zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. IDEN
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“no, not really,” iden answered with an honest shrug of her shoulders. that and she’d been a little too friendly to her –– most in the resistance were quite adept at spotting with members of the first order and meeting them with quite a bit of attitude. “or maybe it’s the fact you’re treating my like a human.” no matter where morality really fell, the aggressiveness between each side was undoubtable. it was hard to see the humanity in an enemy and still commit. “yeah. kind of a part of the job these days. coruscant has made everything different.”
❝ that’s what you are, aren’t you? ❞ zen asked, somewhat dumbfounded at the other’s words. did the first order not treat their own like humans? that wasn’t the best business model to retain allegiances, but... whatever worked for them she supposed. but if anyone asked her, zen would say that she thought the resistance seemed to have a grip on their people in a good way of course. they weren’t expected to act like drones that were hardwired to just patrol. then again, her only tie to the resistance was luke. ❝ you from around here? doesn’t sound like it... i know a lot of people aren’t. ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
Nessa’s smile was positively sleazy, despite the fact her rather large ego had taken a bruise. “I find it’s easier to get people to leave on their own accord when they’re uncomfortable,” she said with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. “Makes my job easier. Less paperwork, y’know?” She turned on her heel to face the dilapidated archive and strode towards it. Her back turned to the girl; she hardly felt threatened at all. At that moment, all she cared about lay beyond the heavy doors. “That was a cue for you to take your leave, by the way,” Nessa yelled over her shoulder. In a quieter voice, she added, “Trust me, you don’t want to be caught in here.” She pushed on the doors, finding them to be surprisingly solid for their age and state. They would not give.
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curiosity got the best of her as always. while the day was tiring as hell and her bed sounded like the perfect place right now, she couldn’t help but wonder just what this woman was on about.eyes trailed along - - zen grinning to herself when she couldn’t open those dusty doors ahead of her. ❝ need come help there?❞ she called back to her in a teasing manner. zen was unaware of just where they were and the secrets it might’ve held, but her focus was on giving the other a bit more of a headache before she went back home to her small flat above a tavern. walking languidly to her side, she looked over at the older woman. ❝ what’s behind those doors then? seem pretty eager- ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&.  LUKE
“i don’t know, you make me blush plenty of times, zen, you just make me do it purposefully, like a weapon,” he tells her, feeling that telltale reddening still on his face, and hating every second of it. he wishes he were better at talking like this, he wishes he had more of a poker face, but he already knows, from multiple games with han, just how bad he is at bluffing. “don’t go thinking i’ve got a crush on you too, okay.” that would just be disastrous. he covers his lips with his hand for a moment, glancing only minutely at her smirk and trying to force himself not to smile back at her– which is impossible to say the least, even under his frustration, until she brings up eisley’s job. his stomach flips. “she’s not an assistant, no.” the word slave rattles around in his head. “not exactly. but she does work for a senator.” he pins his eyes down on the floor. “the guy’s a jerk, and in league with the first order, but she’s devoted to him i guess, so. it’s complicated.”
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her grin just kept growing and growing the more he rambled on and dug himself deeper. at his comment, her brows arched - - amusement splayed across her face and only wanting to prod at him some more. ❝ too? you do like her, don’t you- ❞ zen taunted, before that look of absolute glee graced her features as he covered his mouth. ❝ or you’re in love with me and you’re hiding it. that’s gotta be it- ❞ she chuckled, though she knew it wasn’t like that between them. however, she was close enough to luke that she knew when he was trying to cover up a crush. it was endearing. the way he talked about her job though was a bit of a different energy that before. he was... concerned for the girl? was she in trouble? ❝ what? is she like... seeing her master or something? ❞ zen asked, curious about this ‘’devotion’ aspect of it. ❝ you chasin’ after girls who are already taken, luke? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
Aruzo knew what he was doing. This girl was smarter than she looked too, so he figured that he would have no issue drawing up an equally beneficial agreement with her. He was offer her protection from himself and supply her with names previous captures whose markets she could take, and she would give him more names to ensnare. Credits in both of their pockets. He took the seat across from her, a grin stretching on his lips at her look of worry. “Eager, are you? Calm down, kid. It’ll be over and done soon enough.” He waved down the bartender to give him his usual. “So, how many of these syndicate members do you know?” 
