zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Is It Better To Use Subdomains Or Folders In The Main Domain Of A WP Site?
In episode 149 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked if it is better to use subdomains or folders in the main domain of a WP site.
The exact question was:
Are WP multisites better using subdomains or folders in the main domain? It depends?
I started with subdomains, thinking about freedom benefits with backlinks (as I know, because of independence of different subdomains), but could be nice if I could have few tips about which option is better for each case (or a link if you already talk before about this).
And also if link building strategy should be better to main domain at first, to each subdomain, etc.
Is It Better To Use Subdomains Or Folders In The Main Domain Of A WP Site? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Will A Site Lose Backlinks When Switching To HTTPS?
In the 149th episode of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked whether a website will lose its backlinks when switching to https.
The exact question was:
Want to thank you for your dedication to our success! That battle plan is great help to me as it gives me the exact direction to go and steps to take. Thanks!
I am planning to switch all my money sites to HTTPS. Will my site lose back links that were previously built? Should I do some redirecting on domain level or cPanel. Or will it auto 301 redirect to https?
Will A Site Lose Backlinks When Switching To HTTPS? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
10 Things that DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings - Whiteboard Friday
10 Things that DO NOT (Directly) Affect Your Google Rankings - Whiteboard Friday http://ift.tt/2hl3eAs
Posted by randfish
What do the age of your site, your headline H1/H2 preference, bounce rate, and shared hosting all have in common? You might've gotten a hint from the title: not a single one of them directly affects your Google rankings. In this rather comforting Whiteboard Friday, Rand lists out ten factors commonly thought to influence your rankings that Google simply doesn't care about.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!
<span id="selection-marker-1" class="redactor-selection-marker" data-verified="redactor"></span><span id="selection-marker-1" class="redactor-selection-marker" data-verified="redactor"></span>
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we're going to chat about things that do not affect your Google rankings. So it turns out lots of people have this idea that anything and everything that you do with your website or on the web could have an impact. Well, some things have an indirect impact and maybe even a few of these do. I'll talk through those. But tons and tons of things that you do don't directly affect your Google rankings. So I'll try and walk through some of these that I've heard or seen questions about, especially in the recent past.
1. The age of your website.
First one, longstanding debate: the age of your website. Does Google care if you registered your site in 1998 or 2008 or 2016? No, they don't care at all. They only care the degree to which your content actually helps people and that you have links and authority signals and those kinds of things. Granted, it is true there's correlation going in this direction. If you started a site in 1998 and it's still going strong today, chances are good that you've built up lots of links and authority and equity and all these kinds of signals that Google does care about.
But maybe you've just had a very successful first two years, and you only registered your site in 2015, and you've built up all those same signals. Google is actually probably going to reward that site even more, because it's built up the same authority and influence in a very small period of time versus a much longer one.
2. Whether you do or don't use Google apps and services.
So people worry that, "Oh, wait a minute. Can't Google sort of monitor what's going on with my Google Analytics account and see all my data there and AdSense? What if they can look inside Gmail or Google Docs?"
Google, first off, the engineers who work on these products and the engineers who work on search, most of them would quit right that day if they discovered that Google was peering into your Gmail account to discover that you had been buying shady links or that you didn't look as authoritative as you really were on the web or these kinds of things. So don't fear the use of these or the decision not to use them will hurt or harm your rankings in Google web search in any way. It won't.
3. Likes, shares, plus-ones, tweet counts of your web pages.
So you have a Facebook counter on there, and it shows that you have 17,000 shares on that page. Wow, that's a lot of shares. Does Google care? No, they don't care at all. In fact, they're not even looking at that or using it. But what if it turns out that many of those people who shared it on Facebook also did other activities that resulted in lots of browser activity and search activity, click-through activity, increased branding, lower pogo-sticking rates, brand preference for you in the search results, and links? Well, Google does care about a lot of those things. So indirectly, this can have an impact. Directly, no. Should you buy 10,000 Facebook shares? No, you should not.
4. What about raw bounce rate or time on site?
Well, this is sort of an interesting one. Let's say you have a time on site of two minutes, and you look at your industry averages, your benchmarks, maybe via Google Analytics if you've opted in to sharing there, and you see that your industry benchmarks are actually lower than average. Is that going to hurt you in Google web search? Not necessarily. It could be the case that those visitors are coming from elsewhere. It could be the case that you are actually serving up a faster-loading site and you're getting people to the information that they need more quickly, and so their time on site is slightly lower or maybe even their bounce rate is higher.
But so long as pogo-sticking type of activity, people bouncing back to the search results and choosing a different result because you didn't actually answer their query, so long as that remains fine, you're not in trouble here. So raw bounce rate, raw time on site, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
5. The tech under your site's hood.
Are you using certain JavaScript libraries like Node or React, one is Facebook, one is Google. If you use Facebook's, does Google give you a hard time about it? No. Facebook might, due to patent issues, but anyway we won't worry about that. .NET or what if you're coding up things in raw HTML still? Just fine. It doesn't matter. If Google can crawl each of these URLs and see the unique content on there and the content that Google sees and the content visitors see is the same, they don't care what's being used under the hood to deliver that to the browser.
6. Having or not having a knowledge panel on the right-hand side of the search results.
Sometimes you get that knowledge panel, and it shows around the web and some information sometimes from Wikipedia. What about site links, where you search for your brand name and you get branded site links? The first few sets of results are all from your own website, and they're sort of indented. Does that impact your rankings? No, it does not. It doesn't impact your rankings for any other search query anyway. It could be that showing up here and it probably is that showing up here means you're going to get a lot more of these clicks, a higher share of those clicks, and it's a good thing. But does this impact your rankings for some other totally unbranded query to your site? No, it doesn't at all. I wouldn't stress too much. Over time, sites tend to build up site links and knowledge panels as their brands become bigger and as they become better known and as they get more coverage around the web and online and offline. So this is not something to stress about.
7. What about using shared hosting or some of the inexpensive hosting options out there?
Well, directly, this is not going to affect you unless it hurts load speed or up time. If it doesn't hurt either of those things and they're just as good as they were before or as they would be if you were paying more or using solo hosting, you're just fine. Don't worry about it.
8. Use of defaults that Google already assumes.
So when Google crawls a site, when they come to a site, if you don't have a robots.txt file, or you have a robots.txt file but it doesn't include any exclusions, any disallows, or they reach a page and it has no meta robots tag, they're just going to assume that they get to crawl everything and that they should follow all the links. Using things like the meta robots "index, follow" or using, on an individual link, a rel=follow inside the href tag, or in your robots.txt file specifying that Google can crawl everything, doesn't boost anything. They just assume all those things by default. Using them in these places, saying yes, you can do the default thing, doesn't give you any special benefit. It doesn't hurt you, but it gives you no benefit. Google just doesn't care.
9. Characters that you use as separators in your title element.
So the page title element sits in the header of a document, and it could be something like your brand name and then a separator and some words and phrases after it, or the other way around, words and phrases, separator, the brand name. Does it matter if that separator is the pipe bar or a hyphen or a colon or any other special character that you would like to use? No, Google does not care. You don't need to worry about it. This is a personal preference issue. Now, maybe you've found that one of these characters has a slightly better click-through rate and preference than another one. If you've found that, great. We have not seen one broadly on the web. Some people will say they particularly like the pipe over the hyphen. I don't think it matters too much. I think it's up to you.
