zer0desu-writes · 1 year
1. No Longer Home - Taejoon
Taejoon pushed the starship as fast as it could go, aiming for the sky to get out of the atmosphere.
Quest: Escape Gaean airspace
Syndicate fighter starship (T)
[ Enter the Fray: 1+2 = 3 ; 1,7 -> weak ]
Hack beeped in warning. The Syndicate fighter was right on his six.
[ Gain ground, pursuit: 2+2 = 4 ; 4,9 -> weak ]
Taejoon tried to get the fighter off him, but they wouldn’t relent. The fighter opened fire, not caring that they were still in Suotamo City airspace. The HUD indicated that Taejoon’s starship was hit, though there was only minor damage.
[ React under fire: 3+2 = 5 ; 4,8 -> weak ]
Taejoon rolled his ship out of the fighter’s line of fire, but the fighter remains locked onto him. He has no choice but to shoot down the fighter, or at least damage it enough so that it stops pursuing him.
[ Clash: 4+3 = 7 ; 2,6 -> strong ]
He sharply turns his ship, locking onto the fighter and opens fire. It’s a hit. The fighter takes damage to its hull, but they’re still in pursuit.
[ Strike: 6+2 = 8 ; 6,7 -> strong ]
Taejoon fires again at the fighter, this time hitting one of its engines.
[ Take decisive action: 9 ; 8,10 -> weak ] *There’s a miscalculation here, but whatever
The Syndicate fighter explodes shortly after. Taejoon knows that he’ll never be able to stop running. He is now marked a Fugitive in Syndicate Space and he will always be in danger in the far reaches of the Syndicate.
I didn’t bother with a [ Fulfill Vow ] move this time. Next part will mostly be descriptions and encounters. I gotta re-read Skyward to write better starship dogfights haha.
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zer0desu-writes · 1 year
0. Prologue - Taejoon
I created a character based of off my favourite Apex Legends character, Crypto! I’m using his character lore as a starting point for this playthrough. 
Some preliminary info:
Assets: Tech path, Fugitive path, Survey Bot companion, Ghost Starship
Starting sector: unnamed, begins on his home planet Gaea
Cataclysm: Escaped catastrophic war due to self-replicating nanos
Exodus: Fleet took millennia to reach the Forge
Communities: Ships/settlements under Founders (in this case, The Syndicate is one of them)
Iron: Vow on blades
Laws: Bounty hunters are above the law, law varies from place to place
Religion: Our gods failed us
Magic: Supernatural powers wielded by paragons. Powers from magitech (building off of Wraith’s Void powers in game)
Comms: The Weave allows near-instant data transfer
Medicine: Sworn healers (Wifeline duh)
AI: Sentient machines live among humans (Pathfinder!)
War: Mercenaries protect those who are able to pay
Lifeforms: Life finds a way
Precursors: Biomechanical Remnants survived the death of their creators
Horrors: Horrors aren’t real, but spacers know the truth
Starting off, he’ll have his nerdy office worker look like below haha. Things will be very loosely based on the Apex characters, since I want this game to run wild. Let’s get into it!
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“There he is!” 
Park Taejoon ran as fast as he could, Syndicate agents hot on his heels. He had just found out that his adopted sister, Mila, had disappeared and the authorities believed that he was the one who did it. 
Taejoon managed to get to the launch bay and commandeered a starship. He jammed his PC cord into the data slot in the control panel, overriding the built-in navigation system with his own AI. The engines whirred to life and he floored it, ignoring the pings of bullets ricocheting off the hull.
“Hack, get us out of here.” Taejoon yelled. Hack beeped in response and the engines roared. The ship accelerated out of the launch bay, but there was no time to celebrate. The Syndicate was still on him. 
He had to get away. Create a new identity. Get off the grid. And most of all, find out the truth.
[ Background Vow: I swear to find out the truth about Mila ]
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