zeetheus · 2 years
happy 5 years since i was banned on quixol for being queer
i dont search quixol on tumblr, but its been some time. i have moved on. i dont make friends anymore. i dont trust people anymore. i dont even play minecraft much anymore, except on a small friend server with some of the queer ex-quixol players
quixol is dead! mixed feelings. it was nice until the day i called my ocs queer in public chat, and got a condescending message about using the word “queer” on other people from someone on staff. similar stories from a lot of my ex-quixol friends
damn, i wonder if my queerplatonic ocs are okay with being called queer...
someone contacted me on twitter about old dirt that vivian was a pedophile. not sure if i believe it considering that vivian and the staff called my friend a pedophile over a few non-sexual joke homestuck posts. the callout on vivian was never made, and i was never told any incriminating details, so i'll leave it alone
apparently one or more toxic ex-mods - blake probably among them - were the ones pushing for my ban, and digging through my social media for incriminating content. doesnt really change the fact that the other mods were following along, arguing with my friends, and changing the server message to try and drag me about the tweet i made that called acephobes homonormative
i’ve been bullied for a lot of my life. it’s weird to get out of highschool and think that it’s over, only for a bunch of ND LGBT+ folks that you trusted to pull the same stunts, and act justified about it. i guess no one and nowhere is safe? i guess it’s not worth trusting people anymore
i was banned on december 5th 2017. blake was a mod until sometime around november 2018. better late than never i guess! perhaps the admins were doomed from the start, if it took them that long to take action against one toxic staff member
vivian and bean each separately made apologetic posts that i found in the quixol search. i appreciate the posts for what they are worth. please be kinder in the future
i’m still on tumblr under a different account that i’ll never reveal here. i abandoned this account because i became paranoid that someone would dig through my posts to try and harass me again, but i didnt have it in my heart to delete this blog or throw out my url, so i just left it and made a whole new account
i generally don’t use the name zeetheus anywhere anymore. i dont link any of my social media anymore. i go by different names on different sites. because being too easily identifiable as zeetheus is part of what got me banned, and what would continue to give me anxiety for years afterward
i would feel crushed and afraid and want nothing more than to delete and remake over and over again, until i realized what i was actually anxious about
i hope someday that i wont be as paranoid
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zeetheus · 3 years
tumblr, wordpress, whomst ever the fuck owns you now. just.
just drop the nsfw ban.
and instead of having a slowly withering microblogging platform; have posts+ and free hole posting again; you will just take over onlyfans niche. but you do have to actually commit to dropping the nsfw ban and like, moderating your content instead of just filtering recklessly :) and probably lose mobile distribution. So you’ll never do it even though it would almost Certainly make more money than whatever’s going on trying to capture more of the mobile market.
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zeetheus · 3 years
Love that this means I'm blogging pro bono. Volunteer blogger. Proletariat blogger. A blogger of the people.
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zeetheus · 3 years
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zeetheus · 3 years
people who have been on this site for 5-10 consecutive years should get an award or something…we’re all mindlessly blogging on this dead website for FREE
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zeetheus · 3 years
m/f ships are fun actually you guys just think m/f means cishet white and misogynistic
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zeetheus · 3 years
remember how tumblr realized that people could just inspect the page and download mp3s from audio posts and instead of actually doing something about it they coded something along the lines of “please dont download this our lawyers are crying :(” into the html of the site. anyways yeah let’s all give them our credit card information
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zeetheus · 3 years
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zeetheus · 3 years
im so excited for post+ we haven’t had a poorly thought out and embarrassingly implemented feature in so long it’ll be like a birthday
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zeetheus · 3 years
Isn’t this literally the exact thing we exiled tumblr user pizza for years ago.
like the fabric of the internet has changed enough since then that some people will actually use it but I would not touch this feature with a ten foot pole
if they gave us porn back I would THINK about it but there is no other possible scenario that would make me feel anything but disgust about this
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zeetheus · 3 years
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zeetheus · 3 years
this tumblr post plus thing is really interesting to me because it's such a mess. tumblr hasn't done an official announcement on their blogs (as of me typing this at least) but did an article with theverge.com with this graphic that i reversed image search and could only find it on that article, and another website reporting about that article, so i'm assuming tumblr provided them with it. interesting way to announce this.
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the way they present this is like an alternative to patreon, which is interesting seeing as tumblr scared a lot of artists and sex workers off the site with the NSFW ban and during the training of the automatic filter being really aggressive initially, even many non NSFW artists jumped ship. if this shipped 4~ years ago i could see this actually being used like patreon for people who started out and built their brand on tumblr. but, well, it's way too late and since tumblr is really inconsistent with its moderation of nsfw content it's not going to attract nsfw artists or sex workers, and at that point you would just use patreon anyway.
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the 5% fee that tumblr takes is a reasonable cut, but the 30% cut from people who subscribe on mobile is insane for a subscription service, how clear will it be that a subscription from a mobile user would be less than a subscription from a pc user? how many mobile only users are there, how many use both? if the majority of app users are only using tumblr on mobile then it's still money from users who wouldn't be able to pay otherwise, but i am certain many tumblr users who use the pc version also use the app, and i wonder how much money would be lost to the app stores from an honest mistake of people using the app instead of the pc version.
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i think many of us are expecting this to fail anyway so the previous point is moot, a few companies have failed to make tumblr profitable, and activity is very clearly on the decline. it makes sense that tumblr is less active now than this time last year considering lockdowns last year, but it's interesting to see how much it's declined since 2012 but it should be obvious just looking at note counts of popular posts over the years. also interesting little fact, a little under half the users so 40%-50% of users are gen z. i imagine many are people who were here during the peak of tumblr's popularity.
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zeetheus · 3 years
I think people need to stop viewing the line between age 17 and 18 as this hard and fast line between "little innocent baby child who knows nothing of the world" and "worldly, scary adult out to get you" because it leads to things like a 25 year old woman on this website leaving me a message that says "You pissed me off, enjoy your FUNERAL!" and then angrily telling me "You're a literal ADULT who's MY AGE pissing me off online!" (almost her exact wording) when I call her weird for doing that. Anyway long story short this website is so entrenched in viewing minors as Innocent Frightened Lambs and adults as Malicious Fully-Aware Hags that you get takes like "I might be seven years older than you, but you're somehow closer to my age than teenagehood because you're no longer 17"
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zeetheus · 3 years
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this is really not going to be good huh.
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zeetheus · 3 years
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Fluffy sea pancakes
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zeetheus · 3 years
I don’t think it’s indicative of anything meaningful, but it is sort of fascinating how frequently we assume certain experiences are culture/demographic-specific when there’s no reason it would be, you just naturally assumed your ethnicity was the only one saving grocery bags, that women don’t know what it’s like to imagine single handedly stopping an imaginary robbery while waiting in line, that northerners don’t know about dipping fries in a Wendy’s milkshake. Even when shown evidence to the contrary, you’ll see people dig their heels in further for what are mostly benign, simple, or non-issues, insisting no you’re wrong, my group must have taught you that, or no no we do a special way, nothing like your kind, it’s totally different, as if this is a stronghold and you lose ground if you accept that this is probably just a thing people do.
It’s rarely a big deal but I always find it funny how much people will resist the idea that we’re all more alike then we are different
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zeetheus · 3 years
i hate when black people point out anti-blackness in anime and white fans jump to be like "the japanese don't know any better!!!" uhhh yeah they do! they got black people over there and there's no excuse for drawing black characters like blackface caricatures or just straight up not having any in a show where there are lots of non-japanese characters.
theres no reason to infantalize a whole country to justify racism... that's really doubling down on the racism.
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