zenni-gotcha · 10 months
Idk what to title this
[here’s the gang saying things that my cousins did while I was babysitting them today]
~Zenigata- *Drinking boba tea for the first time* This is actually really good. *get’s a tapioca through the straw* This is bad! This is SO BAD!!
~Jigen- *in a whisper* Dog…be my best friend…
~Fujiko: Stop it!
Lupin: I’m just kissing your arm.
Fujiko: But you’ve been eating spaghetti!
~Goemon- *While selecting Sephiroth on Smash Bros. * I’m gonna be Stephasaurus. He’s the strongest character.
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zenni-gotcha · 10 months
Hello, fellow Lupin III enjoyers. Look at what Tubi accidentally did
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zenni-gotcha · 10 months
New blog I made just because
Nothing fancy, just something for whatever I want that I don't want on my main page/if people want to talk or whatever
Just made just because basically
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zenni-gotcha · 10 months
I know I've got too many blogs going on already and I've tried one of these before, but I'm trying to think of ways to fight burnout
I'm thinking about maybe making a side blog just for talk and stuff. Like not about anything in general. Like somewhere I can post pics that might not be fandom related/just life pics, and people could just pop in and talk about whatever like info dump or just ask about things they're thinking about. Maybe even just run some pills just for the fun of it.
Idk this is rambly but still something I've been thinking about doing.
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zenni-gotcha · 1 year
Hey so how do you think the Lupin gang would deal with a s/o appears like a peaceful and graceful sleeper, but if you sleep next to them and you’re on the side that isn’t against the wall, s/o tends to roll over in their sleep and pushes whoever is there out of the bed roughly and still sleeps through the bang that happens and looks so comfortable while they probably just ruined their boyfriend or girlfriends whole night and if the partner does not get revenge instantly, s/o has no idea what happened and is like “I slept great! :)”. Flip side, if the gang Are sleeping at the wall, s/o rolls over and now they’re a cuddle bug and both get their comfortable sleep. “I haven’t slept that good in ages :)”. if there is no wall and both sides are empty space, good luck 😂. S/o is just very cuddly in sleep, but is a bit rough in trying to cuddle unlike when they’re awake so they end up throwing the person out of bed instead of getting the cuddles. How would the group deal with this? Do they feel dread at the thought of a no wall leaning bed when they see it?
[Hi there! First wanted to start this off by saying thank you for waiting on this! I had a few larger things to finish on some of my other blogs, so it took me a bit to get back to this one. Also thanks for the ask, it was a fun idea to work with :) ]
Lupin- Listen, he might complain about it a little bit, but not too much. He’s almost as bad as you are. This man is almost always bouncing off the wall, and that includes when he’s asleep. So, between the two of you it’s like a kickboxing match every night. However, if there is a night where you both finally couldn’t knock each other off the bed, then he sleeps like a rock and loves waking so close to you.
Jigen- He’s not going to take this lying down. Well, he is because it happens while he’s asleep. But, he will do something back. We all know how grouchy he is most of the time, so imagine how he is when he’s just been woken up by falling off the bed. If the bed is against the wall, he’s going to shove you over so he can lay there and avoid getting knocked off again. If it’s open on both sides he’ll push you off the other side as payback. Either way, if he ends up on the floor then so will you. But, the nights where you do get sleep feel all the more delightful.
Goemon- Here’s the thing, his reflexes are too good, even while he’s asleep, that he just blocks all of the movements that would have knock him off of the bed. Though he never falls off or wakes up completely, he still wakes up exhausted from having to parry the whole night. However, he’s found a way for you both to sleep well even if there isn’t a wall for him to fortify himself against. If he gets you in a bearhug then you can’t move as much and therefore cannot kick him off of the bed. That has the added bonus of already being snuggled up next to you as well.
Fujiko- She might not do anything the night that she falls off the bed, but you better believe that you’ll get it in the morning. Her favorite payback is setting an alarm for about an hour before you’re supposed to be up for the day and then put it right next to your head. You can bet there would be a greater effort on your part to work out a way to not do that again. She’s not totally mean though, and realizes that you can’t really always help moving around so much, and gives you some slack. She does love to sleep close to you, so she makes sure to have the bed against the wall so it can be a pleasant sleep for both of you.
