost”, All Payments directly to the Hospital by cash, Visa card & Wire Transfer etc.
Continuous Follow Up with Cardiac Expert after your Departure from India.
Please share all medical reports of the Patient, You can share them over Our Email- [email protected] by scanning and sending the Reports or you may choose to whatsApp pictures of reports over +91 9818857545 for Best Cervical Cancer treatment in India.
Our Doctors for Best Cervical Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Dr. M Suneetha
Dr. Jagadishwar Goud
  Dr. Surender Kumar Das
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Bone cancer is a type of disease which develops in the skeletal system and destroys the tissues. It can also spread to distant organs such as lungs and liver etc. Usually the treatment for bone cancer is a surgery and it does have a good outlook following the early diagnosis and the management of it.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Bone cancer is a type of disease which develops in the skeletal system and destroys the tissues. It can also spread to distant organs such as lungs and liver etc. Usually the treatment for bone cancer is a surgery and it does have a good outlook following the early diagnosis and the management of it. 
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Incase you wish to enquire more about best prostate cancer treatment in India or prostate cancer treatment cost in India, Please connect with us through Helpline: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & guidance.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
The first thing that comes to our mind is, what exactly is leukemia? In Simple language, this is a cancer of the blood and the bone marrow. Our bone marrow produces blood cells. The leukemia may develop due to a problem with production of the blood cells. It normally affects the leukocytesor white blood cells(WBCs).Leukemia most likely to affect the people over 55 years but this is also most common type of cancer in those below 15 years of the age.
Incase you wish to know more about leukemia treatment in India or leukemia treatment best hospitals and doctors in India, Please Contact our Helpline- +91 9818 857545 for immediate assistance.
The Acute leukemia develops in quick time and get to worse condition rapidly, but chronic leukemia gets bad to worse over time. There are many types of leukemia and the best course or plan of treatment and a patient’s chance of survival from blood cancer depends on which type they have.
In this article, we shall provide an overview of leukemia disease, causes and best leukemia treatment options in India.
Causes of Leukemia -
Leukemia disease develops when DNA of developing blood cells specifically of the white cells incurs some damage. Because of this the blood cells grow and start dividing uncontrollably.
The cells which are healthy they die after a particular interval of time and the new cells replace them. These cells which are abnormal do not die at a natural point in their life span. Instead of that they build up and start occupying more space. As your bone marrow produces more cancer cells they start getting overcrowded in the blood preventing the white blood cells (WBCs) from growth and function normally.
Types of Leukemia -
There are 4 main categories of leukemia:
Acute lymphocytic leukemia -
Children below 5 years of the age are at highest risk of developing this acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, this can also affect adults, mostly over 50+ years. A data suggest that out of every 5 deaths from ALL, 4 occur in adults.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia -
This is common amongst the adults above 55 years of the age, however, younger adults may also develop it. About twenty five percent of adults with leukemia have CLL(chronic lymphocytic leukemia). It is more common in males than in females and very rarely affects the children.
Acute Myeloid leukemia/ Acute Myelogenous Leukemia / Acute Myeloblastic leukemia:
AML is common in adults than in small kids, but if you see overall it is rare type of cancer. It develops more often in males than in females. This develops quickly and symptoms some of the symptoms include difficulty in breathing and pain in the bone joints. The environmental factors (Climate change)can trigger this type.
Chronic Myeloid leukemia:
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) or Chronic Myeloid leukemia mostly develops in the adults. About fifteen % of all leukemia cases in the USA are CML. Children very rarely develop this type of the leukemia disease.
Symptoms of Leukemia -
                 Below mentioned are the treatments given to leukemia patients:
Targeted Therapy
Radiation Therapy
Stem Cell Transplantation
Incase you wish to enquire more about leukemia treatment in India or best leukemia hospitals and specialists in India, Please Contact our Helpline: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance.
Services offered to Leukemia Patients :
Medical Opinion from the best blood cancer Specialists in India
Medical Visa Assistance
Complete guidance during the planning phase
Airport Transfers  (Airport pickup & Drop)
Logistics Support
Dedicated Case Manager during your treatment in India
Follow up services after departure
GHN Advantages –
Free Medical Opinion from Best Surgeons/Doctors in India upon receipt of Medical reports.
