zenpaizee-blog · 4 years
HI! This Is a Romance Roleplay. It is set in a future where humanity has been corrupted to be "Equal" Everyone is born into a certain role in society. No one is allowed to be outstanding or creative. There is no famous status or influences, Everyone is set on the same status their entire life. In this time it's not allowed to do anything outside what your role is. People are allowed to still have a normal life as in having friends, going out, etc but they must stick to what they're told to do. Enter the "unordinary" this is the nickname given by those who stepped out of their set roles. Lead by an unknown leader, they are given secret hideouts or as they call it "Clubs" where they can express themselves and their art. It was a rapid success and many more have opened around all the other districts. The President of District 4 (will be explained more but this is where the story takes place) Is being held responsible since the "rebellion" Started in his district. He has spent years trying to find the leader only to fail. One of his final attempts was having her murdered. Although his henchmen failed the leader had to fake her death, and after that things were peaceful, but it didn't last too long. the story takes place half a year after he finds out that the leader is still alive, and he plans to use his son to get information, to finally end it. This idea is still in the works but I know how I want it to go. Looking for a Semi-Literate roleplayer, I'm OK with one-liners, if the story pace is slow but otherwise I try to give at least 5-7 Lines. Basic Character Bio required, SFW, I'm not the best at Smut but willing to give a try for the right person, but little to none as I don't want it to be clouded by smut every second. Read what I have below, and send me a message if interested, I only RP on Discord. Thanks! ----- “When did you first have a feeling that what you were born to do wasn’t exactly what you were planned to do?” A reporter asked as she sat at a small round table with another woman. the woman had short white hair and sharp Amber red eyes. She was someone who was a vivid believer in following her dreams and her face showed it as well as her confidence. Then the woman with the white hair began to speak “I was about six years old and my mother was walking me to my daily education lessons at the schoolhouse. And you know when you walk by the stores the holograms pop out at you playing ads they think will grab your attention yet give you a hint that what we as women can do are limited but they think to give us opportunities will keep the peace. Well, this one was an ad saying that women could now be chefs. Now news like that could excite common men or women. but at the time I didn’t know about the Rules then so I was completely confused. I thought you could grow up to be whatever you want like I’ve seen on Tv, but that wasn’t the case. Me being a child I said “Mother! I want to be a music player!” And she looked at me with such a disgusting disappointing expression. I was confused about why. I later found out it’s against the law to speak against what you were born to do. I was shocked. Us as people are born into certain things. You were born to put out fake news. I was born for something more than what they destined me to be, and I want to be a musician. And I am! No one is going to take that away from me. The white-haired woman smiled and the reporter shook her head. she hoped for a more interesting reaction from her. But it irritated her how calm she was “So why are you leading this rebellion? Why is your resistance so important? And what do you have to say to the President?” The reporter pressed for answers and the woman laughed and brushed her fingers through her hair. she wasn't phased by how angry the reporter was trying to make her. “You know what. I was thrown into this leadership position. No one had the guts to express themselves unless they were surrounded by my presence. I guess myself and my confidence helped others. I’ve never been afraid to do what I wanted. And I am. And I can proudly say I am one hundred percent happier than anyone in our four districts. More of us are standing together to fight this new society that has affected the way of life for decades. I’m not afraid of the president. And I never will be. I’m twenty-five years old now. [I] Won’t live forever. The president will eventually find me and end me. And that’s not my concern. My real concern is that people will stop living when I’m gone. I don’t want anyone going back to their old lives.” The reporter was silent for a second. She had to ask one last question. So she sighed softly and smiled. “Can we at least have a name for you?” The reporter asked being a little timid now. she didn't know how well the interview was going and how it would be received, even worse, she couldn't read the interviewee. The white-haired woman shrugged her shoulders and took only a second to come up with a fake name. “Of course. My name is Penelope.“ -Backstory- In this world, controlled by one man for decades, Man and woman are separated, the men are born to do hard labor, and skillful jobs and women are born to do the less skillful yet demanding jobs. But the man who ruled the world was corrupted by his ideals. That everyone should be equal. No one should shine brighter than others, no one should have a better social status than others. There were no famous status people in the world. Everything that was deemed “creative” and could make you stand out was removed. It was a plain and dull world, but people continued to live, and those who had creative outlooks and tried to stand against the society were immediately “removed”. Enter Penelope. At a young age, her mother quickly informed her how the world was. her mother told her to stay in her place, don't try to change anything, and live a quiet life. Penelope, on the other hand, refused to believe that the world was black and white. secretly she was learning how to play guitar and quickly found out