Zenigata- He won’t even realize what happened until the next morning. He sleeps so hard that he won’t even notice hitting the floor. Of course though, his poor back is going to be screaming at him for sleeping in such an odd position on the floor, and he’s going to be miserable. He won’t say anything to you about it though as he wouldn’t want you to think he was upset with you (even if he sort of was). The problem comes with the fact that he feels too boxed in if he sleeps by a wall, so that’s not an option. The best choice is to get a futon so if you do bumb into him it just rolls him over instead of knocking him to land in a weird position. This also means that he can roll back over to hold you a bit easier as well.
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zenni-gotcha · 1 year
Gang trying not to wake you up
[Not me still being alive and all that jazz.]
[This is them getting into a shared bed if you’re already asleep.]
Lupin- While he wouldn’t wake you up on purpose (or so he says) he’s also not going to complain if you do wake up, especially if he’s just getting in from a job. It’s been so long since he’s seen you! He’s missed you! Probably will put as many kisses as he can all over your face. Regardless if he’s trying to wake you or not, he just sort of flops into bed. He’s going to land where he lands and sometimes that includes on top of you.
Jigen- He’ll do his best not to make too much noise or movement. Not only does he not want to bother you, but also when this man is ready to sleep, the only thing that he wants to do is sleep. So, to keep you from wanting to talk to him until the morning he’ll do his best to keep you asleep. Once the morning’s there, he’s more than happy to see you, but until then you both need your rest. Half of the time he ends up waking you up anyway because he can’t help wanting to hold you, and that goatee bristling against your neck is rather startling.
Goemon- You won’t even know that he had gotten back until you woke up in the morning. If he doesn’t want you to know that he’s there then you won’t. Well, it’s not so much that he doesn’t want you to know as much as he feels awful if he wakes you up. He likes to make himself stay awake for just a while longer just so he can see how peaceful you are. This has resulted in many unnerving times for you waking up and feeling someone staring at you. He doesn’t mean to be threatening, quite the opposite actually, he just doesn’t always know how to portray it. He spent his life studying the blade, not relationship etiquette.
Fujiko- She’s pretty good at not waking you up most of the time; being sure to take heels off so they don’t click on the floor, making sure to have the bathroom door closed while she’s taking her make-up off so the light doesn’t shine on you, gets into bed gently, all that stuff. However, much like Lupin, if she hasn’t seen you in a while, she’s going to wake you up at least to say. “Hi.” Tries not to often though, as she knows she hates being woken up in the middle of the night herself. The only other reason she might wake you a bit is to get you to hold her, but as soon as that happens, you’ll both be back asleep pretty quickly.
Zenigata- He would try his best to not wake you up, he really would. But, he’s so tired and would trip over three things and knock over four others on his way to the room. If by some miracle you didn’t wake up through all that, he would actually get in bed without waking you. Until about ten minutes later. Don’t be alarmed; a wild bear did not just break into your room. That’s just your overworked partner finally asleep for once in his life; his snores are a reminder that he sleeps as loudly as he does everything else in his life. Settles in and quiets down a bit if you snuggle up next to him. Apologizes for it the next morning; you didn’t have to say anything, he just knows.
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zenni-gotcha · 1 year
Hello I really love your content and I have an idea
Ok so this might be a little weird I'm sorry but what if the lupin hand and their s/o were doing to "it" and they accidentally get caught
[Hello, and thank you! It’s been too long since I did something on here, and this was fun to write for :) ]
Lupin- Look, this is Lupin we’re talking about; he won’t care. Especially if he’s the one that most seen by whatever unfortunate soul just walked in. If he can tell that it’s really bothering you, or the intruder in question is lingering a bit more than could be considered an accidental peek, then then most that might come from him is an annoyed, “Get the hell out, man!”
