zed-zalias · 8 days
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zed-zalias · 10 days
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zed-zalias · 10 days
yo does anyone else feel CONSTANTLY guilty? like you’ve always done something wrong but you don’t know what it is?
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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wolf & bunny: a love story
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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Super Mario Bros (1993)
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zed-zalias · 13 days
Counterpoint, I will never have to experience people’s loathing for me
You hate yourself so loudly. You hate yourself at the top of your lungs. Your loathing for yourself permeates your speech. “Sorry I’m just rambling.” “Don’t worry about it.” “Just ignore me.” “Sorry if I’m annoying you.” “Sorry I don’t make sense.” “Sorry about that.” Sorry, sorry, sorry. You act as if you have to beat everyone else to the punch. As if the punching bag is you. If you hate yourself first, if you hate yourself loudest, then nobody will hurt you. You clapped your hands over your ears and shut your eyes and balled yourself up so that you’d never have to experience people’s loathing for you. And it meant you never heard their love. You drowned it out. You screamed your hatred over it. And you never got to hear it. 
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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zed-zalias · 13 days
but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear*
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zed-zalias · 13 days
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It's okay if it takes a little longer than you thought.
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zed-zalias · 16 days
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zed-zalias · 16 days
one time i was having sex and i was going “i’m yours i’m yours i’m yours” and then my partner stopped all of a sudden and said “can we talk about new kinks before we introduce them during sex” and i was like yeah what but it turned out she thought i was saying im a horse im a horse im a horse
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zed-zalias · 16 days
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zed-zalias · 16 days
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zed-zalias · 19 days
guy after having a completely normal social interaction: i made things weird again and they hate me
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zed-zalias · 22 days
I'm like if a girl who didn't do much was still experiencing burnout
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