10. What about using headlines and the H1, H2, H3 tags?
Well, I've heard this said: If you put your headline inside an H2 rather than an H1, Google will consider it a little less important. No, that is definitely not true. In fact, I'm not even sure the degree to which Google cares at all whether you use H1s or H2s or H3s, or whether they just look at the content and they say, "Well, this one is big and at the top and bold. That must be the headline, and that's how we're going to treat it. This one is lower down and smaller. We're going to say that's probably a sub-header." Whether you use an H5 or an H2 or an H3, that is your CSS on your site and up to you and your designers. It is still best practices in HTML to make sure that the headline, the biggest one is the H1. I would do that for design purposes and for having nice clean HTML and CSS, but I wouldn't stress about it from Google's perspective. If your designers tell you, "Hey, we can't get that headline in H1. We've got to use the H2 because of how our style sheets are formatted." Fine. No big deal. Don't stress.
Normally on Whiteboard Friday, we would end right here. But today, I'd like to ask. These 10 are only the tip of the iceberg. So if you have others that you've seen people say, "Oh, wait a minute, is this a Google ranking factor?" and you think to yourself, "Ah, jeez, no, that's not a ranking factor," go ahead and leave them in the comments. We'd love to see them there and chat through and list all the different non-Google ranking factors. Thanks, everyone. See you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Learn More Here: Basements
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Article Source Here: Bathrooms
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Post Source Here: Kitchens
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Original Post Here: Homes
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
See Full Article Here: Additions
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
What’s The Difference Between A Syndication Network And An RYS Stack?
In episode 149 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the difference between a syndication network and RYS stack.
The exact question was:
Can you tell me, what’s the difference between a syndication network and an RYS stack? Syndication network via IFTTT looks like a great way to push new content out. Not sure what an RYS stack is or how it works in conjunction with syndication network. Can you explain?
Done For You RYS Entity Stacks: http://ift.tt/2yuElXk
RYS Reloaded training: http://ift.tt/2wFAfy0
What’s The Difference Between A Syndication Network And An RYS Stack? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
How to Prioritize SEO Tasks [+Worksheet]
How to Prioritize SEO Tasks [+Worksheet] http://ift.tt/2hieaiu
Posted by BritneyMuller
“Where should a company start [with SEO]?” asked an attendee after my AMA Conference talk.
As my mind spun into a million different directions and I struggled to form complete sentences, I asked for a more specific website example. A healthy discussion ensued after more direction was provided, but these “Where do I start?” questions occur all the time in digital marketing.
SEOs especially are in a constant state of overwhelmed-ness (is that a word?), but no one likes to talk about this. It’s not comfortable to discuss the thousands of errors that came back after a recent site crawl. It’s not fun to discuss the drop in organic traffic that you can’t explain. It’s not possible to stay on top of every single news update, international change, case study, tool, etc. It’s exhausting and without a strategic plan of attack, you’ll find yourself in the weeds.
I’ve performed strategic SEO now for both clients and in-house marketing teams, and the following five methods have played a critical role in keeping my head above water.
First, I had to source this question on Twitter:
How do you prioritize SEO fixes? — Britney Muller (@BritneyMuller) September 15, 2017
Here was some of the best feedback from true industry leaders:
Murat made a solid distinction between working with an SMBs versus a large companies:
This is sad, but so true (thanks, Jeff!):
To help you get started, I put together an SEO prioritization worksheet in Google Sheets. Make yourself a copy (File > Make a copy) and go wild!:
Free SEO prioritization workflow sheet
Agree upon & set specific goals
Identify important pages for conversions
Perform a site crawl to uncover technical opportunities
Employ Covey's time management grid
Provide consistent benchmarks and reports
#1 Start with the end in mind
What is the end goal? You can have multiple goals (both macro and micro), but establishing a specific primary end goal is critical.
The only way to agree upon an end goal is to have a strong understanding of your client’s business. I’ve always relied on these new client questions to help me wrap my head around a new client’s business.
[Please leave a comment if you have other favorite client questions!]
This not only helps you become way more strategic in your efforts, but also shows that you care.
Fun fact: I used to use an alias to sign up for my client’s medical consultations online to see what the process was like. What automated emails did they send after someone made an appointment? What are people required to bring into a consult? What is a consult like? How does a consult make someone feel?
Clients were always disappointed when I arrived for the in-person consult, but happy that my team and I were doing our research!
Goal setting tips:
Seems obvious, but it’s essential to stay on track and set benchmarks along the way.
Be specific
Don’t let vague marketing jargon find its way into your goals. Be specific.
Share your goals
A study performed by Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews found that writing down and sharing your goals boosts your chances of achieving them.
Have a stretch goal
"Under-promise and over-deliver" is a great rule of thumb for clients, but setting private stretch goals (nearly impossible to achieve) can actually help you achieve more. Research found that when people set specific, challenging goals it led to higher performance 90% of the time.
#2 Identify important pages for conversions
There are a couple ways you can do this in Google Analytics.
Behavior Flow is a nice visualization for common page paths which deserve your attention, but it doesn’t display specific conversion paths very well.
It’s interesting to click on page destination goals to get a better idea of where people come into that page from and where they abandon it to:
Reverse Goal Paths are a great way to discover which page funnels are the most successful for conversions and which could use a little more love:
If you want to know which pages have the most last-touch assists, create a Custom Report > Flat Table > Dimension: Goal Previous Step - 1 > Metric: Goal Completions > Save
Then you’ll see the raw data for your top last-touch pages:
Side note: If the Marketing Services page is driving the second most assists, it’s a great idea to see where else on the site you can naturally weave in Marketing Services Page CTAs.
The idea here is to simply get an idea of which page funnels are working, which are not, and take these pages into high consideration when prioritizing SEO opportunities.
If you really want to become a conversion funnel ninja, check out this awesome Google Analytics Conversion Funnel Survival Guide by Kissmetrics.
#3 Crawl your site for issues
While many of us audit parts of a website by hand, we nearly all rely on a site crawl tool (or two) to uncover sneaky technical issues.
Some of my favorites:
Moz Pro
Screaming Frog
I really like Moz Pro, DeepCrawl, and Raven for their automated re-crawling. I’m alerted anytime new issues arise (and they always do). Just last week, I got a Moz Pro email about these new pages that are now redirecting to a 4XX because we moved some Learning Center pages around and missed a few redirects (whoops!):
An initial website crawl can be incredibly overwhelming and stressful. I get anxiety just thinking about a recent Moz site crawl: 54,995 pages with meta noindex, 60,995 pages without valid canonical, 41,234 without an <h1>... you get the idea. Ermahgerd!! Where do you start?!
This is where a time management grid comes in handy.
#4 Employ Covey's time management grid
Time management and prioritization is hard, and many of us fall into "Urgent" traps.
Putting out small, urgent SEO fires might feel effective in the short term, but you’ll often fall into productivity-killing rabbit holes. Don’t neglect the non-urgent important items!
Prioritize and set time aside for those non-urgent yet important tasks, like writing short, helpful, unique, click-enticing title tags for all primary pages.