Jigen- As soon as he hears the doorknob start to turn, he’s got a gun pointed that direction. Because if it’s Jigen it doesn’t matter what (or who in this case) he’s doing, there is always going to be a gun nearby. He doesn’t even have to say something, whoever it is will know just by the look he gives them that they need to leave. NOW. Unless it’s Lupin, then they just get into a shouting match while Jigen desperately tries to keep you covered. Lovely, right?
Goemon- Don’t worry, his training and skills will help protect you from embarrassment. This actually means, “If we don’t move, whoever just walked into the room won’t be able to see us.” Which is absolutely not true and just makes things more awkward than if they were told to get out. He will be too embarrassed to keep going, at least for the moment anyways. So, he’ll just tell you he’ll be right back and go chew out (or actually beat if it’s Lupin or Jigen) whoever walked in on you both.
Fujiko- Listen, she is a very fashionable woman. That means that if someone walks in on you two then they’re getting whatever pair of heels close by thrown at them, and if they don’t leave fast enough before she gets to the closet, all of the other shoes she can get her hands on. She might give you and herself a bit to recover from the ordeal, but then she would be ready to continue.
Zenigata- To say he’s upset is an understatement. He rarely gets any time off, much less time for this. So, he’s certainly going to yell at whoever walked in. In fact, he’ll get so upset he’ll forget what was happening before he was mad. Of course, when he stops sulking and looks at you again, he switches his mood right back. Good luck getting to that point though, because once he gets angry about something it takes him a bit to get over it sometimes.
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zenni-gotcha · 1 year
New romance story
I know that I’ve talked about this some places before, but this is sort of the official announcement.
If you go over here, I have started an original story named Cupid Park. It follows a young woman in the mid 1920’s who suddenly finds herself constantly running into two men that she meets at the park one afternoon, as if something, or someone keeps bringing them together. And, one of the men who claims he’s from out of town seems to be hiding something about where he’s actually from.
The first two chapters of the story are already out, and the rest will be released on a chapter per moth basis. If you would like to read it, or even support it through my by me a coffee page, please use the link above to jump on over to the page. I appreciate any sort of interaction :)
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Gang reacts to you having too much yarn
[Oddly specific, I know. But, it just popped into my head, so I wrote it.]
Lupin- Listen, you know it has became a bit of a problem, and you want to hide it because you also don’t want to explain. Lupin, however, always thinking that when people hide things it’s always monetary in nature, decides he is going to do some snooping. He doesn’t know what he was actually expecting to find in your closet, but a giant box full of yarn was not it. How you find him is because he just stands there confused. Why do you need all of this?
Jigen- Goes to get something else out of your closet for you. Wouldn’t have even noticed except for he dropped the other thing and had to look down to pick it up. At first he will think that it’s a mixed box of things. There’s no way this WHOLE box is fill of yarn. It is. He will actually ask you what you’re going to use it for. Only starts to question the whole thing when you just shrug.
Goemon- He decides he’s going to help you organize. You’re room is a cluttered mess, and he knows for a fact that he has never seen you utilize your extra closet space. Before you can stop him, he opens the closet and sees the giant tote full of yarn. He doesn’t say anything about it. But, it makes him so frustrated that he just starts pelting you with any of the yarn balls he can reach quickly.
Fujiko- Amazing! Make her a sweater. She loves to go through and see all of the different textures and colors that you have. She is super into finding you patterns and other things to use it with.
Zennigata- Perfect! He can use this for making nets! To catch Lupin! And you can help him! It will be a great bonding experience. Also you can make him things like socks. He can’t afford them.
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Gang’s feelings on rollercoasters
Lupin- Here’s the thing, he’s a thrill seeker, so he likes roller coasters. To a degree that is. He likes the ones that go fast, but doesn’t like the ones that go upside-down. Maybe if there’s one loop, but when most of the coaster is going in circles, then that’s a bit too much for him.
Jigen- He doesn’t like them. Not because they really bother him or anything, but mostly because he can’t wear his hat. That’s something that he doesn’t like to do out in public for prolonged periods of time. Other than that, someone might be able to convince him to go on a few rather easily.