zen sighed, unwilling to take this as slow as he seemed to want it. however, she had to admit that she was more calm than she had been with him the first time they’d met. it was clear to see why she originally thought that aruzo would instantly arrest her, so this deal still had her on edge. zenith watched as the bartender came to deliver the drink - - the girl leaning back against the booth. ❝ i don’t work with those. i work with a different organization, ❞ she admitted - - not knowing the backgrounds of her bosses who very much were entangled with the syndicate. ❝ i’m sure i could find connections though. ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. IDEN
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everyone wanted to know what side someone was on these days –– it was a safety thing just as much as it was anyone else. people had to be careful not to say the right or wrong thing in front of a member of the first order or resistance just as much as they did the coruscanti police force. the bodies differed on what exactly they did in response, but… “the first order.” i think. her allegiance was shaken to its core, barely there, just scraping by. “but luckily for you, i can tell pretty easily that you’re not with the resistance.” the others guys. she didn’t fit the profile.
the first order? she kind of seemed like the type, but from zen’s experience, they were a bit more rough than iden was. less understanding. maybe this was her one exception though. zen knew that she had to still be careful despite her somewhat kind, concerned words. ❝ what? i don’t look scrappy enough? ❞ she grinned, though she appreciated that she didn’t fit the profile of a resistance member. given how much she hung around luke, she would’ve expected to conform a bit despite her determination not to. ❝ speaking of - - that why you’re out here? sniffing out those people? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
So she’s a smuggler. Nessa watched the transaction go down with curious eyes, an amused chuckle escaping her lips. Everyone had to make a living in some way. She glanced over her shoulder into the archives. Well, if the girl was busy doing that… Nessa slithered into the shadows, hoping she’d go unnoticed. She should have known that wouldn’t have happened. No sooner did she turn her back, a gruff voice call out for her. She turned, a charming grin on her face. “Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just…” she looked over to the girl. “Her sister. Also, the muscles of this operation. And the brains… and the looks. Really, I’m just the whole package.” She strutted over to the girl and slung her arm around her shoulders. “Isn’t that right, sis?” Nessa beamed at the hatchet-faced criminal in front of them. “Anyway, if you could just move it along, that’d be great.”
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kriff, why didn’t this woman just leave? zen glanced back at her who was now putting on a front as... her sister? she could’ve laughed, but zenith went along with it for both their sakes. ❝ not much of the brains... or the looks, but she gets worried about me. ❞ she explained to the main before looking back to the woman. ❝ don’t you, sis? ❞ she asked with a small smirk. and soon enough she was walking over - - slinging her arm around her shoulder which made zenith feel... unnerved in a sense? this was a complete stranger after all. one that was armed at that. the man huffed and moved along - - back to the exit and zen’s eyes followed just to be sure he had really left. after all, what motive would he have to stay? she soon pulled away from the other with a scoff. ❝ and what the hell was that? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
Nessa watched the other carefully. One sudden movement and that would be it. All her years in the first order and she had never hurt a civilian before. Most of the time she could simply talk her way out of trouble or use a simple mind trick if necessary. She had a creeping suspicion that would not be the case. Nessa tensed, her senses heightened. “A friend, huh? In this pile of bantha fodder? Just meet them in a park,” she snarked. Maybe it wasn’t a trap, but more people coming wasn’t exactly ideal. “Of course I am. I just love my fellow brother and yadda, yadda, yadda…” She rolled her eyes. “No, I’m not a kriffing Jedi, and now if you wouldn’t mind–” The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Heavy bootsteps reverberated down the empty corridors, echoing louder than thunder. There must have been a small squad. “Friends of yours, I take it?”