Here’s an example of some SEO issues that fall into each of the above 4 categories:
To help prioritize Not Urgent/Important issues for maximum effectiveness here at Moz, I’m scheduling time to address high-volume crawl errors.
Moz.com’s largest issues (highlighted by Moz Pro) are meta noindex. However, most of these are intentional.
You also want to consider prioritizing any issues on the primary page flows that we discovered earlier. You can also sort issues by shallow crawl depth (fewer clicks from homepage, which are often primary pages to focus on):
#5 Reporting & communication
Consistently reporting your efforts on increasing your client’s bottom line is critical for client longevity.
Develop a custom SEO reporting system that’s aligned with your client’s KPIs for every stage of your campaign. A great place to start is with a basic Google Analytics Custom Report that you can customize further for your client:
New Google Analytics User Starter Bundle
Content Analysis Dashboard
Content Efficiency Report
Occam’s Razor Awesomeness
While traffic, search visibility, engagement, conversions, etc. get all of the reporting love, don’t forget about the not-so-tangible metrics. Are customers less frustrated navigating the new website? How does the new site navigation make a user feel? This type of monitoring and reporting can also be done through kickass tools like Lucky Orange or Mechanical Turk.
Lastly, reporting is really about communication and understanding people. Most of you have probably had a client who prefers a simple summary paragraph of your report, and that’s ok too.
Hopefully these tips can help you work smarter, not harder.
Don’t miss your site’s top technical SEO opportunities:
Crawl your site with Moz Pro
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
What Is The Best Way To Use RSS Authority With RYS?
In episode 148 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked about the best way to use RSS Authority with RYS.
The exact question was:
I watched the RSS authority sniper webinar with Lisa Allen (that you folks put on). What is the best way to use this with RYS?
What Is The Best Way To Use RSS Authority With RYS? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
So You Want to Build a Chat Bot – Here's How (Complete with Code!)
So You Want to Build a Chat Bot – Here's How (Complete with Code!) http://ift.tt/2hh0N1H
Posted by R0bin_L0rd
You’re busy and (depending on effective keyword targeting) you’ve come here looking for something to shave months off the process of learning to produce your own chat bot. If you’re convinced you need this and just want the how-to, skip to "What my bot does." If you want the background on why you should be building for platforms like Google Home, Alexa, and Facebook Messenger, read on.
Why should I read this?
Do you remember when it wasn't necessary to have a website? When most boards would scoff at the value of running a Facebook page? Now Gartner is telling us that customers will manage 85% of their relationship with brands without interacting with a human by 2020 and publications like Forbes are saying that chat bots are the cause.
The situation now is the same as every time a new platform develops: if you don’t have something your customers can access, you're giving that medium to your competition. At the moment, an automated presence on Google Home or Slack may not be central to your strategy, but those who claim ground now could dominate it in the future.
The problem is time. Sure, it'd be ideal to be everywhere all the time, to have your brand active on every platform. But it would also be ideal to catch at least four hours sleep a night or stop covering our keyboards with three-day-old chili con carne as we eat a hasty lunch in between building two of the Next Big Things. This is where you’re fortunate in two ways;
When we develop chat applications, we don’t have to worry about things like a beautiful user interface because it’s all speech or text. That's not to say you don't need to worry about user experience, as there are rules (and an art) to designing a good conversational back-and-forth. Amazon is actually offering some hefty prizes for outstanding examples.
I’ve spent the last six months working through the steps from complete ignorance to creating a distributable chat bot and I’m giving you all my workings. In this post I break down each of the levels of complexity, from no-code back-and-forth to managing user credentials and sessions the stretch over days or months. I’m also including full code that you can adapt and pull apart as needed. I’ve commented each portion of the code explaining what it does and linking to resources where necessary.
I've written more about the value of Interactive Personal Assistants on the Distilled blog, so this post won't spend any longer focusing on why you should develop chat bots. Instead, I'll share everything I've learned.
What my built-from-scratch bot does
Ever since I started investigating chat bots, I was particularly interested in finding out the answer to one question: What does it take for someone with little-to-no programming experience to create one of these chat applications from scratch? Fortunately, I have direct access to someone with little-to-no experience (before February, I had no idea what Python was). And so I set about designing my own bot with the following hard conditions:
It had to have some kind of real-world application. It didn't have to be critical to a business, but it did have to bear basic user needs in mind.
It had to be easily distributable across the immediate intended users, and to have reasonable scope to distribute further (modifications at most, rather than a complete rewrite).
It had to be flexible enough that you, the reader, can take some free code and make your own chat bot.
It had to be possible to adapt the skeleton of the process for much more complex business cases.
It had to be free to run, but could have the option of paying to scale up or make life easier.
It had to send messages confirming when important steps had been completed.
The resulting program is "Vietnambot," a program that communicates with Slack, the API.AI linguistic processing platform, and Google Sheets, using real-time and asynchronous processing and its own database for storing user credentials.
If that meant nothing to you, don't worry — I'll define those things in a bit, and the code I'm providing is obsessively commented with explanation. The thing to remember is it does all of this to write down food orders for our favorite Vietnamese restaurant in a shared Google Sheet, probably saving tens of seconds of Distilled company time every year.
It's deliberately mundane, but it's designed to be a template for far more complex interactions. The idea is that whether you want to write a no-code-needed back-and-forth just through API.AI; a simple Python program that receives information, does a thing, and sends a response; or something that breaks out of the limitations of linguistic processing platforms to perform complex interactions in user sessions that can last days, this post should give you some of the puzzle pieces and point you to others.
What is API.AI and what's it used for?
API.AI is a linguistic processing interface. It can receive text, or speech converted to text, and perform much of the comprehension for you. You can see my Distilled post for more details, but essentially, it takes the phrase “My name is Robin and I want noodles today” and splits it up into components like:
Intent: food_request
Action: process_food
Name: Robin
Food: noodles
Time: today
This setup means you have some hope of responding to the hundreds of thousands of ways your users could find to say the same thing. It’s your choice whether API.AI receives a message and responds to the user right away, or whether it receives a message from a user, categorizes it and sends it to your application, then waits for your application to respond before sending your application’s response back to the user who made the original request. In its simplest form, the platform has a bunch of one-click integrations and requires absolutely no code.
I’ve listed the possible levels of complexity below, but it’s worth bearing some hard limitations in mind which apply to most of these services. They cannot remember anything outside of a user session, which will automatically end after about 30 minutes, they have to do everything through what are called POST and GET requests (something you can ignore unless you’re using code), and if you do choose to have it ask your application for information before it responds to the user, you have to do everything and respond within five seconds.
What are the other things?
Slack: A text-based messaging platform designed for work (or for distracting people from work).
Google Sheets: We all know this, but just in case, it’s Excel online.
Asynchronous processing: Most of the time, one program can do one thing at a time. Even if it asks another program to do something, it normally just stops and waits for the response. Asynchronous processing is how we ask a question and continue without waiting for the answer, possibly retrieving that answer at a later time.
Database: Again, it’s likely you know this, but if not: it’s Excel that our code will use (different from the Google Sheet).
Heroku: A platform for running code online. (Important to note: I don’t work for Heroku and haven’t been paid by them. I couldn’t say that it's the best platform, but it can be free and, as of now, it’s the one I’m most familiar with).