Goemon- Big no for him. Those things go too fast. He might be inclined for other carnival rides, and has no problem going on something equally as fast like a car or a plane. But, it’s the fact that he’s going that fast and he can feel how fast he’s going and the only thing that is holding in place is a harness that bothers him.
Fujiko- She loves them. An adrenaline junky through and through, she loves almost every one that she can ride. The more loops the better. She wants to feel buzzed when she gets done with one.
Zenigata- He loves rollercoasters, but doesn’t get to ride them often. They do sort of freak him out, but that’s part of the reason that he loves them. It’s more so the loops and drops that get him rather than the speed; we’ve all seen how fast he drives his car. As with all other things in his life, he’s the loudest one there.
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Hey, all, long time no see!
Sorry for disappearing for such a long time, certainly didn’t mean to
Hopefully I can get more regular on here again :)
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
hi, are you still doing requests!
I am :)
I am a bit busy this week though so it might be a bit before I can answer them
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Can you do a drunk lupgang around their s/o then invert it into how they would handle their s/o drunk?
[putting this one partially under a cut simply because it’s long and I don’t want to eat up people’s feed :)]
If he’s drunk
Listen, it takes a lot to get Lupin of all people drunk
So if he’s drunk, then he is drunk
There’s one other thing that he is when he’s drunk, and that’s handsy
Not to mention, that he doesn’t care who sees him doing whatever
So, you have about ten minutes to get him somewhere private
Most of time when you do though, he passes out pretty quickly
Which is better for everyone everywhere because who knows what sort of damage a sauced Lupin III could bring upon the world
If you’re drunk
He will think it’s hilarious
Likes to try to get you to say of do stupid things
That being said, if it’s somewhere public like a bar, he’ll make sure that there’s no one else is messing with you
Maybe he won’t be completely drunk but he’ll be buzzed enough to make him giddy
That being said, he will make sire that you get back to your place safely and stay to make sure that you’re alright afterward
Won’t try anything if you’re too out of it
He might be a playboy, but he’s not that much of a scumbag
The next morning he might start hinting at some things that he’s been thinking about though
He is still Lupin after all
If he’s drunk
Much like Lupin, it takes a lot to get him actually drunk
But, you can sort of tell when he’s getting there, as it sort of goes in stages
At first when he starts drinking he’ll loosen up a bit and start joking around a bit more
But the more drunk that he gets the more quiet he gets as well
More of a contemplative drunk than a loud, showboating drunk
He won’t want to ruin things if he thinks you’re still have a good time, so keep an eye out for him and when he might need to leave
This is the only time that he might get, “cuddly,” or at least the Jigen version of it
If you’re drunk
Like Lupin, he’ll think it’s hilarious
Unlike Lupin, he’ll only have you do embarrassing stuff if you’re not in public
Will let you do your own thing for the most part
But will also drag you home if you start getting too carried away
Will make sure that you get plenty of sleep and have painkillers for your hang over the next day
Will let you get a bit more clingy if you’re drunk, but will be sure that nothing past that happens
If he’s drunk
The he’s sort of middle of the road when it comes to how easy he gets drunk
Might not take too much to get him loopy, but he doesn’t usually drink enough to get to that point so it usually evens out
If he does get that far, either by losing track of how many drinks he’s had or if it’s just the two of you and he doesn’t care, he will start to show a goofy side to him that people forget that he has
He will want you to get him back home as quickly as you can
While he doesn’t mind having fun with you or the rest of the gang, he will die if he does something embarrassing in front of other people
If they know who he is, that is
Sure, he’s done a lot of embarrassing things while helping Lupin, but he was always in disguise
Will literally hid in the middle of nowhere if he finds out that he did something stupid while he was drinking
If you’re drunk
He will let you have your fun
But figures that if he hated being seen doing embarrassing stuff then you probably do too
The fun comes if you’re really out of it and he has to keep you from bringing attention to the two of you while he’s trying to walk you home
That being said, he does think you’re adorable when you’re out of it, so he’ll let you be a weird as you want to be when your two are alone
Is probably the one most likely to make sure that you have all of the stuff you’ll need for the hangover in the morning ready to go