she was passionate about it. she played every single day, knowing if she didn't, she would live her boring life. after high school graduation, her mother found out about her secret life and immediately removed herself from Penelope' s life and then come to find out her mother moved to another district. Penelope was heartbroken but she wasn't going to stop doing what she loved. Eventually, she opened the "creative club" a place where others like herself could be themselves without judgment, and it quickly grew, and a few years later, she opened many more secret places for in the other districts as well as she's, she unknowingly became their leader and was happy, the problem was she still had had her daily life, the one she was born to do. and although she dreaded it, she had no choice, she couldn't bring to much attention to her or else the president or anyone else could track her. she would do anything to keep everyone safe and it's what she planned to do. -Present-day- (Y/N) Was the son of the president, along with another brother you had. It was a lot of pressure. You had to be proper and live up to every expectation, but you always fell short to your brother. He seemed to always come up on top and there was just no competing with him. So your father called (Y/N) to his studies. You immediately went and sat in a chair in front of his desk, and he stared you down, the room felt tight but then lightened up as your father smiled. "My son, I have a task for you." He said pretty bluntly. He leaned back opening one if the desk drawers pulling out a huge file. He placed it in front of you and opened it. the first page had a picture of Penelope and all the information they had on her from her appearance to her blood type "She goes by Penelope but we know its not her real name. She is in her Mid-twenties, around your age I believe. We recently just found her bar where she performs and I want you to go tonight and befriend her to get information. I believe you can do this. I know you want redemption and if you can do this, it'll go a long way, not just for us but for mankind. we need to put an end to her defiance. That's all. Look over the papers and tonight befriend her. Don't come back till you have some worthy information" for the last part, he spoke coldly with no emotion. He always showed no remorse. (Y/N) was used to it by now, he was only worried about work and there was nothing you could about. All you could was do what he said. And you got to work studying the paperwork. (Y/N) sat down at the desk inside his capitol quarters. For unspecified reasons, his quarters had been moved off of the main level and into one of the lower levels. He dropped the thick portfolio onto his desk and switched on the lamp. Sighing, his heart racing, he opened the file. *Your career, your reputation, and my respect ride on your success in this task.* His father’s words spoken in his usual hollow, lifeless voice rang through his head. Clipped to the inside of the file were several photos of “Penelope.” Some were grainy surveillance photos and one was a still capture from an interview that she had done with one of the “hack” news agencies that were struggling for viewership. (Y/N) unclipped the photo and studied it more closely under the desk lamp. Penelope’s ability to avoid incarceration made him suspect that she was wearing a disguise. The woman was pretty, in an unconventional way. Her unusual choice of white pixie-cut hairstyle stood out the most. It turned his stomach, seeing someone trying so hard to be UnOrdinary. *Disgusting. Why would anyone try to stand out like this? It’s sacrilege.* Looking more closely, he attempted to discern any tell-tales regarding whether this was her actual hair or a wig. The clarity of the image wasn’t *that* good. - Setting the photos aside, he spent the rest of the day tirelessly going through the rest of the profile on the woman. There wasn’t much to go on, but at least it wasn’t anything. The key information was a list of the bars that she would turn into temporary “creative clubs” for a night of performances. (Y/N) wondered for a few moments where the information had come from before standing. “That’s unimportant for now,” he said aloud. He flipped back to the surveillance photos, some of which had been taken at one of the clubs. He studied them for several minutes before calling in one of his father’s assistants. He would need a cover if he were going to blend it, but he couldn’t be seen purchasing UnOrdinary clothing. His reputation was at stake, after all. A conversation later, and the assistant had gone to the seedy part of town to purchase the clothing, returning a couple of hours later. Once he returned, (Y/N) went about the business of changing his look. He darkened his hair, cut it into one of the more popular styles for the UnOrdinary crowd, changing it enough to look unique, and finally changed out his pale gray suit for the clothing his assistant had purchased. - (Y/N) looked into the mirror and hardly recognized himself. (y/n) looked back from the reflection, wearing dark pants, big heavy boots, a vibrant red shirt, and a black hooded trench coat over the top. Sunglasses finished off the look, sitting atop his spiked hair. Checking the time, he used one of the secret lower entrances to leave the capitol grounds. An assistant dropped him off 7 blocks from the designated bar. (Y/N) crept through an alleyway, coming out on one of the dingy streets that led to the bar. He tried not to let his nerves show as his eyes darted back and forth, certain that someone would spot him and identify him as an impostor, but it seemed like most people were more involved in their own conversations than they were looking for government spies. (Y/N) paid the bar’s cover fee and slipped inside, heart pounding as he was greeted by the loud music. *How could anyone listen to this! It’s just noise!* he thought as he approached the bar, scanning the crowd for that familiar white hair.
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