zephyrbcll · 4 years
“Sore loser?” Pip said with a slight laugh knowing it had to be a trap. “Darling, Zephyr, dear, I’ve lost teeth and still been shook the guys hand. I’m not a sore loser I’m going to win one day.” She rolled her eyes at his logic and continued. “No shit sherlock. Who else would complain when someone wins unfairly? If you lose the situation is when people care about fairness and rules, or at least a lot of people.” 
“He’s not,” Pip said with a shrug. “To be fair I don’t think he normally does have to be though. He seems to get far with his flirting.” 
Pip hadn’t meant to get uppity, more so that she didn’t like the needling. After all, she wanted to be a lawyer now and that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She wanted this war to be over so she didn’t have this weird guilt mixed with pride keeping her here. 
She wanted Constance to come to her senses, but every day that seemed less and less likely. 
“Sorry I just - I’m rotten at planning okay? I don’t really want to think about plans or what I should be doing. I didn’t mean to be an ass, I just don’t like the question.” 
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"Okay, I'll admit, you're a hell of a better sport than I am because I've been dragged to an infirmary while still swearing up and down I'm going to beat someone's ass," Zephyr admitted, pushing away the odd twist in his stomach when he thought about just how many of those stories that Daisy could back up because she's been the one to pull him away.
God, it was weird sometimes to be back around people that he'd know as a teenager and then fallen out of contact with. Not that he didn't enjoy getting to talk with Pippa again, but there was something strange about being thought of in terms you'd moved past years ago, but it wasn't nearly as strange as being so known that you couldn't hide roots that were nearly invisible to everyone else. You couldn't hide what someone had been present for, after all.
"If his flirting doesn't work, that veela charm probably will. You know that saying about being a lover and not a fighter? I feel like it cuts out people that are fights by being lovers. What about the Mata Hari's of the world? Not that I'm saying that Henry would be sent anywhere as a honeypot, don't get me wrong, just talking hypotheticals here." Zephyr quickly clarified, trying to stay on topic instead of getting caught up in technicalities. 
Sighing, Zephyr tilted his head at her and really hoped that she knew what was coming next. "You know I have to hug you now, right? It's a rule." He didn't say that he didn't make the rules because in his world, Zephyr usually did make the rules and flagrantly ignore any other rules, but in this case, he thought he could also blame his dad for this particular rule. "Come on, hug time. It's not like I'm any fucking better at planning."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
“It’s pathetic, isn’t it?”  She rolled her eyes, slipping around the corner, her wand held loosely in her hand.  She didn’t expect to run into some deep, Death Eater conspiracy here, but it’s possible he had been telling the truth.  “The way some people are so willing to sell out everyone they know to save their own skin?”  She couldn’t imagine a circumstance where she’d be willing to do that, but some people were weak.
“I wasn’t there for the beginning of the interrogation,” she admitted.  “So I’m not entirely sure, but it’s fairly standard to use Veritasserum.  So either this is a trap and we’re being set up or he thinks he was telling the truth.”
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"If they weren't willing to give up everyone for their own sake, they wouldn't be death eaters in the first place, would they?" As far as Zephyr was concerned, anyone with morals and with decency would stay out of the death eaters, but he was suffering from the harsh true that some people were willing to turn a blind eye to horrors as long as it profited them in some form. "You ever heard that quote about how if you're neutral in instances of injustice, you're siding with the oppressor?" 
The war was really making him question the priorities of some people and veritaserum was nearly a necessity in these times, but there was only so much of it the order could keep in stock at once. "If they were enough of a low life, he could have been fed false information to begin with."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
cheats in board games
Lies and slander, I do not. This is false and it’s not my fault if I’m better at them than you.
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
You've thought about investing in a broadcasting system to work for home to stay closer to Katie.
Well, I hadn’t, but I am now. I mean, we’ve got babysitters and no one’s ever minded if I brought Katie to work, but she’s getting bigger and she’s hitting those terrible twos this month, so it might work out better if I could stay home. Good idea.
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Would fight a grown woman about who's kid was cuter
Can’t even lie, yeah.
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
“There’s nothing wrong with a beer occasionally,” Pip said with a nod. After all, she wasn’t worried that Zephyr was on the edge of anything which if she was honest was a bit of a new experience. He’d calmed down with age in a lot of ways that if she thought to much about she was a bit envious of. Ties that bound you down were always presented at something scary in movies and stuff but Pip couldn’t help but want a tie or two. After all, being grounded seemed a lot better than floating around. 