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zen wished that they could do this shit in a park. she would prefer it, honestly. being in isolated places with strangers was always suspicious and nerve wracking, but that was something that she always had to conceal. always putting on a stoic, brave face to just do her damned job. ❝ alright, and i’m supposed to think you got lost on the way to a bar? alright- ❞ zen scoffed - - the echoes of footsteps making her turn her head to notice a person who did fit the description her boss gave her. kriff, she really didn’t want to do this here. not in front of this woman who would automatically know what sector of work zen did. ❝ yeah, a friend, ❞ zen noted. but there weren’t many options on the table and zen soon turned to go to the figure to complete a quick transaction - - the person sinking the product that zen handed off to them and zen doing the same with the credits in return. 
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. LUKE
“no, i don’t just wait around for her to– that makes me sound like such a creep, zen, please,” he insists, still attempting to hide his face and his feelings from her. zen is a good friend, when she wants to be, caring and vibrant and oftentimes handy at getting him out of his occasional funks, but she is also persistent and pushy and much more interested in all the chaotic things than he has the capacity to deal with all at once. luke has trials and tribulations of his own, he can’t always let himself get carried away by her. “i can’t be happy to see my friend? my face lights up whenever i talk to ben, too, are you going to get ideas about that as well?” he nudges her on the shoulder. “eisley is just sweet and she’s fun to talk to and…” he forces himself to breathe. “she works for one of the government officials, and i have to go there sometimes for diplomatic stuff with leia.”
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zen rolled her eyes though a grin remained on her lips. she knew luke well enough to know when he was lying. besides, he was kind of a bad liar anyway. sitting up a bit more, she stared straight into those starry eyes of his and leaned forward as to get her point across. ❝ i’ve see you around your friends. that? you don’t get that look on your face for just anyone. do you blush like that around ben too? ❞ zen smirked, leaning back once again so he could try to argue against her once again. it was cute how he tried to defend himself, but zenish knew a little infatuation when she saw one. but... the more he spoke, the more she felt a bit bad for him. works for someone in the government? that had to be dangerous... regardless of what side they were on. ❝ what, she’s like an assistant or something? seems a bit young for that stuff, isn’t she? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. POE
poe know it felt like to be left behind. it had been different for him, in many ways but. he understood her anger and… why she was upset. he knew he couldn’t fix it, that food wouldn’t make up for it. but rekindling… some sort of friendship. if she wanted to, of course. “fine, you deserve something expensive, i’ll even buy you a drink now, legally and everything.” he joked some, leading her along with him
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one drink wasn’t enough to get her to forgive him, but it did sound nice. she remembered how she would constantly ask poe to go and buy her a few bottles or let her have a sip from his drink but he was always somewhat careful with zen. it was nice to have him be protective of her, but annoying. now, she wasn’t limited. besides, he owed her. ❝ just one? ❞ she asked, following along behind him to wherever he was planning on leading her. 
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zenithcastor · 4 years
If she made it out of this alive, she was going to rip Mara a new one. So much for being abandoned. As far as she could tell, the woman was no jedi. The force didn’t seem to dig its invisible talons into her; nor did she hold herself as if she were holier-than-thou. If anything, anxiety radiated off of her in waves, so palpable that Nessa could feel it herself. Nevertheless, this was no place for her to relax. She stayed as stiff as a board, the outline of her lightsaber hilt painfully obvious underneath her jacket. For all she knew, the woman was bait and Nessa had very willingly stepped into a trap. “Nevermind that,” she bat the question away like it was a pesky bug. “What are you doing here? You’re no jedi. This place an be dangerous to those who don’t know any better.” Nessa gestured around at their decrepit surroundings if only to search for an exit or a sign this situation was going to go south.