Most Affordable Treatment Packages for your Treatment.
Quick Medical Visa Assistance / Complimentary Airport Transfers.
Dedicated Case Managers for your assistance at the Hospital.
“No Extra Cost”, All Payments directly to the Hospital by cash, Visa card & Wire Transfer etc.
Continuous Follow Up with Cardiac Expert after your Departure from India.
Please share all medical reports of the Patient, You can share them over Our Email- [email protected] by scanning and sending the Reports or you may choose to whatsApp pictures of reports over +91 9818857545 for Best Leukemia treatment in India.
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Sickle Cell Anemia treatment in India
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Our Doctors for Leukemia Treatment in India -
                                          Dr. Dharma Choudhary              Dr. Anil Aribandi                   Dr. Pawan Kumar
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
GHN Healthcare Services is a leading Medical treatment Assistance Company based in New Delhi (National Capital region), India. The Organization actively engaged in providing Medical assistance to foreign Patients who choose to travel to India for quality medical care at a reasonable cost. GHN Healthcare Services is associated with 25+ Top-Notch Hospitals and has a network of 500+ Super Specialists to offer world-class medical care at a reasonable cost.
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
#SickleCellAnemia #SickleCellAnemiaTreatmentinIndia
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Thalassemia Treatment Cost in India
What is Thalassemia?
Thalassemia is inherited blood disorder in the body in which the body forms an abnormal type  of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein molecule in red blood cells(RBCs) that carries oxygen in your body. 
This disorder results in more than normal destruction of red blood cells which leads to problem like anemia. Anemia is a condition in the human body in which the body doesn’t have sufficient normal and healthy red blood cells.
Now for readers to understand well, Thalassemia is inherited, means that at least one of the parents must be carrier of this disorder. It is caused by either genetic mutation or removal of certain key gene fragments.
Thalassemia minor is considered less serious form of this disorder. There are two main types of thalassemia which are more serious. In alpha thalassemia, atleast one alpha globin genes has abnormality and in the beta thalassemia, the beta globin genes are the ones which are affected.
Each of the above forms of thalassemia have different subtypes. The exact type that you have will affect severity of symptoms.
Incase you wish to enquire more about thalassemia treatment cost in India or best thalassemia treatment hospitals and doctors in India, Connect with us via our Helpline: +91 9818857545 (Call/WhatsApp/Telegram) for immediate assistance.
Symptoms of Thalassemia
The symptoms of thalassemia may vary. Some of the most common ones are mentioned below:-
bone deformity specially in the face. 
Dark color of urine 
Growth delayed and slow development
Tiredness & fatigue 
Pale skin color 
Not all individuals have visible symptoms of thalassemia. The Signs of the disorder also show up later in the childhood or in the adolescence.
Causes of Thalassemia
Thalassemia may occur when there is an abnormality or mutation in one of the genes involved in production of the hemoglobin. A person inherit these genetics abnormalities from their parents.
If only one of the parent is a carrier for thalassemia, you may develop the form of the disease called as thalassemia minor. If this occurs, you probably will not have symptoms, but you will difinitely be a carrier. Some of the people with thalassemia minor develop minor symptoms.
If both parents are carriers of thalassemia, you have a higher chance of inheriting more serious form of this disease.
Treatment options for Thalassemia
The treatment for thalassemia depends on the form and severeness of disease. Your specialist will give you a plan of treatment that will work well for your particular case.
Some of the treatments are mentioned below:-  
Transfusion of the blood. 
Bone marrow transplant.
Drugs and supplements
In some cases surgery to remove the gallbladder or spleen.
Your attending doctor may suggest you not to take vitamins/supplements containing iron. This is specially very true if you need blood transfusion because patients who receive them accumulate a lot of iron that the body can not easily get rid of. This is not good for the body and lead of life threatening condition. 
Incase you are receiving a blood transfusion, you may need chelation therapy but this call will be taken by your attending doctor. The Chelation therapy generally involves getting injected of a chemical that binds with iron & other heavy metals. The benefit of this is to remove extra iron from your body.
To know more about thalassemia treatment cost in India or best thalassemia hospitals and doctors in India, Feel free to connect us through our 24*7 Helpline: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance. 