Still at the second half of the statement Pip had to stop herself from responding and snorting at the idea of Zephyr being simple. She figured it was a trap, and although she was always down for a fight she thought it might annoy him more to not respond. 
Pip also thought Pandora and her had something in common as he continued talking, “I think it’s livestock and produce, but I think Jam would be fine because it’s processed. It’s something about - uh planting? Like I know currants are considered invasive in the US that’s why we didn’t grow up with it. Something about that, I don’t really know why.” 
She sighed and nodded, “I’ll ask the post office person next time I go and ask the rules. Although I don’t really know, my dad did make the jerky so there’s that.” She laughed slightly and said,” Why not.” 
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As Pippa snorted, Zephyr was certain that she caught on to what he'd said and he smirked despite being a little disappointed that she didn't take the bait. Oh, well, there would be more opportunities if he was patient - Pippa was hardly the sort of person to back down from much.
"Okay, that makes sense. There are some things that would wipe out other things, I can get behind that idea." As he recalled, he was pretty sure that bees were an import of Europe as well and that worked out pretty well as far as he knew, but Zephyr was hardly a bee expert. What did you call those people? Bee hives were called apiaries, so it would be... apiologist? Apiarist? Something like that.
But back to the point. He could understand not wanting produce because lettuce would wilt and something like milk would go sour, but... "Okay, you're calling it livestock, but jerky isn't like an entire cow. It's not going to ruin." It seemed like Pippa had, inadvertently, given Zephyr his next obsession. 
"I hope you know I"m going to end up ranting about this on my show," Zephyr admitted idly. This was the sort of question that he ended up asking at two am, but at least he had someone to blame.  Speaking of which... "I should probably get home soon, bedtime is coming up. Or the concept of it, Katie sometimes decides time is an illusion."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
“Katie, I think your dad has managed to successfully get himself lost at the fair... and I thought I was the directionally challenged one.” Zephyr muttered as he held Katie on his hip even as she squirmed to get down and go running. “You’re not even worried about it, are you? You just want to go play. How about this, we can go look at the animals again, okay?” 
“Dafad!” Katie squealed in return, no longer squirming as instead she leaned to one side as if she could fly out of his arms.
“Ydw, dych chi’n hoffi’r dafad.” Zephyr agreed, repositioning Katie in his arms as he started walking back to the animal enclosure, that distinct scent of hay and farm animal soon hitting his nose. “And when we find your dad, he can hold you. You’re getting heavy, honey.”
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Alex didn’t miss the way Zephyr looked at his wedding ring with fondness, and he couldn’t help a smile at the gesture. Love looked good on Zephyr; Alex still remembered the first giddy months after he and Alastor had finally married, when he was overwhelmed with love and gratitude for his partner’s presence in his life. 
“It would be a gesture for a friend,” Alex corrected lightly. “But I understand.”
Thanks to Alex’s limited hearing, Katie’s shriek sounded perfectly fine, and he signed “Hello” to her in response to what he assumed was a greeting, either in gibberish or a language he didn’t know. His smile widened when Katie tottered forward and latched onto his leg. 
“Hey there,” he murmured, before glancing back at Zephyr. “She’s wonderful. How have all of you been?”
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Originally posted by thedailyhundred
Dear god, was Alex spun out of sugar? He was like some kind of peace and love hippie and Zephyr rolled his eyes because he didn't consider Alex to be a friend. An acquaintance, sure, and they were on amicable terms, but he wasn't going to go around calling them close because Alex gave too many pep talks for Zephyr to be able to stomach that.
"She's a little angel," Zephyr confirmed as Katie pulled at Alex's clothes, demanding 'up!', which prompted Zephyr to add, "And she's opinionated."
Which likely wouldn't surprise anyone at all since she was his child. Some of the parenting books that Zephyr had perused said that kids could be shy, but Katie didn't seem to have that problem and Zephyr waved Alex to sit down. "I'm trying to convince Remus to move again. I"m still working at the WWN and I'm prepared to rant at you about ordinary, unimportant things if you showed up here looking for a slice of normalcy."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
“Eh I don’t think I’d like people staying in my bed if I can’t nap there,” Pip said shrugging and knowing that she was being obtuse. “Have fun with it though.” 