How easy is it?
This graph isn't terribly scientific and it's from the perspective of someone who's learning much of this for the first time, so here’s an approximate breakdown:
Time it took me
You set up the conversation purely through API.AI or similar, no external code needed. For instance, answering set questions about contact details or opening times
Half an hour to distributable prototype
A program that receives information from API.AI and uses that information to update the correct cells in a Google Sheet (but can’t remember user names and can’t use the slower Google Sheets integrations)
A few weeks to distributable prototype
A program that remembers user names once they've been set and writes them to Google Sheets. Is limited to five seconds processing time by API.AI, so can’t use the slower Google Sheets integrations and may not work reliably when the app has to boot up from sleep because that takes a few seconds of your allocation*
A few weeks on top of the last prototype
A program that remembers user details and manages the connection between API.AI and our chosen platform (in this case, Slack) so it can break out of the five-second processing window.
A few weeks more on top of the last prototype (not including the time needed to rewrite existing structures to work with this)
*On the Heroku free plan, when your app hasn’t been used for 30 minutes it goes to sleep. This means that the first time it’s activated it takes a little while to start your process, which can be a problem if you have a short window in which to act. You could get around this by (mis)using a free “uptime monitoring service” which sends a request every so often to keep your app awake. If you choose this method, in order to avoid using all of the Heroku free hours allocation by the end of the month, you’ll need to register your card (no charge, it just gets you extra hours) and only run this application on the account. Alternatively, there are any number of companies happy to take your money to keep your app alive.
For the rest of this post, I’m going to break down each of those key steps and either give an overview of how you could achieve it, or point you in the direction of where you can find that. The code I’m giving you is Python, but as long as you can receive and respond to GET and POST requests, you can do it in pretty much whatever format you wish.
1. Design your conversation
Conversational flow is an art form in itself. Jonathan Seal, strategy director at Mando and member of British Interactive Media Association's AI thinktank, has given some great talks on the topic. Paul Pangaro has also spoken about conversation as more than interface in multiple mediums. Your first step is to create a flow chart of the conversation. Write out your ideal conversation, then write out the most likely ways a person might go off track and how you’d deal with them. Then go online, find existing chat bots and do everything you can to break them. Write out the most difficult, obtuse, and nonsensical responses you can. Interact with them like you’re six glasses of wine in and trying to order a lemon engraving kit, interact with them as though you’ve found charges on your card for a lemon engraver you definitely didn’t buy and you are livid, interact with them like you’re a bored teenager. At every point, write down what you tried to do to break them and what the response was, then apply that to your flow. Then get someone else to try to break your flow. Give them no information whatsoever apart from the responses you’ve written down (not even what the bot is designed for), refuse to answer any input you don’t have written down, and see how it goes. David Low, principal evangelist for Amazon Alexa, often describes the value of printing out a script and testing the back-and-forth for a conversation. As well as helping to avoid gaps, it’ll also show you where you’re dumping a huge amount of information on the user.
While “best practices” are still developing for chat bots, a common theme is that it’s not a good idea to pretend your bot is a person. Be upfront that it’s a bot — users will find out anyway. Likewise, it’s incredibly frustrating to open a chat and have no idea what to say. On text platforms, start with a welcome message making it clear you’re a bot and giving examples of things you can do. On platforms like Google Home and Amazon Alexa users will expect a program, but the “things I can do” bit is still important enough that your bot won’t be approved without this opening phase.
I've included a sample conversational flow for Vietnambot at the end of this post as one way to approach it, although if you have ideas for alternative conversational structures I’d be interested in reading them in the comments.
A final piece of advice on conversations: The trick here is to find organic ways of controlling the possible inputs and preparing for unexpected inputs. That being said, the Alexa evangelist team provide an example of terrible user experience in which a bank’s app said: “If you want to continue, say nine.” Quite often questions, rather than instructions, are the key.
2. Create a conversation in API.AI
API.AI has quite a lot of documentation explaining how to create programs here, so I won’t go over individual steps.
Key things to understand:
You create agents; each is basically a different program. Agents recognize intents, which are simply ways of triggering a specific response. If someone says the right things at the right time, they meet criteria you have set, fall into an intent, and get a pre-set response.
The right things to say are included in the “User says” section (screenshot below). You set either exact phrases or lists of options as the necessary input. For instance, a user could write “Of course, I’m [any name]” or “Of course, I’m [any temperature].” You could set up one intent for name-is which matches “Of course, I’m [given-name]” and another intent for temperature which matches “Of course, I’m [temperature],” and depending on whether your user writes a name or temperature in that final block you could activate either the “name-is” or “temperature-is” intent.
The “right time” is defined by contexts. Contexts help define whether an intent will be activated, but are also created by certain intents. I’ve included a screenshot below of an example interaction. In this example, the user says that they would like to go to on holiday. This activates a holiday intent and sets the holiday context you can see in input contexts below. After that, our service will have automatically responded with the question “where would you like to go?” When our user says “The” and then any location, it activates our holiday location intent because it matches both the context, and what the user says. If, on the other hand, the user had initially said “I want to go to the theater,” that might have activated the theater intent which would set a theater context — so when we ask “what area of theaters are you interested in?” and the user says “The [location]” or even just “[location],” we will take them down a completely different path of suggesting theaters rather than hotels in Rome.
The way you can create conversations without ever using external code is by using these contexts. A user might say “What times are you open?”; you could set an open-time-inquiry context. In your response, you could give the times and ask if they want the phone number to contact you. You would then make a yes/no intent which matches the context you have set, so if your user says “Yes” you respond with the number. This could be set up within an hour but gets exponentially more complex when you need to respond to specific parts of the message. For instance, if you have different shop locations and want to give the right phone number without having to write out every possible location they could say in API.AI, you’ll need to integrate with external code (see section three).
Now, there will be times when your users don’t say what you're expecting. Excluding contexts, there are three very important ways to deal with that:
Almost like keyword research — plan out as many possible variations of saying the same thing as possible, and put them all into the intent
Test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test (when launched, every chat bot will have problems. Keep testing, keep updating, keep improving.)
Fallback contexts
Fallback contexts don’t have a user says section, but can be boxed in by contexts. They match anything that has the right context but doesn’t match any of your user says. It could be tempting to use fallback intents as a catch-all. Reasoning along the lines of “This is the only thing they’ll say, so we’ll just treat it the same” is understandable, but it opens up a massive hole in the process. Fallback intents are designed to be a conversational safety net. They operate exactly the same as in a normal conversation. If a person asked what you want in your tea and you responded “I don’t want tea” and that person made a cup of tea, wrote the words “I don’t want tea” on a piece of paper, and put it in, that is not a person you’d want to interact with again. If we are using fallback intents to do anything, we need to preface it with a check. If we had to resort to it in the example above, saying “I think you asked me to add I don’t want tea to your tea. Is that right?” is clunky and robotic, but it’s a big step forward, and you can travel the rest of the way by perfecting other parts of your conversation.