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she had a small dagger in her belt, but that was it. it was nothing compared to the other weapons that some of the people around here had... from blasters to scathes to those light sabers that looked so incredibly spectacular. but her dagger was just needed for it things went badly. luckily, she barely used it, but tonight might be different. fingers ghosted the handle of it just above her her coat to be sure it was there before she shrugged a shoulder at the other’s question. ❝ meeting a friend. ❞ it sounded suspicious. but at least this way, the stranger knew that people knew zenith was there. ❝ not a jedi, no... you’re not one either, are you? ❞ she really wasn’t in the mood to converse. this was supposed to be a quick trade - - in and out. and the more they spoke, the more zen was sure that this wasn’t her client. ❝ so... you’re not here for anything in particular then. interesting. just lost on the way to a drink. ❞ zen mocked. 
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. IDEN
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her eyebrows raised at the younger woman’s response, a slight huff of air pushing out of her and shaking her head in disapproval. no, it definitely wasn’t, and especially not in the current political climate that they were living out. it was hard to tell if she was just reckless or careless with her own wellbeing. the two often seemed to exist hand in hand. her lips pursed for just a brief moment. “you’re right, it’s not fair,” she brushed by the motherly bit, thoughts drifting to the young woman she’d met: zay. “it is the way it is, though. better to be safe than sorry.”
her bosses were different than this woman. as much as she hated to admit it, her bosses were actually the closest things she had to parental figured... not that they particularly cared if she got hurt. as long as they got their money, zen was somewhat under their care. ‘their care’ being a decent pay that put a roof over her head and food on the table. but this? this whole... concern from a stranger? it was odd. ❝ anyway... i’ll take it that you’re on some kinda patrol. might be better people to chase than a few kids... ❞ zen tried to change the subject, hoping the other would take the bait. ❝ work for the first order? or... the other guys? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
Honestly, this didn’t even come close to the stupidest thing she’s ever done. Off the bat she could think of at least ten other situations she shouldn’t have put herself in. The only difference was, in those instances, she hadn’t been utterly alone. Nessa shuddered, how is it so cold in here? The abandoned Jedi temple had the air of a crypt and the building itself was a maze. Nessa was certain she had passed the same crumbling, headless statue three times. Still, even as paranoid as she’d ever been, she pushed on towards the archive. Her persistence rewarded her; in a few minutes she was met with a set of double doors pox-marked with old blaster hits. She took a deep breath and pushed them open. Only problem was, she hadn’t expected to meet another set of eyes on the other side. “Well, I’ll be damned. This isn’t the way to the cantina.”
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why her boss’ client wanted to meet in such a place, zen didn’t know. it was stupid. reckless even, but it wasn’t her place to argue with business parters. the girl was just there to do her job and leave without getting seen. she was rather good at that - - evading and going on about her business without getting noticed... maybe that was pitiful, but zenith didn’t think much of it. it was supposed to be abandoned anyway, so the smuggler was feeling slightly better about the whole ordeal. nevertheless, she’d heard about the people who still used it to train... jedi were a whole new thing to her, but she never cared enough to learn about them. but if this place was supposed to be abandoned, why did she hear footsteps? zen froze - - heart feeling like it had just sunk to her stomach before she finally saw the person in question. another woman... that was slightly better at least. however her feigned cluelessness wasn’t comforting. ❝ you’re a bad liar but i’ll play along. here for something? ❞ she asked, hoping this was her client in question. 
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. IDEN
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she should let this go. there was a part of her that revolved at the idea –– the piece that had been loyal to the empire as far as she could remember, that had dedicated her entire life to the cause and fully believed in what she was fighting for. but all of that had been so unclear lately… and now with the third party of this apparent syndicate, it only added another layer than lacked any clarity. “you should really find better meeting spots with your friends,” she remarked with a softened smile. “am i? –– i’m not really the mom type. i think it’s usually just common sense to not hang around the streets after dark as a woman.”