Pippa huffed at his dismissal  and wondered how close she’d get to breaking the bottle before he caught her. “Hey now. I’m a much better fighter then the last time, Zephyr. You don’t know what would happen. Also picking me up is cheating and you know it.” She snorted lightly and said, “He keeps trying to run off and hit people so I mean I’m just trying to train him a little bit.” 
She paused a moment and said, “Moody keeps giving me babysitting duty with him, although he’s not bad after he stopped trying to flirt with me.” 
She rolled her eyes and said, “ Fuck Zephyr I don’t know. Probably any job that would pay me. I’ve not gotten fired yet, and I’m actually a pretty good bartender. So as long as there’s a bar I’m pretty sure I can get a job. Why? You think I need a backup plan for my backup plan? How about this, if I have to stop being a bartender and I haven’t finished school yet I’ll finally cave and marry a rich person and be a trophy wife. Is that a good plan for you? ” 
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"You sound like a sore loser." Zephyr drawled, smug with his victory he hadn't even experienced, but was still certain of. "I don't think it's cheating and no one but a loser complains about cheating." Which was something of a rich statement coming from Zephyr, who hated anyone that was taller than he was and wouldn't hesitate to call them a cheat. Zephyr was quite comfortable with his position as one of the tallest guys you were likely to meet and he didn't particularly care to have that threatened.
Pippa, regardless of how short she was, certainly had spunk and never seemed to back down from a fight, no matter if it was on his side or against him, and he let out an amused huff at the idea of her being teamed up with Henry. "Pretty sure Henry needs to flirt in order to breathe. I don't see him being good in a physical altercation, though."
As delightful as it was to gossip with Pippa, it sounded as though Zephyr managed to hit a sore spot, which caused him to frown while straightening up. "Jesus, Pip, it's not like that was an attack. It was a question, not some kind of test. Have you been getting shit from someone about your ten year plan or something?" Zephyr asked, not sure why else she'd be getting so defensive.  
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Kirsi was glad that the man took the child from her, assuming by the way the girl didn’t put up any fight that she knew him. Though the kid hadn’t put up any fight with her either, but she wasn’t sure how Veela magic affected kids. That was a weird thing to think about. 
“Oh, that’s darling,” she said, turning her attention to the little shopping cart. “I’m sorry to have interrupted her shopping then, I was just.. With everything going on.” Kirsi brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, figuring she didn’t have to elaborate on that. “I’m Kirsi, by the way. I live a couple blocks over.”
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"Yeah." With the war, with people being people, it could be easy for things to happen to Katie and Zephyr didn't think it wise to let Katie wander too far away. Turning to look at her, Zephyr raised an eyebrow as if waiting for Katie to say something in her defense, but she seemed happy to play with the collar of his shirt for the moment, something that Zephyr doubted wouldn't last much longer before she wanted to go back to her shopping cart.
"Zephyr and Katie Bell. Katie, want to say hi?" He asked, not surprised in the least when Katie started frantically waving. "Hi." She chirped, and Zephyr grinned. "She'll keep saying hi to you no matter how many times you say it, she has to have the last word." And it wasn't any guess which parent she got that from. "I work at the radio station, so this is a favorite hang-out for Katie and me."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Pip snorted at his takedown of the saying, knowing full well he was just trying to get her to talk. Sometimes it felt like a ‘plead the fifth’ moment, but she was pretty sure Zephyr wouldn’t care if she was self-incriminating. 
Still she decided not to speak about cats and how they probably shouldn’t be in bags. “Well unless God has something to tell me I’m not expecting a baby, and I’m pretty ambivalent  to most forms of alcohol. It comes with the territory of being a bartender. Beer is usually fine.” 
At the question she shrugged and said, “Something about imports and exports. I didn’t really ask many questions because my dad would have gone on a rant about it. I’m sure if you’re interested you can find out. Probably has something to do with agriculture or something like that. Good on you, but I don’t really have anything else to give. I’ll stop by to give you the frames later then.” 
After all, she was pretty sure she’d never told Zephyr where she lived, and although it wasn’t a secret kept in malice she tended not to tell people. She kept justifying it by saying she was moving soon, but mostly she wanted that divide. However she knew damn well if she brought it up Zephyr was going to try to figure out where she lived. 
“How about this next time I go to the post office I’ll see if there’s a guide for your curiosity.” 