3. Integrating with external code
I used Heroku to build my app . Using this excellent weather webhook example you can actually deploy a bot to Heroku within minutes. I found this example particularly useful as something I could pick apart to make my own call and response program. The weather webhook takes the information and calls a yahoo app, but ignoring that specific functionality you essentially need the following if you’re working in Python:
#start req = request.get_json print("Request:") print(json.dumps(req, indent=4)) #process to do your thing and decide what response should be res = processRequest(req) # Response we should receive from processRequest (you’ll need to write some code called processRequest and make it return the below, the weather webhook example above is a good one). { "speech": “speech we want to send back”, "displayText": “display text we want to send back, usually matches speech”, "source": "your app name" } # Making our response readable by API.AI and sending it back to the servic response = make_response(res) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return response # End
As long as you can receive and respond to requests like that (or in the equivalent for languages other than Python), your app and API.AI should both understand each other perfectly — what you do in the interim to change the world or make your response is entirely up to you. The main code I have included is a little different from this because it's also designed to be the step in-between Slack and API.AI. However, I have heavily commented sections like like process_food and the database interaction processes, with both explanation and reading sources. Those comments should help you make it your own. If you want to repurpose my program to work within that five-second window, I would forget about the file called app.py and aim to copy whole processes from tasks.py, paste them into a program based on the weatherhook example above, and go from there.
Initially I'd recommend trying GSpread to make some changes to a test spreadsheet. That way you’ll get visible feedback on how well your application is running (you’ll need to go through the authorization steps as they are explained here).
4. Using a database
Databases are pretty easy to set up in Heroku. I chose the Postgres add-on (you just need to authenticate your account with a card; it won’t charge you anything and then you just click to install). In the import section of my code I’ve included links to useful resources which helped me figure out how to get the database up and running — for example, this blog post.
I used the Python library Psycopg2 to interact with the database. To steal some examples of using it in code, have a look at the section entitled “synchronous functions” in either the app.py or tasks.py files. Open_db_connection and close_db_connection do exactly what they say on the tin (open and close the connection with the database). You tell check_database to check a specific column for a specific user and it gives you the value, while update_columns adds a value to specified columns for a certain user record. Where things haven’t worked straightaway, I’ve included links to the pages where I found my solution. One thing to bear in mind is that I’ve used a way of including columns as a variable, which Psycopg2 recommends quite strongly against. I’ve gotten away with it so far because I'm always writing out the specific column names elsewhere — I’m just using that method as a short cut.
5. Processing outside of API.AI’s five-second window
It needs to be said that this step complicates things by no small amount. It also makes it harder to integrate with different applications. Rather than flicking a switch to roll out through API.AI, you have to write the code that interprets authentication and user-specific messages for each platform you're integrating with. What’s more, spoken-only platforms like Google Home and Amazon Alexa don’t allow for this kind of circumvention of the rules — you have to sit within that 5–8 second window, so this method removes those options. The only reasons you should need to take the integration away from API.AI are:
You want to use it to work with a platform that it doesn’t have an integration with. It currently has 14 integrations including Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Slack, and Google Home. It also allows exporting your conversations in an Amazon Alexa-understandable format (Amazon has their own similar interface and a bunch of instructions on how to build a skill — here is an example.
You are processing masses of information. I’m talking really large amounts. Some flight comparison sites have had problems fitting within the timeout limit of these platforms, but if you aren’t trying to process every detail for every flight for the next 12 months and it’s taking more than five seconds, it’s probably going to be easier to make your code more efficient than work outside the window. Even if you are, those same flight comparison sites solved the problem by creating a process that regularly checks their full data set and creates a smaller pool of information that’s more quickly accessible.
You need to send multiple follow-up messages to your user. When using the API.AI integration it’s pretty much call-and-response; you don’t always get access to things like authorization tokens, which are what some messaging platforms require before you can automatically send messages to one of their users.
You're working with another program that can be quite slow, or there are technical limitations to your setup. This one applies to Vietnambot, I used the GSpread library in my application, which is fantastic but can be slow to pull out bigger chunks of data. What’s more, Heroku can take a little while to start up if you’re not paying.
I could have paid or cut out some of the functionality to avoid needing to manage this part of the process, but that would have failed to meet number 4 in our original conditions: It had to be possible to adapt the skeleton of the process for much more complex business cases. If you decide you’d rather use my program within that five-second window, skip back to section 2 of this post. Otherwise, keep reading.
When we break out of the five-second API.AI window, we have to do a couple of things. First thing is to flip the process on its head.
What we were doing before:
User sends message -> API.AI -> our process -> API.AI -> user
What we need to do now:
User sends message -> our process -> API.AI -> our process -> user
Instead of API.AI waiting while we do our processing, we do some processing, wait for API.AI to categorize the message from us, do a bit more processing, then message the user.
The way this applies to Vietnambot is:
User says “I want [food]”
Slack sends a message to my app on Heroku
My app sends a “swift and confident” 200 response to Slack to prevent it from resending the message. To send the response, my process has to shut down, so before it does that, it activates a secondary process using "tasks."
The secondary process takes the query text and sends it to API.AI, then gets back the response.
The secondary process checks our database for a user name. If we don’t have one saved, it sends another request to API.AI, putting it in the “we don’t have a name” context, and sends a message to our user asking for their name. That way, when our user responds with their name, API.AI is already primed to interpret it correctly because we’ve set the right context (see section 1 of this post). API.AI tells us that the latest message is a user name and we save it. When we have both the user name and food (whether we’ve just got it from the database or just saved it to the database), Vietnambot adds the order to our sheet, calculates whether we’ve reached the order minimum for that day, and sends a final success message.
6. Integrating with Slack
This won’t be the same as integrating with other messaging services, but it could give some insight into what might be required elsewhere. Slack has two authorization processes; we’ll call one "challenge" and the other "authentication."
Slack includes instructions for an app lifecycle here, but API.AI actually has excellent instructions for how to set up your app; as a first step, create a simple back-and-forth conversation in API.AI (not your full product), go to integrations, switch on Slack, and run through the steps to set it up. Once that is up and working, you’ll need to change the OAuth URL and the Events URL to be the URL for your app.
Thanks to github user karishay, my app code includes a process for responding to the challenge process (which will tell Slack you’re set up to receive events) and for running through the authentication process, using our established database to save important user tokens. There’s also the option to save them to a Google Sheet if you haven’t got the database established yet. However, be wary of this as anything other than a first step — user tokens give an app a lot of power and have to be guarded carefully.
7. Asynchronous processing
We are running our app using Flask, which is basically a whole bunch of code we can call upon to deal with things like receiving requests for information over the internet. In order to create a secondary worker process I've used Redis and Celery. Redis is our “message broker”; it makes makes a list of everything we want our secondary process to do. Celery runs through that list and makes our worker process do those tasks in sequence. Redis is a note left on the fridge telling you to do your washing and take out the bins, while Celery is the housemate that bangs on your bedroom door, note in hand, and makes you do each thing. I’m sure our worker process doesn’t like Celery very much, but it’s really useful for us.
You can find instructions for adding Redis to your app in Heroku here and you can find advice on setting up Celery in Heroku here. Miguel Grinberg’s Using Celery with Flask blog post is also an excellent resource, but using the exact setup he gives results in a clash with our database, so it's easier to stick with the Heroku version.
