zenikkkkk · 6 years
i just DM’d the winner of the giveaway! thanks to everyone who entered!
canon url up for grabs yo
hey! ive been sitting on this url for a long time and still havent used it. in the last month or so the number of messages ive gotten regarding this url have skyrocketed and so ive decided to randomly select a user to get the url @zenik
everyone who likes this post before July 14th will automatically be entered in the url giveaway
my main is @lizardradio if yall have questions or whatever
if youve sent me a message abt this url in the past i apologize for not getting back to you! the number of messages i get abt this url is very high and i am very busy offline!
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zenikkkkk · 6 years
hey sorry if uve been asked this already but how soon are u planning on picking a winner for the @zenik giveaway after it ends?
i’m using a random name picker! at the end of the day today (at 7 or 8 pm CDT) i’ll pick one, so theres a few more hours to enter.
(here’s what the site looks like, if ur curious:)
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zenikkkkk · 6 years
canon url up for grabs yo
hey! ive been sitting on this url for a long time and still havent used it. in the last month or so the number of messages ive gotten regarding this url have skyrocketed and so ive decided to randomly select a user to get the url @zenik
everyone who likes this post before July 14th will automatically be entered in the url giveaway
my main is @lizardradio if yall have questions or whatever
if youve sent me a message abt this url in the past i apologize for not getting back to you! the number of messages i get abt this url is very high and i am very busy offline!
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