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"It's not like I drink much anymore with Katie in the house, but still, sometimes I just want a beer. I'm a simple guy with simple tastes," Zephyr declared grandly, partially because it was true, but mostly to see how Pippa responded to the idea.
Personally, as Zephyr listened to her, he found that he wanted to hear that rant and wondered if Pippa's dad would accept a call and tell him about it if Zephyr volunteered to pay for the call time - he'd even let him talk to Pippa, if he wanted. (Which, of course he would, because he was Pippa's dad.) "Okay, so no outside food made out of livestock, but chocolate is okay? What about shit like jam? Can I send my dad jam and get back jelly? What are the rules here?"
It was quite a conundrum and likely something that Zephyr would be thinking about later while he sorted through pictures and tried to determine which ones he most wanted to put out and decorate the house with. That could be a hard call to make considering how many pictures he took and it might take some time, so he didn't need the frames immediately.
"Yes, please. I want to see what those rules are and see if there's a way around them. Like is it only store bought beef jerky? If you make homemade jerky, can you put it in a ziplock bag and ship it?" He asked, knowing there was a difference in those types of jerky and wondering if it would help. "Oh, and I guess I'll let you know if my dad sends me anything I don't need? We can just swap like kids with Halloween candy."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Lily couldn’t help but roll her eye’s at the expression on Zephyr’s face, all too proud of the fact his little girl was now happily waddling over to Lily. She readily scooped up the little girl, wiping a bit of mud that had smudged her face. “Oof, you’re getting big.” Lily groaned half-playfully. She, too, was getting larger due to the nearing end of the 9-months. 
“We’ve got lots of boxes to unpack!” She hummed to Katie, leading the way into the house. “I think the next few should belong in the kitchen.” She mentioned to Zephyr, as she walked through the hallway, into the empty room. 
“Well, Katie, you need to help me choose. What cabnit do you think all my mugs belong in?” 
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Katie's face scrunched up as Lily wiped away mud and she shook her head fiercely before offering Lily the grass clutched tightly in her chubby fist as Zephyr eavesdropped on their conversation from his place ahead of them.
"You probably don't need to be carrying anything heavier than Katie," Zephyr pointed out, not actually sure how much a pregnant woman should be lifting, but certain that he didn't want Lily to strain anything. Or overheat. Or dehydrate.
Setting down the box on a counter in the kitchen so that Lily didn't need to kneel down to search through the box, Zephyr started opening it up to spy at the contents while Katie looked around in what was probably just toddler nosiness.
"Pretty sure Katie considers anything being outside of her reach to be a crime. Which reminds me, have you started thinking about baby proofing yet? You have some time to figure it out, but that may be an influence in your organizing."
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
She didn’t know who the hell was assigning missions, but putting her and Zephyr Bell together seemed like a hell of a choice.  He was amazing, absolute top notch, but it seemed to her that their skill set was rather similar – although, she thought it might work well if they actually came across any unfriendlies.  “This whiny little person suggested there might be some Death Eater activity here tonight, something I’m highly suspect of.  They might be little assholes, but even they have better taste than to meet here.”
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Considering he'd heard just who was taking over running The Quibbler, Zephyr wondered if he'd been assigned to check out this particular rumor just because he was American, or maybe someone had ideas about foreigners protecting foreigners considering he was teamed up with Yuki. "Sounds to me like they might have been lying just to weasel out of something." Zephyr muttered, keeping an eye out to make sure that nothing amiss was going on considering just what happened to the last editor of the Quibbler. "Or did you use a device to make sure they weren't?"
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
& pip
“No, Pippa. You did not give me that scar, quit trying to claim fight points.”
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
& (fuck it why not)
“That one was me being stupid. Had a knife in my hand and it slipped, so it dug in pretty damn deep. Think it’s the most I’ve ever seen my dad freak out.” Not entirely true, but back then it had seemed like a major reaction and one corner of Zephyr’s mouth quirked up as he shrugged. “Doesn’t stop me from throwing a punch, though.”
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
Pippa: Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get back home or even if I should. I know my dad thinks I'm more like him then my mom but I'm not convinced I'm not going to end up the same way she did. I don't want to build a future if it's just going to be taken from me.
Zephyr: Come over and have a drink, it sounds like you need one. Zephyr: If you don’t build a future, then what’s the point of being here? Zephyr: We’ll figure it out, Pippa.
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zephyrbcll · 4 years
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