Up until this point, we've been calling functions in our main app — anything of the form function_name(argument_1, argument_2, argument_3). Now, by putting “tasks.” in front of our function, we’re saying “don’t do this now — hand it to the secondary process." That’s because we’ve done a few things:
We’ve created tasks.py which is the secondary process. Basically it's just one big, long function that our main code tells to run.
In tasks.py we’ve included Celery in our imports and set our app as celery.Celery(), meaning that when we use “app” later we’re essentially saying “this is part of our Celery jobs list” or rather “tasks.py will only do anything when its flatmate Celery comes banging on the door”
For every time our main process asks for an asynchronous function by writing tasks.any_function_name(), we have created that function in our secondary program just as we would if it were in the same file. However in our secondary program we’ve prefaced with “@app.task”, another way of saying “Do wash_the_dishes when Celery comes banging the door yelling wash_the_dishes(dishes, water, heat, resentment)”.
In our “procfile” (included as a file in my code) we have listed our worker process as --app=tasks.app
All this adds up to the following process:
Main program runs until it hits an asynchronous function
Main program fires off a message to Redis which has a list of work to be done. The main process doesn’t wait, it just runs through everything after it and in our case even shuts down
The Celery part of our worker program goes to Redis and checks for the latest update, it checks what function has been called (because our worker functions are named the same as when our main process called them), it gives our worker all the information to start doing that thing and tells it to get going
Our worker process starts the action it has been told to do, then shuts down.
As with the other topics mentioned here, I’ve included all of this in the code I’ve supplied, along with many of the sources used to gather the information — so feel free to use the processes I have. Also feel free to improve on them; as I said, the value of this investigation was that I am not a coder. Any suggestions for tweaks or improvements to the code are very much welcome.
As I mentioned in the introduction to this post, there's huge opportunity for individuals and organizations to gain ground by creating conversational interactions for the general public. For the vast majority of cases you could be up and running in a few hours to a few days, depending on how complex you want your interactions to be and how comfortable you are with coding languages. There are some stumbling blocks out there, but hopefully this post and my obsessively annotated code can act as templates and signposts to help get you on your way.
Grab my code at GitHub
Bonus #1: The conversational flow for my chat bot
This is by no means necessarily the best or only way to approach this interaction. This is designed to be as streamlined an interaction as possible, but we’re also working within the restrictions of the platform and the time investment necessary to produce this. Common wisdom is to create the flow of your conversation and then keep testing to perfect, so consider this example layout a step in that process. I’d also recommend putting one of these flow charts together before starting — otherwise you could find yourself having to redo a bunch of work to accommodate a better back-and-forth.
Bonus #2: General things I learned putting this together
As I mentioned above, this has been a project of going from complete ignorance of coding to slightly less ignorance. I am not a professional coder, but I found the following things I picked up to be hugely useful while I was starting out.
Comment everything. You’ll probably see my code is bordering on excessive commenting (anything after a # is a comment). While normally I’m sure someone wouldn’t want to include a bunch of Stack Overflow links in their code, I found notes about what things portions of code were trying to do, and where I got the reasoning from, hugely helpful as I tried to wrap my head around it all.
Print everything. In Python, everything within “print()” will be printed out in the app logs (see the commands tip for reading them in Heroku). While printing each action can mean you fill up a logging window terribly quickly (I started using the Heroku add-on LogDNA towards the end and it’s a huge step up in terms of ease of reading and length of history), often the times my app was falling over was because one specific function wasn’t getting what it needed, or because of another stupid typo. Having a semi-constant stream of actions and outputs logged meant I could find the fault much more quickly. My next step would probably be to introduce a way of easily switching on and off the less necessary print functions.
The following commands: Heroku’s how-to documentation for creating an app and adding code is pretty great, but I found myself using these all the time so thought I’d share (all of the below are written in the command line; type cmd in on Windows or by running Terminal on a Mac):
CD “””[file location]””” - select the file your code is in
“git init” - create a git file to add to
“git add .” - add all of the code in your file into the file that git will put online
“git commit -m “[description of what you’re doing]” “ - save the data in your git file
“heroku git:remote -a [the name of your app]” - select your app as where to put the code
“git push heroku master” - send your code to the app you selected
“heroku ps” - find out whether your app is running or crashed
“heroku logs” - apologize to your other half for going totally unresponsive for the last ten minutes and start the process of working through your printouts to see what has gone wrong
POST requests will always wait for a response. Seems really basic — initially I thought that by just sending a POST request and not telling my application to wait for a response I’d be able to basically hot-potato work around and not worry about having to finish what I was doing. That’s not how it works in general, and it’s more of a symbol of my naivete in programming than anything else.
If something is really difficult, it’s very likely you’re doing it wrong. While I made sure to do pretty much all of the actual work myself (to avoid simply farming it out to the very talented individuals at Distilled), I was lucky enough to get some really valuable advice. The piece of advice above was from Dominic Woodman, and I should have listened to it more. The times when I made least progress were when I was trying to use things the way they shouldn’t be used. Even when I broke through those walls, I later found that someone didn’t want me to use it that way because it would completely fail at a later point. Tactical retreat is an option. (At this point, I should mention he wasn’t the only one to give invaluable advice; Austin, Tom, and Duncan of the Distilled R&D team were a huge help.)
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
What Is An Effective Process To Send Out Proposals Without Having To Chase Clients?
In episode 148 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the most effective way to send out proposals without having to chase clients.
The exact question was:
What is an effective process to send out proposals without having to chase them or be used by the prospect to shop other proposals. I feel like I’m in a weak position once I release a proposal.
What Is An Effective Process To Send Out Proposals Without Having To Chase Clients? published first on your-t1-blog-url
0 notes
zeek1991-blog · 7 years
The Anatomy of a $97 Million Page: A CRO Case Study
The Anatomy of a $97 Million Page: A CRO Case Study http://ift.tt/2ynEETQ
Posted by jkuria
In this post, we share a CRO case study from Protalus, one of the fastest-growing footwear companies in the world. They make an insole that corrects the misalignment suffered by roughly 85% of the population. Misalignment is the cause of most back, knee, and foot pain. Back pain alone is estimated to be worth $100 billion a year.
We (with Protalus’ team) increased direct sales by 91% in about 6 months through one-click upsells and CRO.
Based on the direct sales increase, current run-rate revenue, the "Virtuous Cycle of CRO"-fueled growth rate, and revenue multiple for their industry, we estimate this will add about $97 million to the company’s valuation over the next 12–18 months*.
A concrete example of the Virtuous Cycle of CRO: Before we increased the conversion rate and average order value, Google Adwords was not a viable channel. Now it is, opening a whole new floodgate of profitable sales! Ditto for at least two other channels. In part due to our work, Protalus’ annual run-rate revenue has grown by 1,212% in less than a year.
* Protalus’ core product is differentiated, patent protected, and high margin. They also have a strong brand and raving fans. In the Shoes & Apparel category, they're most similar to Lululemon Athletica, which has a 4x plus revenue multiple. While Nike and Under Armor engage in a bloody price war and margin-eroding celebrity endorsements, Lululemon commands significantly higher prices than its peers, without big-name backers! Business gurus Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger often say that the true test of a defensive moat around a business is “Can you raise prices without hurting sales?” Protalus has this in spades. They've raised prices several times while simultaneously increasing units sold — from $39 to $49 to $59 to $69 to $79 to $99 to $119.