if she was caught now, that’d be it. that would be the end of zen. but something about the woman’s demeanor made her think that maybe she wasn’t out to arrest her or anything... was this stranger actually concerned for her? just out of the goodness of her heart? zen was a bit stunned still... strange. she’d never really had a mother, so any form of concern aimed towards her was still foreign. ❝ it’s a good of a place as any, ❞ zen shrugged,  a small grin appearing as the other questioned her previous comment about being motherly and whatnot. ❝ i think you are... and i guess the streets are worse at night, but it’s unfair that i have to be locked away while only the men can be out late. ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
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blowing out a short, defeated little raspberry, kitty was disappointed to be there early. okay, fine, that was responsible, but more time in bed is more time in bed. smiling at the other anyway, kitty shrugged. “mm. that’s alright. i’m getting a shipment in. it’s… pedestrian, you know, nothin’ exciting. sooner it’s here, though, sooner i can open it.”
watching the other for a moment, kitty gave a friendly – though interested – look. “you waitin’ for much?”
❝ pedestrian? ❞ she questioned, shrugging a shoulder shortly after. the other woman seemed nice... light and happy and even slightly unbothered by all the garbage happening in the planet though zen knew that it was impossible to ignore. everyone had their issues though. ❝ oh, not much... friend’s late though, so... ❞ she sighed, looking over at the other. ❝ think i’ve been stood up, it’s been a bit... ❞ and kriff was being stood up embarrassing as anything. that was a business relationship that would be marked down, that was for sure. ❝ you own that place though? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
“Yeah… I would come here a lot actually. I used to fly cargo ships for the- for a big group.” Bodhi stopped himself from saying The Empire. He didn’t know this woman that well and, even though she seemed nice, he wasn’t sure how she’d feel knowing that he had once worked for Darth Vader. “It still has the same feeling, if that makes sense…” He added, looking around once more. “I… thank you. You said something about holovids right? Are you familiar with any of them?” 
the big group. huh. zen shrugged a shoulder, not thinking too much into it. maybe he was with a shipping fleet, or maybe he was in the same line of business as she was... now that would be interesting. ❝ holovids? oh, yeah. are you looking for a specific one? ❞ those things always took hours and hours of her time... zen would often watch them as she’d fall asleep since the pale blue glow was always so comforting. ❝ so... cargo, huh? what kind of cargo? ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. IDEN
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a slight huff pushed out of her nose and her shoulders shrugged slightly, brushing it off. iden’s words had been a little more playful than the return that she got from the other. her brows arched at the remark that she made. the information that she knew about the syndicate crackdown wasn’t quite so consistent with that. politicians certainly had a careful eye watching over them, but it seemed as though anyone with an identifiable relationship or even plausible one was being pulled. “they’re after more than politicians. the syndicate is a much more complicated network than that. politicians are a relatively protected class, all things considered. money goes far.”
this wasn’t like the run ins with the storm troopers or those in the first order... the first order had the most members out for patrol, so zen always ran into them while doing her job. they were stoic and even a bit harassing, but this woman seemed like... a mother? strange, she thought. everyone was their own person, but who was this woman? whoever she was, she was about to get in the way of a deal and put everyone in an awkward position. ❝ alright... well. i’ll be careful. promise- ❞ zen offered with a quick - - acted smile. ❝ really, i just have to see someone and i’ll be back home in no time. ❞ she paused, tilting her head just slightly. ❝ you’re real concerned for someone who isn’t my mom, y’know. ❞
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zenithcastor · 4 years
&&. POE
poe knew how hard it could be to deal with loss. but this… wasn’t something that he could ignore. even if she wanted to. rolling his eyes he lifted an eyebrow, “not sure we’re going to deep dive into anything interesting enough for the public to care. now come on. i’ll buy you something.” 
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he was right. but kriff, she wanted to just yell at him or push his stupid body around or-... do something as hurtful as he did to her. zen was still hurt. but there was no use dwelling on it now, it was over. she wasn’t sure what talking about it would do, but poe seemed glued to the idea. ❝ fine, ❞ she huffed, dropping the item she had in her hands back on the market table. ❝ i’m getting something expensive though- ❞
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