zeedee777 · 4 months
just learned that a mutual of mine is pro israel (they’re now blocked) so i wanted to take the time to say that if you believe what’s happening in palestine is not a genocide than you are not welcome here. unfollow me block me whatever i don’t want you interacting with me at all
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zeedee777 · 7 months
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Imp version of my fursona! I think they came out amazing! Dem hips, doe.
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zeedee777 · 11 months
Crab Day
okay, so here's a new info post from the top.
the problem: tumblr is extremely extremely in debt. the current model is not profitable. this is why they are trying to turn the site into a shit clone of every other social media site, so they can attract new users and their money.
solution: not a ton of people can afford a long-term subscriptions like ad-free. however, many of us CAN afford $3 to inflict crabs on another unsuspecting user. (and those that can't, can still enjoy crabs everywhere)
the idea: in the grand traditions of mishapocalypses and goncharovs and tumblr users' obsession with [random inconsequential thing] Days, we create a fund drive/holiday on July 29th, dubbed Crab Day. buy your friends crabs. buy your enemies crabs. blaze posts. post memes. change ur icon. whatever. actually put your money where your mouth is and show @staff that there actually IS profit motive to listen to the current users about what we want this site to look like. (and yes, that means accessibility features too. we currently have zero leverage to demand these features. let's change that.)
i don't know if this will actually go anywhere. worst case scenario, a few of us have fun, tumblr gets a small amount of money, and nothing changes. best case though, we actually provide incentive to keep our stupid hellsite unique.
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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if you behave like this on tumblr i'm killing you with rocks
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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Of course I wasn't going to just eat the entire block of cheese in one sitting, as a whole meal. That would be weird.
...You know what, fuck it, I'm going to eat the entire cheese.
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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zeedee777 · 1 year
Hey so-
TL;DR: We should crash the Happy Kids app this weekend (June 24th-25th)
So we all benefited earlier last week when someone accidentally queued the season 4 special episodes to post waay ahead of schedule and we all rushed to get the episodes downloaded before they were taken down.
Now that they're out- all of that traffic that would've been caught on the episodes' original release date is not there because we've already watched them.
Members of the LMK team and other fans are asking for our help in supporting the show and we should because we all love it and we need to show that we love it so more seasons get made when (if) season 5 comes out
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I propose this weekend, June 24th and June 25th, that we all get on the Happy Kids app and watch the season 4 special, even if you've already seen it.
You don't even have to watch it- just have it on your phone on silent and let it play if you're doing something else. Set a timer to go off when the next episode needs to be played. The goal is to get these episodes so much traffic that the app crashes- and I think that's possible if we get enough people on board.
Will we get Lego (corporation)'s attention and get them to greenlight more seasons? Hopefully.
Will we show the LMK team and Flying Bark Productions that we love and absolutely go feral for the story they've created? Hell fucking yeah!
These episodes don't materialize out of thin air, they're made by real people who work REALLY FUCKIN HARD- the QUALITY of this show is ABSURD for how little marketing it gets- so lets do it for the people behind LMK and show them that we care.
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zeedee777 · 1 year
"you can't pick and choose what you like from canon" common misconception! yes you can
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zeedee777 · 1 year
I’m so frustrated I could just scream!
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zeedee777 · 1 year
Getting Together Pt. 1
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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zeedee777 · 1 year
1) Width. Add it.
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2) Width. Just. Yeah. If you want to draw a really big guy - do it. The third guy is ok, but it's just a small guy with belly!
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3) Gravity! More fat - more soft - gravity goes brr.
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4) Basic shapes and clothes would definitely help you to draw a big comfy soft guy!
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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Like father, like son!
redone this silly comic twice, and took about a 3 week break in finishing it. Sorry that the artstyle sorta changes midway
I‘ve got luigi in my noggin and he just won’t leave >:(
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zeedee777 · 1 year
i need all the weird neo-puritans of tumblr and toktok and twitter to realize that people have been having fun casual sex for literally all of human existence and that’s a good thing
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zeedee777 · 1 year
Bowuigi Roommate AU
Bowser and Luigi have been roommates and friends for years and both have had secret crushes on each other for a while. Bowser works as a daycare teacher and Luigi works as a plumber with his brother (obvs).
One day when Bowser left for work, having had an awful night sleep, he groggily got some coffee and went out the front door.
Luigi, who was kept up all night by Bowser's tossing and turning all night in the room next to his, is at the table having breakfast when he groggily wishes his roomie a good day at work.
Luigi: (half asleep) Bye, have a good day. Love you.
Bowser: (half asleep) Love you too.
5 Hours Later
Both Bowser and Luigi stop doing what they're doing to stare deeeeeep into the void as they both realize what the hell happened that morning.
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zeedee777 · 1 year
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