One-click upsells: A 21% sales boost
When we do engagements, the first order of business to uncover low-hanging fruit growth opportunities. This accomplishes two things:
It helps the client get an immediate ROI on the engagement
It earns us goodwill and credibility within the company. We then have wide latitude to run the big, bold experiments that produce huge conversion lifts
In Protalus’ case, we determined they were not doing post-purchase one-click upsells. Adding these immediately boosted sales by 21%. Here’s how we did it:
On their main sales landing page, Protalus has an offer where you get $30 off on the second pair of insoles, as well as free expedited shipping for both. About 30% of customers were taking this offer.
For those who didn’t, right after they purchased but BEFORE they got to the "Thank You" page, we presented the offer again, which led to the 21% sales increase.
Done correctly, one-click upsells easily boost sales, as customers do not have to re-enter credit card details. Here’s the best way to do them: The Little Secret that Made McDonalds a $106 Billion Behemoth.
Below is the final upsell page that got the 21% sales increase:
We tested our way to it. The key effective elements are:
1. Including “free upgrade to expedited shipping” in the headline: 145% lift
The original page had it lower in the body copy:
Google Experiments screenshot showing 145% lift
2. Adding celebrity testimonials: 60% lift
Google Experiments screenshot showing a 60% lift
Elisabeth Howard’s (Ms. Senior America) unsolicited endorsement is especially effective because about 60% of Protalus’ customers are female and almost one-third are retired. We uncovered these gems by reviewing all 11,000 (at the time) customers' testimonials.
3. Explaining the reasons why other customers bought additional insoles.
See the three bulleted reasons on the first screenshot (convenience, different models, purchasing for loved ones).
Radical re-design and long-form page: A 58% conversion lift
With the upsells producing positive ROI for the client, we turned to re-designing the main sales page. The new page produced a cumulative lift of 58%, attained in two steps.
[Step 1] 35% lift: Long-form content-rich page
Optimizely screenshot shows 35% lift at 99% statistical significance
Note that even after reaching 99% statistical significance, the lift fluctuated between 33% and 37%, so we'll claim 35%.
[Step 2] 17% lift: Performance improvements
The new page was quite a bit longer, so its "fully loaded" time increased a lot — especially on mobile devices with poor connections. A combination of lazy loading, lossless image shrinking, CSS sprites, and other ninja tactics led to a further 17% lift.
These optimizations reduced the page load time by 40% and shrunk the size by a factor of 4x!
The total cumulative lift was therefore 58% (1.35 x 1.17 = 1.58).
With the earlier 21% sales gain from one-click upsells, that's a 91% sales increase (1.21 x 1.35 x 1.17 = 1.91).
Dissecting the anatomy of the winning page
To determine what vital few elements to change, we surveyed the non-converting visitors. Much of the work in A/B testing is the tedious research required to understand non-converting visitors.
"Give me six hours to chop a tree and I'll spend the first four sharpening the axe." – Abraham Lincoln
All CRO practitioners would do well to learn from good, ol’ honest Abe! We used Mouseflow’s feedback feature to survey bouncing visitors from the main landing page and the check-out page. The top objection themes were:
Price is too high/product too expensive
Not sure it will work (because others didn’t work before)
Not sure it will work for my specific condition
Difficulty in using website
We then came up with specific counter-objections for each: A landing page is a “salesmanship in digital print,” so many of the techniques that work in face-to-face selling also apply.
On a landing page, though, you must overcorrect because you lack the back- and-forth conversation in a live selling situation. Below is the list of key elements on the winning page.
1. Price is too high/product is too expensive
This was by far the biggest objection, cited by over 50% of all respondents. Thus, we spent a disproportionate amount of effort and page real estate on it.
Protalus’ insoles cost $79, whereas Dr. Scholls (the 100-year-old brand) cost less than $10. When asked what other products they considered, customers frequently said Dr. Scholls.
Coupled with this, nearly one-third of customers are retired and living on a fixed income.
“I ain’t gonna pay no stinkin' $79! They cost more than my shoes,” one visitor remarked.
To overcome the price objection, we did a couple of things.
Articulated the core value proposition and attacked the price from the top
When prospects complain about price it simply means that they do not understand or appreciate the the product’s value proposition. They are seeing this:
The product’s cost exceeds the perceived value
To effectively deal with price, you must tilt the scale so that it looks like this instead:
The perceived value exceeds cost
While the sub-$10 Dr. Scholls was the reference point for many, we also learned that some customers had tried custom orthotics ($600 to $3,000) and Protalus’ insoles compared favorably.
We therefore decided our core value proposition would be:
“Avoid paying $600 for custom orthotics. Protalus insoles are almost as effective but cost 87% less.”
...forcing the $600 reference point, instead of the $10 for Dr. Scholls. In the conversion rate heuristic we use, the value proposition is the single biggest lever.
We explained all this from a "neutral" educational standpoint (rather than a salesy one) in three steps:
1. First, we use “market data” to explain the cause of most pain and establish that custom orthotics are more effective than over-the-counter insoles. Market data is always more compelling than product data, so you should lead with it.
2. Next, like a good trial lawyer, we show why Protalus insoles are similar to custom orthotics but cost 87% less:
3. Finally, we deal with the "elephant in the room" and explain how Protalus insoles are fundamentally different from Dr. Scholls:
We also used several verbatim customer testimonials to reinforce this point:
Whenever possible, let others do your bragging!
Attacked price from the bottom
Here, we used a technique known as “break the price down to the ridiculous.” $79 is just 44 cents per day, less than a K-cup of coffee — which most people consume once or twice a day! This makes the price more palatable.
Used the quality argument
The quality technique is from Zig Ziglar’s Sales Training. You say to a prospect:
“Many years ago, our company/founder/founding team made a basic decision. We decided it would be easier to use the highest quality materials and explain price one time than it would be to apologize for low quality forever. When you use the product/service, you’ll be glad we made that decision."
It's especially effective if the company has a well-known "maker" founder (like Yvon Chouinardat at Patagonia). It doesn’t work as well for MBAs or suits, much as we need them!
Protalus’ founder Chris Buck designed the insoles and has a cult-like following, so it works for him.
Dire outcomes of not taking action
Here we talked about the dire outcomes if you do not get the insoles; for example, surgery, doctors’ bills, and lost productivity at work! Many customers work on their feet all day (nurses, steelworkers, etc.) so this last point is highly relevant.
Microsoft employed this technique successfully against Linux in the early 2000s. While Linux was free, the "Total Cost of Ownership" for not getting Windows was much higher when you considered support, frequent bugs, less accountability, fewer feature updates, and so on.
2. Not sure the product will work
For this objection, we did the following:
Used Dr. Romansky
We prominently featured Dr. Romansky, Protalus’ resident podiatrist. A consultant to the US Men’s and Women’s soccer teams and the Philadephia Phillies baseball team, he has serious credibility.
The "educational" part of the landing page (above the fold) is done in "his voice." Before, only his name appeared on a rarely visited page. This is an example of a "hidden wealth" opportunity!
Used celebrity testimonials on the main landing page
Back in 1997, a sports writer asked Phil Knight (Nike’s founder): “Is there no better way for you to spend $100 million?”
