zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
Rest, love. The battle is over. *nods once*
*seems to become younger as he finishes the song, relaxing some as she grows tired* 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
And so he spoke, and so he spoke; that lord of Castamere. But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. *sighs softly, continuing to stroke her hair as he finishes the song* Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear.
*closes her eyes, listening to him sing while her bottom lip trembles as she tries not to cry*
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
*holds her close for a long while, humming softly before he starts to sing* And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat,that's all the truth I know. *shifts slightly, eyes closed* In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.
Fine by me. *goes quiet, looking distant* 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
For now. Until we find a better place to keep him. *strokes her hair, frowning*
Hush. *cradles her close, kissing her head once more; he hums softly*
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
Hush. *cradles her close, kissing her head once more; he hums softly*
*clings to him, resting her face against his shoulder* Thanks, dad. 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
Of course. *smiles softly and pulls her into his arms*
True. I’ll take that hug now, then? 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
I should have known. I should have seen it. *sighs* Dwelling on the past isn't going to do either of us any good. We're here now. 
You didn’t know. Maybe that was my mistake. But how was I supposed to sit my family down and explain, “Hey guys, I feel like total garbage all the time and I’d really enjoy a hug.”? You’d all laugh! 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
*rolls his eyes* I can, and I do. Neglecting you when you needed me, my attention.. That was a huge mistake.
It wasn’t an easy task. if I had… Learned sooner, maybe things would be different.
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
It wasn't an easy task. if I had... Learned sooner, maybe things would be different.
You’ve seemed to learn how to balance being a father and a king. I always tried to get your attention back then. Though a lot of the things, luckily, went unnoticed. 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
There was room for improvement on everyone's part.
I’m sorry. *sighs heavily* I know we weren’t… great to you.
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
I'm sorry. *sighs heavily* I know we weren't... great to you.
We were— We were all really upset. Your mother wouldn’t come to dinners. Hebe cried in her room for a long while. Ares— He became more uncontrollable. *sighs* You leaving was… Was difficult.
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
We were-- We were all really upset. Your mother wouldn't come to dinners. Hebe cried in her room for a long while. Ares-- He became more uncontrollable. *sighs* You leaving was... Was difficult.
What happened? When I left? 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
*nods* Yes. I was... Hoping they would do so. Having you away from us, with her. It was hard-- But not as hard as having you near but not.. Not really.
Ever since getting my memory back, things have been… easier. I actually feel like part of the family. Does that make sense?
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
*squeezes her hand, pressing a kiss to her temple* I love you too, sweetie.
Maybe. I guess. *takes his hand, holding it tightly* I love you, daddy. 
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
No. *shakes his head* ... Don't you think you've been punished enough? *says the last bit in a whisper* I could never do this to you.
So you don’t think I deserve punishment?
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
Mistakes, yes. But the point is, you recognize and acknowledge them. He relishes in the pain he brings other's.
I’d say he deserved it, but… I’ve done horrible things in my past.
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zeus-kingofthegods · 11 years
Thanking.. me? *nods slowly, sitting down next to her* If I were able, I'd lock him in Tartarus.
I’m pathetic. Thank you for doing that.
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