zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“I am calm, I’m just pointing out how utterly useless you’ve been. And the campus security doesn’t do shit so I’m not sure what you’re expecting from them.”
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“For someone so worried about other girls getting assaulted, you sure are pretty fuckin’ testy about how I’m going to handle being assaulted myself.”
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“Oh, that’s so dope! You shoulda stayed, girl! At least then you’d know how to defend yourself.” 
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“I would have, probably, had I not been an infant. I was in Oakland at the museum all the time, anyways, I may as well have lived there.” 
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“There’s literally still a creepy guy who groups teenagers wondering the streets nearby campus… How stress free are you going to be when he’s making headlines for full on attacking someone?” 
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“Okay, first of all, it was at a cafe like ten miles away. And I will handle it. I just fuckin’ said that. Calm down.”
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“That may be but with adrenaline and fear backing that hook it’d fuck someone up for sure. Malnourished child or not. And yeah, born and raised.” 
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“That’s probably true. I guess I’ve never actually punched someone?” She says it like a question, looking down as she tries to recall her last ‘fight’, which ended in a very harshly slammed door, but no physical violence. “I was born in Oakland, raised in San Francisco. Hence the reason I can’t punch.” 
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“Okay, so if he did what is complaining about it going to do? Did you call the cops? File a harassment suit?”
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“It’s going to make me feel way less stressed about being groped before 9 in the morning,” she shrugs nonchalantly, “French cops are as useless. Besides, he was just a creepy guy. I’ll let the campus authorities know, maybe they can warn other students.” 
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“Hopefully banned for life too. The fuck kind of person does that? Back in Oakland any girl would’ve rocked ‘em.” 
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“I mean, I would have, but I have the right hook of a small, malnourished child,” she confesses (rather confidently), crossing her arms loosely and shrugging, “You’re from Oakland?”
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“Okay, but hear me out. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe, just maybe it was an accident. As much as fear is instilled into women, not ever man is out to get you. It’s a pretty crowded city, people bump into each other. Shit happens.”
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“No, man, he deadass cupped my boob. Believe me, I wouldn’t be fussing about nothing. I don’t think anything annoys me more than women playing victim at the drop of a hat.”
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
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“Did you at least knock ‘em the fuck out?”
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“Nah, I just left. But I think the barista had him kicked out, I heard a bit of yelling when I ran away.” 
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“i think that city of love translates to city of uncontrollably horny guys. some dude at the cafe around the corner just ‘accidentally’ grabbed my boob.”
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zephjpg-blog · 8 years
“Uhm…” the girl picked up a wallet from the ground and pranced to the person that was walking away from her. “Uhm…excuse me!” she said as she waved. “I think…I mean, is this yours?”
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Zeph spun around on her feet and looked at the source of the voice, looking down at the wallet and back up at her. “Eh, no, nah that’s not mine,” she admits, chuckling lightly, “But I’d be happy to help you find the owner.” 
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