You see, Knight had just paid that staggering sum to a young Tiger Woods — and it seemed extravagant!
Knight’s answer? An emphatic “No!” That $100 million would generate several billion dollars in sales for Nike over the next decade!
Celebrity testimonials work. Period.
Since our celebrity endorsements increased the one-click upsell take-rate by 60%, we also used them on the main page:
Used expert reviews
We solicited and included expert reviews from industry and medical professionals. Below are two of the four we used:
These also helped address the price concern because some site visitors had expressed discomfort paying so much for an over-the-counter product without doctor recommendation.
3. Not sure the product will work for me
This is different from “Not sure the product will work” and needs to be treated separately. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it is that everyone thinks their situation is one-in-a-million unique!
We listed all the conditions that Protalus insoles address, as well as those they do not.
In addition, we clearly stated that the product does not work for 15% of the population.
By conspicuously admitting this (NOT just in the fine print section!) you are more credible. This is expressed in the Prospect’s Protest as:
“First tell me what your product CANNOT do and I might believe you when you tell me what it can do!”
4. Difficulty in using the site
Several visitors reported difficulty using the site, so we used Mouseflow’s powerful features to detect and fix usability issues.
Interestingly, the visitor session recordings confirmed that price was a big issue as we could clearly see prospects navigate to the price, stare incredulously, and then leave!
Accentuate the customers’ reasons for buying
Most of the opportunity in CRO is in the non-converting visitors (often over 90%), but understanding converting ones can yield crucial insights.*
For Protalus, the top reasons for buying were:
Desperation/too much leg, knee, or back pain/willing to try anything (This is the 4M, for "motivation," in the strategic formula we use)
The testimonials were persuasive
Video was convincing
On the last point, the Mouseflow heatmaps showed that those who watched the video bought at a much higher rate, yet few watched it.
We therefore placed the video higher above the fold, used an arrow to draw attention, and inserted a sub-headline:
A million-dollar question we ask buyers is:
“Was there any reason you ALMOST DID NOT buy?”
Devised by Cambridge-educated Dr. Karl Blanks, who coined the term “conversion rate optimization” in 2006, this question earned him a knighthood from the Queen of England! Thanks, Sir Karl!
It's a great question because its answer is usually the reason many others didn’t buy. For every person who almost didn’t buy for reason X, I guarantee at least three others did not buy!
Given the low response rates when surveying non-converting visitors, this question helps get additional intelligence. In our case, price came up again.
*Sometimes the customers’ reasons for buying will surprise you. One of our past clients is in the e-cigarette/vaping business and a common reason cited by men for vaping was “to quit smoking because of my young daughter.” They almost never said “child” or “son”! Armed with this knowledge, we converted a whole new segment of smokers who had not considered vaping.
Speed testimonials
One of the most frequently asked questions was "How soon can I expect relief?" While Protalus addressed this in their Q&A section, we included conspicuous “speed testimonials” on the main page:
For someone in excruciating pain, the promise of fast relief is persuasive!
Patent protection exclusivity & social proof
Many of Protalus’ site visitors are older and still prefer to buy in physical stores, as we learned from our survey. They may like the product, but then think “I’ll buy them at the store.” We clarified that the product is only available on Protalus’ site.
Mentioning the patent-protection added exclusivity, one of the two required elements for a compelling value proposition.
At its core, landing page optimization isn’t about optimizing pages. A page just happens to be the medium used to optimize thought sequences in the prospect’s mind.
Dr. Flint likes to say, “The geography of the page determines the chronology of thought sequences in the prospect’s mind.” As shown above, we repeated the social proof elements at the point of purchase.
Tying it all together
After systematically addressing each objection and adding various appeal elements, we strung them all in the cohesive long-form page below.
We start with a powerful headline and Elisabeth’s story because it's both intriguing and relevant to Protalus’ audience, which skews female and over 55. The only goal of a headline is to get visitors to read what comes next — NOT to sell.
The product’s price is not mentioned until we have told a compelling story, educated visitors and engaged them emotionally.
Note that the winning page is several times longer than the control. There is a mistaken belief that you “just need to get to the point” because people won’t read long pages. In fact, a previous consultant told Protalus that their sales were low because the “buy button” wasn’t high enough on the page. :-)
Nothing could be further from the truth. For a high-priced product, you must articulate a compelling value proposition before you sell!
But also note the page is "as long as necessary, but as short as possible." Buy buttons are sprinkled liberally after the initial third of the page so that those who are convinced needn’t "sit through the entire presentation."
We’d like to thank team Protalus for giving us wide latitude to conduct bold experiments and for allowing us to publish this. Their entrepreneurial culture has been refreshing. We are most grateful to Don Vasquez, their forward-thinking CMO (and minority owner), for trusting the process and standing by us when the first test caused some revenue loss.
Thanks to Hayk Saakian, Nick Jordan, Yin-so Chen, and Jon Powell for reading drafts of this piece.
Free CRO audit
I can’t stress this enough: CRO is hard work. We spent countless hours on market research, studied visitor behavior, and reviewed tens of thousands of customer comments before we ran a single A/B test. We also solicited additional testimonials from industry experts and doctors. There is no magical silver bullet — just lots of little lead ones!
Results like this don’t happen by accident. If you are unhappy with your current conversion rate for sales, leads or app downloads, first, we encourage you to review the tried-and-true strategic formula. Next, we would like to offer Moz readers a free CRO audit. We’ll also throw in a free SEO (Search Engine Optimization) review. While we specialize in CRO, we’ve partnered with one of the best SEO firms due to client demand. Lastly, we are hiring. Review the roles and reasons why you should come work for us!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
How Do You Check The Stats For People That Click On The Video Tab In Search?
In episode 148 of the weekly Hump Day Hangouts by Semantic Mastery, one viewer asked how to find out the stats for people that click on the video tab in search.
The exact question was:
We have a potential client asking what the stats are for people that click on the video tab in search. Their comment was “”I don’t know anyone who searches the video tab for anything other than how to do something.”” They are only worried about organic rankings, which eventually can happen with a video but not always that quickly.
We’ve tried to find info on stats for the video tab, but nothing really comes up. Does anyone have any insight on this? Maybe a good way to answer this question?
How Do You Check The Stats For People That Click On The Video Tab In Search? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Is It Ok To Link To A Related Article And The Top Page In The Same Post?
In episode 148 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked whether it was advisable to link to a related article and the top page in the same blog post.
The exact question was:
A few weeks ago you guys advised to include some variation in simple silos, and link to other articles in the category rather than the top page all the time. My question is, can I link to both a related article and the top page in a post? Or should I stick to one link?
Is It Ok To Link To A Related Article And The Top Page In The Same Post? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
How Important Are Hyper Local Citations?
In the 148th episode of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked about the importance of hyper local citations.
The exact question was:
How important are hyper local citations? I mean the ones where there’s a bit of effort to go through to get them, like calling the company, getting papers ready, waiting a while, and all that. These are mostly newspapers and tourist directories, so they have no online registration. Is the result worth the effort, or should I be satisfied with the regular, quicker citations that I get from BrightLocal?
How Important Are Hyper Local Citations? published first on your-t1-blog-url
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