If she’s drunk
She gets drunk easily
But not because she has a low tolerance
It’s because she tends to prefer the heavy hitters as far as drinks go
When she does get drunk she’s more of a giggly, contemplative drunk
She more likely to say something than do something showy
Because if this, she doesn’t mind if she’s out and about when she’s buzzed
As long as there’s someone else with her to be sure that she doesn’t say or agree to anything too stupid
If you’re drunk
She might be inclined to let you do something embarrassing
But she wouldn’t let it go as long as Lupin would
You would maybe say or do one or two things, but then she would wrangle you in after that
She would be bad about encouraging you to drink too much too
Is totally the type of person that will get you to add one more after you say you’ve had enough
She’s been saying one more for about three drinks
Will actually make sure you get home a bit earlier than most of the others, aside from Goemon
She wants you to have fun, but also knows how difficult it can be to walk someone home when they’re totally wasted
If he’s drunk
It take a bit for him to get drunk…depending on what he’s drinking
The man can guzzle cheap beer like water and only get mildly buzzed
But the moment he gets something stronger, he is out
Mostly because he forgets that he’s drinking something with a bit of kick, and drinks the same amount
And you better get ready to get him out of there, because if you thought that he was loud when he was sober, you’ve got another thing coming
Everyone else in the bar knows that you’re there. There’s no question about that
So, unless you want everyone one within a twenty foot radius knowing all of the stuff that Lupin has done to him in the past, then you’ll want to get him home soon
The one saving grace is that he falls asleep really quickly after he gets drunk
That is, it’s a saving grace if he conks out after you get him home, and not while you’re walking him home
If you’re drunk
He doesn’t mind if you get drunk when the two of you are at home
But, will not let you stay in public while you are drunk
As your partner, it’s his job to protect you from everything, including public embarrassment
He will pick you up and carry you all the way back to where you are staying
Insists that he is fine doing it, no matter how much you insist that you are fine
What he won’t tell you is that he threw out his back carrying you for that long
Will forget how much his voice carries and give you so many headaches
He doesn’t mean to. He’s just checking in on you to make sure you’re feeling alright
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Hi :)
Not an ask. Just wanted thank you for what you do. We all appreciate you a lot! Don't forget to take care of yourself!
You're an incredible writer and a huge inspiration!
For you <3 🌷🍪
Thanks :) You’re very kind
So sorry for tanking a million on years to respond to this haha 😅
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Ello! Love your writing!
Was wondering if I could have the gang with a Poetic s/o, as in they speak like they came out of the Victorian Era. Going as far to describe things in intricate detail whenever they can, going along with the phrase "When they speak, instead of words it's flowers coming out of their mouth" Or just simply a very talkative s/o
Just wondering how they'd feel about it, I'd think it would be cute having said s/o describe the members in their own fond way. 🌺 Thank you!
[Hi there! So sorry for the late reply]
Here’s the thing, he’ll try his best to keep up
But that attention span of his just can’t
It’s one of those things where he can focus on something for a long time
As long as it’s only one thing, or little things that all clearly relate to each other like when he’s on a job
The problem here is that there are so many words that you use that he doesn’t know, that he gets dizzy
You might have to remember to reword somethings if he doesn’t seem to be catching on to what you are saying
You could best describe him as, “A beautifully focused man, as long as it is something that is easily focused on.”
He might try to argue the description, but only in a playful way as he knows that it’s true
He might be able to keep up a bit more than Lupin does
Bit that still doesn’t mean that he won’t complain about it
According to some sources he was raise in the crime family in the Bronx
So, while he might have a certain taste for fancy things, words aren’t one of them
You say what you’re saying in as few words as possible
He actually won’t mind it if the sentence isn’t too flowery, but the minute you start to wax poetic his patience goes out the window
Don’t get him wrong, it’s not that he doesn’t like you personally, just wishes you were a bit more to the point
That being said, if you speak poetry when he’s drunk? He’ll have done a complete 180º
Because of this he hates that you can accurately describe him as, “A blunt force weapon with the heart of a bouquet.”
