things i did in boston
- ran up the down escalator while drunk after falling down the down escalator - realized how many fucking hills the city has and quickly gave up on having good runs there - took the T every day - ate lots of great indian food - froze my ass off - paid way too much for beer - until i discovered narragansett - slept in a room with "fuck" written in pink crayon on the wall - learned i don't just suck at regular bowling, i suck at candlepin bowling too - watched the red sox lose to the *indians* 8-3 - found all the best coffee shops - realized what a great friend i have - cried into my lychee martini about a guy who wouldn't return my texts and then walked around chinatown holding my guy friend's hand drunk and crying - bought a harvard t-shirt with the intention of making myself look smart. it worked. definitely a winning trip overall.
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religious tolerance
I had to let several memebers of my class take their break early on friday because apparently it is a KNOWN FACT that Jesus died at precisely 3pm on that day however many years ago and their future salvation was contingent on them making it outside to pray at that exact time (I didn't know that Jesus' life was measured in mountain standard time). not wanting to condemn them to eternal damnation, or myself to a hostile visit with HR, i told them, "of course, please step out when you need to." that's all well and fine, but I expect to be able to leave work early when i need to make it to my atheist meeting at a certain time. (yeah right.) I guess it's kinda like how you lose out on smoke breaks every couple of hours if you're wise enough to not smoke. damnit.
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Ridiculous things christians i know post on facebook #6
"Adivino que la única manera para aprender a depender en Dios es que Él te quite todo." In English: "I guess the only way to learn to depend on God is for Him to take everything away from you."
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Ridiculous things christians i know post on facebook #5
Original post: "‎$50 going all in blind and winning with a 7-2 offsuit. Thank you, God." Friend's response: "Did you just thank God for letting you win in gambling? lol" OP: " @Friend: Proverbs 16:33." (A quick google search for this proverb shows the following: New International Version (©1984) The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD. New Living Translation (©2007) We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall.)
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Ridiculous things christians i know say on facebook #4
On vacation: "Another day in Maui paradise...God is Good !" - other aunt
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Ridiculous things christians i know say on facebook #3
"My husband also went to NMU & our son went there last year. I love the area, yes it is truly God's Country!" - aunt shit. am i allowed in?
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Ridiculous things christians i know post on facebook # 2
Just got a phone call with some amazing news. Someone in my family with a very serious, poor prognosis cancer got a phone call this morning (on a Sunday) from her oncologist , saying that the Xrays they took Friday showed NO cancer. I am so thrilled. The only reason I am posting this on fb is to share will all of you what I truly believe is a Christmas miracle. God Bless! - unnamed close relative on a sunday! whoa! must be god, only he works on sunday. oh wait...
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Ridiculous things christians i know post on facebook #1
"Celebrate St. Patick: Way back in the day, the Christians in England didn't do the best job spreading the Gospel. They sent no missionaries to the pirates in Scotland. So God sent the pirates to raid England, pillage and plunder, and take back a boy named Patrick (and the Gospel with them). Dear complacent Christians, make sure you are using your talents to spread the Word because you might not like how God makes sure the job gets done." - Ex boyfriend (emphasis on the ex...)
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70 cents on the dollar
Real reasons why women earn 70-80 cents per every dollar men do:
Lack of interest in higher-paying science- or math-based jobs, such as engineering, IT, and banking
Prioritizing family over career, i.e., by taking a few years off or working part-time while raising a family
Greater demand for work-life balance not afforded in many higher-paying senior positions
Reasons why people think women earn 70-80 cents per every dollar men do:
Real feminism starts with taking resonsibility. So ladies, let's stop bitching, get our science/math/law degrees, prioritize our careers, and start making the big bucks. Or make the decision that other things are more important and take responsbility for that choice.
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better start my request for a new passport now
If newt gingrich or mitt romney are elected president this year, I am going to enact my Move to Argentina 2012 campaign immediately.
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the format is not dead after all! prediction that they are gonna explode soon. but even if not, still awesome new band.
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psst! pass it on
Atheist coming out party: http://www.facebook.com/events/265943503469890/#!/events/265943503469890/
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The obsessive-compulsive in me likes pore cleansing strips way too much.
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Why is discovering porn considered a rite of passage for adolescent boys, yet so few women even admit to masturbating? I want to make myself a t-shirt that says: I masturbate and I'm proud of it. This is what a feminist looks like.
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i'm going to start a blog
..dedicated exclusively to reposting all the ridiculous religious shit my large, very-catholic family posts on facebook. uggghhh.
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I can confidently assert that a regular running regimen has done more to improve my character than any religion ever could.
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Tumblr media
I was nervous, but the call went really well. Please call your representative. Tumblr makes it really easy for you.
The Internet is my home; keep it free.
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