GHN Advantages –
Free Medical Opinion from Best Cosmetic Surgeons / Doctors in India     upon receipt of Medical reports.
Most Affordable Treatment Packages for your Treatment.
Quick Medical Visa Assistance / Complimentary Airport Transfers.
Dedicated Case Managers for your assistance at the Hospital.
“No Extra Cost”, All Payments directly to the Hospital by cash,     Visa card & Wire Transfer etc.
Continuous Follow Up with Cardiac Expert after your Departure from     India.
Please share all medical reports of the Patient, You can share them over Our Email- [email protected] by scanning and sending the Reports or you may choose to whatsApp pictures of reports over +91 9818857545 for Thalassemia treatment cost in India.
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Sickle Cell Anemia treatment     in India
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zanypaperprince · 3 years
Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment Cost in India
Let us first know about Sickle cell anemia, this  is a group of blood disorders known as sickle cell disease. The Sickle cell disease is an inherited(from parents)red blood cell disorder in which there are not enough healthy RBCs to carry oxygen throughout a human body.
Normally, in general conditions, the flexible, round red blood cells move swiftly through blood vessels. In sickle cell anemia disease, the red blood are shaped like sickles or like a crescent moon. These rigid, sticky cells can get stick in small blood vessels which can slower or even block blood flow and O2 from flowing to other parts of the body.
Signs & symptoms of sickle cell anemia usually appear around 5-6 months of age. They vary one person to another and change over the time. Signs and symptoms can include the following:
Anemia-  Sickle cells break apart easily and they die, leaving you with too less red blood cells. RBCs usually live for about 120 days before replacement. But these sickle cells usually die in 10-20 days, creating a shortage of red blood cells (anemia).
Without sufficient red blood cells, your body can not get enough oxygen, causing fatigue.
Episodes of pain-  Periodic episodes of pain which are called pain crises, is a major symptom of sickle cell anemia. Pain develops when sickle shape red blood cells block or reduce the blood flow through tiny blood vessels to the chest, abdomen and to joints. Pain can also occur in the bones.
The pain varies and this can last for a few hours to few days or to few weeks. Some people have only a few episodes of pain crises in a year. Others may have a dozen or more pain crises a whole year. A severe pain crisis requires stay in the hospital to manage the pain.
Some adolescents & adults with sickle cell anemia disease also get chronic pain which can result bone and joint damage and ulcers.
Swelling of hands & the feet- The swelling is caused by sickle shape RBCs blocking the blood flow to the hands and to the feet.
Frequent infections - These Sickle cells can damage your spleen, leaving you more exposed to any types of infection. Doctors commonly prescribe infants and children with sickle cell anemia vaccinations & antibiotics to prevent the potentially life threatening infection which is pneumonia.
Delayed growth/puberty- RBCs provide your body with the oxygen (O2) and nutrients needed for your growth. A shortage of healthy red blood cells can reduce or slow down the growth in infants & children and may also delay puberty in teenagers.
Vision Issue- Small blood vessels that supply blood to your eyes can become plugged with these sickle cells. This can damage the retina of the eyes,  the portion of the eye that makes and processes visual images and leads to vision problems.
Incase, you wish to enquire for sickle cell anemia treatment cost in India, Please fee free to contact our Helpline +91 9818857545 or Email us at [email protected].
                             When should you see the Doctor?
Sickle cell anemia is usually diagnosed in the stage of infancy through newborn screening programs that are run worldwide at all small or big hospitals. If you or your child develops any of the following issues, Please see a doctor right away or you may seek emergency medical care.
Fever- People with sickle cell anemia disease may have an increased risk of serious infection, and fever/high temperature which can be the first sign of an infection.
Unexplained episodes of severe pain such as the pain in abdomen, chest, bones and the joints.
Swelling in the hands or the feet.
Abdominal swelling, specially if this area is tender to the touch it.
Pale skin or the nail beds.
Yellow tint to skin or whites of your eyes.
Signs or symptoms of stroke- If you notice one-sided paralysis or feeling weakness in the face, arms or the legs, confusion, trouble in walking or talking, drastic vision changes or numbness, severe headache. Contact your local doctor incase any of these symptoms.
For more information on sickle cell anemia treatment cost in India or details on stem cell transplant for sickle cell anemia, Do not hesitate to contact us at +91 9818 857545.
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