Knows deep down that he has at least a bit of a soft spot for softer things, but will die before he verbally admits it
He loves it
If the two of you are resting, the breeze blowing gently, while you talk about whatever as poetically as possible?
That’s pure happiness right there
He himself has a taste for the poetic, though he might not show it through speech
There will never be a time where he doesn’t understand you either
Out of the gang, he’s actually the one that paid the most attention in his studies when he was younger
Sure, most of them were on swordplay, but you still have to know fancy words to know the history and legends for the swords, right?
Loves that you describe him as, “As fierce as his sword, but elegant and gentle as a sweet haiku.”
He sees what you did there and he appreciates it
After Goemon, she is the most excited for your poetry/poetic speaking
She could just sit there and listen to you talk for hours
Would also be the one to find actual poetry interesting and not just poetic speaking
She might have a time or two that she might have to ask you what a word means, but knows most of them
Will absolutely melt if you describe her along the lines of, “A goddess who’s beauty and wisdom were not dimmed in the slightest when she took on human form.”
Make sure that you mean it though, and that you’re sure to compliment her smarts as well as her beauty
She’s gotten too many people saying such things to pretend that they saw her that way, that it sort of throws her off when she meets someone who means every word of it and isn’t trying to use her for something
Like Lupin, he’ll get dizzy
But, unlike Lupin he’s not going to be a good about pretending that he knows what’s going on
You’ll just be talking and then see that he’s just sort of glazed over
He likes the way that it sounds though, even if he doesn’t understand you
Like Fujiko he could listen to you for hours, but more so he likes that tone of your voice rather than what you’re saying
He will put effort into learning new words though, during the rare off times he has at the office, little bits at a time right before he goes to bed, when someone else is driving them somewhere, any time that he can fit it in
Let’s you describe him with things like, “As fierce as a hell hound, as protective as a guard dog, and as sweet as a puppy.”
He at least knows what that means
Doesn’t tend to mind other ways you describe him either, because even though he might not know what you’re saying specifically, he knows you wouldn’t say anything hurtful about him
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Hi :D, well I was wondering if I could request some headcanons of reader listening to their favorite song while their were doing something else until Lupgang catch them huming the song and so ask them to dance. I know its kinda cheesy, but I don't know, sometimes I need it as comfort. Hope you have a nice day/night
He would be the one quickest to start dancing with you
Probably didn’t even notice you were singing
He just saw you enjoying a song and got carried away himself
Will play the song on repeat just so the two of you could have fun for longer
He would be more inclined to stand there and watch you have your fun
But, when you notice him he will pull you out him to start dancing
Is better at it than you thought he would be
He will also be teasing you about singing to yourself
Don’t worry though, he thinks you have a lovely singing voice
This would be a situation where you would have to get him to dance with you
Not that he hates it or anything, but it’s not really something that he does often
Will have fun once he starts though
Will be a bit flustered afterwards, but simply because he’s not used to letting loose that way too often
After you’ve done it a few times then he will be more inclined to initiate things himself
She not only would dance with you but she would start singing along as well
She would be inclined to show you her favorite songs too
Would make a night out if it
Just that two of you listing to your favorite music and dancing along when you feel inclined
The only thing that could make her stop dancing and singing with you is if there were a job that needed done
Listen, he likes to dance with you
But not let him unless you are willing the sacrifice the tidiness of the room as well as getting your feet stepped on
This man’s got two left feet and legs that will swing them everywhere, no matter what the style is
On second thought, let him dance with you
Being able to help him relax for once is worth getting things kicked and your feet stepped on
A genuine smile looks good on him
And one of his favorite things is to make you happy too
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
So hopefully I get to start writing again soon
I've had a head cold all last week and yesterday was the first day I wasn't doped up on cough medicine, but I was busy the whole day
Any ways excuses aside, I should be able to comprehend words again and hope to catch up on things in a few days or so
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