zeroyalviking · 2 years
What’s funny is it’s been 3 years and I do own a house and have a dog now. :)
Will you and Tom ever get a dog?
We’re not a couple lol. I don’t think I’ll get a dog until I own a house
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zeroyalviking · 2 years
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Will you and Tom ever get a dog?
We’re not a couple lol. I don’t think I’ll get a dog until I own a house
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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the holy trinity
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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some people think shaders takes away the game’s feel but i think it makes it better and this is why
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
What is on the other side of flat earth father Zeven
Earth 2
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Feeling stuck is rough. Having high school, then college to guide you with what’s “next” is easy. Afterwards, it’s hard to know what’s “next.” I just want to fast forward to having my own home, fulfilling work, and a stable relationship to share it with. But I know it’s going to take a while discovering what’s out there, trying new things, and working hard to reach each of those goals. But if there’s anything I’ve learned from 11 years of Youtube, it’s that I’m adaptable and won’t give up on most challenges, even in the face of certain defeat.
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
people who arent punctual freak me out im so stressed. what do you mean the event starts at 6 and you’ll pick me up at 5:50 even though I live 20 minutes from the venue? what do you mean being 10 minutes late is “no big deal”? what if there’s no parking and nowhere to sit? what then? i need to be there at 5:45 just to be sure and you’re like Oh Whatever Dude... ARE YOU OKAY
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Have you seen the trailer for Kerbal Space Program 2 yet? If so, what do you think of it?
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Aphex said: 😱
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Boxers or briefs and why?
Boxer briefs. Best of both worlds.
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
Ze: We should have a gay sheep farm
GaLm: Again?! Haven’t you had enough of gay sheep?
Ze: No!!! No I have not had enough of gay sheep.
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
So in your Twitter bio, you’re a software engineer. What exactly does that mean? I want to get into the video game field when I get older so I don’t know if that would be something for me, if that makes sense
That’s what my degree is in, so I guess I can call myself one? I’m not one by profession yet though. I have a full-stack knowledge of software development in coding as well as project management from what I learned in my program.
There’s a lot involved in video game development. Coding is just one part. You can study computer science/software engineering to give yourself a broad background to give yourself a lot of future options. Or you can go into specialized programs for video game development.
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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The Moon is Flat
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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Y’all can fight me, I’m just gonna keep laughing
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zeroyalviking · 5 years
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#dedicated to the gram
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